Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

"Ugh… ugh…"

'My mind is... dazzled... I feel strong......'

It was a weapon that received a weak mind, but it was sensitive enough to feel light if it even touched the body in the slightest breeze.

Jiwoo, who knows her condition better than anyone, lifted his foot and forcefully stepped on her enlarged chest.



And a loud scream burst out.

"Hahahaha! Yes, that's the reaction! Of course, a female should react like this!"

Tsk, tsk! Tsk, tsk!

"Hic! Ka 'Hak!"

The bloodshed began to redness of the enlarged chest around the crushed area, but the kick became even more sadistic.

"It's the way of the world that trivial creatures like you should be gagged at by the primate of all things! I will carve out the laws of the world today!"

For this weapon, it was a blasphemous nonsense that would condemn the arrogance of unilateral humanitarian topography, but this place was not a place for two intellectual creatures to debate, but a place where captive females were unilaterally tortured and harassed by males.



With his heel firmly stamped on his right chest, he twisted his ankle forcefully, and the weapon suffered with agonizing agony.

'It hurts……! It hurts like crazy... Why...!'

This weapon, which made me feel refreshed for some reason with the pain of my chest being crushed and torn off, decided that no matter how much medicine I inhaled and went around in my body, this was strange.

"How's that? Doesn't it feel good to be sick?"


Jin Woo said as if he knew exactly how she felt, but it was only an experience based on a lot of experience, not that he had a very good head or something.

"Shut up! Foolish man!!"

This weapon also knew that this insult was meaningless.

However, all she could do was say something like this, and she cursed because she couldn't let go of her temper if she didn't curse like this.

The problem is that Jinwoo is a kind of trashy species, and he's an unspoken monologue, a fact that everyone now knows.

"To the ant!? Sit the fuck down, you stupid bitch!"

Jinwoo replied with a scorned voice to the weapon he blasphemed because he was a fool.

"Yes, humans are clearly weak compared to you. However, as humans developed stronger weapons, they supplemented those weaknesses. But what did you do? You were sitting there, fucking each other, beating on your daughters when you couldn't reach them, saying," I liked the old days. "I don't know who's insulting anyone for abandoning development and evolution!"


You're right.

If I had known that Humans were going to evolve enough to hunt themselves, I would have stepped up and killed Humans, leaving nothing behind.

"Fine, I'll carve your bitch with human terror! Among other things, the body's teaching technique is J-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i!!! Consider it unfortunate! Kahahahahaha!"

Alone, he opens a suitably sized box on the Wagon second floor shelf.

There were two elongated needles, an electric string at the end, and a rectangular object with a handle connected to an electric string, a set of items like this.

Jinwoo looks at Mad Scientist with a long needle.


"Again... what are you trying to do?!"

The weapon tried to escape somehow, but the massive chest was all it could do.

The blue bruise inserted precisely the center of the enlarged nipple with a receding needle that gripped the area around the nipple of the chest.

Pigment52741; -!


Of course, this weapon, which had to be painful because the needle stabbed the nipple, was the best resistance he could do was to make a little sound of his human favorite scream.

However, Jinwoo also didn't even think to hear her scream this much.

Pigment52741; -!

A sneaky smile was made by holding a rectangular object with a handle on top of the wagon second floor shelf, both of which had needles inserted into the teat.

"Now, bear with me."


At a rapid speed, the sound of the motor spinning pops out.

And then...


A self-generating generator that generates electricity each time you turn the handle.

Generally, these self-generators do not produce large currents, but if you are a body strengthener, even a class 11 body strengthener, you can make enough current to electrocute a person!

"Electricity is everything of modern civilization! Enjoy the greatness of mankind!"

I still don't understand where or how to feel the greatness of humanity, but it was clear that the weak body of the queen bee monster in the safe rear couldn't withstand an electrical attack.

"Phew... Phew...!"

'Th-this heart... burns...!'

This weapon, which struggles with pain while trembling all over its body, curses its strong mental strength for the first time.

If I could faint, I would not feel this kind of pain if I could consciousness.

We have to d-stop it...! I'm... going to die...! '

This weapon has lived for over 2,000 years. It enjoyed the relaxation and arrogance of the strongest, receiving the fear and respect of all kinds of monsters.

However, I am now trapped inside the body of a garbage monster and dying of electrical torture.

I can't... die...! Revenge... must...! '



Unconscious because of her strong mental strength, she began to resist by using the force built into the nucleus of this weapon that has been used to prevent this scum and her body from assimilating.

"Khh... Kahahaaah...!!"

"Hold on, hold on? Then how about this!!"

However, as this weapon survives its electric attack, it starts turning the handle faster and faster.

Woof, woof, woof, woof!!

A completely different sound was sounded inside the self-generator.

Pachi Chitchi--!!

The sound of electricity that was not heard just now began to sound like an electric attack that would appear in a cartoon.


Even by her standards, monsters are monsters.

The queen bee's body, which has a stronger body than a human's, is not extinguished by the high voltage that humans would die from.

No, actually, the power from the core of this weapon has evolved to make the queen bee's body resistant.

The thing is,

"Die! Die, bitch! Die!!"

Woof, woof, woof, woof!!

When he fainted, he increased his speed even faster, as if he was annoyed by the resistance of this weapon, which was filled with laughter and intent to make it fun and annoying.

Support jobs--!!

"Glug-ug-ug! Glug-ug-ug!"

The massive breasts of this weapon are bursting red and white smoke as if they were some other creature.

Moreover, the fact that white people appear with bubbles in their mouths, even though people with no medical knowledge can decisively say, "Oh, this is about to die."

'No more... no more...'

The power left in the core of this weapon is used to evolve the queen bee's body. However, if you use more power, it becomes meaningless if you leave this body later.

Should we conserve our power with our final means, or should we use all our strength to overcome this crisis?

Fortunately, however, the crisis was overcome by Jinwoo stopping the self-generator.

"Oops, I have to make it my own slave, but I can't kill it."


As the sound of the motors spinning in the self-generator became smaller, the voltage intensity weakened, and the weapon finally escaped from torture, breathing heavily with a tasty expression on its tongue.

"Ahh... Ahh... Ahh... Ahh..."

Shortly before she passed her breath, a distressing breath echoed as if she had barely stepped on the threshold of this monsoon, and a massive electrical shock appeared in her chest as hot vapor rose through the sand dunes.



At that moment, Jinwoo hit his chest like a soccer ball with the back of his foot, and the flesh that became very sensitive while baked by electricity caused tremendous pain.

"Turn... off..."

How painful it was, I let out a loud scream and vomited out a breathtaking groan.

"Good, it's just as hot. Teacher's Round Trip!"

Then two red vibrators appeared in Wagon's first-floor shelves as he opened a box full of holes.

There's a switch at the end, so the vibrator has vibration capabilities.

Jinwoo, who held one of the typical male penis-sized vibrators, pulled out all the needles in the nipple of the weapon that still remained unconscious, grabbed one breast and stabbed the nipple with his index finger.


Of course, since it was baked at a high voltage from the inside, a screaming groan burst from the mouth of the weapon, but the teat spread widely using the strength of the fingers.


At the sound of the flesh unfolding, a cave was formed that would hold two fingers, and through the space, the snow pierced the vibrator.


"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

The weapon chokes with its tongue like a crucian carp, its mouth twitching in agony, but Jinwoo doesn't give a damn about her and sticks the vibrator in the other chest just the same.

"Hehehe! I told you, didn't I? I'm sending your bitch Hong Kong."

And before the weapon could say anything, I pushed the switch on the tip of the vibrator to its fullest limit.


"Heheheh heh heh heh heh!!?"

You vomit out a scream, not a sliver, to the shock of the vibrator, which vibrates with tremendous force.

"B-take it out...!"

"Oh, you want more?"

Armed with the symbol of a frog, Jinwoo embraces the supplication of this weapon as opposed to pushing the vibrators back and forth, making them perfectly concealed inside their chests.


"Hehehe!! Th-this chest... Th-this is shredded...!"

"Don't worry. The human body says it's impossible. You're not all of them, but you're laying a human body on a base, so you should be able to tolerate this! … maybe……."


A vibrator embedded inside a high-voltage baked chest, creating a strong vibration.

"Hey, I'm going to die for some stupid human thing. What if I act like it? The real thing is just beginning!"

Then Jinwoo opened a box with adherent pads that emit high-frequency waves and moved toward the back of the fallen weapon.

Blah, blah.

In the case of bees or wasps, there should be a saliva, but when the queen bee opens the tip of the bee's belly, like a copulating machine, the slimy flesh sounds and wrinkled caves appear.

'The patient, the patient...!'

Though I would like to enlarge my penis and stick it deep, Jin Woo decided to send Hong Kong with only human technology to this weapon and placed the attached pad evenly inside the belly of the bee.

And the switch on the machine that causes the high-frequency vibration.

Thud, thud, thud, thud...!!

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

High-frequency vibrations that irritate the entire copulator of a bee.

She was easily perceived by the weak, unable to overcome the pleasures and shocks that were inflicted on her in front and behind, but only opened her mouth and bent without even screaming.

"Huh? It's time for dinner. If you don't want to eat dinner, I... No, I have to go eat, because Isaiah and Aki are busy."

"S-alive... P-please..."

"Ehey! Don't say that. If anyone hears that, they'll be brutally killed with a blade or sharp weapon. I want you to be alive. I haven't opened half the crates in Wagon yet, and you're already gonna kill me?"

Jinwoo says so, then waves her hand with a smile, holding down the ceiling and the handcuffs long enough to keep her from turning off the switch or pulling out the vibrator.

Th... Th... Th... Th... Th...


"Khhh... Khhh...!"

Vibrators that vibrate like living fish in the chest and high frequency vibrations inside the copper gave the weapon pleasure and pain at the same time.

After living for more than 2,000 years and feeling all kinds of injuries and pain, it was a weapon that I thought I had suffered from all sorts of prenatal labor, but a close advisor to Jin Woo's showed me caused her to be irritated by a brain mass abnormality.

"Then, papa! I'll bring Merona when I get back!"

Jinwoo, who told me so far, went out of prison before she could say anything, screaming, accepting more than the limit of stimuli that would faint if I let loose a little tension rope.


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I don't get it when other writers look at Riflean.

Why was my novel only decimated?

Fortunately, when the reader gives the ripple to the writer, the reader gives the ripple to the reader in exchange for respect.

I don't care what I say or what I say, but do readers respect each other and be polite?

I'm used to swearing, but when the readers say the half word, they get emotional, they get dirty easily, and then they become a real Battlenet;

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