Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

"You yellow monkey!"

After his provocative remarks, Rothschild's pursuit rushes forward to attack him.

Who are you to despair in front of?

Rather, in the face of the pursuit team, which was beginning to make him feel desperate, the Slum's talents remained in the opposite direction to attack quietly.

Despite the obvious intent of 'I want to see what you have,' Rothschild's pursuers rush forward to show the difference in overwhelming power.

One body strengthener held the front and two body strengtheners who would assist him ran to align on both sides, while the mind drivers simultaneously suppressed the joints of the right arm and leg as if they were reading each other's thoughts with their telepathic abilities.

Dozens of people flock to attack a human is a mistake only for beginners.

This causes each other to hit their shoulders and restrict their movements, and they are unable to attack with proper force.

Regular people would be enough, but in the struggle between these talents, it's suicide.


Along with a sharp machination, a white man in the front of the sport head threw a thick fist at Jinwoo's shoulder.

An attack meant to break an arm and a leg, because destroying an intestine will kill you.


"Tsh, tsh!"

At the same time, two body strengtheners rushed in both directions with the chance to crush both of Jinwoo's legs.

Perfect timing attack with no answer but to avoid backwards, unless you have three human hands.

However, if the joints of the arms and legs are overwhelmed by the force of the mind, we can avoid them, but we will be forced into a series of attacks.

We all looked together and waited to see what would happen.



Unexpectedly, Jinwoo was hit by a blunt force of three men, and the chase team member who hit his shoulder punched him powerlessly.

Bang, bang!

A thunderbolt that bounced off the floor once and hit the wall.


The groaning barely stops as it hits the wall, and the man slaps his shoulder with a smile of contrition.

"Hehe! I knew nothing... Hmm?"

But something is wrong with the atmosphere.

Why is everyone looking at themselves?

"H-hey... you...!"

"What's the matter... Kuiik!?"

A man coughs suddenly when he tries to ask a question to a colleague who has a strange look at him.


Surprisingly, blood burst from his cough, and suddenly he felt a void and looked down at his chest.


His chest was pierced around the sharp spot, and blood was gushing from it.

"Shhh... Shhh...!"

Only later did he feel the pain. He squeezed his chest and screamed, and those who were waiting in the rear hurriedly started the first aid procedure on him.

What the hell is going on? '

No one here could figure out why the hole was pierced in his chest.

Obviously, a hole was created at the same time as the heavy rain was blown away.

"Hehe! My fucking shoulder...!"

At that time, Jin Woo suddenly rubbed his hand against the affected shoulder and complained of pain, and although he didn't understand what was happening, both sides decided that this was an opportunity.

"Attack before he recovers!"

"Kill him!!"


It was a sudden situation, but the Slums' talents, who knew what they had to do, rushed into the camp.

"I'm injured, but I'm not going to let you hurt me!!"

Jinwoo swings his uninjured arm and swings at the crowd.

Boom! Boom! Qajik!

His attack was intense.

With a swift swing of the arm, the sound of crushed bones and flesh echoes through the slums, and those hit by bad places like the neck crumble and crumble.




Someone swung an alloy-like weapon next to him and slapped him on the shoulder. The movement slows with a scream.

"Fuck you!!"

Another body-builder aims for the gap, striking his right leg like a kickboxing strike, and the weight falls.





Jinwoo roars in agonizing agony as he swings his injured arm, and those hit by his attack shriek and falter.

The Allied forces have confirmed their presence.

"Specialized in attack power!" '

It was judged that.

Occasionally, this can happen.

Even with the same level of physical enhancement, some are stronger and others are faster to attack.

Of course, the tracking team that knew that Jinwoo was using bio-nano-suits wanted to be one of the suits, so they used the slums' talents as bullet bearings to not be like their peers.

That is, rather than attacking Jinwoo, who still has the energy, and increasing their damage, it is blatant that the slums' garbage will move after they have lost enough strength.

'That's why, conversely, this is the best chance we have of securing him.'

Black Gold sent a telepath to the bosses of another organization to explain his plans.

A simple but solid plan that takes advantage of the other person's intentions backwards.

It was possible because he was a trader who rolled around before the battle.

It's a shame the lives of the men who die there, but at least it's safer than using their own.

"I won't let you scum get me!"

Jinwoo, who hit dozens of minions, cried out loudly, but Black Gold, who sensed his legs trembling and trembling, delivered the telepathy as he moved his heavy body.

"Now! Iron Muscle!" White Spice! Attack him with me! Circus and Death Army will stop those bastards trying to get to him! '

In some ways, it seems that Black Gold is in command of others, but it is only because of the implicit consensus that only those with telepathic abilities can hide their plans.

After all, five bosses set out in person to capture Jinwoo for ransom, and Roschild's pursuit team witnessed it.

"Those bastards!? '

The team leader noticed their intentions later, but two men, including Black Gold, collided with the group before they even opened their mouths to speak.


Black Gold reaches out and grabs something, and an invisible force of mind-bending grips its right leg.




The synthesis of Iron Muscle and White Spicy erupted, and two fists struck the torso and the flank.


Jinwoo screams out in the direction of the force they exert, and goes inside through the building walls.

Kwajang Chang!

The sound of something breaking and breaking and the sound of the other wall penetrating almost simultaneously.

A rebuttal that he struck such a powerful blow.

"Stop him!"

"Grab it!"

There were conflicting orders from both organizations, and it seemed like there was a battle to catch allies.

"Oops! Did you think I was beaten? You haven't taken any damage!"

The wind gusts from the hole pierced through your body, showing your strength as you grasp the excessive pose.




In their appearance, the two organizations who were fighting to capture the dying comrade gathered their gaze toward Jinwoo with a devastating look.

"Kahahahahaha! What do you think?! I tried my best to catch the prey, but I couldn't do anything to hurt it."

"This bird……!"


The members of the slums don't know how to deal with the situation, and Iron Muscle makes a furious gesture, but Rosschild's pursuit team rushes back at him again.




The same kind of attack as before.

One other thing is that the attackers are beating the body of Jin Woo with their fists that reveal the life of their opponent.


Jinwoo rolls back and forth, bouncing off the ground several times.

Wriggling - Wriggling -

Like I was stunned, like I was staggering.

"Secure him!"

We took a clear hit from the slums' garbage, and a cautious team of Rothschild trackers, who thought we could catch them, moved quickly to retrieve them.


Suddenly, her head burst out by Jinwoo's uppercut.

"Oh, that's so sweet! I knew that Massa was better with a veil than with a rub. I'm so sleepy, I fell asleep without knowing it! Deheheh!"

A thunder strikes his head with a playful fist while sticking out his tongue in the 'Tahiti' part.

However, if there is a corpse with a shattered head nearby, the atmosphere will change.

"What the hell is he...?!?" "

Someone shouts in astonishment.

He will, too. The attack was a level of speed at which even some physical enhancers could barely recognize it.

Even though the owners of that speed attacked with all their power, they're fine?

I thought I might be a Grade 10 physical enhancer, but soon I shook my head.

'No, that would also be one of Schutz's abilities. Instead of just giving them physical enhancements, there's more to them than meets the eye.'

The Team Leader thinks about something for a moment, then mutters something quietly toward the Telepathic Talent beside him.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

The telepathic competent immediately used the ability.

The target of abilities were the five leaders of the slum, whom others had noticed.

'The commander would like to make you an offer.'

He conveyed what he had heard, and Black Gold, who had telepathic abilities, agreed.

'Fine. I'll do it.'

The Telepathic powers nod at the team leader, letting him know they said yes, and the team leader hurls off his jacket and runs for Jinwoo.

His ability is through physical enhancement and deformation, which can create shock waves at the tip of his fist and cause hypervibrations that can tear any hardened object apart.

The team leader decided to use his abilities to make them pay the price for making fun of themselves.

He hurls forward quickly, and at the same time, he suppresses his entire body to prevent both sides from escaping.


Even though it was a one-sided attack earlier, the team leader, who saw that the attack was still intact, did not hesitate to punch him in the body.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

We bumped into each other, and the sound never came out.


Jinwoo vomited another painful groaning.

However, their attack did not end there.


The white spice, with its powerful body strengthening ability and regenerative ability to escape the side effects of drug addiction, moved to the back of the twisted herd and hit his body like a soccer ball.



As the team leader lowers, he rises up alongside the uppercut, and the sound of a cannonball exploding from his body rises to the sky.


At the same time, the Iron Muscle, who transformed into a gorilla, slammed into the right body with both huge arms, adding the strength of the body to the muscles of a gorilla that can be torn apart lightly.


Jinwoo's body sank to the ground, and Iron Muscle landed quickly, with the help of the bronzers, trampling on the body of the herd with his feet.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Then I leapt backwards and slammed my arms together with a slap, hitting him hard.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Iron Muscle has spent so much energy in such a short period of time.

The place he was in had a wide, deep hole, and the ground was torn apart around it.


The shockwave that Iron Muscle hit caused the small debris to fall late, and the three men who still had the right hand to strike the body of Jinwoo were convinced of victory.

"D-did you get rid of it...?" "

At that moment, someone opened their mouth without even knowing it.

Although it was not expressed externally, everyone here was feeling a slight strangeness in the image of a unilaterally beaten classmate.


At that moment, the right arm of Jinwoo protrudes from the ground.



Left arm this time.

"To someone..."


Subsequently, only the torso protruded.

"Once flagged ~ ♪"


Finally, lightly jump onto the ground with your arms.

"Ta-da! Ta-da!" "

In the 'Hip' part, the mechanical athlete landed on the ground and held his arms up.




I'm fine.

It is covered in dirt and dust, but he does not see any painful colors.

No, before that, his body was torn, but no scar, not even a vein.

Even though you focused on that attack!

Even a physical enhancer would have to be a lump of meat!

"I'm Jinwoo Wagon! Let's begin the description! 'Wiped Out' is a resurrection spell that can be used by anyone without consuming any MP or resources, and is the most powerful resurrection spell that can be instantly resurrected even a dead corpse divided into cells! Sisters have no survivors of this technique!"

A playful tone that doesn't even feel pain at all.

Spooky -

Despite this number, even though it was obtained unilaterally, some buds started spreading to all the people gathered here because he looked tired and not in pain.

It was the sprout of the name 'despair.'

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Today, I poured all my dreams into the novel.

I have nothing to say.

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