Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

"The Superhuman Registration Act Violates the Human Rights of This Talent! Withdraw now!"

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"They're not even human!"

Protests were happening simultaneously in several U.S. cities by talent and citizens who thought the Superhuman Registration Act infringed on human rights.

Suddenly, crowd protests paralyzed the streets, and people became interested in taking pictures of them on their smartphones.

Why, uh--

At that time, the police car rang a unique ringtone, and a fully armed protest party appeared on one side with helmets with suppression shields, bulletproof glass, and protective clothing.

After building the wall with a shield, someone inside opened their mouth with a loudspeaker.

- The illegal protests we're having... Khh! -

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Tutong!

Though not quite finished, one of the Talents on the illegal side of the protesters attacked the squadron trying to speak out against them with a conceptual loudspeaker.

"The free country, the United States, is retreating into a dictatorship! The U.S. government, which suppresses and controls the human rights of those with abilities, should revoke the Superhuman Registration Act immediately!!"

A man's thick voice resounds without machine sound, as if he had the ability to amplify the sound.

Barrels! Barrels!

The insurgents sent tear gas through the protest suppression grenade launchers in an attempt to suppress the protesters who attacked them.

It was a textbook response to tear up the ranks with tear gas, but one mistake was that there were a lot of talented people there.


The protesters unite - they grab the tear gas flying towards them and throw it on the roof of a distant building.

At the same time, several men and women rushed out to the camp that formed a wall with suppression shields like American football players.




As the heavy hits hit, the shield-bearers huddle with their allies, and the body builders scramble through the walls of the camp in a commotion.

Even with training and good equipment in the first place, it is impossible for an ordinary person to respond powerlessly to this person.

Of course, there is a stun gun for suppression only, but that's also when the number of talents surrounded one or two, and dozens of these talents were almost useless to attack.

Most of the time, when the militia and the protesters are together, the militia wins, but the capabilities have forced them to retreat, shattered without hesitation.

Fortunately, neither of these talents saw the Resistance as enemies, nor did they stand in the way of their retreat and taking care of their equipment and allies.

The ranks are all low, but with this level of capacity, oppression alone was impossible.

"Damn……! I'd be better off if I could call for backup from X-Force!"

"But X-Force has already started with another suppression request……."

"I know!"

Those who had a moderate foothold in the militia were saddened by the support of X-Force, an elite government accredited Talent Organization.

Of course, there was SWAT, a police counter-terrorism unit, but you were already distracted by other protesters.

Most of the cities were struggling with these protests because of the government's "superhuman registration act."

Moreover, those who were heroes protested with their clothes on, saying, "Do not trample on the human rights of these abilities." Those who participated in the protest in the United States of America in their popular and free countries continued to be exaggerated.

Even some villains were indignant enough to impersonate themselves and join the protests in the civil rights crackdown of the state, and the United States was indeed suffering from the protests of these prodigies.

At that time, there was a strange movement on the side of the camp that was trying to spread the distance, judging that it was meaningless to stand against this person.

He began to build a shield wall again.

Even though I already knew that the incompetent militia had built a shield wall against these abilities, I still felt suspicious of all the citizens who were watching avoiding the commotion inside the protesters and the building.



At the same time, there was a low flying noise from the sky, and when I noticed the debris in the sky, white smoke was sprayed all over the protesters.

"Cough! Cough!"


"Keheh! Kellock!"

The protesters in charge of the heavy tear gas couldn't keep up their minds, and even the strongmen didn't care about the sky, so they coughed roughly during the unexpected raid.


Then, their eyes revealed the mechanical armored power suits coming down from the sky.

Lighter than heavy, the gray power suit looks heavier than a normal one, and has come in between the shield walls and protesters made by the militia and several armies appearing at the same time.

- Initiating field test. Deals with unspecified body strengtheners once the Pokémon is turned on. -

- Roger.

- Roger.

A total of five mysterious power suits.

Surprisingly, they were the ones who jumped out and hurled tear gas, and the body reinforcements started charging towards the Power Suits wearers.

Despite having various weapons, the power suits posed as though they would face it with force versus strength.



One of the first body-strengtheners to take the lead, a white man who had his head cut off in a Marine fashion plunged his fist into the face of the Power Suits.


However, relying solely on the physical specs, it was an honest and straightforward attack that could be avoided if the fuselage had good vision, and his target, the Power Suits Pilot, was able to block the fist of a physical enhancer with one arm.




The Power Schutz pilot clenches his fist, throwing the same punch as the rebound, and the body enhancer twists as he breaks a few teeth in the strike.


Others, like football players, grabbed their waist and tackled them, kicked them and punched them to defeat the power suits in front of them.

Boom! Boom!



The power of the power suits exceeded him, so each of them had to fall while being defeated by an army.

"Everyone, run! Charge!"

Someone who judged that the performance of the Power Suits was unusual suggested that we attack them all at once, and the body strengtheners started hugging their arms, waists, and legs like a spider.

- Pulse impact maneuver. -

The pilots also responded through the exercise, so they were not embarrassed and issued a maneuver with the name of any weapon.


Climbing up the cannon-like column behind your back with a machine sound, the sound of something being charged resonates for a short time.

Phasezig, Phasezig!

The body reinforcements that struck the power suit wearers, forming an electric magnetic field so strong that the blue spark could be seen in the eye, fainted and fainted, revealing white to the eye without overcoming the electric shock transmitted directly to the brain.

Barrels! Barrels!

At the same time, a black blob was launched from a hole in the middle of the left palm of the Power Suits with a sound like a grenade launcher, and the black blob spread out into a web-like net, enveloping the bodies of dynamics, deforming abilities, and others who resisted.

"W-what the hell!"

"I'm... exhausted...!"

They tried to pull the net away, but as soon as the net hit, they were forced to dismantle, and the others believed in the net and got caught up in it together.

"I... I can't use this ability...!"

Surprisingly, these talents caught in a spiderweb-shaped net were not able to use this ability.

The secret lies in the weight at the end of the net.

In the counterweight, a small EIEW wave was designed to completely overpower the existence and capabilities, so it was an oppressive weapon that was desperately avoiding the body.

With all of these abilities overwhelmed, the militia followed and began to deal with these capabilities and the illegal protesters, while the power suit pilots gained their own hands-on experience and once again flew up the sky through the boosters on their feet and backs and headed somewhere.


"It's a good result."

"We can't use lethal weapons because of the large number of citizens around us, but the basic performance of the Power Suits has surpassed some of the physical enhancers."

A factory-like spot in a modern SF movie with lots of mechanical tools.

There, various men and women were conducting various assessments while watching the video of the new Power Schools that lightly suppress protesters through video.

They consisted of state-invited technicians, a group of the most technologically neutral people in the United States, River's engineers, investors who invested money, and military experts who presided over the president.

Everyone was satisfied, but the president did not look satisfied.

"But frankly, I don't like that Hellgate is any less spectacular."

U.S. President Jacob Mason did not like the degraded amphibious Hellhound over the Hellgate used by Magnus Grimes.

In response to Jacob's tackle was Liver's chief engineer, Aim River.

With dark brown hair in essence, but white hair that did not conquer time, he began to explain to Jacob, a clear, sharp eye and a stubborn white man.

"I understand the president's mind, but if you make a copy of the Hellgate's performance, you won't be able to expect the full amount of support you can make, plus any investment from the Rothschild family, to be satisfactory."

"Is Hellgate such a high-performance power suit?"

A white male in his 30s with a sharp but essentially noble quality asked Aim with a slight frown to see if he didn't like something.

"High performance? I can't say that! All the expense robots we handed over to the Rothschild family would be lucky enough to turn the sky upside down if they ever crossed paths with the Hellgate! If I can see the person who made these power suits, I want to sell them to the devil as a soul!"

In Aime's description, a white male in his thirties, Laurend Rothschild, was more surprised than surprised.

Magnus, the owner of Hellgate and chairman of the Superhuman Registration Act, who was able to participate in this position, instinctively began to assess Laurend's appearance.

'Laurend Rothschild. It is said to have the greatest influence among the Rosschild candidates for the next house.'

Of course, this information was not known to the general public, but only slightly known in high places in politics.

One of the other notoriety of the Rosschild family is secrecy, although I'm not sure if it's a rumor or not.

'For now, you look like the protagonist of the rumors.'

The conversation with him was the whole of the initial greeting and a few short conversations, so that one person, even one person, could not judge the Rothschild family who ruled the world, but it was clear that somehow they had an atmosphere that did not quite fit with themselves.

It was not a result of systematic analysis and evaluation, but an instinctive one, a secret I couldn't tell anyone.

CEO of a large corporation trading company, senior engineer at River, president of the United States of America, and a member of the Rothschild family.

This peculiar combination has emerged because, quite frankly, it is a finished combination because of the Hellgate.

Instead of ridiculing Hellgate alone as the head of the country, Jacob decided to take advantage of the technology to strengthen multiple power suits or develop new sheep patterns.

Magnus also agreed with technicians to analyze Hellgate's technology if more allies of performance such as Hellgate were to gain a number of advantages in subjugating those opposed to the Superhuman Registration Act.

The problem was that U.S. government technicians, the best technicians directly elected by the president, said that Hellgate was a power suit that was superior to what they thought, and needed more technicians to analyze it.

Magnus, who could not have imagined the skill level of Hellgate, was more surprised and led him to the secret underground bunker of his mansion.

It was a secret base renovated by a young man named Sun Jinwoo, the Asian technician who handed over the Hellgate to him, and it was an unmanned workshop, so he decided that analyzing the technology inside it would be very helpful.

Of course, the technicians were stunned and amazed at the fact that they could repair and supply weapons on their own with materials, and gathered their mouths together, saying that they were a technology that surpassed a generation of technology.

And one engineer suggested that River, who wanted to pursue technological advancements, would help them, and President Jacob, who was initially reluctant to open his hands to River, a non-state organization, decided to share this information with them in the end, in persuasion of continued technicians.

River's technicians were appalled at how their pride was being broken by the Hellgate and the unmanned auto maintenance facility, and Ahm Riber, the chief engineer, had to step up himself.

Provided with state-of-the-art mannequin security robots to keep the family safe, the Rothschild family, the River's biggest customer, smelled and approached the government's movements, and, no matter what its intentions, invested heavily in Hellgate's technical analysis and production.

Instead, there was a condition that the results obtained here would be partly shared by the Rothschild family, but President Jacob remained vigilant and demanding, despite his investment in the Rothschild family.

Of course, I came all this way for a subtle pressure from the Rothschild family.

Anyway, for the analysis of the Hellgate, everyone came together, and the result was to roll out the Hellgate, a degraded amphibian, and run a hands-on test to get here.

One thing is clear, since everyone is gathered for their own benefit, they do not have a good atmosphere with a laugh.

National technologists at this opportunity also sought to have the technology skills of the River and Buffer, and although they wanted to prove they were superior to national technologists at this opportunity, Jacob remained vigilant to Laurend as they were unable to completely ignore the notion of their biggest client, the Rothschild family, and they had no idea why they were involved in such an investment.

In this situation, even if someone caused a slight problem, it would be a big problem, but miraculously, we got here without a big problem.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

In terms of economics and money, it's easy for everyone to understand why the Rothschild family got involved.

There are other problems, of course --_-- blah.

Anyway, I'm going to play hard to get it done.

so that we can avoid the weakened version of it and show you the real version of it in an infrared microscope.

I mean, isn't this the real deal? Right now, the status of Jin Woo is "A Virtual Reality Game." This is a situation where the seriousness is lacking except for a crisis, and it reveals only a part of its true nature.

The epidural was three times more brutal and four times crazier than the epidural. But it'll be warm for my girl.

I'm not kidding.Take a picture and real.

ps: Finish and post today in the pc room. I'm getting used to it now that I don't have people.

ps2: Alba will never know... I'm sure... I have to...!

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