Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

"Hmm... It's free."

Unique rooms blending architectural styles from China, Korea and Japan.

Likewise, the strange woman wearing silk clothes in the colorful red base, whether it is a kimono, a hanbok, or just a mixture of the characteristics of the two clothes, showed her face as if it was free.

With her black hair coming straight down to her waist, her body not full but moderately voluminous, and her eyes looking down, she was under pressure to make her beauty unattainable for some reason, even though she was a beauty.

No, if I could see her whole body from afar, I wouldn't even think about getting close.

It was because there was an enormous serpent trunk stretching down his waist.

Snake trunks that are hundreds of times the length of a woman's torso.

The body of the spicy snake, which was full of dozens of square rooms, slowed down with every movement of the woman's upper body and caused the illusion that the whole room was alive.

As long as they were not perverts who felt sexual desire for the female body, most humans were frightened and would run away.

"A little prank turned around and played hide-and-seek, and you're not even capable enough to find it?"

We know that the power of this power is trending in the human world.

However, the ability of the Southern Palace God was more like his ability, so he played hide-and-seek to play lightly, but he couldn't find himself.

"I can't do it. It's a shame, but if you can't do this much, you'll be disappointed if you have bad expectations."

She was a weapon of at least 2,000 years of age.

She doesn't know the right age.

There were no public calendars or years systematically used by the world at that time, and most of all, when we accidentally ate zebra grass and turned it into a monster, we were just out of the ordinary worm.

Once a weapon, she initially focused on practicing witchcraft on the instinctive desire to be easy in the mud, and building a landlord that would digest the natural energy in her body and make her abilities and ease.

So she tried to be easy through 1,000 years of waiting, and when she got roughly 900 years old, there was an event that changed her life.

There was a foreign weapon just a short distance away, and I saw a scene where the foreign weapon was easy and failed to ascend.

In the shortest explanation of what happened at that time, it could be said, 'I'm groaning so much that I feel depressed.'

In the end, the scream of the foreign weapon that failed to become a dragon shocked her, even though the humans attacked and died through the commotion.

'If I fail to become a dragon, will that happen to me?'

Fear when it fails to be easy,

'Why do I want to be a dragon? Practicing a trick doesn't necessarily make it a dragon, does it?'

The question of why it should be easy,

'Even if I become a dragon and gain great power, does that mean there are dragons with my power? And the dragons who climbed first?'

Creating other doubts made me feel skeptical about being easy.

After decades of deliberation and deliberation, this was her answer.

'If I try so hard to be easy, if I fail, I will also be drowned in pain and lamentation like the first people who died. However, even if I become a dragon, there is no benefit for those who are already as strong as me or stronger than me to go up into the vast kingdom of heaven. Wouldn't it be better to give up being a dragon and become the best of these weapons?'

Moreover, in curiosity and observation, there were very few cases when ascending dragons showed up on the ground again.

In other words, it was clear that the dragon ascended to heaven had great constraints or had to pay for coming back down to the ground.

Otherwise, there's no reason for the dragons to ascend and come back down.

'I will give up being a dragon. Instead, I will grind the power of this weapon to the extreme and rule over it as the greatest being on earth.'

Shocked by the desperate groaning of the foreign weapon that failed to become easy, she decided to give up being a dragon and sharpen and wipe the power as a foreign weapon to the extreme.

I broke the woman who had been working hard to contain the energy of nature and became stronger than ordinary weapons by accepting the energy with her own hands.

At the age of 1,000, she felt that there was an opportunity instinctively to be easy, but she had already digested the landlady with her strength, so she felt a bit of a loss, not only a despair accompanied by cries.

Over time, by the time she reached 1200, she was able to transform into a human being.

If there was a master who could teach me how to practice, she could turn into a human much earlier than that, but, you know, she was just a monster that the humans immediately rushed to subdue.

As soon as she was able to change into a human form, she was curious about human life and immediately went down to the land where humans lived, and in the future she recalled that this was China around the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

Anyway, she enjoyed the life of humans with short lives of less than 100 years old. By changing her name to something like that, she also enjoyed the life of various people. At first, she was transformed into a man and a woman, but over time, she became instinctively attracted to the woman and became a woman.

She was a female in the first place.

A fun that I didn't feel when I was gathering spirits by myself.

She became more and more able to give up the idea of becoming a dragon more and more easily.

However, the Acolytes and other monsters who recognized the identity of the monsters transformed into humans had attacked for their own purposes, and she felt she needed that much power to survive their attacks and pursuits.

Once I realized that I could absorb the power of other monsters, it took me a while to digest it with my own energy, whether it was a different way to gather power or a different way to process it.

So the idea was to take away the female owner that the other foreign weapons were gathering.

It was determined that it didn't take much time to digest a woman's spirit that excludes the most unpleasant energy and produces only natural energy.

She has traveled all over the land to take the landlord by force while seeking the nest of foreign weapons like her, and has taken away the power of various human lives and foreign weapons, all the way to China, Korea and Japan.

I literally shake the ground as much as I want, and if I encountered a dangerous monster, I quickly hid among the humans.

A monster provokes chaos to attack itself intermingled with humans. Humans rush in to defeat a monster like that and quickly defeat a monster stronger than themselves with their fishing grounds. In a few hundred years, there is no one on earth who can defeat her.

Human lives with different environments and cultures were quite pleasant, and she was self-indulgent if she had chosen the current life to reign as the greatest man on the face of the earth.

However, once or twice, after enjoying it for centuries, life began to get boring for humans at some point, and when she was too strong to have any fun fighting, she succumbed to the monsters that would lift her hand and make her own territory untouchable to humans.

Her plan was to disconnect from the human world for a while and to enjoy the mystery and joy that she felt when she first lived a human life, in order to enjoy a completely changed sense and culture.

After this, the existence of the gods disappeared. After industrialization proceeded, many monsters were taken away by humans, and the human weapons and numbers became too strong to control. I had no choice but to escape to the deep mountains or mountain ranges.

Monsters from many countries moved to mountains or mountains that were hard for humans to reach, and during that time, monsters who felt her realm and strength fled to her for their own safety, naturally creating a country of their own.

Beyond the conclusion of monsters that cannot be found by human science, not only was there a large number of vampire and werewolf humans in Europe.

Even if there are literally monsters of all kinds around the world, the country of monsters is not exaggerated.

Becoming the ruler of the country, she now felt a strong curiosity towards humans who were fully employed by magic, and purposefully hid herself by triggering a half-mixed prank that wanted to see what kind of pranks and abilities were.

But after quite a while, when she couldn't find her way back, she was so interested that she was disappointed that she decided to kill the people who were declaring war on her.


I felt something strange outside the boundary.


"My Lord! My Lord!"

A small monster with a large head and horns ran headlong compared to the small, red skin, and body like a 2-3 year old baby.

"What happened?"

"W-we just lit a fire in the woods outside the gates!"

"Oh? Is this how it's going to go down?"

How could you use such ignorant methods?

Her boundaries were terrain based on the surrounding terrain, so even if she knew it existed, she could not feel the camouflage at all.

But I can't believe we're going to attack such a high security perimeter like this.

Of course, there are many monsters that can catch fire, so they can easily extinguish the fire with their strength.

"You can't. We're the only ones who feel uncomfortable when the energy of this forest disappears. Order the fire extinguishers to commence immediately."


The desperate beast leaves Huddak, and as soon as her command is issued, the beasts begin to move for the digestive work, echoing in all directions.

As long as the digestion has begun, all they have to do is advertise that they are hiding nearby.

But she didn't avoid it because she was afraid of humans.

I only played with humans who could stand up to me for a little while.

However, while she was bored with human life and hiding, she did not know how humans had progressed, and that a madman had emerged that she could not even imagine in the past.


At that time, the monsters at the entrance felt a commotion, and she used her force to bring up a holographic view of the situation at the entrance.

"What's going on?"

- Oh, Lord! I came to tell you that the machine block is an envoy. I don't know how to do this... -

"Machine mass?"

On the other hand, she was curious and quickly turned into a human and moved to the entrance herself, knowing that there was a mass of machines lurking outside the boundary.

When she appears at the entrance, teleporting like teleport magic, the unnamed monsters guarding the entrance kneel in horror.

Although he was the ruler of the nation that created its own monsters, he was also the strongest of all monsters before, so he expressed his respect and fear by kneeling down.

"Hm. I can't feel the energy of life. How can this be an envoy?"

She deliberately disconnected information about humans for the sake of the fun that would come later. Are human beings nowadays acting as ambassadors for machines that look like humans?

Like this. -

Jiing -

A hologram video was floated from the machine with a familiar voice.

"Wow? That's amazing. I can't believe you can do this without your strength or your technique."

While she was hiding, she intuited that the humans of the outside world had evolved beyond her wildest imagination, and she thought it wouldn't be bad to finally unravel it and step into the human world.

- That voice, the one you were talking to with the beads? -




Those monsters on their knees were like, "Are you a bitch? 'My eyes turned white.

For them, she is strong enough to overwhelm all of them if she wants to, and that human is surprised at how much he talks about his life.

A long time ago, she sent a monster to defeat the god of the Southern Palace. She made the bead work when the monster she sent died, but after grabbing the bead, she was able to recognize the face and voice of a human being that she had only spoken to and smashed.

"I remember your face. You're the one who killed the underlings sent by Yeshua."

However, whether the other party swears or not, in her self-expressing appearance, a holographic display opens her mouth with an angry expression.

- You've been hiding well because you're afraid of this body? -

"Scary? You're mistaken, mortal. He only played hide-and-seek with an open heart. Humans like you are light..."

I'm not done with you yet! -


At that moment, her expression, which was always showing a relaxed smile, was slightly distorted.

- Listen to me, bitch. In the old days, Humans might be surprised if you cough, cough, cough, cough, but Humans are still as angry as they used to be. And this is the body of the biggest, ugliest one of them all. You're not very good with people. -

"Courtesy is a man I cannot find. How ugly."

At first, her curiosity filled her eyes with contempt for the other.

I've seen a lot of ugly Humans so far, but I've never seen a human scratch like this before.

- Manners? You lay down your bread, you hide like a pill, and you find your manners? Come, I'll teach you human manners today! -

Jinwoo has been beaten by a leader, but as there was a lot of stress because he couldn't find a worthy opponent, he has been neurologically opposed to usual.

Then, suddenly, he took out a light bulb that was the size of a human fist, and opened his mouth in threatening tone with a bloodshot eye.

- Look forward to it, asshole. No matter what happens, I'll give you the first chance to conserve it! I'm going to make you never look straight at a human being who is the leader of all things again! Son of a bitch...! -


At that moment, she waves her hand, and the machine that came to the apostle crumples as if it had been severely shocked, even though the arm had not been touched.

"I keep hearing his filthy voice, and I feel like I'm getting filthy in her ears. Is that what people are like these days?"



However, no one could answer her question.

They were also monsters who came to take her as their own to build a wall with the humans.

'… By the way, what is a spare shoulder?'

She tilted her head because she didn't know what a reserve shoulder meant, so she could feel her whole body after how terrifying a human being she was when her temper got out.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I don't plan on firing the missile right away, I plan on eating popcorn with the Grand Arc.

For those of you who know about conservation, for those of you who don't,

I'm going to wake up -- beep, beep -- with a light bulb in it.

PS: There's something really curious to see. When I write, there's less shipping. But after a while, they're back on board, and if they don't write for a day, they get more and more.

I think it's just a coincidence once or twice, but the cycle goes on and on; what is this?

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