Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

"Hehehe… hehehehehe…."

At the same time as the peak, the Cuberian takes in the semen and exhales violent breathing.

However, Jinwoo had no intention of finishing up nicely here.

His goal was to light up the chocolate on her neck.

It doesn't matter if all the Caros who became slaves die because of him. It's more important to resolve your sexual desires.


The herd pulls out its giant cock and moves toward the face of Cuberian, lying on the ground, grabbing her by the hair and forcing her torso to rise.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! That's what a female looks like."

The first fierce face I saw was prone to stabbing when I was close, but now I'm not so dull as to sag at all.

I did not understand that it was pleasure, so I resisted it as much as I could, and my health decreased rapidly.

"Haaa... Haaa... I... I... I can't lose... I..."

Nevertheless, she raises her spirits once again, saying she cannot lose.




Jinwoo kicks her abdomen with his knee and starts to break her will again.

"Aki. Grab this bitch's arm and keep her torso up."


At his command, Aki moves behind Cuberian's back, grabbing both arms and bending them back, pinning them into his armpits.

In other words, Kuberian is on his knees with only his torso stationary.

Phew!! Phew! Woojik!

"Ugh! Huge!"

Jinwoo began brutally beating the abdomen of Cuberia.

His other taste (perhaps not his taste) began to distribute bread.

However, the carros protect the innards with hard muscles, and also endure the groaning by instinctively exerting force on the abdomen... No, not at all.

However, if you don't know how much you're going to resist, and if you accidentally use your strength and damage your viscera, you'll have to quit your teaching assistant and heal her.

"Well, there's a lot of ways to deal with these kinds of females. '

Don't we just need to get her to leave her belly out?

This is where the player's experience is clearly revealed.

The novices of inexperienced humiliation will take away their stamina through violence, and those with moderate experience will put in a vibrator to give them pleasure and keep them from empowering their bellies.

Then what about Jinwoo?

He bends his hand slightly back to grasp the hair, then shoves his tongue into her mouth.


Likewise, for the first time in his life, Kuberian was surprised by the slippery taste of his tongue entering his mouth.

It takes a lot of courage to stick your tongue in a mouth full of sharp shark teeth, but Jinwoo trusts only his abilities, turning his tongue skillfully and sexually entangling each other's tongues.

Bang, bang!

The paintbrush, which no longer needed to grasp the head, firmly grasped the breasts of Cuberia with both hands, gently kneaded and irritated the nipple with the index finger while twisting or pressing down.

'I've sent a peak to the anus once, so I'll melt it with a kiss.'

If the other person did not feel pleasure, it was useless at all, but he felt that he had been sent to the top of the anus, teasing his chest and tongue, and focusing on the joys of pleasure on her.


At first, he tried to bite his tongue and cut out the tongue of Jinwoo, but before that, he felt the strange sensation and pleasures of his heart and tongue.

'My tongue... will melt... What kind of attack is this...?'

Because there was no culture of kissing, Kuberian thought it was an attack. Every time he intertwined his tongue, he felt the soft senses of his tongue took away his intentions.

It is possible because it is different from humans but has a similar structure and texture.

Immediately, Jinwoo's right hand grabbing one chest and playing with her nipples suddenly plunges into the fist of Cuberian.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

A kuberian who opened her eyes to sudden pain.

She instinctively tried to empower the ship.

I can't... I can't... '


I could not properly empower my body by not intertwining my tongue normally, but by kissing the filthy sound of sucking the saliva of my opponent and stimulating my tongue.



And another punch to the abdomen.

"Khhh! This is it! I feel my fist slipping inside my belly and my flesh is soft! '

The difference between being covered with muscle and not being properly empowered is obvious.

No, it was better to hit the stomach because I had muscles but I couldn't give it strength.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Huff! Huff!"

She sighed painfully because her stomach could not be empowered by the kiss, and began to cough roughly as Jinwoo slapped the kiss.

"Cough! Cough!"

'Hmph. You don't seem to be enjoying your meal yet. Maybe I should make it more enjoyable....'

Jinwoo rolls her head, judging that she needs more pleasure, on her face suffering from pain than pleasure.

'I think the other females could just stick their dicks in, save the captive tribesmen and keep running. Is there anything we can do to intensively break the rules and bring about pleasure?'

She has a strong sense of mission and will to stab her penis and obey it normally.

After a few minutes of that, I started to check something for good ideas.

Jinwoo nods and answers, thinking about something alone. He approaches Aki and Iscilia, who helped him, and whispers something.


"Y-you 're serious!?"

Two women secretly spat out mild malice, and in their reaction, he smiled to tell them that he thought it would work well enough.

"Have I ever joked about this?"



They look like they've lost their words, and they're already clearing their minds towards Cuberia.

"What are you... doing...?"

Kuberit growls low, but Jinwoo stares up into the air, ignoring even a gram of her words.

He set something up by himself and waited for Aki and Iscilia to act, and when he was ready, Aki approached Cuberia.

Bang, bang!


Aki grabs hold of both arms as she lays her gaze to the sky, and Iscilia uses her mind to keep her lower torso from moving.

The sound of the monster crying in the SF movie was Kuverite, but her threat did not give Jinwoo any inspiration.

"Now, shall we begin? I can only imagine. I'm a little nervous because I've never actually done it before."

"Let go……! Let go...!"

Instinctively, she felt she was about to 'do something huge' and waved her back to release the arms held by Aki, but her strength was not enough to overcome Aki's ability to strengthen her body.


While his slaves were stopping him, he closed his eyes and used his deformity skills to the fullest extent.

"Less! Less!" More, more, more! '

He wanted to make his own body as small as a man from a small country on a hunger trip, and when he got to the maximum he became as small as the fist of an adult man.


The herd, thinking it was small enough, rushes towards Cuberian with an Indian voice.

Though her body had grown smaller, whether it had disappeared to Grade 11 physical enhancement abilities, the herd that moved between her jaws at a rapid rate was attached to her vagina.


Then he opens a hole in his cheek with both hands, and as he looks at it, he struggles hard.

"N-no way...! No! No!! Don't!"

She tried to free Aki and Iscilia by using the dragon, but her natural strength was impossible.



Finally, as Jinwoo disappears into the pussy, Cuberia screams with more horror than pain.

It's because I went through a human being called Jinwoo for only a very short period of time, but my whole body experienced what kind of rubbish he was.


Pink innards full of wrinkles.

Jinwoo, who was inside, filled with the smell of the virgin's vagina, took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"I heard Armstrong on the moon say, It's a small step for one person, but a great leap for mankind." "

He laughs and praises himself, feeling the feel of a resilient vagina.

"Yeah, you're the first time you've stepped foot on a moon where you can go all the way to school later on! The first step into a female's vagina hole will be this body! Kahahahahaha!!"

Jinwoo stepped inside the vagina and blew up the photon shop, but he realized it wasn't a waste of time here.

"Hehehe! I saw what I thought was a GSpot when I hit her in the head instead of her pussy!"

Finding the location of Cuberian G-spots before your memory fades is top priority.

Jinwoo recalled the most intense response when he activated his brain to maximize his senses and memories, and intensively stimulated where on the vaginal wall his head was.

"Let's see……. Roughly around here?"

As he stepped on a stretchy vagina, he reached a distance halfway from the pussy entrance to the uterus, making his penis large enough to reach the ground.

Thanks to his huge size of 3 meters and the size of the interior of his vagina, he had no problem working, so there was no large crowd even if he enlarged his penis.


The euthanasia, which creates small protuberances on the crown of the enlarged penis, heads to the place where his memory speaks, grabs the penis with both hands and starts shaking his waist and rubbing the vagina wall with the tip of the crown.

Use that as well as strengthening your body.


While Cuberian felt the scratching sensation of the vaginal wall with a protruding crowbar, he slightly rose his lower back and shook as if he were convulsing.

"No, not this reaction."

He grumbled as if it wasn't this reaction, shaking his head like an old lady who devoted her life to making miso and pepper paste.

"Is this it?"

Jeez. Jeez. Jeez. Jeez.


"Not here?"

Jeez. Jeez. Jeez. Jeez.


"Was that the right place?"

As the vaginal tremor and vaginal discharge began to search for the GSpot, the dust rushed out to the point where the most intense reaction was to rub the bean.

And then, after a few failures,

Jeez. Jeez. Jeez. Jeez.


"I found it! I'm staring!!"

The most intense site, GSpot, was found.

"Hahahaha! Die! Die! Die!"

Jinwoo shakes his waist like crazy, scratching the vagina of the GSpot like crazy, and each time, Cuberian liquid starts filling his vagina.

"Oh, right. You can't let it go to its peak."

Recognizing that it was his primary goal to stimulate him to reach his peak, Jin returned his penis to its original state.

"Come out! Get out!! Get out of me!!"

Kuberian cried out in his own body with a screaming voice, but when did Jinwoo ever listen to the supplications of a female who was helping him?

Approaching the uterus, he opened the uterus wide with both hands.


"~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

The sensation of forced opening of the uterus made Cuberian scream silently, but her pain had only just begun.

"It's Jin Woo's message."

And Aki, who was instructed to open his mouth when Jinwoo showed the reaction described, gave him his word as instructed.

"From now on, I'm going to give you a 'Mom' experience."

"W-what are you saying...!?"


Kuberit asked for Aki, but Aki turned her head without explaining what would happen to her.


Whether he knew what was going on with her or not, he took a deep breath into the uterus and posed like a 'fetus'.

Flame -


Kuberian is startled by the sudden pain in his stomach.

Flame -


The groaning sounds like my breath will pass right away.

Flame -


Kuberian looks down to see why she feels pain on her belly as she screams. She screams without knowing it.

"W-what... what... what the heck!!"

Because her belly swelled up like she was pregnant.

Yes, it is.

Jin Woo entered her uterus and slowly enlarged her body to take over the nursery.

He made this plan to make you feel the pleasure of Cuberia, get you close to the peak, and then stimulate the vagina wall to make it peak like giving birth.

It's called the Birthing Peak.

It was originally planned in my head to make my slaves undergo "pregnancy" and "childbirth," but if I did that, I left my imagination as my own because the chemistry of slaves would be destroyed.

The first thing I came up with was an Aki NTL. as opposed to NTR, which was taken away). It was the first time I had the delusion of digesting the body, penetrating into the uterus, killing a growing fetus in Aki's belly, and taking its place.

The ultimate NTL!!

Of course, if you do this, Aki's mind will collapse and he won't be able to cope with the shock, so his delusion stops.

After all, Jin Woo went into her uterus and played the role of a "baby about to give birth" to gain strength and mental strength in Cuberia.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"I'm disappointed that you can't use body transformation," wrote Ripple. When he taunted me, he decided to remove the scene that he wanted to leave in his head as a delusion.

Oh, shit. It keeps getting bigger and bigger, so I wasn't trying to--

What if I eat more than that?

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