Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

While Jinwoo, Iscilia and Aki were resting on a beach somewhere, members of the Tritiac recognized the number of drop ports that fell in the area of the minority union and were dispatched separately accordingly.

The local troops, including the unmanned weapons of Samtaegi, Bloody Bloodshed Chimera and brainwashed monsters were mobilized to the drop port crash site, and the executives in Samtaegeuk, who were in charge of the area, were ready to take charge of the field, and Perisha was in charge of the general.

We had already confirmed the projected crash site, and there were troops surrounding the area.

Until now, it feels like the infantry is just standing there with a gun, but it starts by setting up barriers that will actually be a cover for infantry, placing heavy weapons and ranks so that allies don't get hurt, etc., preventing enemy movement and building blocks to attack effectively.

However, there were no roadblocks, heavy weapons, or anything like that.

Instead, a large group of allies (monsters) remained able to operate widely, and executives in the Tritiac were the most advanced structures.

Each of them, one by one, decided to be the first to see what the aliens in space are capable of.

Of course, the soldiers of the minority alliance who came in from the rear were admiring the leading women first.

- We can't determine what's inside, but according to the Empress, there's a good chance the Imperial slaves will get in. -

When the Empress put on a unilateral declaration of war throughout the world, Pericia, who watched it, enjoyed all that she could find to be an absolute bore.

Once a person, he is arrogant enough to claim to be the ruler of the universe.

If such arrogant absolutes get bored, they think it is natural that all the world should flow and produce any good result, and there will be no emotion.

Fortunately, there is not much chance of a trap because the personality is as vile as a classmate and not the ultimate hedonist, sadistic.

What she wants is for Earth's warriors to make her a little bit more interesting.

Perhaps the reason we sent these slaves out was to confirm the existence of an Earth-like metahuman being in space, so that the Earth's warriors would gain experience.

Perisha told me what she had anticipated for the executives from all over, and Noah responded with a grumbling reply first.

- That's a great personality. You're already treating the planet like you conquered it, aren't you? -

Celie, who had her own personality, empathized with Noah's grumbling.

- I just want her to be your slave. -

And other slaves with a personality who went with Jin Woo agreed to it.

- Oh, me too. -

- I'm sympathetic.

- Make sure he doesn't raise his head before us. -

In a short time of three minutes, the slaves insisted very strongly that if a woman were to become the master's slave, she would become the youngest.

Ferrissa also stepped in for a moment and agreed and slightly rolled her head about how to roll the empress, but she focused again on the problem in front of her eyes, reporting that the masjid had until three minutes left.

- All right, everybody, be careful. 30 seconds now… 25 seconds later, it's three minutes. -

Soon after that, the slaves of Jinwoo began to crave their own strength, and they were prepared to be able to send their power in any direction at any time.


Perisha informed me of the time during the countdown, and as soon as it reached zero, the outer gloves of the drop port began to detach exactly.

Brace yourselves!

The slaves of Jinwoo focused on this power while raising their spirits.


After arriving in the void, Doyun frowns at the aliens coming out of the drop port she was in charge of.

"Glug glug glug -"

The strange sound that suppressed the frog's crying.

The body that looked like a caterpillar without legs was bent in a "B" shape, with a large body, two large mouths, two small nostrils, and six eyes engraved in a curved shape.

There were many enslaved aliens in the other drop ports, but this one was alone because of its huge body.

Often referred to as' Bragg ', these aliens have a caterpillar-like body, so it is never difficult to defeat someone with the force of the body, but instead, the brain develops abnormally, resulting in rapid computation and development of abilities such as mind-control, telepathy, and do not have to lead the large body to difficulty.

However, for those of us who are of racial character, the ability to teleport is nothing, and many alien traders use their brains to hire numerous mercenaries to protect their identities because they are so afraid.

The reason they were attacked by the Empire was because if the Kali Empire became too powerful, it would be hard to sell war supplies, so they tricked behind their backs and were discovered by the Empress.

After that, I became a slave, facing the same fate as the other aliens.

As explained above, the mercenaries need to be escorted, but the alien opens his mouth with a distinctive laugh when there is only one tiny little Earth girl in front of him.

"They're quite cute. You'd make a lot of money selling them as pet slaves. Glug glug glug -"

A survivor of the Brock clan, valued by a new commodity called the Earthling in the process of enslavement.

Other slave factions desperately struggle for opportunities to make the planet a new home.

On the contrary, Brackin was only interested in a new product of Earthlings, despite the fact that most of his people died and even became slaves.

"Ruling over ants is simple. I've never heard of them."

A Brackin who answers and asks his own questions.

Rather, it was natural to make Yoon confused.

"Now be my slave!!"

He then used his mind control abilities towards doping.



A peculiar sound echoes through Bracken's mind.

This is possible because the mind control ability has not reached the other person and the feeling of being bounced off has been converted into auditory information. Because the brain has developed abnormally, it is possible for human beings to feel invisible.

Did I make you too weak? '

The Brackens are a merchant race of galactic units that stage the entire universe.

That is, the species they do not know are like the ants, and they are easy to apply mind control because their thinking is simple.

To be honest, the Empire warriors have informed us that this planet is Earth.

Once again, he focused his strength on manipulating Yin by enhancing his mind control.


In case of an incident, the protection magic of the psychic system could not pierce the defenses of the painted smear.

"W-what...!? Why can't I reach it?"

I traveled around the universe, but he couldn't conceal his confusion about the study of magic.

"Hmmm. I just wanted to see what I could do, but it's no big deal. I'm just asking if this isn't everything, is it? I was really looking forward to this, and I think I'd be really disappointed if it were the end. Please tell me you're not."


With the sound of a distinctive cry echoing, the ground began to split around Bracken, and the cracked ground turned into pieces the size of a human face.

An alien makes hundreds of such debris and floats around him, with many wrinkles on his face.

I don't know if it's a racial impression of empowerment or anger toward provocation, but it's clear that aliens have also begun to exert their power properly.

"It is also the basis for merchants to check the shelf life and durability of their products. Die, Earthling!"

The debris from the ground flew towards Doyun at an incredible speed, but she finally smiled as if she liked it.

At the same time, the body of a doppelganger quickly performs evasive movements drawing a residual image, and Brackin, with some ability to protect himself, bends the debris naturally and flies it towards the evasive movement.

Doyun quickly chants her spells, throwing black arrows at the ground from the aliens and smashing them apart one by one.

While destroying the obstacles like that, I rushed to attack the alien's torso.

Pushy profit--


Green smoke was emitted that no one should be near.

Once she opened the distance, she destroyed all the pieces of land flying towards herself with a simple magic, not knowing whether it was smoke, poison, or acid that melts everything when it touched her skin like Riellus.

"Glug! Die!"

As the movement of the ditch pauses for a moment due to unexpected obstruction of smoke, a powerful rotating projectile is fired by focusing its mind-bending force on a single point.

The purpose of attacking with a mass of debris was to gather the power of the mind and attack it.

Humans would need considerable concentration to launch a single strike, but Bracken-developed Brackens carelessly sent dozens of projectiles to tear their bodies apart.

"Come out."

However, Yoon felt that the air was changing strangely around Brack, and he called someone without hesitation.

It's so rare!

A muscle-bound man who appears to be teleporting in front of her prevents an alien attack from flying into her body.


The aliens couldn't hide their embarrassment and wonder from the sudden appearance of the earthlings.

Once there were four arms, it was because the earthlings of irrational eyes and lifeless gray skin made them feel ominous.

"Quite useful, you. Thanks to you, I can see what the best masterpieces I've ever made are."

"Don't you dare!!"

Angry at his euphemism for daring to use himself as a test subject on an ant planet on the edge of the galaxy, he once again focused his strength.


Doyun gave orders respectfully to the man of the basket, and at the same time was shot out at a tremendous speed.


The aliens instinctively once again emitted green smoke at a rate that even the warriors of the Kali Empire could not reach.

To protect themselves, the toxins within the Brackens were released, but on some planets this toxin was nourished, and in others, no matter where the smoke was received, some factions were harmless.

I don't know about the earthlings, but it's clear that neither they nor the earthlings know the effects.

I thought the fear of the unknown would stop the Grey Earthling.



Earthling hurdles into the smoke and punches the right shoulder and arm, creating two holes.

It doesn't work on Earthlings! '

An alien who began to roll his head desperately to survive pain.

He draws all of his concentration into one place and fires it at the grounder who attacked his body.

"You will rule the people of Earth! '

Seeing that there is no rationality, it is expected that instead of eliminating rationality, we used Earth-specific technologies or drugs that have powerful abilities.

He tried to rip the man's head off and cover the command system.

"W-what!? What the hell is this?!"

I felt nothing when I used my mind control abilities powerfully.

"It's a corpse!!"

There are some things that mind control capabilities can never control, national, planetary or galactic.

It's not alive.

Plants or trees can make flowers or fruits bloom with mind control, but they cannot be controlled by rocks, rocks or corpses no matter how powerful I am.

Bracken, who initially thought he had lost his mind, was frightened that the earthling who attacked him was a living corpse.

How the hell do you control a dead body?

If you were a mind-bender capable of exerting that level of power in the first place, it would be a million times better to attack the corpse directly than manipulate it.

"His name is Asura." Why don't you try a little harder than that? He still has the final hand of transformation. "

Sprinkle Job!!


Subsequently, Azura tears the body of the alien with his left arm, and Bracken, who is weak in pain, shudders around like a real bug.

"Ha... Surrender! I surrender! I surrender!!"

He raises his voice to surrender, judging that he's no longer a winner, since he's so close to the creature that surpassed the power of his own mind.

"I have a lot of information about the Kali Empire you don't know! Their number! Strength! Faction-specific information! I have everything!!"

"Heh heh. Really?"

Approaching him as if he was interested, he nodded even more vigorously.

"Yes! So please help me! I'll do anything if you let me live!!"

Although he explained above, he did not give much meaning to the death of his own kind.

It is because the Brackens do not feel much homosexuality because they are strong in self-love and selfishness.

On the other hand, if they can save their own lives, they can sell as many of their own kind as they want.

I don't know about it on Earth, but it was common sense that not trusting the Brackens in space had to eat nutrients to survive.

I will surrender to live, but I will betray you again when I have the chance.

Doyun looks interested and approaches him, while her arms become transparent.

The aliens thought it was one of the characteristics of the Earthlings they didn't know.

When she reaches the edge, she thinks of something for a moment, and he doesn't spit poison when she thinks that she sees her sincerity.

Even if you blow out poison and kill her, if you give the order to the corpse who put an arm in her body, her body will be torn apart, too.


Doyun, who pretends to think of something with a soft snort, slaps Bragg's body with his palm.



"Heh, you really don't want to betray me?"

"Y-yeah, I really want to surrender..." "

At that moment, he felt a chill in his body.

To make it easier to understand, do you feel like your whole body is being supported by dry ice?


"But I'm more hungry for your corpse. The undead, made of alien corpses, are very excited about it."

"N-no... no...!"

He couldn't keep his head together.

It was because he felt the pain of his body being destroyed by the energy of his identity.

Being unable to faint easily and feel the pain alive because of the developed brain.

These traits allow Brackens to sell even their own kind to protect themselves.

"Hehe. Now the Minorists have become quite useful."

Only a woman can learn, and the more she grows, the less rational she becomes, the more destructive she becomes.

However, Yoon had the qualities to neglect all the side effects of the marbles, and was still self-sustaining while using the power of the minority marshals.

'If you have this power... someday...!' '

Despite his intuition that his strength was growing differently, he vomited green blood with his mouth and confirmed the dead alien corpse.

'But now, let's do as we are told to get more power. I can't eat what I can get from betraying you at an awkward time like Lilya's.'

We're completely disconnected now, Lilly, who is expected to be a member of the Rothschild family.

She betrayed a few days before the stone of life was completed from the nucleus of this weapon, and her power will be on its way even though she has reached the rank of 10 in Samtaegeum.

When Liliya's misfortune was confirmed, she decided not to betray him.

"This is Doyun. I dealt with the aliens."

'What I lack is more combat experience. You have to have a lot of hands-on experience when you get a chance.'

Doyun quickly reported to gain more experience, considering that she lacked more experience than strength, and received a drop port location nearby from Perisha.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Oh, fuck.

The days are getting warmer, and the bugs are making their way to the damn holo-rollo.

Moreover, because this is near the mountain, the number of bugs is no joke;

I'm moving to June because this town is being redeveloped, and I hope to be there as soon as possible.

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