Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

"Tsk! Retreat!"

Two people have died due to the powerful firepower of the unexpected Magnus.

It is natural that it will take much longer as more unexpected enemies have emerged in such situations.

Heroes and Villains are fighting a few blocks away, so the bigger the commotion here, the longer the situation.

The subleader decided that surviving this situation would not benefit them, leaving even his colleagues' corpses behind to retreat.

Rothschild's hounds retreating without any action, even though it's obvious that a huge problem will arise if the corpse is read to the mind of a psychic metry prodigy.

"Where are you going!"

The situation that can do the most damage to an enemy is when the enemy retreats.

Magnus pulls the trigger, aiming for the back of the body strengthener running toward the teleporter in the corner of the roof to retreat.


Because it was highly charged, the energy spheres in the revolver shot out faster than the bullets.


The body strengthener was already reading Magnus' intentions, so he quickly bowed down and grabbed the teleporter by the back of his neck.


As the energy sphere narrowly dodged, the teleporter disappeared somewhere using its abilities, and those who were aiming for the gap fled at full speed.

"Hehe! Damn it!"

Magnus provokes anger when he has no choice but to send his enemies after he has been given the opportunity to inflict the most damage.


At that moment, Aaron suddenly shouts at Aaron, as he sees his right elbow rising upward, looking at the retreat commander.

"Magnus! Run!"


Magnus asked stupidly, not understanding what he was saying, and Aaron urgently jumped off the roof, grabbing his waist like a football tackle.


At the same time, there was a huge explosion around the dead, and the explosion completely destroyed the bodies, spreading to all directions, barely holding its shape.

You won't be able to read vital information from so many damaged and damaged pieces of meat and concrete.

A processing switch given in case an ally dies and cannot be recovered.

The sub leader, the mind-bender, finally confirms that his colleagues' bodies were destroyed so that they couldn't recognize their shapes, and leaves at full speed.

"Out of the way!!"




Then, Aaron, who ran out of the roof with Magnus, shouted to the people surprised by the explosion, and barely made it to the ground alive.


Instead, they were suspicious people who appeared with the explosion, and they were treated like terrorists by people around them.

"Run for it!"

Aaron, who lowered Magnus, quickly bowed his head to the alleyway on the other side of the block thinking that his face would get fucked if known, and hurriedly followed behind him thinking that Magnus could not also be known as a terrorist.

"Phew. Should be fine here."

Aaron and Magnus made their way to an alleyway few blocks away from the commotion and stopped.

"Huuuh- huuuh-"

Unlike Aaron, Magnus was poorly distributed and had a bit of a weary vibe.

Afterwards, his regenerative abilities restored his health.

"Hey, it's been a while..." "

Aaron suddenly disappears, wondering what kind of situation Magnus was in when he got caught up in the fight.

"What's all that? And who are those guys?"

He asked for the appearance of Magnus, the costume for the fight, and the identity of those who fought him.

However, Magnus considers something for a moment and shakes his head.

"... This is my fight. I appreciate your help, but I've decided to walk a different path from the government. Besides, they're connected for nothing and then they can attack you, too."

His voice is a mixture of indiscretions that makes the other person stop speaking.

Regardless of the government's intentions, he decided to pioneer his own path, so he favored not to get involved with himself in the path of adversity against government policy.

"Oh, yeah? That's great. I don't have any enemies to do this nowadays, so it's a bit boring."

Gun-ho Kim is different from himself.

A beast engraved with martial arts for murder.

There may be those who are stronger than them with mere height of abilities, but there were none who were stronger than them if martial arts narrowed the breadth of strength.

In particular, he had a strong desire to fight again, even though he could barely save his life in the battle against Asura, where he was going to die.

Battle against the undead.

That was Aaron's most wanted situation, but it was a situation that was secretly annoyed by the image of technologists thinking only about the safety of living Nanosuits than the combat data of living Nanosuits.

Magnus feared that he would pass on his problems to others for no reason.

'… No, if you think about it, it might be better to tell us about Rothschild's conspiracy.'

On second thought, even if it was a personal matter to walk the other way from the government, it was better to share the plot of the Rothschild family.

Besides, Aaron's an agent of the government, right?

"I see. I'll explain then."


"... that's what happened."


Magnus explained everything he had heard and experienced, and Aaron lost his words for a moment to see him spend a spectacular time like a movie on that short day.

"This……. The Rosschild family... Suddenly, the scale grows."

In short, it was Magnus who decided to take new equipment from Jinwoo and walk a different path from the government policy, but the Rothschild family was in crisis of coveting Jinwoo's technology and attacking to read Jinwoo's memories.

Aaron was astonished by the name of the Roschild family, which had nothing to do with his former self, and did not conceal any more embarrassment in the aftermath of the Rosschild family's attempt to turn to racism and dominate the world.

"But didn't the Rothschild only hire people based on their abilities?"

"So it's a bigger problem. The fact that the Rothschild family in charge of finance around the world as well as the United States is white supremacist is dominated by white people of every color on the planet."

Though white Magnus hated the racists, the Rosschild family's plan had to be stopped.

You can't help how much wealth you actually have and how high your social standing is.

As long as humans are social animals, it's a realistic problem that we can't stop.

But it's not wealth, it's social status, it's barely human skin color that changes human dignity, values.

Even if it had been done to the will of the Rothschild family, Magnus would never accept a crazy world whose human skin color changes in value.

"Clearly, they're crazy."

Even if Aaron thinks about it, the behavior of the Rothschild family is simply insane.

He who was crazy about martial arts did not understand why he discriminated against each other because the human assessment varied depending on whether he knew martial arts or not.

One thing is for sure, if the Rothschild's will were to go their way, the Earth would really change horribly.

"But Jinwoo and Gunho, are they?"

"I don't know. He said he didn't want to fight the Rothschild family, so he said he would live quietly...."


"That's what I thought."

You live quietly, Jinwoo? The man?

The people at the production base, when they hear that, everyone will gather their mouths and say,

'That was the best shit I've heard in years.'

'No, it's the best shit of the 21st century.'

"An immortal nonsense that will never be broken until the end of the world." '

"Maybe he won't stay quiet. If someone's coming after you, you're not hiding from them, are you?"

"There's also a gunman, who could use his skills to kick the Rothschild's ass."

The opinions of the two people were unified as' Jin Woo would never stand idly by. '

"So, what are you going to do now?"

Jinwoo will step forward one day, but until then, Rosschild's pursuers will continue to attack Magnus.

If Magnus lacks combat experience and continues to be attacked like this, he is more likely to eventually be captured as their prisoner.

"... to survive. Until we can hold out."


Sounds brave, but no action.

Aaron sighs.

"I can't do it. I'll help you."

"What? But……."

He has a contract with the government.

"I'm starting to get anxious these days."

"What are you talking about?"

Feeling nervous?

Aaron decided to become a government dog instead of wearing living nanosuits.

Moreover, in the eyes of a third party, Aaron is very easy to deal with because he only focuses on being strong and is not a person who argues about money or status issues.

Just give me a tasty bait called practice, and I'll run for it.

"After working with the Pentagon, people in the government began to seem incredibly interested in you."


"That wasn't an interest either. There was a mixture of doubt."


Is it because you unilaterally cut off your government ties?

Magnus tilts his head, not understanding why he doubts himself or what he doubts, but Aaron continues to speak.

Besides, there's a suspicious look on my face when I get your recommendation. It's okay for now, but I might be thrown away when time passes or when the battle data of the living Nanosuits is complete. "

Aaron was worried about the toadstool.

Strong suspicion towards Magnus, the people of the government and the Pentagon.

And when they doubted Magnus and began to tie together the self associated with him, they were anxious to think that they would one day be taken away from them.

"Anyway, I can never take these suits away. I don't want to go back to the old days."

Aaron was terrified of returning to a time when he had been defeated by things he had no ability to do.

"And I even went AWOL trying to save you. Now that I've lost my credibility, I think it's better to find my way back than just walk away like a homeless asshole."

This is where Aaron's values come into view.

Tendency to prioritize their strength over their credit. He was an intermediate figure who could do good or evil to gain his strength.

However, it is more like a good deed to repay the favor for the person who helped him.

"How about it? If you'll let me help you with your work, I'll help you with your martial arts training, too."

"That's... tempting."

Magnus feels uneasy in this battle.

If you get good equipment and you don't have the skills to use it, it's useless.

'But if you let Aaron in, you can pretend to be the government.'

For some reason, the government suspects something about itself.

In that situation, even Aaron may be attacked by both the government and Rothschild.

'Yes, we can solve the misunderstanding with the government later. Now I am a strong ally who will stop the attacks on Roschild and a instructor who will train me. Aaron would be a great help to me.'

Whatever doubts the government has about itself, Magnus, who never felt ashamed of himself, decided to accept Aaron's misunderstanding later.

I didn't think that his intentions would be misunderstood, as his true intentions could be read by a psychic metri prodigy.

"I'll take good care of you."

When he made that decision, Magnus reached out his right hand for a handshake, and Aaron smiled at the handshake, saying he had escaped from frustration.

You can live in a cage to gain strength, but there is also a degree to it.

Sturdy caretaker, narrow range of behavior, suspicious eyes.

I got out of there and into a new cage, but this cage was given an environment that allowed me to use my best abilities and sharpen and polish my strength further.

Aaron's joining was more valuable than a thousand for Magnus who lacked all experience, and Aaron's training, as expected, allowed him to absorb Aaron's teachings quickly thanks to his will and his athletic nerves going to football.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I wrote about the dragons and was surprised;

I'm not talking about the dragons with the polymorphs and the scales and the furry scales on their faces, like the argonians on the Elderscrolls...

I was surprised at how many ripples I had seen or bored in the past;

Am I being overly explanatory, or am I really as sexually obsessed with the face of a real Argonian gecko as I am?

PS: It was originally April Fools' Day special, so I decided to give my readers shocks and fears while working on the limit for a while, but then I thought, well, I don't think I can handle it, so I gave up;

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