Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

"Hmm… Aaron Macfield. Male. Age 24. Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Tai Chi Kwon Do, Zhou Kwon Do... Karate... Guidance... What is this?"

Wherever he walked from the Hellhound production base, Jinwoo threw out the paperwork as if it were absurd, looking at the details of a white man named Aaron Macfield and a hybrid with black blood.

"That's everything else. I thought you had three years to learn more than ten martial arts, including stockbrokers. All that black belt stuff, early 20s?"

He stared at the government officials with the expression, "How can this make sense?" But the government officials did not deserve him either.

"This is the result of asking yourself to complete it. In fact, we've found that there are no more false positives in all of them."

"Tsk. Seems like you're talented. You're a thunder-naked thunderbird." "

'Cause that's what you do!'

Government officials almost secretly said the above to criticize Aaron.

He would, too, say he kicked out Korean officials at a meeting yesterday.

"Oh, it's annoying! Negotiate money, and I don't want to waste my time sleeping with it! I'll make you a Nano suit, so bring someone! '

It is because the negotiations were unilateral.

Thanks to this, all kinds of experts who rolled their heads to see how much he would demand, how to reduce the excessive amount, couldn't hide their sense of emptiness.

Apparently, he prefers postpaid payments and was paid by Magnus as a postpaid payment.

I prefer postpaid payments because it's annoying to be watched because I'm afraid of getting paid up front and splashing around.

If you don't work at My Face, you won't be able to get the right stuff.

That was a really strong answer.

But the government officials, who hadn't seen his abilities with their own eyes, said, "Isn't he embarrassed when he gets caught like that? 'I was having a debate.

Anyway, I don't like what Magnus called "thunder-naked," but I decided to talk to him first.

We need to check the direction he wants to go first.

Like Jinwoo, Aaron arrives at the base blindfolded, waiting in a small room, sitting in a chair.

The two soldiers who were guarding the entrance in case of an incident saluted Jinwoo and the government officials as they approached, and Jinwoo saluted them as if it were so natural.

"Yes! Good work!"




The lieutenant officials in the back lost their words momentarily in front of their peers before they were even saluted.

He doesn't have any tension.

As if he was in the comfort and comfort of his own home, soldiers and government officials were saying, "What the hell is this? 'I couldn't hide my confusion.

Whether he knew their minds or not, he opened the door that the soldiers were guarding and swooped in, and Gunho, who followed behind him silently as if it were so natural, leaned against the door and took a guard position.

It was natural enough for someone to think they were outsiders and insiders, but they couldn't hide their confusion but had to swing at them.

Until American scientists digested his overwhelming technological skills.

"Hello ~? You're Aaron Macfield, right?"

Along with a voice that felt reckless because it was uncomfortable, he prepared to write something while taking out his notebook and pen that were sitting in a chair arranged to face Aaron.

Mixed pale black skin and dark brown eyes. It was a brunette, not unusually shaven, but more than average handsome, with a thick line.

He may have been quite serious or wounded, but he ignored Jinwoo's greetings with his mouth shut.

"Someone who can give you 'power' from now on."


When the word 'power' came out of his mouth, Aaron, who was expressionless, changed.

However, after that, I became an unbelieving eye.

He also did not believe that, no matter how much he looked at it, he could make suits that could only be enhanced by young Asians who looked like they were in their late 20s and early 30s.

That's why he was real among the people out there, and the man in front of him started walking around, wondering if he was the assistant.

"Hey, look away. Before you screw up your suit on purpose. Instead of strengthening your body, you can put in Telepathy or Psycho Metric abilities."

Whether he didn't like the look of Aaron, Jinwoo, who squirmed low in coercion, reminded him once again that he was right.

"… Sorry. You look so young..."

Here, Aaron intuitively felt that it was time to bend down, bowing his head and apologizing, and seeing that he had accepted the apology, he bent his back to the chair with a soft expression.

"That's enough to know. Then let's start asking questions. How often do you use martial arts?"

"Ground technology that blends Taiji and Jujitsu. In particular, the practical Tai Chi Realm is easy to reverse using your opponent's strength to break the pose, and it is often used as a convenient way to use the gap to practice ground skills."


You might think that Tai Chi is a volatile movement, but there are many skills that can defeat the other person.

In other words, he not only learned various martial arts, but also used a mixture of different techniques.

But if it were as simple as that, no one would be foolish enough to dig up one martial arts.

The point of going to martial arts is different, and it takes a long time to master many skills.

"I can't believe you've learned more than 10 martial arts... but you're the one who's going to lose money if you get caught. So you're a full-body fighter, huh?"

"That's right."

This is how everyone reacts when they talk about their martial arts skills, and Aaron, who is now accustomed to it, restrains his head.

"Then I'll give you a choice. The ability you want……."

"Strengthen your body."

"I know. The next big thing."

Then Jinwoo gave him two options.

"Number one. Strengthen your body 7, regenerate 7. Second, body 8, regeneration 2. What do you want to use?"

Jin explained that by studying new technologies with Magnus' money, he was able to raise the power of a specific field to Grade 8 with nano suits he could make.

However, he explained that being stronger than necessary is a pain in the ass, so penalties can only be applied to raise other additional abilities to Grade 2.

Most people would choose first.

He will, too, because the comprehensive ability of the body 7 regeneration 7 is overwhelming.

"… Can't you just give me a boost?"


However, Aaron was asking if he could only give me a grade 8 physical enhancement.

"If you have the ability to regenerate, your fear of injury becomes blurred. Because even such fear can be a weapon for a magician, I want you to reduce your ability to regenerate."

If a magician has fear, everyone will laugh at him as a coward, but a true martial artist can learn the timing to use fear to counterattack or retreat.

Thanks to this, Jinwoo's aura, which has been half annoying, has changed sharply.

"You certainly sound different from the rest of the garbage."


Aaron becomes sharper as he straightens up his posture, no matter how well he looks at it, doubting whether he really is a scientist.

'This... is a force only those who know how to kill. Are you sure you're a scientist?'

"Fine. I'll make you whatever you want. But I'm going to give you a grade one regenerative ability. With this level of ability, it's hard to use in practice, and it just reduces the number of admission dates. You're supposed to be working like a dog in the government, but you have to get up fast. Heave-ho!"

"… I don't care if it's that much."

It does not matter just to reduce the duration of treatment due to injury.

That's not enough to slow down the weapon of fear in action.

"Good. I have a feeling about how to make it. We'll run a practice test later, so in the meantime, train yourself."

Jin said that, and Aaron, who was left alone, slowly realizes the existence of his fist that he had unknowingly grasped.


The fist that was holding tightly was sweating.

You're nervous enough to sweat on your fist? Me? "

I haven't sweated like this even when I fought a grade 5 body-enhanced fighter I couldn't beat.

This ability is strong.It wasn't someone with that power.

You were nervous enough to sweat on the other person's strength?

'I... maybe I really did work with the Devil...' '


"Woo. I installed it invisibly, but I feel like a dick knowing I have surveillance cameras."

In the United States, we explained in advance that we installed surveillance cameras in various angles in the workplace to see how Jin Woo makes bio-nano suits.

Of course, I hid it in plain sight because the cameras would interfere, but even so, I still felt bad that someone was watching.

I said yes because I would give him a fair price, but he grumbled that he didn't like it.

'Well, I'm making it into some kind of skill format anyway, so it doesn't matter, but still.'

In my mind, I was flying a relaxing taunt as if to try it.

Regular engineers and scientists would argue that they would rob themselves, but Jinwoo seems to be using gaming power, so he also did his part without attachment to technology.

'We should discuss with Perisha later if we have a chance to empower the United States.'

The reason the US government is unable to go out rigorously now is because the heroes' forces are not strong enough.

However, if Jinwoo gains strong power due to the existence of Jinwoo, the government will quickly increase the pressure on the heroes.

Taking advantage of that gap, Ferrissa will generously pour out 400 million dollars from Magnus and use it to build a bomb that will weaken U.S. power.

'And I got a new hand that I could use.'

Aaron Macfield.

We are not sure whether he is a mouth-breather or a genuine one, but if he is genuine, it will be a new hand that will greatly weaken the power of the hero.

If Magnus were to suppress the heroes in relation to politics, Aaron would become his sword and become a great force in the fight against the heroes.

Efficiency is right now to kill the president and create chaos, or use divine magic to brainwash all the important people, but it's not fun to break down the Great Wall of America.

He decided to enjoy this scientific play for a while and began working on making nano suits for Aaron, because he also had the fun of biting off the guitars that were laying around the United States one by one.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I received 140 ~ 170 per annum for 1 day, but I became one for 2 days, so I dropped to 1 million won. Heh...

I hope I make a lot of money and you guys read a lot, but I'm tired after work, so I have a hard day.

I want to rest for a few days and do nothing, but I can't rest even after I write...

If you eat your heart out, it's not a bad way to sign out and rest for a few days and focus solely on writing, but it's a very uncertain way...

I think I'm going to get a slump at some point, but I'm thinking about taking a break from writing.

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