Although the red elastic skin and white areas of the eyes were black, a woman with a contrasting golden figure opened her mouth by chewing the rugged-looking green fruit.

"That's odd. The first bottles sent to Earth are about to contact us, but why haven't we heard from them yet?"

The Empress of the Kali Empire has not been particularly interested in the appearance of her headmaster, suggesting that there is no contact with the superbottles who sent her back to Earth with her dark hair.

The five superbottles that he sent were made up of beings that could live in the Earth's ecosystem, but even before that, they were mid-level capabilities in the Kali Empire, so he had no choice but to look away from the disconnection.

Because at their level, they would not have been wiped out by warriors of a small distant planet.

"… Supervisor."

"Yes, you did."

The empress who thought of something for a moment said someone's title in a place where no one was around, and an answer came to her head.

"Let's take a look at those Informants. It doesn't make sense that we haven't been in touch like this."


The Deputy Inspector replied briefly, but he did not hear anything very subtly, even though he felt the popularity was fading.

Maybe a dozen minutes went by.

Iron Puck...

Suddenly, a viscous liquid drops from the ceiling, revealing an alien wearing a small, blunt, shimmering suit, measuring 130 cm tall.

"Intelligence was blocking reports from the scout ship."


The Kali Empire, who boasted of knowing everything within the Empire, did not understand why the intelligence services did what they did.

"They said I couldn't show it to the Empress, so I wasn't able to do this or that."

"Wow. You can't show it to me? I miss you even more. Play it."

Empire Intelligence is obliged to collect and disclose all information for the Empress.

However, I was naturally curious about the information that they couldn't do this or that, and I was half expecting a video.

Tiny Tall's scout manager picks up a finger-sized object and touches something, revealing the contents of the report sent from the scout ship in holographic form.

Can we talk now? -

= Yes, it's working properly =

In the video, he sat on a familiar head of an Earthling with a universal cruiser that matched information about humans sent from the Kuojek class.

- Hello? Hello, Empress Kali. I ask you to remove the leader of Samtaegeuk, the organization of the Earth. -


Tiny Tall's inspector stumbled unknowingly at the Earth speakers who introduced himself to be put away, but the Empress was not responding to anything, so she did not step forward.

- You're the one who sent this son of a bitch to Earth? -

In the 'this cub' section, he pointed to Kurt's head that he was sitting on, and in the 'that cub' section to the alien corpse that had returned to the scout ship after destroying Moscow.

- How dare this body slice open the Earth to conquer. I don't know how long you've lived, but there's a moral order to things. I put you down first, and you think you're gonna be a late bloomer? Did you learn that in your mother's womb? -


And once again, the Director of Surveillance is shaking unconsciously.

He finally understood why the intelligence agency was hiding this and manipulating the footage.

If I had to report to the Empress who created a huge empire of her own, if I had to report a video using this tone, I'd have to give it up or something.

However, all information must be gathered and reported for the Empress.

With an insult of this magnitude, I would have given it to you even if I was scared.

The reason they failed to release this video to the Empress was because the intensity of criticism and profanity had become stronger and stronger.

The grounder, who dared to talk to the Empress about her morality and blah and sermons, grumbled for a long time and moved on to the next topic.

- The power of the Kali Empire from this bastard's mouth must have been a tiny pinch for me. But when the owner of the Kali Empire said "Empress," I didn't know it was my victory. -

You were terrified by the power of the Kali Empire and called for my victory as soon as you heard the news of the Empress.

Isn't this like winning against a warrior who is afraid of 100 ordinary soldiers and can take on 1,000?

The inspector frowned at Kurt, who had his head cut off for a chair in Chiu.

How could you explain Her Majesty in such a rough way that he reacts like that?

- Once I've heard of it, I've introduced you as the strongest Talent in the Cali Empire... but in the end, "Empress" means she's a female, right? Just based on physical strength, females can become stronger than males. However, the female is only a female after all. -

By this time, we won't even notice what this Earthling is saying.

The misconception is that Earthlings regard women, men as females, and males as distinct from animals.

- That is, no matter how strong the females are, once the males spread their legs and poke them, game three! I mean! Hehehe! -

I'm nervous.

Although he knew that all of his senses were screaming, "Don't let him talk anymore," he was fixating her gaze on the video with a look that seemed to be interesting to her, and he couldn't help but hesitate to turn it off.

- I hereby declare war on four... I will lay you down, copulate and copulate until you roar from your mouth like an animal, and make your bitch my slave! I will make you pregnant with the seeds of this body and enslave you to the Kali Empire! Why are you so confident? No matter how strong she is, she can't beat him! Once the males are stabbed, the females will have no choice but to roar and accept it! This is the law of the Earth, or the entire universe! Kuhahahaha! -


I don't know much about Earthlings, but this Earthling is clearly insane.

Saying to the great warrior and empress who rules the entire galaxy, "A female cannot defeat a male, and I will breed with you and conceive my seed, and I will enslave you and swallow the Kali Empire!"

At first, Kurt frowned at the sight of her impersonation, but the rambling ambassador said Kurt had explained it properly, but he could only see that the empress was a woman and he had won because he was a man.

- Hmm……. I can't express the greatness of this body this well... If I'd known this, I would've killed every last one of them. -

Chiu, who had once tried to provoke the leaders of the Earth's ruling council, had no choice but to destroy all the joints of the widows' daughters, and use her stunned to send a blackmail video. The superintendent, of course, wondered what kind of nonsense he was looking for.

- There are two options for four women. First, we don't even look at the Earth. If you choose this, I'll praise you for being a really smart bitch. You must cherish the genius of giving up the idea of bringing a great male into the body of a humble female. -

I can't even speak right now.

I was so blinded that I wanted to turn my head without knowing it, but he could not turn his head to the Empress.

- Two, this is really, really good. It's an ignorant way...... They are attacking the Earth. Once you've come to Earth, your years will be my slaves, so if you don't want your worthless empire to fall, choosing your first will be beneficial. I've always beaten females who are similar to me or stronger, and I've poked them in their crotch to make them squirm. If you're going for the second option, you might want to keep your body tidy. That's how you fuck! Kuhahahaha!

The flusterers...

The inspector wanted to hack this Earthling right away, so his whole body was full of fury, but when he attacked Qiu, the presence of the video, he was like swinging his fist to hit the fog, and most of all, the woman was still, so he couldn't move forward.

- Oh, and when you do, Merona. -


The last video of the dialogue was finished.

"This... Foolish Earthling...!"

"Phew... Phew... Phew... Hahahaha!!"

"Your Majesty… Your Majesty…?"

At that time, an unbelievable sight appeared in the eyes of the inspector.

A smile came out of the face of the Empress who had always been stained with uselessness.

Fighting against any opponent was like a fun feast in front of the Empress, and the amusing talents of the Empire could not raise their mouths.

That's why the Imperial people and warriors didn't smile enough to say, 'The Empress has never laughed since she was born,' and the inspector sat around the Empress for a long time, but it was the first time in her life that she laughed like this.

"Amazing! Amazing, Earthling! Ever since I was born, it's been the funniest declaration of war ever! Phukkheek!

The Empress burst out a pure smile toward Qiu, making sure she wasn't even a bit offended.

"Who has ever dared to say this to me! Even though it's an uncharted, uncharted planet of the Empire, I have great courage to be able to say this to myself!"

For a few minutes, the madly smiling Empress took a deep breath to find out if she had poured out all the things she hadn't laughed at all.

"There is another reason to attack Earth. I definitely want to meet that Human and talk to him."

"Your Majesty... How can you meet a barbarian like that?"

"No, I want to see myself and see if I can say something like that. I was going to slowly prepare a fleet for the invasion of Earth, but I'll have to change my mind. Summon the available warriors from Earth's atmosphere immediately. Arming the fleet is minimally defensive because orbital bombardments outside the gravitational sphere will not be fun."


You may think, "Why invade Earth and still not build a fleet?", but it is a testament to the Cali Empire's ridicule of Earth.

He decided it wasn't worth building a fleet of hard-working ships to attack the Earth.

The inspector jumped somewhere, communicating to fulfill the Empress's orders, and at the same time, a number of popularity around the Empress disappeared.

The popularity disappeared as soon as the order was dropped, because there were more errands around the Empress to immediately fulfill and deliver her orders, rather than protecting her status.

One peculiar thing is that even though popularity disappeared, no sound and appearance appeared.

"Put it... away... It's a good thing there are still beings like you in the universe. If I face you, at least this uselessness will go away. Give me as many chances as you can, so try to force me to do it. Cook, Cook, Cook!"

We know that civilization and science itself are lower than the Cali Empire, but it is clear that there are laws to maintain society and society.

Nevertheless, it was quite curious that such an animal-minded man existed. Above all, Qiu's remarks about conceiving the seed brought a strong curiosity to the Empress of the Kali Empire, who had been free to date, even though no one dared to flick their fingers.

"Conquest of the Earth will be more enjoyable than I thought."

What would the guy do if he met himself and told him to clean up?

If I felt my own strength firsthand, how badly would my self-reliant face and voice be distorted?

The Empress who dared to confront Qiu with such words one day wished that she was a warrior worthy of the opportunity to challenge him again.

In doing so, the Kali Empire moves faster than the prophecy.

Due to the existence of Irregular, Ciura.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Today's Journal

... I started to pretend to be as clean as I could because I wanted to do image laundering, but the readers would react by saying, "If a frog hits your wrist, it flies..."

Even though I've never lied to a writer's review, I have 0% confidence.

Where did I go wrong?

PS: Oh, I'm sure people will want more engagement if they're involved, but sometimes it has to be like this, right?

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