Limit Breaker

Chapter 12


A white man was sweating heavily around the outskirts of a vast training ground.



He knelt on his knees as he felt the pain throughout his lower back and back, and Magnus, a skin-headed white man, hurriedly approached.

“Are you okay, Aaron? I'm just recovering, don't overdo it... ”

“What. Is this the end? ”

Magnus tried to worry about Aaron's condition, but God stopped him as he spoke to him indifferently.

“How can you compete with this? Aaron had a broken spine and lay there for two weeks! No matter how many people have broken their spines, it's crazy to do this kind of rehab in two weeks! ”

Magnus knew Aaron's talents and his perseverance better than anyone, so he provoked and rebuked God.

A few seconds against the Grand Arc was only a matter of time, but a few seconds led to the survival of his comrade's life, and his personality was as filthy and cruel but unforgettable as his grace, he used all of the jihad's medical facilities for Aaron, and the god of the palace breathed healing potion and strength into his broken spine.

The treatment made it possible for him to stand like this, but the problem was that the pain in his spine was still bothering Aaron.

“It's not worth learning my work if I'm going down like this. Even if you are the Lord's savior, you cannot pass the job to an unqualified person. ”

“!! ”

Aaron stands up with difficulty, gripping his distorted face with pain, saying that he can't learn the art of skilllessness.

“Grrrgh... ugh...! ”

Although the pain was pained all over his body and he shouted to get comfortable quickly, he was able to stand up again, even though he was slow.

"We... must learn...!" ’

Seeing that he was a shaman to the god of the South Palace, Aaron felt as if he had regained his half before praising the power of shameless.

As soon as I saw it, my whole body cried out, and my instinct and reason became one, and I gave up my hunger for the power of emptiness.

If I could get it by killing the opponent instead of joking, I wouldn't think for a second, and even if the result were obvious, I would risk my life right now.

A person whose spine is broken and recovers after only two weeks rests and then exercises rehabilitation.

If doctors had seen it, they would have been appalled at what kind of new kind of torture this is, but unfortunately, there is no common sense out here.

“The spine is firmly attached. Even if it breaks again, you can fix it again. Besides, I didn't force you to rehabilitate because your body rots if you keep lying down. ”

What kind of assembly toy is your spine? You want me to fix it if it breaks?

Besides, he's got a broken spine, and he needs to rest for at least a month or two and rehab.

Magnus couldn't figure out who to start with or where to start walking away from, but God didn't appreciate his reaction and called out his beacon and knocked on something.

“And now we have to memorize this. ”

Peeling - Peeling -

Something popped out of Aaron's chest in a hologram with an electronic tone, in which a completely stripped form of mannequin in medical practice was erected to the front, back and side, with unfamiliar words in each area.

“Human blood. Circles are the most needed to learn shamanism, but otherwise they help later on. It's a strange word and I've never heard it before, so I won't tell you to memorize it right away. If you learn how to do it, you'll learn it naturally. ”

“ ……. ”

Aaron saw more than 300 blood counts, and he felt his eyes hurt instantly, but he wanted to learn that he needed to know that he was a free man.

“And your body isn't ready for the job yet. For now, focus solely on rehabilitation. ”

“Good……! I'll make it!”

Aaron starts to run slowly once again to learn the art of skilllessness, and memorizes the position of the blood, floating the hologram in front of his eyes.

That level of enthusiasm and enthusiasm will be enough without worrying about it.

Magnus had seen Aaron train himself for strength before, but he could not have anticipated that his enthusiasm and desire for strength would be so strong that he could only look at them with a confused expression and ignore their spine.

After all, the god of the South Palace turns his head toward Magnus for only a few moments before Aaron's body moves properly.

“Are you sure you don't need a handyman? ”

“I don't seem very talented. No matter how many times I hear it, I don't understand it. ”

Unfortunately, Magnus was far from the talents of the Unsullied.

“And I have a lot on my mind, so I can't focus on the skies alone. ”

“Is this about your ‘wish’? ”

“ ……. ”

He was positive about something, and he opened his mouth to ask questions as if something had come to mind.

“By the way, I heard you're going to be fighting the Alliance soon. All the women passing by were talking about the topic. ”

“You don't have to worry. I won't be borrowing your hand this time. ”

When the sound of 'Allied forces’ came out, the expression of the god of the South Palace was overwhelmed.

Though she failed to help an ally, the Alliance and the grudge against the Grand Arc for betraying her brave brother sharpened his life even more sharply, and Magnus' direct expression became remarkably firm.

“The older brother declared that the missing Samtaegeum is not the real Samtaegeum, and that he would make the enemy feel the difference in overwhelming power. ”


A head-to-head match? Against that army?

“And so do I. This time, I want to make them feel uneasy about what the real Three Tai Poles are. ”

“ ……. ”

If you have common sense and thought, 'They are completely insane’, but Magnus, who had the most contacts with the Grand Arc, said, 'If they were really……. I got the idea.

Others would think, 'Clearing is crazy, so of course you're doing something crazy again,’ but Magnus had all the confidence and power to do that.

Moreover, Magnus felt that the atmosphere within the Tritiac was indeed the worst.

Of course, teamwork was not the worst thing to do, or be demoralized.

He said it was the worst because the intense malice of destroying all the spores was shaking.

“If you don't want to learn from me, I'll leave now. I felt something after the fight with the Empress, so I have to clean it up. ”

While fighting the Empress, God gained a clue of enlightenment as he set out to move his feet to his own training ground.

“And if you have something to wish for, you'd better pray quickly. If it's too late, there will be no money, no power. ”

“!! ”

Jinwoo used to say the same thing.

‘I mean it, truly, these people are full of thoughts of bringing destruction to the entire planet! ’

Magnus began to get complicated looking at the back of God disappearing somewhere, and predicted what would happen after the Three Taipei Games until Aaron finished his daily rehabilitation training.

‘Then… I……. ’

Thinking about something for a long time, Magnus made up his mind to see what the war between the Tritiac and Allied forces would accomplish first.

The result will change your wishes to Jinwoo.



Numerous weapons move in the dirt.

Elite Special Forces and Talents from each country in Power Armor were on their guard and on the move just in case, and were on their guard enough to know when and where an enemy raid was coming from.

After two weeks, the Allied forces are moving towards jihad, stepping over China's territory, or the land that is now the realm of the Three Taipeis.

One thing bothers me is that all those who took the heads of each country hostage disappeared through Jihad's teleport system.

This means that those who have broken through the most secure areas will now emerge as enemies.

However, the leaders of each country and families of talented people had a plan in place to keep them safe, and in other countries they were not aware of, they stepped in to eat Congolese products.

Because the Allied forces had already won three Tai Gyeong battles, those who thought they could win this one more time were dreaming of China's expansive territory merging into their territory.

The Chinese government has completely annihilated, and the number of more than a billion people has fallen tremendously due to the continued brutal rule and rule.

Although it is obvious that immigrants to other countries will yell for the return of China's land to the Chinese, the voices of the Chinese without any power will not reach the ears of the powerful.

After the emergence of the Taipei Dynasty, China's territory will be left blank as a major hurricane after destroying the Taipei Dynasty.

Political issues were left to politicians, and soldiers marched around the area surrounding the jihad to wipe out the enemies of the human race known as the Tritiac Circle.

However, the siege of the surrounding Allied forces was not so thick.

He would, too, because jihad was the perfect location for a few to be surrounded.

In other words, he thought he was going to teleport the ground troops to another place in a hurry after he had gathered them here.

The Allied forces, with their own countermeasures, deployed through ground forces to build a siege net, while aiming for jihad and firing missiles.

It seemed obvious that the ground troops who built the siege after the missile bombing would be given orders to attack, but they thought that if Jihad intended to flee, he would have fled with this attack.

However, Jihad activated an interceptor to fire all the missiles, sending the unmanned weapons out of the battleship as if they were to come in.

Naturally, the Allied forces moved cautiously, contemplating traps and surprise, but surprisingly, not even a small raid occurred.

By this time, the Alliance commanders have fallen into great confusion.

This is a front-row battle, no matter how hard you look. ’

‘No way. You've already lost to us once. ’

‘Isn't this all a trick tactic? ’

What the hell were you thinking cleaning up? ’

Several commanders dispatched small troops with talented defensive abilities, and the artillery of the golden gates poured down on them.

Fortunately, it did not go deep into the range, so there was no major damage, but this allowed me to confirm to some extent that I was prepared for the enemy.

Of course, there is also the possibility that this is a deception tactic.

The chances of making a surprise attack by moving to a hostile country, such as an allied country or the United States, by drawing attention to the will of the battle.

With this in mind, all commanders don't know how to respond, but they've established a perimeter and taken defensive action just in case.

Allied military commanders anticipated a long war to follow, but revealed their embarrassment in Jihad and confidence that the war would be over in no time.

The defeat of the three Taiji drama had a profound impact on them, but the problem was that their confidence was too much.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I learned that my novel has corrupted many people.

Apparently, in the beginning, the person who was horrified said, "Oh, how could you not write stronger?" "I guess I left a lot of people behind when I wrote a comment and said, 'It's so natural for the reader to write a respectful comment.

In this next piece, Extraterrestrial Mascara, more people have to be corrupted!

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