Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

Food called hamburgers is more nutritiously balanced than you might think.

It's just a huge chunk of sugar, cola and salty potato chips, and we're moving on to wholesale gold together as a component of obesity.

After all, it is an easy and fast food for many people, which is not easily fashionable, but many people like it.

Right, right, right, right --

"... Hey, I think I'm going to be strangled. Drink and eat."

A white man with a skin-headed head and a well-trained body began to sip a burger like crazy after drinking a Coke handed to him by an Asian man.

A white man, Magnus, who had stabbed over 10 hamburgers with a force that seemed to starve for days, breathed heavily until the people around him were amazingly clean.

"Puha……. I feel like I can live now...."

After his arm was cut off, he was quite hungry while eating desperately. He didn't feel hungry until he ate more than a dozen piles of fruit and hamburgers.

"Well, when you use your regenerative abilities, you have to fill your stomach with nutrients and use them."

"Hmmm... I'm in a hurry... I have nothing to say."

Magnus also knew that his regenerative abilities used the nutrients stored on his body, but he did not realize how hungry he was, so he made a fabulous face.

After meeting Jinwoo, Magnus put his face aside and explained his situation, headed to a fast food store, and decided to start eating before asking questions.

When Magnus didn't feel hungry by sticking in nutrients like that, he wiped his mouth and returned to his original eyes.

"Jinwoo. As you know, the superhuman registration bill I proposed has been repealed."

"The president stepped up and said to me, there is no Morley."

After defeating the alien monster attack, the US president emphasized the danger of the alien monster and informed the official statue that the Pentagon and the government had allied together to defeat the alien monster and the Tripoli Pole after praising the Pentagon's actions that had helped to defeat the monster.

"There's something I'd like to talk to you about separately. Let's get you up."

There were a lot of shopkeepers and guests in the fast food.

Magnus' remarks about going elsewhere were very reasonable because he could not confidently tell important stories in such places, but for some reason, a slightly anxious look brought confidence to Jinwoo.

'Rolling my eyes around like that means I'm anxious. Perisha's prediction was right.'

Perisha finds Magnus highly likely to have a different agenda by denying the government's policy head-on, and as she expects, Magnus feels a sense of intent to hide something.

"A quiet place, then."

"There's a quiet place to talk around here. Let's go that way."

When Magnus and Jinwoo got up, God who was sitting next to him also naturally got up.


The gods follow behind two people, sliding their eyes slightly through one corner.

When the three of them went out the door, the two-way man, who had a hamburger and a Coke on one side of the friendly chatter, left the half-eaten hamburger and went out.


"Are you out of your mind?!"

The two tried to track down the whereabouts of three people who disappeared in an instant, and one of them tried to track down the feelings of a fine teleporter that felt around him or her.

"Hehe! I can't read your back!"

I must have made the teleport, but somehow it was hard enough to sense the feeling of the teleport to know where I was going.

"This is C-1. The bait and target are gone. I repeat, decoys and targets..."



"Oh my gosh, you scared me."

Suddenly teleported to the rooftop of one of the massive building forests, Magnus teleported to the rooftop of one of the buildings, and suddenly he suddenly lost his balance and stumbled or fell.

This embarrassment means that God did not do this in advance, but abruptly.

"I'm sorry. I had no choice but to have a tracker behind Magnus."

"Track... Now?"

Magnus frowns at the word "tracker."

Because he was never told there was such a thing.

"Hmph, looks like they didn't bring them here on purpose." "

"Chaser...? Why...?"

Magnus is embarrassed without even thinking about getting up.

A tracker? That was attached to you? Why the hell not?

Others may think that they are just sensitive, but Magnus had no reason to suddenly make a sudden teleport with his own two eyes of what God had to do.

Then there is only one answer.

There is a tracker behind him.

"Who are you?"

"Should I get one?"

Rather than speculating that God doesn't know, or that God may be someone, he showed Chess that he would go back and get them right away.

A relaxed look that only the strong can have.

"Never mind. I'm sure it's the government." "

Jinwoo sees them as government dispatched pursuers, leaning against their shoulders and placing their legs on the wall.

"Since there's no one here, do you want to talk here, or do you want to go somewhere quiet that you know?"

"… I'll tell you right here. Because if they really are government agents, they're going to search the places I know first."

Magnus thought the tracker might be a government agent.

'Putting a tracker on me...' Was it so hard for you to believe that I existed? '

He understood that it was natural in his head, but he felt a little betrayal when he had built his business on trust.

Magnus rises to his feet and slowly opens his mouth with a stiff expression toward the crook on his thigh.

"Jinwoo. I... I..."

However, he did not say the next word easily.

This is because all kinds of negative thoughts filled his mind, including the anxiety that his whole life was turned around and the loss that Jin Woo had rejected his proposal.

"Hey, Magnus."

Jinwoo, who was watching him silently, opened his mouth silently.

"When did you get so scared? If you can't talk because you're afraid of losing something, don't do it."


Yes, it is.

Didn't you come out with a commitment to throw away your company, your home, everything and take away the hypocrisy of your heroes?

Magnus took a deep breath, realizing that the company he had dedicated his life to was so sad that he could not speak properly because of the anxiety that he had to throw everything away, such as the fear of having to live a hard life where he lived.

"Help me."

After taking a deep breath, Magnus straightens his head and straightens his eyes that had just been shaken by anxiety, then opens his mouth with a committed voice.

"You mean you won't accept the government policy. What can I do for you?"

"The power to fight. The power to remove the masks of fake heroes."


Choi Hyuk thought quietly, checking his voice for a slightly tense, yet strong willingness as he looked at himself.

Tens of minutes passed from Magnus' point of view.

"That means you're going to leave the government and become a villain."

"Willan... I see... If I go against the will of the government and attack heroes, the world will surely call me a villain."

"Once photographed as a villain, it is three gambling. You're a criminal with no excuse."

Jinwoo told me what his path was.

"Thanks to you, I have the power and power to remove the masks of heroes."

He replied with a voice that still felt a firm will.

"If I hadn't met you, I would have been able to continue my life as president of a trading company. But I'm different now. Thanks to you, I've fought heroes, fought strange alien monsters, and experienced life-or-death battles."

Magnus unleashes hostility toward the heroes while his fist looks strong.

Especially, the true heroes of X-Force felt lonely, jumped out of nowhere and lived towards Arc Angel, who was hailed as a hero.

"That's why I can't go back! If we don't get these damn heroes' masks off, we're not gonna live like this! You can't just die. It's a bunch of protein that lives every day!"

Magnus, who shouted in an uproar in Arc Angel's face, knelt down toward the snow and clasped his head.

"Any means necessary! Please, give me strength! With my current strength, fighting hypocrites won't last long! You can call me greedy! Stronger! You need more power!!"

Someone's going to finger Magnus because he's too greedy.

What makes you want to be stronger about a subject who gained a Bio-Nano suit that can possess a Grade 7 body enhancement power?

Some people are anxious because they don't have these abilities, even if they're not in the world class, even if they're in the 7th grade. If they train well, they can become something that no one can ignore.

However, rather than saying that Jinwoo was greedy, he kept his mouth shut and rolled his eyes.

"The company?"

"Because I don't want the people at the company to see the damage, you have to get rid of them. We're going to destroy the house together."

"Then we can't use the power suits that need a Node."


Make sure you can't wear power suits like Hellgate and try something else.

Magnus raised his head with a look of surprise and gladness because he thought it was the will of permission, and there was a version of the scientist thinking about things.

"Please upgrade your bio nanosuit first……. Arming is not consumable, but semi-permanent……."

He mutters to himself and decides how to arm himself to minimize the weaknesses of the node. He finishes talking to himself about how he had cleared his head.

"Magnus, the path you seek is hell. Are you still ready to go that way?"

Jinwoo's words were not the slightest exaggeration.

Magnus is not usually on his way.

He is a typical hero who hates evil and values good.

However, we must confront them because of values that detest the hypocrisy of other heroes.

Naturally, it is difficult to get along with Billon, and his ideals are more difficult to gain empathy with others.

Moreover, when heroes are allied with the government, attacking them means they are hostile to the government.

Villen, Hero, and the government are all hostile, but no matter how talented they are, it's very hard to survive.

Magnus literally walked the path of hell.

If you take back what you just said, it won't be too late.

"I just told you, if you can't unmask the heroes, you don't have to live. If I can live for my beliefs, I don't care if I die tomorrow."

Most people have to give up their dreams, give up their ideals, or ignore their beliefs.

so that we may eat and live, or escape death.

However, there are those who leap in for their own ideals and beliefs, no matter how hard the path is and whether they die.

Magnus is that kind of human being and, among other things, possesses a strong will that never bends his beliefs with torture.

"Phew. I don't know why the men around me hold such firm convictions."

The god of the South Palace, whose loyalty is to himself.

I was blindfolded as I walked through the path of Sura, throwing away the past even as death approached me.

And Magnus decided to walk the hell out of here.

"But they don't hate it that much."

Jinwoo smiles at Magnus' faithful voice, eager to die.

He explained his weapons with Magnus, and Magnus had a heated debate over a description filled with only semi-permanent weaponry, or occasionally making additional suggestions.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

When you look at other writers, they sometimes write references and coupons.

Most people don't turn around or talk at all because they think they hate it when they beg like that, but there's not a lot of explicit reference coupons to ask for.

But when I see you begging, all you have to do is throw in a coupon and throw it all away.

That's not how you get a coupon. Let me show you how I get coupons from my readers!

Hey, guys.

Give me the coupons right now-- before I say something stupid out of my mouth.

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