Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

Afterwards, the members of Round Knights appeared to be equally alive, but there was nothing particularly troubling them.

I don't know if it was because the Southern Palace showed good strength or because of the Grand Arc that was close to Samtaegim, I don't know if I thought there was no answer to the disturbance internally, but it was surprisingly okay for me to have a day.

Talents who were able to maintain their optimum condition using the facilities of jihad began to unwind briefly in tension, and by the time the promised time, they headed to the place where they decided to meet with the Empress.

Destination is Moscow.

It was originally in a remote area in Moscow, but when attacked by President Alexandro, it became a territory of the Cali Empire.

Digging into the heads of several Russian soldiers, the Kali Empire confirmed that it was done by the chief of a tribe called Russia who deliberately took Moscow and chose it as a place to fight.

Moscow's pride that it had never been conquered even though it had been invaded by foreigners until now was crumbling, but the aliens in the Kali Empire were exploring the Earth's abundant food resources by pillaging places like malls.

While the Kali Empire plundered all the markets in Moscow and destroyed the surviving humans, no one could save them because the majority of the army had already been wiped out and even the president had left the capital and dived into the safety bunker.

Jihad moved to the top of Moscow, and many aliens saw it, but no one was wary.

No, I was afraid.

“I'm finally here... ”

“Damn……. How many more people will die this time.... ”

“The Empress likes to clean things up strangely, so it may not end up as a few people.... ”

The aliens of the Kali Empire trembled with horror, pleading that Zhuge would never satisfy the Empress, and some of them began to eat food on Earth before they died anyway.

A jihad that landed a jihad on top of the heads of aliens who were absolutely certain of the Empress's victory, according to location information from the Empress.


When the door that could only go back and forth between man and his equivalent size opened, the Earth-side Talents began to come down cautiously.

In the vicinity of the russian cold, the winds of the ruined city met them, and the talents, each prepared a pre-warming countermeasure, felt embarrassed and then outraged at the naturally identified Moscow with its boundaries.

Since the aliens have turned the human city into a ruin, it is natural for a person with good reason and values to feel sorry and anger.

“Khh! Even the Cali Empire have some sense. It's better to smash them like this than to turn them into ashes. ”

However, humans far from that were busy admiring the misdeeds of the Kali Empire.

Jinwoo stepped out of the jihad with Aki, the Southern Palace God, the Cuberian, the humanized Riellus, and Platina, walking around the jihad, admiring that I would have broken more like this, and expressing an unpleasant message to others.

Then the Grand Arc followed, and the Grand Arc jumped right off the stairs, as usual.



At that moment, the Grand Arc staggers and unwittingly grips the hilt of the staircase to keep its balance, and the thump laughs as it sees it.

“What? You stepped on a rock? ”

“I'm not the kind of fool who puts his strength into things. When you live off your powers, you make mistakes like this. ”

“I don't think so. No matter how hard we are, we're not strong enough to smash rocks. ”

Jinwoo thinks the Grand Arc made a mistake and hugs Aki in a ninja costume.

“Yikes! ♥”

“Ahh! Warm!”

Aki screamed cute, pretending to be surprised even though she knew it all, and Jinwoo smiled satisfactorily at the gentle warmth she felt in her body.

When Jinwoo was so blinded by affection, the Grand Arc's expression was exhaling a slightly tougher, rougher breath.

“Are you all right?”

At that time, Jack Matter, a special ability to transform grey hair into impressive, burning smoke, quietly approached the body of the Grand Arc and supported the body on his shoulders.

“Well, that's it. ”

Thanks to this, the Grand Arc was able to walk normally again, and thankfully, Jinwoo was relieved not to see him.

‘Not yet. Not yet...! ’

He makes a commitment to something and catches up with Jinwoo. He steps forward with the other talents to a giant spaceship that landed like a welcome home to him.

In front of the Kali Empire, a vast array of strange-looking aliens were wearing armor, and were plotting behind at least the most humane Empress.

By smoothly straightening out the black wings in contrast to Evel, the black white, the golden shimmer, and the black hair in contrast to the red, she welcomed humans with wide arms that fit into the condition of beauty enough for the human eye.

“Welcome. Earth warriors. In the name of the Kali Empire, I welcome you. ”

It was hard to understand what she looked like to welcome an enemy who wanted to take her life, but she lost the one who stood against her while punishing countless factions in the universe, so she couldn't help but be pleased with those who tried to kill themselves.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

“Gulp……. ”

Elite Talents gathered in many countries were able to come here not just because of their strength, but also because they had experienced several fierce battles of life and death, going back and forth by seconds.

That's how they felt.

That the strength of the Empress is stronger than the number of aliens behind her.

“Phew! Now you're face-to-face! ”

At that time, Jiwoo, who came forward pushing these abilities, approached the Empress.

“Hehe. I see you now, too. ”

The Empress welcomed the oncoming group toward her, and the two rulers smiled at each other with their eyes open.

The Empress had to look up close to 180 because she was about 165 years old, but no one thought she looked small because of her confidence and prestige.

The first one to open their mouths was the Empress, looking at each other's eyes.

“I can feel it in your eyes, in your confident atmosphere, beyond the screen, but you don't think you're going to lose the battle against the woman. ”

“Of course. I've always been invincible. I'll always be invincible. This fight will take everything from you. I'll start with your battleship and make your entire empire mine. ”

“Hahahaha! Yes! If you win, the empire is yours, too! ”

In Jin Woo's remarks, the Empress smiles faintly, and the aliens behind her start to make strange faces.

In the way of the earth, we can say, "He has a bad face."

“And... you are the one who fled to Earth. ”

The Empress turned her gaze to Evel, who was interested in following the thunder.

“... Snug. ”

Ebel bares her teeth at the Empress, the enemy who killed her loving parents, but now she opens her mouth, gazing at her, thinking it's too early to start a fight here.

“When you attacked the planet Siranu, I did nothing as a child, but not now. ”

“As if it's possible now. Well, I also like the confidence to open it. ”

Since I met a lot of people who vomited vengeance, saying, 'enemies of my kind, enemies of my family,’ I concluded my conversation with Evel, who didn't feel as different as Jinwoo.

For the Empress, Evel's reaction is like seeing the Lord of the Rings every Thanksgiving, every Chinese New Year, and seeing him alone at Christmas.

“Chihuahua. Where are the mighty you claim to be? ”

The Empress who finished her encounter with Evel asked for an introduction to confirm Jinwoo's recognition of her strong men, and introduced her as if she had been waiting.

“This is my second wife, Aki. ”

“Ah, you must be Aki. I heard it's the most awkward thing for Chiu to get hit by an enemy. ”

“Hehe. I'd like to say good luck in the future. ”

“Hmm? Why is that? ”

“Because this fight will end with Jin Woo winning and making you his woman. So why don't you just tell her to get along? ”

“Hahaha! Fine, if your husband wins this fight, I'll take him as my husband, too." ”

“Well, it must be hard for our kids to hate you so much. ”

The Empress felt a life towards herself beyond her casual voice, and she smiled at Aki's role because the atmosphere itself was like a highly skilled assassin.

“These are my pets. ”



Riellus and Platina reveal the life of the predator to the Empress and the sound of crying that would have pissed on her right now if she was a layman, but she also liked him.

“These beasts have killed hundreds or thousands of humans. These beasts know how to fight Humans. ”

The Empress's smile darkened even more as she breathed more vigorously than any other beast she had ever seen.

“You know this one. ”

“Grrrrrrr...! ”

“Hmm, I never thought the queen of those filthy, ignorant Carrots would take her hand..." After the extinction of the tribe, did you think a little deeper? ”

“Shut up. I'll kill your bitch for sure...!" ”

“I look forward to it. Haha, everyone seems to like this face. ”

The empress became increasingly excited by the excitement of being able to fight these people, and the person who raised her excitement to the highest peak revealed her.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

As soon as the Nam-gu god behind Jinwoo met the Empress in the eye, her smiling face solidified and her silence subsided for a moment.

“Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-ha-ha-ha!! ”

Even though we didn't say anything to each other, the empress who instinctively felt the energy of the other person became excited, even if she took off her clothes immediately.

“Found it. Found it. I finally found what I wanted. ”

“I think I know that too. ”

‘We were born to kill each other. ’

As soon as God and the Empress exchanged their eyes, they instinctively realized.

That the opponent in front of you is your true enemy, who was born to kill each other.

“Put it away. I love it. I've never liked it so much in my life. ”

“Hehe. That means we're still close. Hey, Grand Arc. ”

“I'm already here. ”

The Grand Arc comes forward and looks at the Empress, staring at each other for a moment and making an unpleasant expression.

“Put it away. I... I don't like this guy. ”

“Hey, she's in a bad mood. ”

Oddly, the two of them stared at each other and groaned as if they didn't like each other.

A situation where I am close to a friend but do not fit in with the friend's friend.

In a way, I think this is true homophobia.

Jinwoo conquers the world for her own amusement, while the Empress and the Grand Arc act on her own ambitions.

In other words, the Empress and the Grand Arc collide to walk the same path, as opposed to twisting each other in the same direction.

With strong curiosity and interest in Jinwoo's appearance of unexpected behavior and thoughts toward the same destination as her, the Empress and the Grand Arc faced each other and felt dissatisfied with racial aversion.

“Disgusting. Take that filthy tablet away from the woman immediately. ”

“You have monster-eyed bitch mouth. ”

The two of them start grunting with a fighting force right away, but Jinwoo looks like this isn't it.

“Whoa, this is where the dog fights are? We didn't come all the way out here to fight like this, did we? ”

After Jinwoo intervened in the middle, the two of them revealed their unpleasantness while staring at each other, and he did not expect that they would hate each other so much.

“Since we've introduced ourselves anyway, shall we do what we agreed? ”

“It doesn't matter. ”

“Wait! What is this?! ”

When they suddenly started talking to each other, Evel, who had never heard anything before, went forward in a panic.

It was an atmosphere that empowered Evel's tackle because the talents of other countries were also making unpleasant expressions, as they were only introducing each other and telling stories.

“Hmm? I thought you said you had it all figured out? ”

The Empress tilted her head to see what was going on, and she scratched her back head with a pitiful look.

“… I forgot. ”

After choosing Aki and accepting Iscilia's affectionate affection for not choosing her, she became jealous of her appearance and interrupted Aki to tell her in advance while lying in bed. With a fabulous look on her face, she opened her mouth to Evel.

“I, the Grand Arc, you, and all my men are fighting the Empress here. ”

“What the!! ”

“What are you talking about! ”

“We came all this way for nothing!! ”

Along with Evel's excited voice, other talents begin to speak loudly.

“In short, this is what it means. ”

Jinwoo pointed his finger as he showed them.

“We fight.”

Then you turn your finger towards the other talent.

“You guys are spectators. ”

You say the bomb without hesitation.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

When my brother asked me to overwatch.

Even if Blizzard refuses me, I can find my account and find my password in front of my brother...!?

What the fuck! When I was chewing for an hour and wasting my time, there was a huge error!!

Then why is your brother looking at you like that? Why is it a 3-minute cut?!

I told my brother, ’Blah blah blah blah, I'll overwatch with you when I get my Blizzard account back, blah blah', but I'm headed to the PC room...

Now that this is over, I will use my divine control to announce the advent of a new Dark Horse in the Overwatch.

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