Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

Despite the widespread narratives of various human warlords, unlike that, the world has had a situation in which numerous weaker nations are no longer able to maintain the system by the destructive activities perpetrated by slaves of the Kali Empire.

The United Nations captured the continent and possessed numerous nuclear weapons, and even though it was the worst lunatic in human history, it was not an exaggerated threat to the Tritia of Qiu, but instead tried to stabilize the situation on Earth a little faster while attacking aliens.

In that situation, U.S. President Jacob Mason and one of the Pentagon's five leaders, Griffin, were connecting the hotline.

"... It's... hard to believe for sure..." "

President Jacob couldn't help but be appalled by the information he received.

He would, too, have two space battleships in the SF movie and two Pentagons.

Fortunately, he was not the kind of man who would hang himself for his popularity.

If it were really such a kind of shaman, it would have been a carcinogen that would have captured all kinds of objects and would have done all kinds of tricks to take the Battleship from the Pentagon and kept humanity from uniting.

In order to understand his professional military knowledge, scientific knowledge and distance from himself, he crossed his chin with a serious look while identifying the specs of the translated battleship.

"But if you have the specs I'm looking at, it means there's a chance for mankind to react."

- Especially since the Kali Empire ignores Earth's power. "

Perhaps the Kali Empire is unilaterally considering an operation in which they deploy troops to Earth.

What if a battleship comes out of nowhere in a situation like that?

- The problem is we only have one shot at this. -


Griffin looks sad as he asks, "Why is there no opportunity?"

- Low speed ships that can navigate outer space, whereas our battleships copy the design of jihad and use propellants applied to Earth's scientific technology. If the enemy runs away in such a situation... -

Griffin blurred his last words, but the next one was easy to predict.

"Too bad. If I had one more speedboat to stop my enemies from retreating, I could do even more damage……."

The president is a tactic that anyone can think of, but he opened his mouth to recite the tactic that is most needed at the moment and stopped talking about what came to mind.

- Samtaegeuk.


Griffin was also thinking the same thing, and the two of them at the same time discussed the Three Tai Drama.

- Jihad, a battleship owned by the Tritiac, has been modified to allow humans to live only in its internal structure, and its basic specs are the same as those of the Cali Empire. -

"Besides, unlike the Cali Empire, they have their own teleport system."

A system that can be teleported by pulling out the brain of numerous teleporters and connecting them to a battleship.

In addition, the first president to learn that even the brains of the mind-drivers can be used to create a bronze shield that can defend the jihad body was not to be discouraged.

How many people have been sacrificed to teleport jihad, a space warship of that size, and even make it into a bronze shield?

Moreover, why would a Battleship with that kind of specification be put in the hands of Chiu?

"Jihad will play the anvil, and if Aegis becomes the hammer, it will increase his chances of success……."

Using the Teleport system, Aegis attacks the fleet of the Kali Empire with a weapon while Jihad stands behind the Kali Empire.

This is the best counterattack and attack on the planet....

- The problem is that the human being who asked us to clean up is the worst maniac on Earth's history. -

"Besides, I've been told the Cali Empire is under attack, and the Triads never want to join hands." "

- ……. -


And they thought, "Get rid of him. How am I supposed to get rid of him? 'It was the same.

- The Grand Arc, to be honest. He's also aware of the seriousness of the Kali Empire, so even now, if we negotiate well, we'll be able to hold hands. -

Previously, the image of Across as a group of evil was strong, but the intensity of their image faded with the emergence of a truly evil group, the Tritiac.

Moreover, the Grand Arc is also well-spoken.

"Let's postpone this part of the story for later. For now, the world needs to come together. Once we're united, we can decide whether to strike three strikes or strike the Kali Empire."

To be honest, it was the president's wish that he wanted to beat up Sam Tai drama first.

Even the Kali Empire is frightening, but the Tritiac is a madman who cannot even calculate.

"And... I'm sorry for you, but may I say that the Aegis Battleship was made in the United States?"

Though it seemed to be the case that the bear was skillful and the money was eaten by humans, President Jacob's actions were not such a one-dimensional problem.

The Pentagon, however famous for its heroic organization, was ultimately a force without the official government's permission.

If you say you made a battleship in an SF movie made of over-technology there, everyone will turn the Pentagon into their own country or fight all sorts of battles.

However, if you say you made it in the United States where there's a joke about exchanging aliens for new scientific technology, spies trying to extract information that isn't there instead will end up being active.

Fortunately, when Griffin also unveiled the Aegis Battleship, he was so worried that he couldn't refuse the president's offer to become a shield on his own.

- It doesn't matter. Instead, the Aegis battleship's crew is all set up, so I need you to stop the military personnel from filling their manpower. -

"That should be enough to stop him with my strength."

Military-related personnel would like to put at least one more Aegis battleship, thinking they should control such a powerful force.

The president decided to block their work beforehand, and connected the hotline to resolve the critical issues that the two of them should discuss.

That way, if it flowed out of someone's mouth, there was enough room for misunderstandings, and they solved each problem individually, just in case.

After some coordination, Griffin opens his mouth carefully to see if he can now discuss the matter.

- And as you know by now, we have Magnus and Aaron. -

"I heard."

The government should have arrested them first for espionage in the Tritiac, but Magnus and Aaron did not stop the Pentagon from securing them when they attacked Arc Angel in the Pentagon.

Just think of him as a villain with a grudge against the Pentagon and let them arrest him.

- For now, let's make sure they're really related to the triad. -


- Mr. President?

However, the president looked suspicious and just rolled his eyes at something.

- Is there a problem? -

"No, I haven't been with Magnus that long... but I could feel that he really was a man who thought about the safety of his citizens first. I find it hard to believe that he might be a spy in the Three Tai Drama... Honestly, I don't think there's any misunderstanding."

The president could feel the strong convictions and movements Magnus showed him.

To be honest, he was also a victim of Qiu's pranks.

"Besides, if you were a spy in the Tritiac, why would you go back to safety?"

- But there is one in the bay. Cleaning up is crazy, but it's not nearly as crazy as making a rational decision. Beneath him is the brain he trusts. -

"Phew. That, too. Magnus and Aaron, you're on your own."

The president said so, leaving the matter of Magnus and Aaron to the Pentagon.

And the news came to someone else.


"I see that the Pentagon has arrested Magnus' recruit."

Lauren Rothschild has been informed that Magnus has been captured by the Pentagon, and she has passed that information on to Liliya.

"Then we'll have to disguise ourselves as three Taiji."

"Hmm. That's right."

With all the information she had, she told everyone she really wanted to betray and rebuild her own organization with the help of the Rothschild family.

Fortunately, the Rothschild family also found her experience useful and did not abandon her on the condition that she should read her memories once a day.

She has managed to expand her footprint and establish a position of good communication adviser with Lauren based on her experience.

Lauren was also a smart woman who could pretend to think for herself without speaking to each other for long, and had her own affection for a beautiful girl.

Although it was deteriorated by the current racist household, Weller Rothschild, it was Liliya who brought it to its present position because she believed that the talent who did not rely on her abilities and treachery would make the most of it.

Of course, it's already half eaten up that she's white.

"Did you confirm the location of the bio-nanosuits?"

The reason for impersonating the Pentagon is not to target Magnus and Aaron, but to ensure that they are confiscated and confiscated.

Thanks to Lillian, the Rothschild family found out that the person who gave Magnus the bio Nanosuits had nothing more to do with them.

"We haven't made it to the Pentagon's core, but some of these middle-aged executives are either partners or subordinates. With their position and power, finding out where they are shouldn't be a problem."

"As expected of the Rothschild family."

The Rothschild family still did not give up on their greed for living nanosuits.

He would, because the situation was stable now, but all of the replicating human beings suddenly had a high fever and were not even able to grasp a clue to the problem, so he had to take the next step in preparation for the worst.

Although the Kali Empire has emerged, it will be difficult for the Rothschild family to become more white-child, but they are determined that if there is a world under their power and command, one can defeat the Kali Empire.

"Oh, I'd love to be part of that raid party."


"I'm sick and tired of doing nothing, and I have an opportunity to prove my worth, and I can't miss it, can I?"

"Hm. That, too, I'm sure."

Lauren highly evaluated Liliya's experience and abilities, but was unsure that she had never demonstrated proper practice.

Judging this as an opportunity to test Lillia's abilities and values, Lauren decided to listen to her request.

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My home was redeveloped and moved on the 13th.

But since there's so much old furniture that I've decided to throw it away, I don't think I have until the 14th, because I have so much new stuff to buy.

I don't think I'll be able to get my strength even if it's time.

So on the 13-14 days, there's a very high probability that they won't be able to write because of the move.

If you post anything that day, you witnessed a miracle.

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