Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

Ohio is the seventh most populous state in the United States, with a population of 50.

Ohio has developed manufacturing operations centered on rich underground resources and major cities.

Even though villains appeared occasionally, anonymous and abruptly enormous, to a lesser extent known as cities and large enough to be known in a single state, they are not so easy to come by that they create tension in all of the 50 states of the United States.

Of course, it is not uncommon to have such a reputation, but it is common to gradually increase your reputation as you gain power, and at the same time the presence of alertness throughout the United States is limited to five fingers.

However, there is a new emergence of a very small class of Billon.


An owner with the ability to raise the dead and control them.

At first, everyone thought they were special forces that were specialized in controlling corpses, but after thousands of them, they stopped thinking.

It is because it is clear that the human brain cannot digest thousands of bodies at once.

In addition, the Necromancer's ability to unite the corpses and create a new kind of monster (Flesh Golem) was inherently hateful to humans.

At the same time as the emergence of the Necromancer, there were countless villains who inflicted more lives and property damage, but the risk of her abilities was classified as extraordinary and known not only to the United States but also to Europe.

After all, many cities in Ohio, where Necromancers have emerged, have become increasingly busy buying conservation food, renovating their homes safely, or leaving other states.

Especially, when people disappeared at night, they cried that they had died in bars like bars that were sold at night, but they also had to close their doors early because they didn't have many lives.


In the rare streets of the uninhabited, police cars were on patrol, preparing for what might have happened.


After looking down on the rooftop of a moderately tall building, Yoon choked his tongue out.

At night, before leading another army of zombies, I came up with a search party saying which points to attack in order to make more victims, but no one was there and only the police were annoyed.

If Ferrissa had played her current role, she would have realized that the attack on the Darkness at night would have been useless, but she had only once in her life planned to attack and brutally assault people, but she did not show such precision.

All of this was done by a premature experience.

'This is how it ends.'

On the contrary, while he anticipated such an experienced situation, he once again learned that his role was not as an advisor, but as a bodyguard, he took up useless advice.

Moreover, Azura held on to the position of a third party, thinking that this failure was also an experience, because he could create a platform for growth only by experiencing all these mistakes and mistakes on his own.

What do we do? You're just gonna rip him off? '

... After staying with Qiu for a short while, Yuan's radicalization of choice of words suggested that we should just rush the zombies and raid the civilians.

'No, I'm so vigilant that even a civilian would be prepared to fight in his own way. Rather, they may be wasting their time raiding the villagers, and they may not be able to do anything about it and destroy it.'

An urban center that doesn't feel human at all.

At first I wanted to move to a different city, but the situation in another city is no different from this one.

No, not only in this whole state of Ohio, but also in neighboring states.

'We have to catch the timing of the attack somehow....'

However, her head did not know how to attack in this situation.

Azura, who was so optimistic and saw his face change at the right time, finally opened his mouth with a sigh that he couldn't keep watching.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind."

"… Yes. No matter how you do it, I don't remember how to exponentially increase the victim and create more zombie numbers."

Obviously, everyone is hiding in their own house, so no matter how desperately I move, I have to take time.

In that situation, if the police and the army move, or if the Pentagon's leader reappears, the undeveloped zombie army is no longer worthy of existence.

In other words, it becomes a small number of ordinary competencies.

You can't do that.

What she wants is to grow her own troops steadily, invade the entire United States.

"But why attack only at night?"

"……. On……?"

"Even if you don't go out at night, isn't everyone going to work, school, etc., during the day? I don't really understand why people's movements attack at night without attacking during the day."


Then, when we fought this weapon, we made zombies to fight in broad daylight (though there were a lot of clouds).

At night, people's vision narrows and the power of black magic grows stronger, but there was no reason to only hang on to the advantages of the night until there were more disadvantages than that.

This is why it is scary to be stereotypical.

I chose the night because it was good to be visually dark to instill fear on my enemies, but I didn't have to do that.

No, it's better to attack during the day than at night.

Once the streets are crawling with people, attacking shops and things like that can summon a large number of zombies in a short time.

Rather, since there are more people flowing than at night, it is a great opportunity to be called a number.


Doyun squeezes her head and starts crouching, making strange noises, and smiles as Azura looks at her like a novice villain suffering.


"Fuck! You idiots!"

A slightly small-sized Hispanic man, along with two sturdy bread stands, entered a shady and gritty alleyway while the sun was shiny.

"That's how I tell you to do it on a regular basis, and you chew it? Come on! I'll kill you all today!"

The vast majority of gangster organizations are subsistence organizations of any large organization rather than independent organizations, and this man is an executive who is one or two levels below the middle to manage the underlying lives in that subsistence organization.

The above statement said, 'We will take regular reports once a day because the situation is unusual.' This was one of the aftermath of the emergence of the Necromancer.

After all, despite sending that notice, these ignorant downstream bastards chewed through the periodic reports lightly, and when they didn't answer the phone, they came directly to the area of those who ignored the periodic reports themselves to find out why.

"Hey, Nixon! Cole! You sons of bitches! How many times have I told you that your cell phone is not a substitute for bricks!!"

Boom, boom!!

The man began to search for the whereabouts of a man named Nixon and Cole as he brutally slammed the door in the alleyway.

The boss and underboss of the gangsters who run this precinct, they've been best friends since childhood.).

The problem is that he's a serious drug addict, and his head is a fucking idiot. Let's keep it that way.




However, despite the man's commotion, I didn't feel anyone's popularity in the alleyway.

"… I don't feel good about this."

Even after making such a fuss, one of the guard tables behind the executive said that the situation was unusual.

"F... fuck...! These bastards must be out there smoking drugs and hanging out with women. I'll call you from now on, see if you can hear these bastards."

However, he took out his smartphone and started making phone calls without thinking it was more than once or twice.

I want you to start ringing with the music for two to three seconds.


The usual ringtone starts ringing somewhere.

The three men keep their mouths shut, and the ringtone takes a step towards the nearest side, and shortly after, you can find the source of the sound.

"You bastards! There you are!"

The sound was in the parking lot used as a drug warehouse.

"Just a scratch on the merchandise! I'll kill them all!"

He pledged to put a hole in his head if he'd used the drugs he'd given him as a commodity, and opened the door of the only person going into the parking lot.

"Nixon! Cole! I want to kill you all...!"

The mouth of the executive, who opened the door with the sound of killing, closed automatically.

He would, too, because the strange sight of dozens of men and women gathering at the entrance in the dark would have made him wonder.


"Nixon? Cole?"

However, as the ringtones kept ringing in the crowd, the executive who was sure that the two of them were here, carefully called out the names of the two of them, feeling unusual.


At that moment, dozens of men and women who were facing the entrance turned their heads simultaneously.


The executive was surprised and had no choice but to scream.

He will, because his eyes are turned upside down as if he were dead, his skin is bloodshed as if it hadn't worked for a long time, and even his face is dazzled.

"N-no way!!"

Necromancer just emerged from a city hundreds of miles from here.

The executive, who thought the Necromancer had come to their realm, turned his head to his escorts and opened his mouth.

Both of them were grade 3 physical enhancers, the best bodyguards for those who could not afford to have high-end personnel such as teleporters as themselves.




Two of his lifeline guards collapsed helplessly, with their heads bent in strange directions.

"You see why they don't report it on a regular basis?"

And the old man's voice coming from behind him.

"Now that I've solved my curiosity, I can't help it. Goodbye."

Win -

'Who... are you...?' '

The executive finds out why they didn't report it regularly, but dies not knowing who broke his neck.

"Were there more who seemed to be on the same side with them?"

"No, just these guys."

He landed lightly, confirming that all of them were on the outside, and raised his finger to create three new zombies.

I thought they might scream, so I decided that I couldn't wait any longer because I knew that there was something wrong here, no matter who the organization was, the taunt and the massacre that led me deep into the alley.

Cock- - Cock- - Cock-

Doyun summons all the zombies as she opens the entrance to the building where the zombies are gathered, and she steps out of the alleyway with Azura, confirming that the zombies are fully gathered in the narrow alleyway.

"This time, I will lay waste to this city and make my army...!" "

She made a commitment to herself leading 203 zombies, and Asura expected an exciting look at where this inexperienced little villain would grow to.

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We've created a cafe to add a new deletion.

Now that you've added your cafe's address to the notice, everyone can sign up. We'll make it public by next Wednesday, then turn it private and only accept invitations.

Age restrictions also allow you to sign up to be a 97 + adult this year. Those below are unfortunately unable to join.

They said that if you put age limits on it and make it private, you can't be punished for making someone sue you.

I originally thought, you know, would you let me share pornography in a bulletin board, but then the cafe would stop if it got that bad, so I just decided to put it up as a repository.

The subscription period is until the next Wednesday as described above. Afterwards, you can switch to private and only sign up by invitation.

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