Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

As soon as the video was finished, one person raised their hand and asked a question representing everyone's feelings.

"Can you trust the witness in that video? At first glance, you're half out of your mind by smoking drugs."

Eyes shaking without even trying, saliva popping out without restraint every time you open your mouth, and walking around without paying attention.

Someone was out of his mind, so his remarks were very low.

Moreover, every word he uttered was a problematic speech.

You beat up every boss and powerhouse in New York Harlem?

Even the government wrinkles up abandoned huts?

Machine robots falling from the sky?

A hundred people gathered, and they're all squeezed together?

Those who were here, especially those related to the NYPD, were about to get their faces blown off.

He would, because they were desperately trying to clean up Harlem in some way.

Some insisted that a nuclear bomb in the middle of New York City was crazy, and some planted spies to keep people from getting out and destroying them from the inside.

But then some crazy bitch came out and cleaned up the slum to scare the hell out of New York.

The Pentagon agent who introduced the video nodded as if he understood.

"I understand what you're thinking. But it turns out that many of the things we've investigated have in common: the composition of the trinity, their gait, their trajectory, and the places where they actually fought were corrupted by the power of the mind."

The agent confirms the location of the fight between them and the slums' bosses in the video, and at the same time, an unbelievable member of the police force raises his hand.

"According to the witness, a blonde woman crumpled a space that size and threw it into the sea... Shouldn't she have at least Grade 9 power if she's a motivator?"

The area of the playground is almost as small as flying to another dimension.

There are so many buildings and concrete floors in it that I can't believe I did this with one hand.

No, there's a lot of strength in the world, so it's possible.

But wouldn't a man that strong be better off publicly exposing his power and paying a huge price for it?

"And I've never heard of such a capable Asian male."

"It's unclear what they were attacking Harlem for in the first place."

The question catches the mystery's tail and continues.

There were so many strange things about this case in the first place.

The strength of men and women of one or three tribes is unusually strong.

Two, what is the identity of the machine robot that came down from the sky?

3. What was the point of attacking the slums?

What are the identities of the two and twenty outsiders who came before the three men and women?

Five, 20 outsiders trying to collect a bounty on a two-man, all of a sudden a three-man or a woman?

6. What is the relationship between outsiders?

In addition to the minor, there was a piece of A4 paper, but in general, these six mysteries were not solved.

Not only the police, but even the Pentagon agents who arrived late to hear the news couldn't hide their doubts.

At that time, someone rushed into the conference room.

He was Pentagon's psycho-metre.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly entering the meeting means you have information that is just as important.

Evidence of that stiffened the look on the psycho's face.

Psycho Meter closed his eyes with his hands above Agent Pentagon's head as he described the screen, and a very short piece of information was injected into his head.


With that brief piece of information, the eyes of the agent who was receiving the information turned pale.

However, it soon became a surrendered look.

"Got it. Keep gathering intel."


Psycho Meter injected only one piece of information and went out, and everyone's gaze gathered to the agent who had received the psycho Meter's information.

It was a pressure for them to share their findings quickly.

"Not all, but I've got some information that will solve a few questions at once."

When he got there, he wanted a verbal pledge not to spread the information externally.

"However, this information can create confusion if it spreads quickly. So I don't want you to disclose this externally."

Who the hell warned him like that?

When this question popped into everyone's head, his mouth opened.





Suddenly, the meeting room became calm.

"The man who attacked Harlem was found dead."

"Does that make sense?"

"Why would Qiu attack such a place?"

"I'm sure you can if you're strong enough. But for what purpose do you do things that are not profitable?"

Naturally, the police objected absurdly, but the Pentagon's most well-informed people kept their mouths shut and looked serious.

"You're mistaken. It's not Billan that's cleaning up."


What kind of nonsense is this?

Chiu is not Billan? How many humans died from that one, and the country collapsed?

"The Pentagon's purge is an extreme pleasure, and it tramples heroes and villains for this pleasure. The witness in the footage just said,"

- I... am a man! The son of a bitch was expecting the notoriety of the New York Harlem family... and started killing people carrying a bag full of millions of dollars! -

"That means you're here to trample down the infamous New York Harlem. Plus, carrying a bag of money to deliberately attack yourself."

The Pentagon's men nod.

Since the dangers of Qiu were so high that he could not imagine, inside the Pentagon, the majority remembered the nature of Qiu and ordered them to be informed when they found the owner of that personality.

"He's an animal. If you can just enjoy your own pleasure, you don't have to pay for it, you don't have to justify it. If you can feel pleasure trampling on other people, that's one reason enough to do this."

Certainly, those who study the psychology of Qiu also mostly mouthed him as a pleasurer, or a villain who enjoys the high-level psychological play of wrapping himself up as a pleasurer.

By the way, those who think of it as highly psychological play judge such pleasantries as unlikely to have such power.



It was quiet again in the conference room.

By gathering their mouths together, police officers were able to share information about the cleanliness they knew, recognizing that the information was reliable.

"Not only did you get rid of it, but the other executives in Samtaegeum also possess excellent abilities... …."

"If that's the case, there might be a reason for this ridiculous raid...."

"Plus, the robot that fell out of the sky has an unmanned weapon."

"Still, the stealth function of the weapon itself seems to be undetected."

Surprisingly, many questions were solved in a heartbeat when the Raider assumed to put it away.

Nevertheless, some questions remained.

"So how are two white males and 20 outsiders connected to the Great Triangle?"

Someone said the question that was not solving as if it were speaking to themselves, and it became the best problem.

"The second outsiders put a bounty on the first outsider. In that situation, everyone rushing towards the third outsider, the Qiu Party, means they're trying to catch the first outsiders in order to find the Qiu Party."

"It makes the first outsiders seem strange. Does this mean that they are related to the Three Tai Poles?"

"What is it with the second outsiders in the first place? What the hell are you running to get rid of?"

"There must be some connection we don't know about."

The argument changed direction from the identity of the third outsiders to the identity of the first and second outsiders.

To date, information in Samtaegi has been known to attack China and Japan, but it is only foreign military forces and tendency to move toward them. It is not a exaggeration to say that the organization and factions within the organization know almost nothing about it.

"Instead of investigating where they've disappeared to, I'll direct the investigation by uncovering the identities of the first and second outsiders. Do the police agree?"



"If we do well, we might be able to uncover the secrets of the Three Tai Poles that we don't know. Agree."

The senior officials of the police agreed, and the focus was on identifying outsiders who did not know what the direction of the investigation was related to.

Due to the extreme lack of information about the immersive situation, those who thought they could find out their information were united and cooperated to find out the identity of outsiders.

It's because the ordinary Billions would have had an invisible struggle to take the lead, but they knew that such a struggle was suicide.


"Oh. A much nicer planet, in fact."

Dozens of ships are approaching Earth in formation.

The empress of the Kali Empire, a humanoid alien with black wings, was interestingly appraising the value of the Earth on the largest and leading ship.

"I told you I was going to make a vacation home planet out of a joke, but I'm even more greedy from the looks of it."

"Your Grace, if you put me first, I will dedicate the Earth to its fullest purpose."

"No, leave it to me! I'll have it all sorted out before the Earth spins around once!"

The aliens chosen to take over the Earth, one by one, because they could breathe in the air, but the empress quietly raised her hands, and even the sound of breathing became loud enough.

"It's no fun to do that. Gather information for now. In particular, I'd like to know where the Earthling who declared war on me is."

The Empress has never met anyone who has provoked or declared war on her, so she has shown great interest in Jinwoo.

"And there's a survivor of Siranu here? It's small, but I'm glad you have so much fun."

She didn't think there was a strong enough force to defeat her on this little planet.

I just hope there's someone I can play with for a little while.

The base of the Kali Empire, which was supposed to have taken a year to arrive slowly, arrived on Earth much faster by the thunderclap.

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Evel works with the Empress.

I decided to do it from the beginning. It will be a pretty good assistant scene. Heh heh heh.

I told you before, I really don't like fantasies or compromises or genres or anything like that ending in a fight with the final boss.

In particular, the novel in which the final boss and the protagonist end the match with the final boss, flying one big skill at a time, is an abomination.

You spend a couple dozen squabbling with a bunch of gangbangers and mid-bosses, and the final boss gets a page out of it?

If you can't write a battle scene with the final boss in the first place, don't blow it.

I define the genre of this novel as "typical writer's daughter novel," so I'm going to spend as much time fighting the final boss as I can.

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