Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

While Jin Woo was working on the Isilia problem, Shelley was wandering around the base with Harin and Riellus.

There's only one reason they go around like this.

To identify the structure inside the base by speculating the worst.

If this is a trap, maybe we can just run away to the entrance we came in, or teleport, but don't you think the people who sold you out could think something like that?

Every strategy and tactic is the first thing to stop an enemy from walking into a trap.

That's why we're checking the internal structure under the assumption that we're fighting inside in case the exits get blocked.

Of course, she was dressed as if she was having a conversation like a normal woman.

"Shelley, by the way, have you tried the company skin lotion you mentioned before?"

"I tried it once, and it looks like it's used on my skin."

In the other direction, Ferrissa, Fujimine, Platina, and Cuberia formed a team and decided to navigate to the left while exploring the geography inside the base in opposite directions.

As soon as I turned to the right, I found a black male in his early 30s with a short beard and short brown hair from his chin to his ear.


His horrified mouth heard a slightly heavy, but understated voice of a soldier.

"Captain Orland?"

As soon as Shelley turns to the right, her eyes turn pale as the two men and women meet.

He will be, too, because he met the famous Captain Orland, an accomplished man with extraordinary abilities and command in his X-Force field.

In one location, Shelley was less than Kiban at the time, but she was disappointed as an outstanding anticipator, so she had the opportunity to meet with Captain Orland frequently.

"You're... alive...?"

Moreover, a rugged blonde with a slightly lower eyetail and calmer look next to Orland and a white woman with glasses opened her mouth with a frightening look.


Both men and women were aces in the X-Force branch where Shelley was, and Orland would have teamed up with Kivan, Shelly and Tina if things were more serious in the Arab region.

Both men and women who knew that both Kivan and their colleagues had died did not open their mouths to the shock that Shelley had found unexpected people in unexpected places when she smiled.

Selly also anticipated that if she opened her face like this, the United States would come to know about her identity, but she could not imagine that she would run into her face so suddenly.

In fact, once their faces were fully known, the FBI was going domestically and the CIA was trying to identify them by gathering personal information from foreign countries.

By the way, they were tired of dealing with a lot of sudden pop-ups yesterday, so they were sleeping in the break room with the above permission and headed to the security area where they had been contacted when they arrived.

Anyway, breaking the heavy silence was Harin's voice.



Selly answered Harin's question simply, and Tina responded to her answer.

"You're... alive, but why have you been in contact... before, why are you here?"

There were so many questions to ask, but Tina pressed a few questions on why she was here.

If you answer that question, you'll have an idea of who you're under, what you're here for, who's next to you, and where you've been and what you've done.

Selly was surprised at the first surprise of the reunion, but soon she smiled and answered Tina's question.

"Me? Of course I'm here as a member of the Three Tai Drama. Is there a problem?"



Orland and Tina are rather baffled by her outrageous answer.

"What are you talking about! Kivan!? We know he killed Kivan!!"

The United States had almost confirmed the extermination of Kivan's group as a result of the Three Tai Poles, and the Pentagon also turned that 'half' into a certainty with jihad information.

And then she joined the group that killed him, the ones that were in love with Kivan?

"No way... You too...!"

Orland remembered that Qiu had brainwashed Iscilia and publicly humiliated her (a commonly known fact), and it was clear that Shelley had also been brainwashed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't brainwashed, Captain. I hold him as my master by my own will."

She adores the collar that's on her neck and tucks her tights into it.

My Lord?

I mean, what kind of master is that in the modern 21st century?

"No! You've been brainwashed! Otherwise, you wouldn't have followed the man who killed Kivan!"

Tina insisted that she was brutally brainwashed.

This will make you think you're very close, but it's actually not that good.

They were friends and rivals of Kivan's.

I didn't know it at first, but it was a woman's hunch that the other person was pouring out the same love and love towards a man.

However, Kivan, who was almost unemployed in his knowledge and love, was loved by two women, and so they also had a place to complain to Kivan who was confronting each other but ignorant of his heart.

And she abandoned Kiban to win her heart by flirting with him and chose to clean up human trash?

"I know what you're thinking, Shelley, but we're all here for you, too. Why don't you stop blaspheming our commitment like that?"

Harin, who was listening quietly next to him, disagreed with Tina's insistence that she was brainwashed.

They must be relentless because they have emphasized their dedication, obedience, and love for their master.

The problem was Tina's temper, and she was shocked by the fact that her colleague was brainwashed, making a violent remark.

"Shut up! You whore with a crotch of garbage!"


Harin tried to stir up his strength with Tina's disdainful voice.


Before that, Selly's razor-sharp fingernails, which had transformed into a black leopard, pointed at Tina's neck.


Made from the interior of this weapon, Shelley grew up to be a Grade 10 powered person with a speed between Grades 10 and 11 after taking the medicine that the Southern Palace gods had prepared to her best.

Originally, her transformation was not focused on strengthening, but rather on agility and speed, which was possible because she was a speed-type attack with sharp nails as a weapon.

An assassin with a focus on agility and critics.


At the same time, soldiers and talents who came to hear the commotion around them pose themselves to attack Selly's actions.


Feeling alive around her, she tried to turn her body into a body, but Harin grabbed her.

"Calm down. You can't give your opponent an excuse."


Located halfway between the human and spider forms, Riellus slowly calms down Harin's heavy voice and returns to the human form.

Since we know that if we suddenly start fighting indefinitely, we will hurt our unprepared colleagues, so we decided to bend over and enter.

Shelley sees that, and opens her mouth by slowly dropping her hand at Tina's throat.

"Haryn is a colleague of mine and a companion of the spirit serving the same master. To insult her for being a whore with a crotch is the same as to insult me for being a whore. I'll get over it now, but I'll never forgive you again."

Then Shelley, returning to her human form, looks at those who are ready to attack at any time around her and opens her mouth to Harin and Riellus.

"Let's go."


"Commander Orland, I pray that when we meet again, we will not meet our enemies."

Having completed a clever and hostile finish, Selly moved on with Harin and Riellus, and her hair began to become heavy with wonder about what had happened to her.

"Let's go. First of all... we need to speak to our colleagues." "

"… Yes, commander."

The two of them decided that if Shelley was more than a member of the Tritiac, they could give their opponent a reason to attack.

Once they told other colleagues about the situation, they decided to save Shelly somehow and headed somewhere with people's eyes.


"Hehe, how are you?"

As Selly's group disconnects from her former colleagues, she smiles widely at the familiar faces.


Her greetings turn to Evel, patrolling with the Pentagon's talents, folded in white wings, but she has, of course, become a chewing poop on her face, the unsightly executive of the Three Taiji Dynasty.

No, to be precise, it turned into horror.


"Oh, you know the name of the tribe of Cuberian, don't you?"

On the escape ship that Evel was on, her parents stored information about the universe, which wasn't detailed, but could be arranged for us to have some information.

That's why the aliens standing behind her, like escorts, can see that they are the same as the Karos they used to know.


However, she knew that the Karos were a very aggressive and barbaric warrior.

Moreover, it is famous for its advantages in never giving in to anyone.

Then why is the warrior of the Karos in the Three Tai Drama?

"You don't seem to know why we have the Carrots' warriors on our side."

"... Ugh."

Evel is offended by the way she reads her thoughts.

I wonder how many people have been pushed into the muck of despair with that brain.

I can live with that, but I can't help but get annoyed with Taunting like that.

Kill him? '

If you kill her here, the power of the Tritiac falls to half the level.

Although only one person's value would be half that of the organization seeking world conquest, it is a clear reality that 1% of the exaggerations were not mixed when she commanded as chief of staff of the Three Taiji Dynasty, Chiu Dynasty.

Of course, if you do that, there will be war with the Three Tai Drama immediately.


Whether she felt that fragile lifestyle, Platina tried to turn her body into a body immediately, and as her lifestyle changed, the talents behind Evel became tense.

However, as Fujimine calms Platinum down, she slowly returns to her human state and doesn't spread to the surface of a recession.

Whether you know of her conflict, Ferrissa continues to provoke Evel's personality with a fierce grip.

"At first, I was angry that I wanted to kill my master, but I was frustrated because he touched me 'a little'. We're not exactly close now, but we're close enough to be together as colleagues."

According to her, the expression on her face suggests that she moves on by Jin Woo's orders.

No, he twisted his body and felt slightly restless as if he wanted to feel the pleasure again.

"I'm going to ask you a quick question."

Evel turns her gaze on Cuberia and seriously opens her mouth.

"Are you seriously going to attend the meeting in Samtaegeum?"

In other words, if you do not intend to play a prank, play a game, or take it seriously, it means that you should not go away.

"The primary reason we attended this meeting was because of Cecilia's brainwashing problem. When the master heard the word" brainwashing, "he was about to cause Gestalt to collapse, so he came to show that they were truly in love."


To be honest, I was close to confirming that Evel was brainwashed, but I couldn't say anything because it didn't work out yet (Jinwoo is feeding off Cecilia at this time).

"The second reason is because of my persuasion. You originally intended to cause three wars between the United States, the Three Tails and the Cali Empire even if the Cali Empire invaded, and I convinced you that you had to deal with it first. Fortunately, you have listened to me, but depending on whether the content of the meeting is inappropriate or not, our power will be determined in which direction we go."

Perisha bypassed the phrase, "I've come to find out what you did," and she recalled the question of whether she could disclose the Aegis Battleship in this way.

"Don't worry too much. We don't underestimate the power of the Kali Empire. Moreover, the arrogance of the Empress of the Kali Empire was far above my expectations. With that kind of arrogance, at least you don't get the ridiculous crap out of it."

Pride of the Empress.

At the end of the meeting, the Pentagon's brain group decided that the Cali Empire's weakness was the empress's arrogance, and Ferrissa also thought that the empress's arrogance was the best way to strike back.

"We'll be going now. I want to relax and enjoy my free time."

Perisha shakes her head and passes Ibel's group with a dazzling smile.


The bulk of the entire body is a muscle mass, causing the heavy footsteps of the Cuberians to become heavier, and as the sound of those feet drifts away, the talents who were with Evel begin to make small noise.

"Wow... One of the real beauty is amazing..." "

"I see. Bright blonde hair, charming, something elegant."

"Why would a pretty girl like that follow a maniac like that?"

They put their mouths together, saying that she was a poor woman for him, and Evel, who took a moment to think things through, opened her mouth slightly nervously.

"Are you done talking?"



"Don't judge others by their looks. because the plans that were made in her head took millions of lives."



Instead of blaming their chitchat, Evel decorated the part where she evaluated Perisha with her looks.

She's the enemy.

Enemies who do not possess this ability, but are more dangerous than just one head.

'A lot of elite talent is gathered here in participating countries to prepare for the Sha Tai drama. Besides, this bunker is in our hands. Wouldn't it be better to kill her now?'

Evel thought it might be good to see her killed in the long run, but she couldn't solve this big problem on her own, so she decided to go on patrol and talk to Griffin about it.

'You must be thinking.'

In addition, Ferrissa, who anticipated Evel's idea, changed the shape of her fingers when she was rarely seen, formed a Demibeast, laying a magical trap on the floor.

This trap lasts a day and is a detonating detonator trap when Ferrissa sends a signal.

In other words, she walks around, finger the Demibeast, laying traps all over the place.

Perisha was prepared for a surprise attack by the Pentagon and the United States, wishing that these traps would not be used.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm buying a fucking plus4, so give me a fucking neon or a geothermal or something.

'Cause you blew up a 4.5 on the day of the Pls4 sunset? Only PLS4 games are stacked in your basket!

Hurry up and launch PLS4 Neo!! Bwaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!

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