Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

After gaining the power of the 10th grade, the women who struggled to open the power as much as they wanted smiled at the mouth.

'But can we just keep moving? We're officially either missing or dead.'

Fujimine asked me carefully before the raid, and Noah answered this question:

You're going to destroy the Rothschild family and stand up to the United States anyway, don't you think we don't need that kind of security anymore? '

If you take down Japan, China and the United States, the rest is nothing.

Russia, an undiscovered military empire, is only silent on the outside, Across, which is expanding its power to the world of crime, and at the end of the day Europe, which can be united, but when the time comes, there will be no stopping it.

'And even if we find out who he is, the penalty is that we can't just walk around barefoot? We're stronger than we used to be, aren't we?'

In other words, they emphasized that there are few Dimerits when their identity is revealed, because they are several times different from information when they are lost and when their death is processed.

Fujimines questioned her persuasion and the others did not disagree.

Upon landing on the ground, Shelley transformed herself into a black leopard, empowering her feet and hands, and the ground began to split around her.


At the same time as the cannonball explodes, Shelley's appearance disappears, drawing a black scent.




Several members of the elite escort team who were guarding the mainland were engraved with their sharp claws as if they were originally four-legged animals.


Unlike other colleagues, Harin, who remained in the air, created two small vortexes, focusing on his mind, and began to sweep through all of the buildings in the Rosschild Main Street while moving the vortex.

"Kahahaha! I'll make it a perfect playground!"

Harin blows the building into a vortex and destroys it as if it were a clean slate.


At that time, a white woman with teleport capabilities came up behind her and tried to fire a stun gun.


A bullet from somewhere pierces the temple and falls to the ground without screaming.

"Sister, thank you!"

"Don't learn that kind of tone from the master."


Seeing Harin mimicking a reckless tone, Noah, who was manipulating a few bullets by pulling the trigger, sighs.

Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata!!

Noah, who was so fiercely armed with two handguns, flew towards the enemy with precision control that he was more powerful than his mother, Isilia.

It's not just a straight line.

After facing up, falling into a right angle, the trajectory of Z is bent as it is shot forward again. Each one of them flies away confused by the eyes of the enemy, like a living creature.

"You think this will work?"

You shout as if a physical enhancer reading the trajectory was ridiculous and tried to put a bullet through his hand.

He was given a more defensive trait than any of the other physical enhancers, and the strength of that trait allowed him to take some light hits.




The bullet, powered by Noah's psychic powers, pierces a man's blade, and as it rotates fiercely, it ascends diagonally into his glabella and digs into his glabella.

She has been fighting many enemies since her time as a Grade 5 mind-set, and realizes that Grade 5 mind-set is too weak in front of them.

So the way she put it was spinning.

Rather than crushing or destroying it with a powerful force like any other conceptual force, he superimposed a conceptual force through a medium called ammunition fired from a gun and spun it to amplify his own power.

In other words, her attack is not stabbing, or cutting, or blunting, but tearing through rotation.

Noah's bullet reaches its peak as he becomes a level-ten conceptual powerhouse… No, precisely the energy of the conceptual powered bullet simply tears apart even if the opponent had not been able to do so long ago.

Paper job!!

When they were doing so, Fujimine swept away the current from his body, which had just moved up from the 'building' site.

Humans were so crumbly that they became charcoal when they entered it, but Fujimine's purpose was not simply to boast.

Found it!

The primary goal is to find wires installed under the floor.

And then...


Spraying high-power electricity across the wires, overloading the entire facility.

It was covered with bricks and soil, the worst of electrical conductivity, but it didn't matter if she was covered with rubber, not bricks.

Punch, punch, punch, punch!

All the expense CCTVs and other security facilities located in the underground facility began to malfunction one by one as they became overloaded, and the security team quickly raised the shutdown switch after noticing what kind of attack the enemy had launched, but no matter how fast it was raised, it could not outpace the flow of electricity.

When the shutoff switch was already up, everything was destroyed enough to be the only underground shelter running the internal generator to return to normal.

"Haha... Haha..."


With the help of the guards, Weller Rothschild, the Housewives of the Rothschild family, who had settled in the underground shelter at the earliest, burst into a ridiculous laugh.

If this underground shelter had not turned the internal generator, and the outside and the wires were connected, we would have been stuck in the darkness.

Lauren had never seen her father burst into vain laughter before, but instinctively she could feel intense anger emanating from his laughter.

He is deeply enraged that the Lost Child household has been trampled upon.


"Yes, Lord."

"Release all clones."

"!? Father... No, Lord! With this much commotion, and considerable time has passed, the government or the Pentagon's powers should be here soon! So if we hold out long enough, the intruders will have to stand down!"

Lauren was right. No matter how strong I am, the government and the Pentagon's elite will have to evade if they are swarming, and if they attack, how can I repel them?

But if we let the clones out of here and get caught, it will become a bigger problem.

If these intruders were made of white people, then Wellter would have acted the same way... No, even if he didn't say so himself.

However, he provoked Weller's fury that the filthy colored race, even the yellow monkeys, had been trampled on by the proud headquarters of the Rothschild family to many intruders.

"I'll stop the Pentagon and the government from getting involved, so get everyone out there now!" "

"… Yes, I understand."

Lauren decided that there was no compromise in her father's resolute voice.

Suddenly the march is cancelled, and some may find it odd that a Rothschild housekeeper asked for it himself, but it can be roughly dealt with if they surround the area with defenses and the ability of the guards.

"How dare you...! How dare you!!"

Weller Rothschild, always so calm, spewed a curse in anger at the fact that the Caucasian inferiors had shoved their swords up their chins.


Kagame Kiyo.

Grade 9 Physical Enhancer Woman who became his slave after being brainwashed by the Southern Imperial God.

She does not perform very well, but is working for the minority union, following God's orders without any complaints.

It was faithfully used as a propaganda tool that Sam Tai drama continued to help them, mainly by killing or captivating Chinese people who wanted to defeat wild monsters, survive and regroup their forces.

Unlike the outside, she was infiltrating a facility that seemed to have a self-generator.

God's mission to her is to locate the Rothschild clone human labs.

It would be best to confirm her location and return to life, but God gave her the task of enchanting location-tracking magic and sharing vision.

That is, we can track the location of the replicating human laboratory around where she died.

Taking on a mission as simple as this, Kiyo managed to navigate the chaos to a facility that seemed to be successful.

The security card and eye recognition alone led to the door opening, and no matter how much I looked around, I had to break the door down to go further in.

Of course, the alarm would have sounded, so if it was a normal situation, we would have retreated, satisfied with the idea that there would be a laboratory inside.

'The master wants to be sure.'

She clenches the part of the machine with her fist, commanded by God's brainwashing magic to 'Check the replicating human laboratory no matter what.'


Beep-beep-beep! Beep-!

Chop-chop. Chop-chop.

Naturally, the red light sounded as a warning sound sounded, and numerous turrets protruded from the ceiling and aimed at the intruder.

Tata, Tata, Tata--

A myriad of bullets pouring down on the intruder.

However, Kiyo moves swiftly and simply dodges the attacks that are pouring on her.

Chuckle! Chuckle!!

Barricades protruding from the walls, flamethrowers blazing, and so forth cheered for intruders, but it was like a child's prank for Kiyo, an enhanced class 9.

Boom, boom! Boom!

As the bulkheads descended, she was blocked, and all kinds of traps tried to drive her to her death.

Quadruck! Quadruck!

Kiyo pushes through the door.


By kicking down the last door, Kiyo was able to see the inside of a culture filled with transparent liquid and the naked women in fetal posture with these and other ropes attached.

Over here!

She rejoiced in completing your task.

Out of the way!


A white male with a speed over Kiyo's recognition range punched him in the face as he showed up.

"Perfect for a warm-up workout. Deal with it."

Inside the lab were a number of scientists in white robes and an elderly man bent at his waist. When the old man opened his mouth and gave the order, similar people in light clothing rushed towards Kiyo.

Woof! Woof! Kwaek!

Although Kiyo became a protein mass with a unilateral attack involving 10 grade physical enhancers with overwhelming power, she died from the sense of joy that she had completed her duty for her master until death.

Because tracking her location and sharing her vision magic confirmed the location of this place and the presence of an elderly man who appears to be a senior scientist.

The old man was a man who contributed greatly to the creation of his clones as a servant of Saladin.

Even Saladin was a genius, but he couldn't do everything on his own, so he did replicated human research with those with some outstanding knowledge.

The old man was the most knowledgeable scientist in the field of human replication, and he barely got a sample of the replicating humans and research done with Saladin in the commotion, and received the information by chance from the Rothschild family.

After all, the old man who nodded satisfactorily at the power of the clones, who turned Kiyo into a lump of meat, smiled cruelly as if his life had nothing to do with it.

"Now, go upstairs and deal with the inferior race that angered the Lord, my children. The man may not care, but the woman is ordered by the Lord to live and turn into a seed for the white man, so let the women live."

A little later, knowing that the vast majority of intruders were women, Wellter was outraged that he was going to make them comfort couples and make them seeds for life to pay for their crimes against white people.

There are 30 replicating humans in total.

There were usually about 20 more, but they were training in the right place for a practical test by fighting gangs, mafia, or Rothschild mercenaries.

Although 20 people were absent, if there were 30 people with 10 grade capabilities, it was not a joke, but a small country… or even a medium-sized country, it was overwhelming.

At last, the true power of the Rothschild family came into play, and the god who shared his vision through Kiyo's eyes finally reached a point where he was able to face the clones directly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you, my erectile and healthy readers, Jo Ohon.

Thank you, Zola. Give me a coupon for some extra cash.

Huh? What's wrong with you? It's the illusion of your eyes and your brain.

It's not the lack of allowance.

By the way, I want you to thank me even more.

If you understand what this nonsense means, you are already a resident of this place.

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