Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

After a day of slavery, Akiwa and his well-enjoyed group swung around the bottom.

In the meantime, after reserving the site, the renovated internal cardiac method to gather magical strength and internal air, in conjunction with meteorological breaks, resulted in a return to optimum condition.

Once he recovered first, he began checking the location where the weapon had died, and the places where the tower had been.

'Once there was a residual fragrance of the great power. However, this is often the case in the battle between the common masters.'

If you are sensitive to the senses, you can feel the residual energy in the struggle between the Masters.

Of course, since we don't know about heavy rains or nothing, we only have the power of this weapon unilaterally.

'Other than that, it is clean. Strange. A creature that powerful died and left no trace.'

Whether it was a fantasy life or a no-fuss life, the types of power we used to use together were different, but one thing was the same.

that the death of an organism beyond its limits has a profound impact on its position.

For example, suppose that the Ancient Dragon, the oldest of the dragons, died fighting dragon slayers.

A dragon that is just as powerful as being alive itself.

Among them, a very strong creature died, leaving no trace, and there is no way to die neatly.

However, this weapon left no trace of its existence.

It makes no sense that the creature who could change the weather freely, control thunderstorms, and even make a typhoon died neatly without any trace.

God crossed the boundary walls of the robotic weapons of Samtaegi, which were guarding the surrounding area in case of an incident, and headed to the place where the tower was.

'I feel a strong flow of energy here. In the ground.'

Was there an underground warehouse? But when I was fighting on the first floor, I didn't see a stairwell or a door to the basement.

'Maybe a passageway that only this weapon can pass through, or maybe a door.'

Magic has developed a lot of this line of magic.

A door that only opens through the input of a special pattern, a door that must tell a password, a door that only reveals itself by emitting a magical force of wavelength that meets a certain threshold, etc.

'But the flow of this energy is different from that of this weapon. Moreover, I felt this weapon when it revealed its existence, and the high and low of its power did not change.'

If the current of force had become stronger or weaker with the death of this weapon, it would have determined that there were triggers associated with the death of this weapon underground.

'There's no rush here, so we'll have to move on. More importantly, the training of profiteering.'

Thanks to the large number of corpses of strong monsters, the hard work on converting Morale Qi to Mana is strengthening at a rapid rate.

Generally, this is how you use corpses to obtain Mana through deception. If you are a senior commander, you shake your hands and refuse.

This is because Manat is so gross by reading, it is rather difficult to convert to pure Manat.

However, such side effects were resolved with one aspect called extreme marginality.

Even the commanders said she was a dirty energy, and that even the lowest of the low ranks, the dirty tricks, could easily transform her into Mana. If they had seen her, they would have had to study her and kidnapped her.

'The more you know, the more unexplained you are.'

Even in the magical world, he was able to easily solve the dangers of being a cripple by getting into the heart, and the inner air flow backwards.

However, even if you become strong as a monster on your own with a special quality, you have to help your teacher grow straight.

Rather than just looking up, looking down, we need to strengthen the pillar of the basic name so it can withstand enormous power.

This is the most important period, so God commanded the robots to keep their current position with Luke, and asked others not to touch the site because it was also about magic.

'By the way, I should also study the female owner who came out with this weapon. First, we have to solve and study the basic problem of philosophy.'

- Will you excuse me for a moment?

By the time Ferrissa thought she wanted multiple bodies like that, she communicated to God.

"What's the matter?"

- You seemed busy. Ms. Doyun's training, and the feminist research she got while holding this weapon. -

Like the brain of Samtaegeuk, he easily guessed how busy he was through the actions and loot of the Southern Palace God.

- That's why I'm proposing. You focus solely on Miss Doyun's training and the issue of female ownership. I'll take care of the tower. -

"… Thank you for saying that……."

The gods were thankful for Perisha's offer, but were willing to refuse her power because it was too weak to compare it to her.


Immediately, Ferrissa, who had just changed into a combat outfit, appeared through the teleport system and reached out her left hand at the same time.


The water arrows decomposed in the air because the gods were roughly synthesized towards the arrow in the form of water flowing from the palm of Perisha's hand, and the latter included groups like lions.


However, as if he had waited for this moment, the color of the water that was spreading everywhere turned black when he frictioned his right hand with the stops and thumb.



And as a small spark arose, the black water quickly caught on fire and exploded as small but spreading droplets.

God quickly retreated backwards, but his expression was full of surprises.


"We've tied together material conversion, sparks, and explosive magic."

"Order Saver……."

No matter how powerful a wizard may be, there are times when you have to cast a spell quickly, and there are times when you have to attack or defend through multiple spells.

So the wizards created a spell saver, and if you activate the spell saver, the magic stored in it is triggered simultaneously, or in the order that the wizard wants.

Only one Spell Saver can simultaneously defend against melee attacks by swordsmen and ranged attacks by archers, and simultaneously cast various kinds of magic to launch a concentrated attack.

However, there was another reason God was surprised.

The spell saver was the magic of the five circles.

In other words, after learning the basics from God, Perisha became almost a wizard of five circles by herself.

"My strength will be weak compared to yours. However, you know better than anyone that my strength and knowledge are a great help unless it's about combat. Do you think it's reasonable for me to focus on Miss Doyun's care and the lady's affairs, and deal with this side of the problem?"


As Ferrissa became a wizard of five circles by her own power, God thought for a moment about something and decided that a wizard of her level would be able to dig without creating a big problem.

"Very well. I'm sure Perisha can trust you."

Prior to wizarding, a woman named Perisha had a genius brain that was superior to others, but was not arrogant and attentive.

Because the owners of Moshi are very mobile and have a bad temper, this is how it turned out.

After all, the gods decided that Perisha could be trusted and entrusted her with the excavation of the tower.

From the perspective of Perisha, it was better to be intensively managed by God, who will grow as strong as a bean sprout in the future, and who had many unknown areas, who were more efficient to take care of, but with less difficulty.

God also knew what she was thinking, but secretly smiled at how satisfied she was to be the Wizard of the Five Circles.

This allowed God to concentrate solely on the problem of plutocracy and feminism, and Ferrissa undertook excavations to dig underground through ground robots.


Noah stared at his mother with fierce frowns.

And Iselia is responding with her eyes tightened so that she doesn't lose to it.



Between the two, a standing aura was striking on a day that could only be said to be cruel.

If it was like a cartoon, I could feel the effect of sparks sticking out in the middle of my eyes.

'... How did this happen?'

Jin Woo was embarrassed because he didn't know how he got into a fight between the mothers, but he began to recall why this happened.


When God and Perisha were busy with loot and cleaning up after themselves, Jinwoo went around the slave cycle wielding the bottom, and finally led Iscilia and Noah's mother to bed.

Of course, Jinwoo, who enjoyed her mother's delicious body through satisfactory sex, laid on a king-size bed and took a break for a while, and she and Noah also took over each other's shoulders and torso.

"Hah... Hah..."


The two women drenched in sweat and recovered their stamina as they breathed hard into the attack. When they heard it was sweat, Jinwoo remembered the smell of Aki, took her face to Iselia's hair, leaning on her shoulder, and smelled it.

"Town! Haa! Iscilia smells as sweet as Aki."

"Chuckle. Aki's sensitive, but he's really mean. Even Jin-woo's body smells more manly."

Like a giraffe, Isilia and Jinwoo rubbed each other's faces against each other's throats and faces, and they looked exactly like a pair of coyotes.

However, Noah's face turned sharp here, completely isolated, and he became a little nervous and grumbling.

"Tsk. I shouldn't have introduced my mother to the owner if I knew this."

Noah complained not only about his mother, but also about himself, but she was shocked to hear from her daughter.

"Y-you can't say that! Life without Jin-woo! Don't say such awful things!"

What if Jin Woo hadn't shown himself happiness as a female slave?

What if we didn't know each other at all?

The imagination alone gave rise to a chill, and Iscilia was terrified to the point that her body was shaking so much that she shouted without her knowledge.

Except for the time when she had been making trouble to teach her daughter, she never shouted aloud, and for the first time, she shouted at her daughter with only simple anger.

Noah looks up at her, looking up at her, wondering if she was stunned by the screaming.

As a woman who loves a man, she looks at her enemies.

The target was his loving mother, but she didn't have any family affection in her eyes.

She also began to stare at herself as if she were looking at her daughter sexually, and it spread through a kind of emotional struggle.

Jinwoo smelled it on Iscilia just like he smelled on Aki. As soon as the quarrel between the two mothers started, he quickly started looking for a way to shake his head and reconcile.

'If we don't calm this down in the beginning, things will get bigger.'

In Leeds' day, she not only wielded her bottom, but the enslaved females didn't care what they did to each other.

Jinwoo just hugged the slaves fairly, but the slaves were not satisfied with it, and they got into a quarrel among themselves, and when it was severe, there was a sharpening.

Even a good mother could become a foe if she fell in love with a man, so she had a hunch that she had to step into early evolution right now before the problem got serious.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I think I've only told you the truth.

how many daughters I have a day, what my embarrassing past is, what my perverts look like, and I was so desperate to do this.

But I don't understand why you don't believe me!

I've always told you my truth!

And yet you treat the claims of a daughter writer who has told you the truth so far as to be the only reason she doesn't believe you!

You girls are proud of yourselves! Spread the word!!

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