Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

Trunk! Trunk! Trunk!

A military base in Ohio.

There was a giant humanoid robot on foot.

Soldiers and officers didn't even bother to say hello, but it was also evidence that they were cooperative with the military and not related to soldiers.

The robot painted from a red background with a sparkly painting turned to the rest room in one corner.

"Phew. No matter how comfortable I am, I'm getting a little emotional wearing it."

The robot, Magnus, who moved towards the common room opened the hatch and escaped out of the vending machine and ate a can of water.

"Are you going to eat?"

Magnus points to the vending machine with his finger because he has some change left, and opens his mouth to Aaron, the man who is slightly exhaling from the break room.

"With an ion drink."



Magnus picked up an ion drink and lightly threw it at Aaron, who took it with one hand and opened the lid and moved his neck to cool off.

Magnus and Aaron, who received the Hellgate made by Jin Woo and the Bio-Nano Suits, became cards for the US government's battle, moved to Ohio by Necromancer causing a zombie crisis in a city in Ohio.

Common sense suggests that a combat-trained soldier is more likely to wear a Hellgate than Magnus, who was the head of a company, but was initially only able to use the user settings for Magnus because he needed to be more mouth-watering by the U.S. government.

Moreover, Magnus himself wanted to fight, but he was training his body as usual, and his long-standing memory made him stronger than a Special Forces man.

In particular, his strong mental strength, which alone could withstand the brainwasher's attack, was like a true hero.

However, because Hellgate's user registration was forced, the government, which was forced to hack and switch to another user, eventually gave up after failing to hack.

I think it's strange that you only failed once and gave up, but if you get these beeps at the same time as the failure, no one will have to be careful.

- Detect the hack. If you detect the hack again, it will self-destruct after running a kill mode that will kill all life for an hour. -

Moreover, government personnel who felt the personality of Jin Woo, a designer they had met in person, realized that this warning was never a joke, and Hellgate was used as Magnus' private jet.

After all, these two came to Ohio State troops at the government's discretion that the Necromancer force was dangerous.

"By the way, I don't know when and where to go, but I think you're exercising too hard."

"If you don't move that much, your body will freeze. Even though I've gained strength from these suits, I can only solve the problem of my body's rigidity by moving myself."

Aaron throws the empty can into the trash can with a warm voice.

"And I've fought more battles than this."

"Hehe. I knew it was the right choice for you."

"I appreciate that part."

If it is true for Magnus who saved his life, it is for Aaron that Magnus takes his place.

If he hadn't chosen himself, he would have lived his whole life in agony at the fall of his talents in front of this power.

"By the way, when is this gunman coming back?"

"I don't know. I'll come back with him after we follow Jin Woo." He's a pleasurer, and apparently it's impossible to stay in one place. "

All of Aaron's concerns lie with his subordinate, Kim Gun-ho.

I felt strong from the start, but a martial arts owner with a practical and optimal way to kill people efficiently.

Most martial artists have the instinct to use force with their overwhelming physical abilities, but their martial arts only have efficiency, and there was no unilateral use of strong force.

Every time he punched him, Aaron had so much to learn from his skin that he felt his ability was reborn, that he was strongly curious that no competent force was detected, even though he had that much power.

"You look like you're in love for the first time."

"First love... Somehow you're right."

Magnus makes fun of it, but Aaron accepts the joke in half.

In his mind, he was surrounded by a desire to continue to battle Gunho and develop himself as a magician.

"His martial arts is glamorous, but not his showmanship on TV. I really learned martial arts to kill people, and I'm a master at martial arts."

"But when others see your talents...."

"I'm not a master. If someone with a sledge of snow and you and I examine him together, you can clearly see the difference."

Although he had learned martial arts in his own way, he did not fully understand Magnus, far from the world of the Masters by learning in sport form, but Aaron opened his mouth with a firm expression.

"We have to keep fighting him. That's my only shortcut to true power."

"But don't get too close to our mission."

"Of course. There's only so much you can get from killing each other. So you came all this way without any complaints, and you didn't follow me very well?"

Despite the Necromancer's arrival, Aaron accepted the situation without any complaints, annoyances or frustrations.

He had already realized himself to be the property of the government.

Fortunately, his interest is in fighting training and strength. If he wanted power or lust for wealth, he would have frictioned the government by negotiating for his ransom.

"But let me ask you something. What the hell is this Asian guy named Jinwoo?"

"… a genius scientist?"

"I'm not asking you that. You know that? His eyes are the eyes of someone who's killed more humans than a gunshot wound. Hundreds of basic, lightly killed thousands of eyes. The one with the eyes like that is still anonymous? You know better than anyone that this doesn't make sense."


Magnus kept his mouth shut, but his actions were the same as the agreement of something.

"I think it's strange in the beginning that the man came to you with a promise himself. He……."

"I know."

Aaron poured all sorts of doubts into the human being called Jinwoo, and there was a good reason and reason for that doubt.

Magnus has also been suspicious, and is still progressing.


"But it doesn't matter to me. The important thing is that he granted my lifelong wish."

"... I don't know what you're up to."

"If you had any tricks on me, I'd be angry and cut off my relationship with him. However, he still hasn't tricked me, tricked me, and returned to keep his promise to me. Why would I pretend to be the first?"

Even so, Magnus' voice was blended with his fondness for Jinwoo.

It is also a testament to his desire and determination for power.




That's when the siren starts ringing in the squad.

Magnus quickly enters the open hatch and communicates with the command post connected to the Hellgate.

"What's the matter!"

- Necromancers have arrived! We'll send you the coordinates! -

Magnus confirms the arrival of the Necromancer from communications at Command and confirms the coordinates sent to him.

127 kilometers. Close! '

Regular troops can travel that far without interference, but using the power of Hellgate and this Talent is not that far away.


"I'm ready."

Since the two men were the most powerful fighters in this unit, they immediately moved to where the Necromancer appeared.

Their goal is to overthrow more Necromancers before they make more dead, while also giving them time until their troops arrive.

The two of them moved quickly and went at a light chewing speed like a full-tuned sports car.

Less than a few minutes.

- Update! A strange object has fallen in the city where the Necromancer appears! -

"Weird object?"

Reports of planetary predators falling from space have also been confirmed for them.


"W-what is this……."


When they arrived in the city where the Necromancer attacked, Magnus and Aaron ascended to the rooftop of a moderately high building to check the situation first, losing their words of horror in front of them.

On the one hand, the dead get up and attack the building, and the people in it are summoned to the number. On the other hand, a creature that has never seen anything before spreads its wings, smashes open the window of a civilian street or a shopping mall, and goes inside and comes out with a lump of flesh that looks human.

The extraterrestrial creature that emerged was like a red bloodline headed towards a completely covered skyscraper, constantly coming back and forth through hundreds and thousands of windows of skyscrapers.

"Is this also the work of the Necromancer...?"

"I don't think so."

As Magnus rages, Aaron notices a situation contrary to his expectations and points to his finger.

His fingers point to a zombie flying creature, and he swings his arm as if it were a random attack. The worm-like creature quickly picks up an arm that he cut off and flees.

After that, when the woman who appeared to be a Necromancer raised her arms, the human body, which had one arm cut off, stood straight up and joined the army of the dead.

"We're not enemies, or at least cooperative. The problem is..."

"You're both trying to take on one more human...."

Yes, it is.

One is a Necromancer that kills humans and makes them zombies.

Strange creatures killing humans on the other hand and transporting the bodies back to their homes.

The common thing is that both need humans, and the difference is that their directionality using humans is different.


On board the Hellgate, Magnus is furious, biting his molars without his knowledge.

"W-what the hell are you doing?! I can't believe you just used humans as resources! W-well……!"

He stammered because he didn't know what to say to Necromancers and strange creatures with his language skills.

I feel weaker than those damn bastards, even if I pour out the worst insults that exist in the world.

I felt a slight dizziness as the blood rushed to my head due to my anger.

"... You've been getting really angry for a while."

Even Aaron, who has only cared about his problems so far, has expressed his anger as a human being.

Such a miserable sight of this city was enough to provoke anger.

"Clearly both are enemies we need to deal with. What are you gonna do? It's dangerous as time goes by."

The other talents have not yet arrived.

In other words, they're the only two people in this place who can use their power right now.

"I'll take care of them."

Magnus points fingers at the skyscraper where the host of planet predators resides.

Rather than chasing monsters around, they planned to occupy one area of the enemy's territory.

"We can finally use all the weapons in Hellgate." "

With all the weapons that have been inadequately used because of their powerful lethality so far, there's no reason to take the chance.

"Then I'll deal with the Necromancer."

"Necromancers aren't fools. He must have had a strong bodyguard."

Magnus wanted to assassinate the Necromancer right away, but rationally, he wanted to tell you to reduce the number of zombies because he had security guards in place to prevent an attack on him directly.

"Looks like that Necromancer bitch had to raise the body herself." So, attacking psychologically so as not to raise a corpse, wouldn't that be enough? "

"Even so……."

However, it was the unsettling Magnus that Aaron had to face the Necromancers alone.

"Don't worry. I don't want to die until I become a master of martial arts." Especially when you're a dead zombie. "

Magnus and Aaron decided to attack the enemy camp, thinking that tying their ankles was more efficient than rescuing them.

"... Then I'll leave the rest to you."

"You really need to reduce the number of monsters."

The two of them simply smashed their fists together and resolved their intentions, without a signal, and simultaneously headed toward their respective goals.

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