Although not all of the forces of the Samtaegeum are in play, North Korea has become unilaterally defeated, much to the point of being 'indecisive'.

Although I don't know why the three Tai Poles came out and attacked themselves, it was clear that there were not that many of them.

The North Koreans, who were initially ambushed and pushed, thought they could repel enough troops if they could gather them together and push them forward, but they were unaware of the true fears of… Qiu.

Boom, boom! Quadruck!

"Monster... monster...."

A North Korean military officer, who thought there was no business in the quantity, knelt down and regretted the catastrophe in front of his eyes.

Why they thought they could defeat the beast.

What confidence did they think they could at least kick themselves out?

What makes him think he's also a man made of blood?

"Humans are... not..."

That's not a human being, that's a human-shaped monster.

Once he moves, a massive afterstorm blows, and those who enter the afterstorm line are crushed and destroyed by chariots, humans, armored vehicles, and anything else.

When he swings his fist, the chariot and armored car crumble and fire like bullets, and when he kicks, everything crumbles.

I knew that Qiu was a grade 10 physical strengthener.

We also prepared a countermeasure.

However, all of them were destroyed in vain, and the monster to be removed alone had the ability to steam the entire North Korean army.

In addition, Shiwoo was not the one-man team that solved everything by himself.

Lee Harin, the archaeological god of the South Palace, who is a hidden contributor of the Three Taipei Poles, and robotic weapons and chimeric hemorrhages that are more powerful than ever before.

It was a mistake and arrogance to think it was worth trying, because there were so few numbers.

'We… stimulated… the monster….'

The North Korean military officer regretted surrendering from the moment Qiu appeared, but he could no longer reconcile his thoughts.

because his abdomen, which was kneeling on his knees, had a big hole in it.

He was able to live for a short while with the white-balone phenomenon, and eventually collapsed picking up from the pool of blood he had made.


If you could say, "What would happen if earthquakes and hurricanes and all that stuff were used to destroy everything humans have built?" Most experts would unanimously say, "We're not going to be able to evolve like we do today."

It is because if there is a natural disaster that only thinks about the destruction of humanity, humanity will not be able to progress to this extent, and in fact, we will forsake all our current science and live out our hunting lives like Mongols.

Why is this sudden delusion, thinking in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, and the natural disaster that only kills humanity was raging?


Although not as tall as the developed capital, a fairly high level building began to collapse as it caused enormous dirt.


The earth splits apart like an earthquake, or a huge giant holds a huge hole in the ground.

A lump of concrete and dirt smashes into chariots and weapons placed in the city.

One hour.

Near Seoul, the cleaner appeared to be in Pyongyang in just an hour, and began to rampage like a madman, wanting to destroy everything in sight.

Nothing could stop him, nothing could resist him.

If it had been in the former 10th grade, Japan could have prevented it by using the former 10th grade EIEW, but cleaning up to 11th grade was not something that could have been prevented.

Now the only thing that can stop him is the Across with the Grand Arc and the Pentagon with Evel, but the Grand Arc has made alliances with the allies, and the Pentagon is still unable to care about the conflict between the U.S. government and the superhuman legislation.

Even though the Pentagon was known as a hero group, the Pentagon could not figure out how to break the thread because in the end, it was a dangerous group that was only a criminal act if the country did not accept it.

After all, North Korea, which was no longer able to stop the evacuation, tried to threaten to use nuclear weapons in its territory, but Perisha, who was monitoring North Korea's every move, simply stopped the launch of nuclear weapons by teleporting officers, carrying out sneak attacks.

What's more, the North Koreans are becoming more demoralized.

"Th-these corpses are moving!!"

"Th-those skeletons... are dead...!"

The dead, apparently dead, stood up again and moved, and skeletons and nearly rotting bodies in the graves rushed out of their coffins and joined the ranks of the dead.

And they started attacking civilians, soldiers, and killing everyone.

Even though the forces of Qiu and the Three Taipoles were able to bring North Korea to the ground, the dead stood up again and attacked the living, and their morale fell to the level of digging, not to the ground.

The North Korean military and people were frightened by the troops advancing from the south and by the growing number of dead, they fled to deep mountains or the ruins of China.

In just one day, North Korea, the Kim dynasty, which had become the world's problem, was destroyed by the Three Taiji Dynasty.

The elders of North Korea and the new king of the Kim dynasty are being held captive by the Three Tai Poles. In Jinwoo style, "Dynamic Dong with Aoji Mine! 'I am in a position to go.

It seems like something swooped by quickly, but in the beginning, it was an insult to Sam Tai Gyeok that North Korea would take more time than it needed.

The North Koreans also gave up fighting because of demoralizing factors, and had long since fled even the war party that had to stop them and drive them back to the front.

Despite giving up the fight and ignoring the villagers and soldiers who fled over the Chinese border, Jin Woo smashed the statue of Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il in front of the Museum of Shipbuilding Revolution and sat on the debris and summoned Yuan wanting to clear the ice.

More focused on increasing the number of zombies and skeletons than attacking directly with dark magic, she must have contributed a lot to deflecting the enemy's morale.

But that's it, and that's this.

If she doesn't kill at least a thousand enemies, as promised, she will be strangled by Jinwoo here.

She appeared with a paler complexion than before, because she had absorbed a lot of morale, but increased the duration of the battle by increasing the amount of magical power rather than learning to absorb morale and extraordinary attack magic from the southern palace gods and various cemeteries.

"This is the end of the war. Time to settle the score, Miss Doyun?"

Jin Woo grinned over the statue debris of rich Kim and pulled out his shining sword.


With a sinister, sharp sound echoing from the sword's hilt, the intense energy of the glowing sword shining with the surface of the sword shining in the lava glow condemned the body of swelling along with the life of the snow.

However, Doyun was not afraid of the natural disaster that Jin Woo showed, but rather confidently opened his mouth.

"I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Chiu didn't even see me. How can you tell how many enemies I've killed?"

"We hack satellites and use them. Also, we're hacking military satellites to see what you're up to in real time."

Doyun confirmed that she had eyes on someone helping her, but she had no idea that she could hack into a satellite and monitor her in real time.

Honestly, I thought robotic weapons cameras were filming themselves, but they were satellites.

"And you know, next to our brains, Pericia, there's an artificial intelligence robot that asks for all the information for her. The robot is calculating both the North Korean army you killed and the number of dead by zombies and skeletons."

"... At least I won't cheat."

"Tricking you won't do you any good."

You're right.

The scourge was not a seed dangerous enough to cut its throat by lying, and it was not worth it.

Realizing her value, she made a bitter smile for a moment, but manipulated her fierce beacon, regardless of her reaction, to connect communication with Perisha.


- Yes, sir. -

'That person is Perisha…….'

As if a divine being beyond man appeared with a carry-on piece made by his own hands, a perfect line of face without too blunt or too sharp, and a brilliant golden eyes and a brilliant woman with melted platinum hair, Yuyun swallowed dry eyes before he could pick up men and women.

Even though the beauty she saw for herself was all Harin and Minji, Perisha was so superior that she thought she could follow her toes together.

'A pretty girl like that is smart too...?'

Of the three Tai Poles, 15% are swept away, 15% are called the Southern Palace Gods, the rest of the battleships are said to be 20%, and the other 50% are from the brain of a woman named Perisha.

It's like a story or a novel with a beautiful face.

Although Yoon felt overwhelmed as a woman, he had to focus on the conversation between the two.

- Miss Doo-yoon.

"Yes, old!"

Damn, even her voice is beautiful.

I'm so jealous of the same girl.

She was surprised and replied to Perisha's call.

- Do you mind if I assume the war is over based on the last time you destroyed these statues and ceased the destruction? -

War doesn't end when someone says, "I want to stop."

There may be consensus on both sides, or a gathering of opinions from different countries.

Nevertheless, a woman named Perisha will decide that the war is over based on when Qiu stops fighting.

Such arrogance is so arrogant, but it is the organization known as Samtaegeum that is natural.

"Yes, I'm fine."

- Then let the counting begin. -

Then Ferrissa looks elsewhere for a moment and starts touching things.

About seven seconds ago? Perisha opens her mouth again.

-Accounted for, total 1092 North Koreans processed by Ms. Doyun. -

I surpassed the thousand that Jin Woo talked about.

However, Doyun did not look very happy for some reason.

"No, that's not all the number of enemies I killed."

- Yeah?


Against Doyun, Perisha and Jinwoo tilt their heads.

If you have already passed the exam and are still complaining like that, you can appeal to find out everything you do.

But Pericia couldn't have failed to calculate.

How many times is this the perfect calculation? -

"If you think that Samtaegeum is an aptitude country, you don't take on soldiers and civilians, right? So tell me all the numbers that killed civilians."

-!! -

Frankly, Ferrissa took a beating this time.

It was because I had no idea that Yoon, who was an ordinary high school girl, would come out so boldly.

"Phew... Phuhahahahahaha! You're a candidate for an executive worthy of our organization!!"

Obviously, I have to forgive that part, Ms. Doyun. This may take a while, but please be patient. -

Perisha apologized to Doyun and returned to the countdown, and this time it took a little time for her to count again from the beginning.

Two minutes, at least.

-Accounted for. As I said earlier, 1092 are apparent, and the North Korean civilians are…… -

After a few moments of hesitation, Perisha welcomed him with a smile.

- 3263 dead. Welcome to the executive branch of the three Taiji Dynasty, Miss Doyun. -

Perisha smiled brightly and welcomed Yun, who has become the new executive in Samtaegeum, and Jinwoo welcomed her again.

"Our main enemy is the North Korean military and its followers, and the people of North Korea must embrace it."

You wake from the remains of the statue, speaking to yourself, who stopped communicating with Perisha.

"This is what I learned from the military: 'Our Enemies.' In other words, we're going to war to kill each other, but where are the civilians and soldiers? If it's just a hostile country, we should kill them all. Isn't that right?"

Despite Jiwoo's remarks against the values of the 21st century, Yoon nodded and accepted his remarks.

"We are enemies on Earth, so we need to reduce the number of enemies by one more. If they refuse to kill civilians for no reason, they will eventually become new enemies by being armed or awakened. When there are no fewer weapons, you have to trample and pull them out when the buds are weak. That is my will, and the will of the Three Tai Poles."

Jinwoo approached Doyun and placed the executive beacon directly on her chest, which she had prepared for her.

"Welcome to the executive branch of Samtaegeum, Kim Doyun."


"There's no need for loyalty. All you have to do is not betray. I am a natural person who wants to receive loyalty rather than coercion, so if you think you can be loyal to me from then on, give your loyalty."

Though it was a doubtful remark as to whether or not it was the total number of evil organizations that terrified the entire planet, Yoon was convinced that the bowl of removal was wider than he thought.

Kim Doyun officially became an executive of Samtaegeum, and this time he turned his attention to the south.

To fulfill what Harin had asked Jinwoo to do, disappointing others.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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So don't get your hopes up; it's a real blur;

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