The world's only division, North Korea and South Korea.

Until now, North Korea has been able to pull tough economic situation through nuclear weapons and threats, but even that has become impossible by the Three Tai Poles, advancing its troops to the south and stepping up the war atmosphere at any time while preparing to move south.

North Korea's typical behavior is this:

1) Increase War Crisis - > 2) Negotiate Conversation - > 3) Call for North Korea Support - > 4) If not, start again from 1 - >

A repertoire that hasn't changed a bit since ancient times.

The problem was that South Korea in its current state had to take North Korea's warmongering very seriously.

Once the situation in South Korea is now inexplicable, no matter how well I try to explain it.

After the devastation of Japan and China, important politicians, including the president who felt at risk, as well as the loss of state income and export routes, fled overseas and were instructed by video communications.

If there was a war, it would be dangerous to be trusted by politicians these days, so I left the country first and fled abroad.

Of course, the soldiers' morale is the worst.

Of course, war is not a one-sided defeat.

Equipment is superior, supply is able to maintain stable wires, or even fight to make it more convincing.

Or, like a movie, a platoon or a squadron can maintain a sure line that will be pushed with heroic action, or the enemy's defenses can take back a strong critical node.

War is not 100% certain that one factor is bad.

But what if South Korea is also in a worse state than North Korea, and the war has brought it down to an economic base?

If all the battles only occur at the 38th and coastal borders and decide to win or lose, then North Korea, which will starve to death if it can't swallow up South Korea, will surely run against evil.

To the extent that Perisha could not confirm how the two countries' wars would come to an end and how they would unfold, war was like a living organism that was unpredictable.

And here was another anxiety factor in Korea.

-Crazy Southern Imperialists forcibly attacked and captured our fishing boats, causing inhumane gangsters and beasts to behave like the worst in the history of the world. The great warriors of our prestigious North Korea will surely pay for their trembling behavior from the barbarians of the Minnesota. -

- If we do not apologize for this, the piglets will have to take the wrath of our revolutionary power with their whole bodies. -

"Fuck! Fuck! Shit! What the hell! What the heck!!"

The principle provoked anger at the North Korean spokesman's nonsense on TV.

North Korea has not dragged its fishing vessels to and from China's coast, as Samtaegeum's air force, Chang, patrols China's coast (on alert for the PRC's navy).

After catching all the fish because of the food shortage, almost the seeds dried up, and the coast guard caught him when he came down to South Korea because he couldn't bear to starve.

North Korea, however, stepped up the war scene by leaving its troops, claiming it was a 'vicious barbaric act of the South Korean people'.

A nation's borders have been trespassed.

Although North Korea, a gangster nation, responded in this manner, the Coast Guard clearly deserved the praise.

"A little fish like that doesn't ruin the country! Why are you beating them?!"

The principle of vomiting fury reveals its limitations, saying to the Coast Guard who deserves to be praised for catching unauthorized fishing boats.

Now, even politicians who have fled overseas (only until they return) recognize the person who has become the power of Korea (but only until they return), despite the trespassing of the borders of the country, they insult a response worthy of praise for their comfort.

Eventually, the head of an organization, however, was significantly lacking in ability, responsibility and personality to become a nation-class leader.

"What do I do? Where do I start?"

The bigger problem is that there are no colleagues or subordinates who know their nature in order to take power alone.

Although Minjung is greedy for power, he knows he cannot be a headache leader, so he bows his head and does not have any quarrels between power.

So, the principle of wanting to take control of power and only taking care of inflating the body greatly began to embrace where and how to respond without having a head, ability, or group to solve national problems.

At that time, the phone was ringing with music from his phone.

The principle of confirming that it said 'Park's assistant' received a slightly angry voice.

"What happened!"

Ms. Harin is in the lobby right now! -

"What!? H-no, tell Miss Harin to stay where she is!"

When I heard that Harin had resurfaced, it was time to use her, but the tone of his voice went up lightly.

- Th-that's... -

Unfortunately, Harin was not an ordinary woman who could be manipulated by such principles.



One of the break rooms at the gallery headquarters.

There were several men and women who were building statues of death... No, they were already dead.

They all wanted to leave the gallery, feeling the fear of death, and the principle held them together as a team.

They became a team, but they had lost the will to fight, and all they had to do was sit in the break room and waste their time without saying anything.

"Excuse me."

At that time, there was a woman who appeared with a cheerful voice.



When Harin appeared, they seemed to have doubts for a moment, but the atmosphere soon subsided again.

Whether it's Wind Wake Lee Harin or the most popular idol in the entertainment world, I don't feel any emotion now.

Harin opens his mouth, sitting reasonably vacant.

"I've heard about your situation."




In her voice, people bow even more.

It reminds me of that time.

"… so what do I do? I've been doing this since I was a kid, so don't let grown-ups whine?"

They became explicitly outsiders as they went out of sight.

Moreover, those who had not witnessed the horror at the time themselves ridiculed that they were cowards and vulnerable without understanding their pain.

Moreover, I do not go to the hospital even though I suffer from depression or PTSD symptoms because, unlike foreign countries, I have strong objections to mental illness.

I have seen depression around the world is a mental illness that must be cured, but in Korea, depression and insanity alone make me think I'm half crazy.

Because of this, they had to be left without going to the psychiatric hospital, and an aggressive speech naturally appeared.

"No, I just wanted to say thank you."


Thank you for what? What's the matter with you?

"But first, can you take a look at this?"

Harin starts poking around with a tabbook that was tucked into her side, and everyone's faces come together in her appearance.

When I played a video like that, I gave them back their tabbook so they could see it.

- I was looking out the window on the fourth floor of that building over there. It was in front of the monster's eyes, so I had to hide in plain sight. The Black Prosecutor did what he did to take care of the monsters, but if it wasn't for the talents of the gallery, we'd be dead before the Black Prosecutor arrived. -

- I couldn't even get out because it was late. If you hadn't stopped him, I don't know what would have happened to me and our child before the Black Tests came. Thank you so much.

- I couldn't even get out because of the arthritis. - Thank you so much.

- I'm going to be just like the talents of the gallery who saved us! -

The Tabbook explained why many people could not escape, and there was a continual video of people thanking the talents of the gallery for fighting monsters until the Black Prosecutor arrived.

It was such a short video for less than a minute, but the people here were amazed at the look of people thanking themselves.

But do they know?

These are all the ambassadors of the South Palace, brainwashed by Harin's request for the right people?

In fact, the citizens at that time were abusing the talents of the gallery who were simply dying among the monsters.

How are we supposed to protect ourselves with that much strength?

When he felt the fear of death, he uttered blasphemy and only cheered on the Black Swordsman's actions.

Those who did not know the facts were getting reddened in the eyes of those who expressed their gratitude with a lot of emotion due to brainwashing.

"You must have run away in terror. But as a result, the damage could be minimized thanks to the attention that kept the monsters away from attacking people until the Black Prosecutor arrived."



People began to confuse what to say for a moment, but Harin opened his mouth to them again.

"You are not losers or cowards. The heroes who saved the lives of countless people in this video. It must have been hard, but you really did a great job."

"Hehe... Hehe..."



After praising Harin that he had worked hard with a soft smile, the talents who had felt the snow burst at once burst into tears.

"My b-sister... My brother was... bitten by a monster, but... I turned my back on him... Every time I sleep... My brother died because of me..."

Having just told her about the fact that the woman who appeared to be posing as an adult had difficulty hiding her identity, Harin moved to her side and slightly hugged her head into her arms.

"I had no choice. It's not your fault. It's a disaster. It's like a storm blowing up and swallowing the boat and blaming the crew for surviving on their own. So don't feel guilty for your brother."

"(* Sobbing *)!"

Common top.

However, I had to face criticism and ridicule from those who were heartbroken and had not experienced the situation, and the brawlers did not give them any prize or small consolation.

Harin's devotion to encouraging only themselves when everyone criticized and filming people's videos for it greatly shook their minds.

"Miss Harin!"

At that time, the principal appeared in the restroom with an angry voice.

"Hello, how have you been?"

"Ah... well... not at first! Why did you suddenly hide your true self?"

"Oh? Hiding from you? If anyone hears that, they'll think I've committed a crime and gone."

Harin smiled and pointed out the wrong line.

"Do you know what kind of situation you're in?"

"Yes, I know. But you came back like this, right? Right?"

She continues to provoke the nerves, and the tone of her voice rises sharply because the principle was that patience was scratching the floor.

"I'm joking... Phew... That's it. Come with me anyway."



When Harin tilted his head back as if he didn't understand, he could hardly bear that the cord of reason had been broken.

"… the situation in Korea is serious right now. An unsolved case of a monster in a row, provoked by North Korea..."

"So what does that have to do with me?"

He began to bite his lower lip tightly on her purposely turning her insides upside down, and turned into a tight-lipped voice that suppressed anger.

"You were pretty famous for the name Wind Wake for a while, right? So Miss Harin came out to comfort these talents...."

"Up? Did I just say up?"

Harin laughed nonsense as if the words of the principal were absurd, and looked around.

"I'm not an idiot. These people bought their citizens time to survive the beast until the Black Prosecutor came, and they faced the horror of death. Then why haven't you comforted them in the least?"

"Being in charge of the gallery is harder than I thought. It's a big pile of problems to worry about."

"Problems to care about? Why isn't there a problem with these people? You just came to your senses, you did everything you could, you were just unlucky enough to stop me from quitting?"

"Because contracts are contracts. What's wrong with doing what the contract says?"

The principle made a neurotic altercation with an annoying expression, and Harin also gradually raised the atmosphere.

"I will take care of these people. I have that kind of money."

"I'm sorry, Miss Haryn cannot leave the gallery."

After blocking Harin's path to going out, the principle began to gently spread his cognitive power in a threatening manner, which caused Harin's body to start to swing unnaturally to the left and to the right.

"Is that a threat?"

"Ms. Harin is not in a position to be on her own at the moment."

Due to the principal's answer, these talents, who had been harsh on the gallery, stood up roughly, but when they thought they were going into battle again, their legs twitched.

The principle that the girl who lost her abilities and the many morons who couldn't fight anymore thought she could be subdued enough alone, looked down and twisted her head to the left and to the right like what to do.

Harin, who had to be nervous because of his incompetence, sighed as if pathetic and remembered the conversation he had with Perisha.

- From now on, you must become hostile to the head of the gallery. The gallery, of course, will publicly treat you as a criminal, and people will react somehow to you becoming an enemy. Whether it's friendly or hostile. -

He then explained the principle and how to be an enemy, and as the story progressed, he sensed that the time had come to draw the line clearly.

"God, just shrug your shoulders for warning."


Suddenly, the principle of her bragging into the void with no one around her was to see who was hiding, but all the people here were caught by his senses.



Immediately, a black suit prosecutor protrudes out with a teleport and slits the shoulder of the primordial with his sword.


He screamed in shock at the white sword and the pain in his shoulder that his eyes couldn't keep up with, and the Black Swordsman hid himself back to the teleport as soon as he caught all of Harin and his talents at the pace of slapping the body strengthener.

"What's the matter!?"

The screams of the Principal protrude out, but the Black Swordsman and Harin have been hidden for a long time.

"Son of a bitch...! How dare you avenge me!! Get me a teleporter! Find those bitches!"

Just a little bit of blood.

However, after becoming a powerhouse, he vomited his anger at Harin and his tribe for daring to leave a knife bread for himself.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Now that you've thrown out all your pastry, you should finish your story with Liliya and use the Hidden Boss story after you write a childish appearance...

... I have more to write in the future than I thought;

Anyway, the Korean story is going to be over soon because all we have to do is toss out all the rice cakes. Maybe.

By the way, there were some brave people who were able to Hangul Jinsam Pair 7.

You created a patch, but if you don't enjoy it, you're no good to those who suffer!

I didn't want to do it, but I gave up because it's not Korean. I just had to dig.

Writer: Out of the fucking way! Fuck the novel!

Novel: Ugh!

Writer: Fuck you, reader!

Reader: That son of a bitch?

Writer: I was born for this fucking day!

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