"Wait a minute. Secretaries can't be easy. Besides, Park's assistant and the other two assistants who are looking out for him, right? They are all experienced people who have worked with secretaries, but if someone with no secretary experience suddenly gets involved, it must be chaotic."

"Min-jeong's right, too. Obviously, I was an ignorant woman who thought I could only use this ability. If you suddenly get involved in secretarial work, it would be an excuse for existing secretaries."

Against the public's objection, Harin gave up his secretarial duties neatly, accepting rather than disputing her objection.

Of course, the principle of being fascinated by Harin began to panic and try to keep her by her side somehow.

Despite being a seemingly obvious smuggling party, he was moving on to the smuggling party.

"It's a b-secretary's errand. You'll learn in no time! Don't bother...!"

"No, I was too hasty. And to be honest with you, I'm not that valuable, so I got greedy to stay anyway. I'm so sorry."

Having said this, Harin apologized for his insistence to work as a secretary, the principal rolled his eyes to think quickly, but the mood struck the player to make sure.

"I'll put out an APB for Harren."

"Thank you, Minjung. But I haven't slept in a while, so would it be okay if I just slept in the break room?"

"You're welcome."

They were two women who were talking to each other intimately, but they were already reading each other's intentions by looking into each other's eyes.

After turning away from the principal, Harin stepped out, raising her mouth tail toward Minji, checking out Harin's back face and holding her index finger up toward the principal and keeping her mouth shut.

Chess insists we don't talk until she's clearly far away.

Principles also kept their mouths shut because they knew that Harin shouldn't be listening to the conversation they were about to have now, and he opened his mouth as soon as he thought that the time had passed.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping him if he wants to come in?"

"You don't even know what's going on? That's a fucking python!"

Min, who was really excited, pointed his finger outside the door and called Harin a flower snake, but the principal frowned at her like that.

"A python? Don't you think it's too much to say!?"

"What I've done so far has been a perfect python! Besides, the plan was to make fun of her in private and use her as a facial beauty! I have no reason to accept that if you're gonna hide me in a building and order me to disobey!"

"Why not? You said marrying Miss Harin would make her reputation mine! Whether you're in love or in love with a man or a woman!"

"You don't have to get close enough to do that through insecurity!"

Although they had become colleagues because they knew each other's nature so far, Harin gradually changed the controversy between them emotionally.

Even though she is a high school student, Min Jing, who is already an adult, opposes Harin, who is a flower snake.

I felt the taste of a woman, but I had no relationship experience, and the principle that I had easily begun to fall for Harin's most attractive temptation of women began to crack between the two of them, wanting to accept her.

Then, Harin opened his mouth with a sparkling look, saying that they would deliberately go to the break room so that they could spit each other out.

"God. Let the operation begin. It makes them feel so trivial."

No one around, but she hears the voice of a man speaking to herself.

- All right, then let's do it. -

In the beginning, Harin had no intention of entering as a gallery secretary.

It was just the purpose of separating two people from one another by doing a flower snake so that Minjung wouldn't be allowed to do it.

"You're not afraid to act like a king in a narrow patch of land? Look forward to it. I'll take care of your roots."

This was not Harin's original plan.

It was the original plan to use the power of the god who had hidden his existence in secret to make him feel the moderate difference in power, but the plan changed when he magically intercepted the targeted principle and civil conversation and realized that they were rotten than he thought.

'Till I turn him over to the test subjects. How dare you take me as your wife? And what, comfort women?'

By saying that he would make himself a wife of principle, he would make himself a comforting husband and an accomplice to become his hands and feet. Thanks to his hard of hearing bullshit, Harin decided to change his plan for an hour and "end appropriately" everything.

God was also furious at Harin, the woman of Jin Woo, for claiming her own claim, and decided to fully cooperate with Harin's plan.

Of course, there were many unfinished parts because no matter how smart you were, you couldn't conceive all the plans in an hour, but no matter how bad the situation was, God's ability could cover all of them.

The compassion to make Harin a comforting wife, and the principle to make Harin a celestial wife.

It was very simple to break everything between the two of them, but Harin and God, who became obsessed with the propensity of Jinwoo, also decided to break them from the ground so that they could die in as much pain as possible.




A slightly fleshy body and a round-shaped face swung down their tall swords with both hands.

It's not a sword or anything.

It was just a random attack based on superhuman strength, but since such a clumsy attack can be accomplished, the slaughter modifier is fierce enough.



A longcat that has become monstrous and has become as big as a tiger has already been injured everywhere, and has split its torso in half without being able to avoid or pick up a man's blow.

"I'm finishing with this!"

"Ouch! This is the end of my dream!"

Dozens of these talents sighed for relief after seeing the body of the last monster killed by the man, and cheered for someone to get paid.

Monster corpses can be used in many ways.

When processed, leather can be as valuable as other expensive materials, or more weapons or armor. For research purposes such as blood, intestines, and flesh points, tendons or bones can be various kinds of materials.

The gallery negotiated with the government to give them a fair price for the corpse of the beast, a research material, and the talents of the gallery decided to buy government made research, weapons and defense equipment.

Previously, there were a small number of outsiders, and they only wanted to use it by the government, and they didn't sell it or use it outside.

However, as government personnel were leaving the country overseas, guarding Korea's security almost as if it were a gallery, it became a kind of store.

Of course, monster bodies are expensive, and the equipment that processed them is even more expensive.

Moreover, the gallery took some of the money from these talents, so these talents had to leap quite well to match the good equipment.

After all, the talents who succeeded in the mission began to chat in a warm atmosphere as they collected the bodies.

"Kyah-ah, the world is getting better. I heard it was because there was no talent when the wind was active."

The men in their late 30s opened their mouths as if surprised as they were dragging the bodies of beast beasts that were overwhelmingly fewer than themselves, even at the lowest grade, towards the container truck.

Just a few months ago, Korea was exhausted because it did not have this ability.

However, after the exploration of the gallery, when these talents who had been hiding their existence until now came to the gallery with magic power, it was really a question of whether Korea was hit by this weak power country.

I'm not kidding. Even when Wind Wake Lee Harin was active, there were not more than hundreds of these officially confirmed talents.

But when the gallery appeared, hundreds of people came up with that number.

Most people have lost a lot of vaginas, and many people have never killed even a mouse cub who passed by, so it is not very helpful for them, but until the number of these abilities became a force, Japan could not easily ignore the number before it was destroyed by the Three Tai Pole.

I was just being nice to her, but her power rose.

Although they built the gallery for their eternity and wealth, it was clear that the existence of the principal helped the Republic of Korea greatly.

"By the way, I heard the windmill came to the Painting HQ."

"You've lost this ability, aren't you here to get something?"

"I've seen it from afar, but it sure is pretty with a lover's cheeks."

A story about the wind rises to the surface.

Someone started talking about how famous the wind was, who laughed at her for missing this ability, and who began to talk about her beauty.

Reports of longcats evolving into beast beasts are making a ruckus in the middle of the road. They marched to a much larger number than the monsters, and there was no great crisis because everyone except the physical enhancers had their personal savings stockpiled with guns.

"But I think he's taking a lot of money from the corpse."

"I'm sure you do. But what about it? Instead, we get what we work for, right? I heard that no matter how powerful the wind kills monsters, they don't get a bonus for the dead."

"Ugh? You didn't get paid?"

"It's at least less unfair if you get a lot of salary. There's only three billion of them."

"Whoa, hold on a second. I'm just about to swear."

As if they were close friends, the two men who talked and treated each other awkwardly were frightened that the salary of the wind was only 3 billion.

Isn't 3 billion enough, I think, for a famous soccer player, Rionel Messi earns 24.9 billion in annual salary and Cristiano Ronaldo earns 22.7 billion in annual salary.

And the annual salary of wind, which is more valuable than a football player and most important to national security, is only three billion?

Even if you give me 10 billion, the government is too small. What do you mean, 3 billion?

Isn't this just for cheap?

But here's what they don't know.

It is that Harin, who has been trained and raised in a state facility since childhood, does not know much about water bodies in the world.

Moreover, Harin didn't have the luxury of saving money because he didn't have much use for it.

Rather, he has lived a hard life worth more than a billion dollars a day off.

The government knew that, so it hit Harin's salary like this.

No matter how famous or skilled he is, he is a football player.

Harin's value cannot be played in a game with mesh and Ronaldo combined, but the Korean government has done nothing but scam against her.

Harin, the most talented person in Korea, can only be treated with that much value, but others will be mistaken.

No matter how passionate Fei is and how patriotic Fei is, there are limits to that.

Therefore, the South Korean power could only be exacerbated to a lesser extent.

The problem is that Harin was so brilliant that no big problem occurred.

Perhaps without Harin, Korea would have treated these talents as well as other countries.

If that were the case, there wouldn't be a situation where you lose a cow and you can't fix a barn.

"Hey! Let's get this over with! It's lunchtime!"

As time slowed by the chatter, someone shouted, noticing that lunch is coming soon, and then the movements of these talents began to accelerate.

With these abilities working together, the bodies were quickly transported to the container truck, and they were all about to board the vehicle and return to the gallery headquarters.




Suddenly, the sound of a massive collision raises their heads to the source of the sound.

"What is that?"

What they saw was a giant wart rolling around the ground in a big shock.

If it was this big, we'd be in trouble already. Why did you come all the way here without any warning?

This common question arose in everyone's head, but the response has since changed depending on their personality.


The giant wart monster began to have hostility towards humans in posture, and the last time, a lively man shrugged his shoulders, who had split the long cat monster into giant swords.

"I don't know why he's here, but I don't care! The result has only increased our income! Rrrrgh!"

He started running curiously, saying that his income had increased, and wielding a giant sword……


"… Huh?"

Immediately, the man pauses at the strange sound coming from his body as the wart monster's arm disappears, wondering if his body is leaning to the right and looking down.

Blah, blah.

At the same time, his upper body was divided diagonally, and he ended his life with an expression that he didn't even know why he died.


"I didn't even see it...! What a powerful monster!?"

These talents begin to be frightened by the wart monster who slaughtered the man at an invisible speed.


The beast rushes in screaming to eat the prey in front of its eyes. One of the talents, however, shatters his head with a hollow sharp front leg.

Funnily enough, he was a teleporter who died in vain, even though he could retreat backwards if he wanted to.

"Ugh... Ugh!"

"Kill him! Surround him! We can surround them!"

"N-not enough! It's too much! How can you beat that?"

People screaming and panicking, people giving cold instructions, people giving up and running away.

Several people have chosen to hunt safely against monsters as many have begun to panic at the appearance of monsters that are more prestigious than themselves, and there is a figure on the rooftop of a building far away who sees them as such.

"Come to think of it, the first monster I dealt with was a wart monster. Hehe, I used to throw stones and make a scene."

The god who asked Jinwoo for a yoga monster gave him the right distance to inadvertently attack the discerning talents.

In Samtaegeum, he was just a yoga-grade monster with 'usable' abilities, but in Korea, it was a disaster.

Especially to the talents of the gallery who have never faced a battle with more powerful enemies than themselves.

If Harin was a metahuman, he would recognize that he was a strong monster, and would attack the bridge first, take away maneuverability, and then proceed step-by-step attacks. However, the talents of the gallery who saw people die instantly in front of their eyes became completely panicked.

"By the way, how did I kill that warthog monster?"

God began to recall the old memories, as if he had forgotten how to kill a predatory warthog monster who had barely hunted with the power suits received from Jinwoo.

It's the background music of people's screams.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

So far, it's been the Battle of the Three Tails, where we've fought enemies who could be defeated or seriously harmed if we're careless, but countries who are not.

For God's sake, Korea is just the country in which I was born.

Moreover, not less than that, patriotism can chew and slaughter the guilt of killing the same country with Jinwoo's command.

By the way, it's really hot these days, so I'm annoyed.

Just annoyed for no reason!

Give me a coupon for some ice cream.

No coupons, one dive a day? Give it to me cheap before it gets robbed!

PS: When others beg for coupons, I tear them apart! This is Savage Quality!

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