Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

Bloody bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop.

Early morning, not breakfast time.

Jinwoo was busy eating the proper supper in front of her eyes, almost as if she was inhaling.

Flame - Flame -

As Jinwoo ate the food, her muscles began to grow again, and her body recovered from high voltage shock as well.

We practice with our whole bodies what it means to have Bob as a medicine.

“Huh!? My Lord!"

Then, when Harin got up early in the morning, he went out to find something to eat lightly and ran to the restaurant as soon as he found Jinwoo.

“Are you awake now? ”

Nod. Nod.

“Hah... I'm so glad... I don't know how hard it has been for everyone since you didn't wake up. ”

Nod. Nod.

Jinwoo nodded and felt a dry reply to the food inhalation, but Harin took it for granted that Jinwoo was craving the food because he saw how much he was hurt and how his whole body was burning at the end through an enormous high voltage.

“Pericia said that Mrs. Aki and Mrs. Iscilia have been longing for you since yesterday and are waiting in the medical room. Luckily, you two have seen her wake up. ”

Turn off… flinch….

At that moment, Jinwoo started to sweat coldly as he tried to mechanically nod.

Yes, it is.

Jinwoo now officially woke up ‘after a day’ even after a week.

If I had a beacon, I could run away right now, but without a beacon, Akiba and Iscilia got so caught up that they took away protein for a whole day that I could feel the burning lust of women in their 40s.

“Huh? Master, why don't you have some more? Are you choked?”

Harin, who didn't know what was going on in front of him or behind him, worriedly asked, and he shook his head and began to eat as if he were inhaling again.

Thinking about yesterday's difficulties, I feel like I'm hungry all the time.

“Oh, Harin's awake. ”


At that time, Isilia found Harin, who had brought through her mind dozens of bowls of all kinds of food from the kitchen.

By the way, Aki can't take many bowls at once like Iselia, so she continues to cook food in the kitchen.

“Did the master get up early this morning? ”

When Harin, who knows nothing, smiles and nods.

“That's right. He got up early this morning. Isn't that right, honey? ”

She puts the empty bowl on one side, sits next to Jinwoo, placing the bowl in an empty space, and smiles with a sympathetic voice.

Rubbing his thighs.

Jinwoo trembles for a moment as she remembers yesterday, but soon she nods.

“It's too early in the morning, and Jin Woo's so hungry, they didn't wake him up. ”

As I said before, I'm hungry again as soon as I think about what happened yesterday. Go on.

Yesterday's hardship was a kind of hardship that could not simply be expressed as "hardship."

“Gulp- By the way, I forgot to ask you yesterday... ”

“Yesterday? ”

At that time, a remembered coworker made a mistake in trying to ask a question, and at the same time, Iselia pinched her side.

“Oh... no, I was so hungry this morning that I forgot to ask, but what happened to the Empress? ”

“I've restored the Empress just barely to death. But in the process... Well, this is for dinner, so I'll tell you later. I think I'll lose my appetite if I say it now. ”

Harin… No, everyone except Jinwoo found out what the Empress's secret was, and she insisted that she would tell Jinwoo after she finished her meal for Jinwoo.

“What is it? Lady, does she have a penis like Evelyn's? ”

“Huh? How did you know?!" ”

“ ……. ”

According to Harin's prophecy, my taste buds are running low.


“Puhaha! ”

Though I lost my appetite on the way, I leaned against a stool that was eaten as much as a pirate's hat who insisted on continuing to want food and becoming a pirate king.

Turning back, Aki, Issylia and Harin, who were interrupted to help with the dishes, washed and tidied up, opened their mouths quietly, aiming for the crevice.

“Status window.”

In the faint memory, I found a memory that seemed to be burning at a high voltage while looking at the status window, and I called the status window just in case no one saw me.

- Jin-woo.

-Level: 999

-Exp: 999999999999/999999999999

- Citizenship: Korea

- Occupation: Total number of Samtaegeuk

-Hold capacity: 12 [+], 11 [+] ………………………………

- Owned Skills: Leadership, Stealth, Charity……………………………

- You have: 9982

‘I'm back.’

It was not a mistake.

The status window really came back.

It also adds to content I had never seen before.

Moreover, in a vague memory, leadership, hiding, these abilities were embedded in the ability to hold, and it seemed to be with the broken text…….

‘Well, I guess I don't remember very well. I was busy at the time. By the way, these abilities in Skilllan... I've seen them somewhere. Where did you see it?'

Jinwoo focused intently on identifying the familiar names on the unfamiliar list of skills he possessed, and later found out who they were.

Wait. This skill... is the name of the rare skill I used to play the triplet game? ’

‘This is my favorite skill in the Labyrinth City, which used to be a dungeon RPG. ’

One by one, Jinwoo learned what had happened to her.

‘This and that. These are all the skills that Avatars used to have in the game I used to enjoy. ’

But how?

Does it have anything to do with getting into the capsule to survive the meteorite? ’

Even if it is illogical, it is illogical that he was hit by meteorites and dimensionalized in the first place.

No matter how much Jinwoo thought about it, he thought that a lot of the avatars stored in the game console had come together, and began to check his status window more.

‘Body strengthening grade 12. In my vague memory, I remember this number as 11.8. Maybe he barely survived by pressing it? ’

What if I can't press this?

Could he have survived the lightning strike of Trishra at 11.8?

‘By the way, the + button next to it is active... By the way... ’

Jin Woo carefully pressed [+] next to the body strengthening with his index finger.

- Jin-woo.

-Level: 999

-Exp: 999999999999/999999999999

- Citizenship: Korea

- Occupation: Total number of Samtaegeuk

- Ability: 12.1 [+], 11 [+] ………………………………

- Owned Skills: Leadership, Stealth, Charity……………………………

- You have: 9972

The retention point disappeared by 10 points, resulting in an extra .1 next to strengthening.

And then the thunderous waves of power appeared with an evil smile.


Jail of jihad.

Unlike a well-fed and well-healed herd, the only empress who was barely cured and abandoned had her arms and legs fixed with all kinds of chains and was limping helplessly.

Jiing -

And there was a woman like that who came into the prison.

“W-we…. ”

The Empress looks up at Jinwoo with a helpless voice, and Jinwoo, who has been smiling relaxed ever since, opens her mouth to her.

“Hey, it's been a while. ”

“Th-that……. I c-can 't... ”

Although I can't help but feel the spirit of the one who ruled the universe, the Empress smiled.

“What a strange... emotion... I d-lost... But I still h-have a b-bad d-heart... ”

“Because I discovered a new mountain that I could climb. ”

“You're right... I... will survive... I... will... try to... survive... again... ”

“I'm afraid I can't do that. ”


Jinwoo smiles and fills the queen's neck with a black dog necklace.

“This... thing...? ”

“You know, war or whatever, there's always a loot in every fight." You are my loot, my body has decided. ”

“Phew……! ”

The Empress objected to Jinwoo's claim, as if she were plundering.

Besides, if she's dominated so far, it's humiliating to serve someone who's never been dominated.

However, the empress who felt powerless all over her body as soon as she was stuffed into the dog's necklace was all she could do was stare into the sun with fierce eyes.


The thick, waxy tear of the Empress's clothing gives an unpleasant smile to the cock between her legs.

“Yves, your cock's on you like that bitch. Are you benign, too? What is that? ”

“Of course... I... I used to be... like a Siranu... Long ago... Siranu was d-destroyed by a man... ”


I found out that she was actually a survivor of the species that had been destroyed by the Shiranu people, but I focused my nerves on her vagina as if she didn't want to be wasted by the past.

Unlike Evel with white skin and white wings, a priestess with red skin and black bat wings.

But the penis on the crotch was the same.

There are no testicles, they depend on the clitoris position, and there is a vaginal aperture below them.

The crewman, who saw it with his own eyes, pulls out the syringe, judging that the woman's recovery comes first.

A syringe containing a purple liquid with blue light sensitivity.

The needle was inserted into the root with a syringe, grasping the tip of the penis, which is roughly the same color as the skin, making sure that hardwood had never been used.

“Ugh...! ”

She feels an unpleasantness as the syringe pierces her penis, something liquid flowing in, and she can't resist the groaning.

The impact of the battle with Jinwoo was so great.

The euthanasia with three more injections was placed in a pre-prepared box of used syringes.

“Now, in half a day's time, your health will be restored. ”

The crease that treated the syringe looks fiercely smiled, lifting her jaw with her finger.

“Let me first tell you what pleasure is. If I were my woman, Evel would cut off that dick for four years, but until then, I'm going to use it to draw out your resistance. Expect.”

“Stupid… jerk…. I used to be... obsessed with... enjoyment... to forget this uselessness... But... temporary... pleasure... won't last... long... ”

“Hehehe! Of course. I can feel it in my eyes. You only get pleasure when you want it, and no one can lay a hand on you? ”

Jinwoo's words were perfectly correct.

“I'll show you. Your uselessness is a pleasure to simply blow away. Your brain is going to throttle. Kuhahahaha!”

He vomited a contemptible smile at the Empress and stepped out of prison, and the Empress laughed at him.

He didn't know that the pleasures she experienced and the pleasures Jinwoo spoke of were of a different level.


Immediately, the empress who began to tickle her lower back began to squeeze her thighs, thinking that the origin of this tickle was in her penis.

Suddenly - Suddenly - Suddenly!

“W-what is this…!? ”

Later, when her penis became larger than usual, the startled empress gave a frightening scream, and the thunderstorm came out, smiling and listening to her screams.

I've already placed the potions, but they must be empty, so I plan to assist them after I've given them enough food to keep them healthy.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

All right, let's start with the female assistant!

And, of course, the aftermath of our colleagues...

After Evel and the Female Assistant, I was thinking of finishing up the mission and ending it with the Pentagon and the Grand Arc, as well as Magnus's wish.

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