Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

“Ooooo!! ”

Rarely dodged the Empress's attack, the god unleashes the power of inner space as far as he can, swinging his sword like crazy to inflict violence.

To create a gap in magic.


A priestess who responds to dozens of attack trajectories without turning her back.

With the workshop wide enough to be invisible, there was a collision that caused the space to deflect.


At that time, a sphere consisting of electric shocks was created around the body of the Southern Palace God and was shot out towards the Empress.


The sphere of electroshock with some inductive function flew away as it flew in the female direction, at the same time the aggression of the gods became even more intense.

However, the empress who realized that God's magical power was a weakness to herself made many fragments float around her, forcefully trampling the ground.

The woman who dealt with all the spheres of the electric shock disappeared as the shards and electrostatic spheres collided with each other and rushed forward, burrowing into the body of the god who attacked her.


“!? ”

An enormous amount of electrical shock has overwhelmed her beneath the Empress's feet.

It was a simple trap magic that exploded when it arrived at a certain location, and it was God's plan that she thought would come with more power than cunning.

However, the Empress rushed toward God and stabbed him in the shoulder without slowing down while her whole body was being baked by electricity.


“Khh!! ”

The god, who used both shield magic and anti-Semitics at the same time with power, pulls back and forth, unable to withstand the shock on her shoulders.


The Empress quickly moved to a speed close to the teleport, revealing herself in a low jump by the side of the god, she struck the side of the god with her rider's kick intact.

“Cough!! ”

You used shields and rebar again, but twisted around your waist, vomiting blood to make sure you didn't absorb all the shock.

After bouncing off the ground several times, the coiled god was able to stop when he put his dual swords on the ground, and the empress pointed her finger to stand up with a relaxed smile.


The moment God tried to wake up from the presence of the empress who clearly regarded Himself as a sewer, she bit her molars and rushed into the air immediately.

“Competence!! ”

“? ”

A familiar voice comes from somewhere, and my body flinches and stops.

At the end of his voice was a white man who was sending a strange heat of eyes towards him.

“Aaron…? ”

I knew he was coming with the Pentagon, but the god who didn't expect to speak to himself looked at him with a blank expression.

Aaron confirmed that his words had been conveyed, then ran somewhere, and his head trembled helplessly to see what realization God had gained in his disappearance.

Thinking of something like that, he jumps up and throws his double-edged sword into a corner and closes his eyes.


The Empress who instinctively thought God had found a clue to deal with herself was waiting quietly.

Ordinary people would attack without thinking about it, but the empress who was always in the position of the overwhelming power showed her arrogance and relaxation to do everything she could.

However, even though he had given me enough time, I could not hide my curiosity from him by throwing away my sword and closing my eyes.

Are you surrendering?

No, it is not the will of the one who wants to surrender.

“Slurp - Slurp -“

After a deep breath, the Southern Palace god exhales a calm but decisive energy to defeat his opponent.

“I don't know what we're going to do, but I'm sure that's a ready position, right? ”

The Empress was alert to the unarmed god for some reason, but once again, she stretched her fist to smash the face of God.


I closed my eyes so I couldn't see anything, but God raised the back of his right hand to the tip of the empress's fist.

And as he rotated his wrist, he gently rotated his torso by holding the woman's wrist with his left hand.

Boom, boom! Qarrr!

“!? ”

The empress who was hit a few times on the floor by the energy of the movement shot forward and the power thrown by God and lodged herself inside the building made a confused look that she had never experienced before.

Apparently, he punched himself in the head, so why is he stuck inside an Earthling building?

However, the Empress was unable to resolve the question.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The god of the South Palace, who traveled both distances and times, began to unleash his magic like a bomb.

By calculating the universal, aggressive and after-storm damage, the Empress was able to shield the building itself from the attacks of the most versal and flame-throwing gods.

"Hehe. Yeah, you should be able to do this. ’

You will find out if you keep looking at what you did.

The Empress continued to amplify her expectations with an excitement in the appearance of a new ability.


Of course, the fact that the Empress's wounds recovered suddenly became more violent than before was evident from the noise she emitted, as well as the cracking of clouds and the destruction of buildings.

However, the situation has already struck Chiu.

Now, I won't even think about holding hands with a smile because she's fine.

That's why they ignored the Empress.

Rather, they tried to masturbate to hold onto the God of Jinwoo, a servant of Jinwoo, but the minds of the talented people who knew that the end of this fight was an extension of the more arduous battle was heavy.

‘No, not this. ’

If Magnus had been normal, he would have agreed without hesitation to kill Samtaegeum and Qiu.

But not now.

You should have at least acted after confirming the Empress's death.

Eventually, as he feared, the empress quickly recovered and began to struggle with God, but God became more monstrous than ever before.

When Aaron saw that, he ran to God before Magnus could say anything, and Magnus had a complicated look on his head once he moved with the other talents.

‘Obviously, it is an unforgivable criminal group. However, the Empress did not cause any special problems during the Alliance's time to fight a common enemy. And even though we extradited the others, if this person had fought the Empress, more than half of them would be dead. ’

While somewhat consequential, this behavior demonstrated a willingness to fight against a common enemy called the Empress.

Besides, this kind of betrayal is too much.

There's a lot of vomit in there. You're gonna betray me as soon as you're ready to finish the job.

‘Dammit, why am I doing this? It's three Taiji drama. They deserve to die! ’

Although the Pentagon's work is poorly done, it is nothing compared to the notoriety shown by Three Tai Drama.

However, Magnus was able to somehow denounce the Pentagon's actions and find himself advocating for the Trident.

In particular, whenever I see him limping helplessly in Aki's arms, I remember meeting him.

The one who fired me for racism helped me when I tried to brainwash myself into a puppet.

Having listened to his dreams and empowered him ever since.

Thanks to his strength, he had many experiences that he did not normally know, and he expressed his will to the world through hard and hard dreams.

A colleague who helped himself in both ways with the Rosschild family and who had different values and personalities, but was somehow able to get along easily.

It ended badly like this, but if it weren't for him, he would have had a stuffy, mournful day in a dream that would never have been fulfilled in his lifetime.

Later, when I met him again knowing who he was, no matter how much I hated him, he treated himself like a friend.

Whether it was because of his favors or because he didn't like the situation, Magnus had a complex head.


Phage job!

While Magnus was struggling, Aki continued to struggle to find his way back, avoiding the swift and intimidating onslaught of Liman by learning to box properly.

Normally, we could have taken care of him in a heartbeat, but the only thing we could have done was avoid his attack while he was in arms.

“You like him that much?! If I just abandon him, I can easily escape!? ”

Liman purposely told Aki to abandon him, but his life was more precious to her than hers.

Aki ignored the nonsense that was not worth listening to, and waited eagerly for reinforcements to arrive soon.

The slaves of the Three Taiji Dynasty are only a handful of outstanding talents, and they have always acted together and moved together, so the synergy is very effective as long as they stick together.

However, the strength of your allies is the target of vigilance against your enemies.


One of the jets rotated 360 degrees during a very low airspeed flight and made an emergency escape from the co-pilot's seat when the pilot's head hit the ground.


The man in the co-pilot's seat remains grounded, but the jet disappears recklessly as if it had completed its mission.

The location of the unknown man on the ground is the middle position of Aki and those who are running to save her.

“Break through!”

As she remained, Noah, who was in charge of the team, gave orders to Shelly, and because of the dust, Shelly tried to slash them with her claws, saying that no matter who fell to the ground.


Honk honk honk honk honk!!

With the long arms and legs rotating in different directions, Shelley can't get close enough to attack.

“Hnng... It's hard to get so many people together in such a small place. ”

Removing the dirt and revealing himself was an Indian male, one of the Pentagon's leaders, Scott, and three simple men and women.

They tangled together like jets, sitting in the co-pilot seat of a jet.

Four, including Scott, are all capable of transformation.

They were also capable enough to bend over each other and move in the co-pilot seat where only one person could sit.

Their only goal is one.

slowing down, or dispersing, the members of the Tritiac.

It's okay to arrive late to Aki when you're dealing with them, or just a few of them to deal with themselves and spread out.

Especially since deformed people are skilled at defending by nature, they are familiar with the tactics of grabbing an ankle through resistance that annoys the opponent rather than attacking.

“Out of the way!! ”

As Noah's party grows angry with the overt Pentagon tactics, someone shouts at Noah's party.

Bang, bang!!

He left a little late to make final adjustments to Azura.

The doppelganger on Asura's shoulders, made of his own chimeric bloodshot, charged forward, and in her appearance, two deformed abilities grabbed each other's arms and slammed them down like a rubber band and struck him.

I thought I'd slow Asura down a bit.

“Grrrgh!! ”

“Unh!? ”


Asura, a hemophagogic, grabbed the arm of two deformed individuals with both hands and smashed their heads with the arm on their shoulders.


As their heads burst with the sound of watermelon breaking, Doyun ran toward Aki who was struggling alone, aiming for the gap.


Aki was about to feel hope when Doyun on Asura arrived.

“Die!! ”

Armed with medieval knights and carrying an Excalibur, Arthur slashes Aki's body wide open.

Although Aki avoided Arthur's attack, he occasionally struck back with an armed blade at his toes.


With Leyman's assault on the side, Aki's evasive action grows.

“Be gone!”

At that moment, Arthur holding the Excalibur shouted aloud, as the golden sword overlaid the Excalibur, the distance between the blades doubled.

“!! ”

Aki shunned to the side, shaking heavily because of the unexpected attack and the relief of Jinwoo, thinking that he would cut down like a rotten piece of wood when he touched the sword.



A light hook of Liman's eye pierces the gap into the side of the arch.

I'm so sorry.


Leyman's hook, which was enhanced by the power of the artifact weapon and added to the electric shock, made a scream from Aki's mouth, but Aki aimed at Leyman's troubles with his bladed foot in the process.

Liman dodges back from her sharp attack, but Aki, who can't absorb the shock of holding the cocoon, regurgitates a rough cough and is in agony.

‘Circumstances are in our favor. You just keep hurting him! ’

Liman regretted not having been able to catch the chase, but after he started sieging Archie, including Arthur and Round Knights and other prodigals, he decided to take a shot at the clean hit.

“Hah... Hah... ”

‘Quick... I like anyone...!' Please help Jin-woo...! ’

Breaking through this siege is not something you can do on your own.

However, it is not possible to hold him in close arms.

Aki desperately wants to help others, and at the same time, she hears a small voice calling out to her from below.

“Ah… key…? ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm looking forward to 13pk in Samguk, but I find myself experiencing simultaneous expectations and anger with each pk content ㅋ;

You bastards! I told you to give it to me!

My brother who is not interested in the Three Kingdoms also heard the pk content 'Wow, that looks fucking funny?’ I was praised.

Of course, after hearing the 13 verses, it's a completely different game! ’You blamed Koei, but blah blah blah.

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