As I've explained before, the world today is truly a chaos.

Samtaegeuk, who defeated Japan and China and waged a war against the United States.

And the invasion of the aliens known as the Great Plague of the Cali Empire left the Russian capital Moscow heavily damaged and the president fleeing.

I believe in the rumors about the Kali Empire or have become divided into unbelieving people, but the faithful rush to gather things and prepare for the worst.

Moreover, as Japan and China collapsed, the global financial markets skyrocketed, exports, and imports blocked, many companies were nearly halfway insane to try to sell their inventory as much as possible, either because they dragged the unavailable inventory to China or collapsed, or they were desperately cheap.

The situation above reminded me of the idea of "shit," but even more chaotic events erupted from the United States because of the chaotic yard.

The conflict between the United States and the Pentagon, a hero organization that symbolizes justice and freedom, to manage these competents, is due to the superhuman registration bill.

To cut a long story short, the state will take care of their credentials, their personal details, and the protection of their families.

The Pentagon argued that this was a dictatorship that should not come out of a liberal democracy, and raised its voice that all competents should deny it for justice and freedom.

The Pentagon, however, denied Pentagon justice and freedom by threatening to invalidate legislation enacted by the state by the Pentagon by using information on the Cali Empire, claiming that it was a means to withdraw authoritarian levels of legislation to control these capabilities.

The problem was the reaction of these people.

Talents who chose heroes, villains, or people who felt they should not be bound to human rights and freedoms, just because they wanted to use their power without thinking, opposed to this policy of the state, but who gained this ability through hard training or near-death experiences, or had some understanding of military origin and death, supported this policy of the country.

Today's talents only want to unleash their power as much as they want, but those who did not want to feel responsible for their power have voluntarily come and become competents of the state by thinking that they should awaken through the means of the state.

In the meantime, their personal details were revealed, but at the same time, agents from the government gave close protection to their families, and publicly propagated their first volunteer talent with a sufficiently stable life.

It looked similar to 'creating' heroes, just like in World War II, but Americans who wanted to lead themselves, even as a democracy, reacted favorably to their own capabilities for the state.

But here's the problem.

Most of the talents who entered the country were heroes, and when their personal details became known, they were retaliated against by their families for a number of reasons.

Of course, while national agents performed life-threatening acts while blocking them with their bodies, Billons, who had already known that national agents were properly escorted, took a firm mind and worked quickly because several people joined hands.

When they heard that their loved ones, friends, lovers or spouses had all died in an instant from the intensive attack, they were furious and cursed at the government.

The government thought this was the first example and wanted to get elite agents involved in the raid to deal with the villains, but nowadays, villains aren't stupid enough to deal with it.

Most of them had already left overseas by the time they found traces, or had never gone deep enough to get out.

Despite some of the villains being spotted in a relentless pursuit, government agents, of course, had to sacrifice quite a large number of people.

Once I had captured or killed a small number of villains somehow, those who lost all their families had to kill all the officials involved.

Eventually, the first volunteers of the government fled the country, and the superhuman registration bill, which was only a good place to start, began to squirm.

However, the U.S. government continued to push for superhuman registrations that could control the power of talent without giving up.

On the other hand, the Pentagon, which had become an informal force organization by the government, went passively to monitor the situation.

The government has dispatched an army with the capabilities of the state to attack the Pentagon, and some have determined that the Pentagon requires a superhuman registration bill, so they expect the Pentagon to be pushed without delay.

If it was an ordinary Pentagon, it would have been quite difficult, but the Pentagon actively recruited the outstanding warriors who came out of the prophecy of Grace, a Grade 10 prophet, or those who had such talents, because of the Irregular "Hero of the Prophecy" and "The First Traitor" who went through a shocking event that made them the executives of the Pentagon no longer follow the prophecy.

Of course, all those who recruited did not awaken their abilities or carry out their prophecies.

While their Awakening required a desperate reason for wanting their power, there were often times when the Pentagon was artificially trying to Awaken them that they were weaker or unable to awaken at all.

But thanks to the actions of the properly Awakened, the Pentagon was able to defeat the troops sent by the U.S. government by overwhelming force, creating fewer deaths, but the U.S. government became more alert to the Pentagon's appearance than expected.

This is all that happened because of the superhuman registration bill, but in the ongoing press, the superhuman registration bill was right, and experts argued about it, and citizens were reluctant to believe the Pentagon was right, but the government was right.

In the meantime, Samtaegeum was being summoned one day to take down the Chinese resistance and plunder their resources, but no one talked about China.

It is imprinted in everyone's mind that they are already wrong to regenerate, so they will turn their eyes away.


Some Tibetans, who had been exiled to India by Chinese oppression, all returned to their homes.

The reason they are able to return home is from Samtaeg to the government of India.

- Tibet is a country that surrendered to us. In exchange for giving me land to live without persecuting the Tibetans, I will not attack you first. Instead, send all Tibetans who wish to return home. -

It's because I sent a specialist.

For his specialty, the government of India was so gentle that it was nervous that there was some kind of prank or conspiracy they did not know, but fortunately, there was no problem until all the Tibetans who wanted to go home left.

As long as they did not invade the border, the soldiers wearing the robots and full body armor of Samtaegi helped guide them.

A part of the Asian Liberation Forces turned to Tibet and remained completely isolated from the outside world while trying to maintain security until China's subjugation was completed, even though they didn't care what India was thinking.

Although it is a collapsed China, it is quite troubling when they attack Tibet as a group, randomly stacking up fences and obstructions that impede movement.

Turkish forces need to break through distant deserts, wastelands and intermittent wildlife monsters, although Tibet is more mobile than Turkish.

That's why more troops than Turkish troops are deployed to maintain security.

However, he said he was completely isolated from the outside. Occasionally, soldiers would go out with trucks carrying bars to trap animals.

When I came back, I always came back with a human in a cage, like a fish-filled line, and every time people would follow behind a truck like a hungry hyena, holding a hammer, a baseball bat, etc., one thing might be a weapon.

Queek -

Today, the Asian Liberation Forces, which were still full of people in the cage, arrived at an unusual place and opened the cage and threatened with a gun.

"You guys! Come out here!"

"H-help me...! Please save me...!"


My whole body seems to have been through quite a rough life, begging for the life of an unscrupulous middle-aged man, but the soldier pushes the gun into the cage and pulls the trigger towards him.

"Cough... Cough...!"



The middle-aged man who was relentlessly bleeding from his stomach became limp, and people panicked as they cried.

"Say it again! Come out!"

Soldiers aimed their guns at each other with a fierce look to kill them if they disobeyed again, and the prisoners were forced to obey their orders.

So the people of the awkward mortar bones, with their hands closed, went into a pool that looked like a pool with tons of holes for their pinky fingers to fit on the ground.

Over time, some of the soldiers of the Asian Liberation Army who succeeded in attracting all those who were trapped in the cage shouted at the citizens who followed them with weapons, a high-ranking ministerial middle-aged man.

"These men have taken our land! Hateful Chinese who have trampled our will! I will use the power of attorney from Qiu, the leader of the Three Tai Poles who has subjugated China! I will pronounce judgment on the Chinese here and now!"


Kwaak -

On the verdict, the faces of the Tibetans who were holding the weapons became even more ferocious, and they squeezed their hands tightly and rushed out immediately.

"Guilty as Chinese! The sentence will be executed!"


"Kill! Kill all those sons of bitches!"

The accusation is that he is only Chinese, and the sentence is a ridiculous sentence of death.

However, as soon as his sentence came to pass, people swung their arms at the hands of the rebellious Chinese.

Boom! Boom!

Sounds of breaking bones or hitting hard with something dull.



"Kill him!"

A shout of scream and hatred echoed through the scene of a unilateral slaughter, but the people watching around were smiling and watching as if they were doing well.

At first, many people frowned or thought it was too severe, but after continuing to promote a unilaterally violent environment, they were able to participate in the 'death sentence' one by one, and now they are completely tamed by the taste.

The Samtaegeum brutalized the Tibetans who became their own countries, and many volunteered as soldiers in the Asian Liberation Army began to grow.

However, there were those who resented this appearance.


"Ah……. Tibet... is turning people... into demons... into hell..."

The Dalai Lama and Tenzin Giecho grumbled at the unilateral slaughter of people like the Devil, and the elders in uniform around them turned their heads away as though they couldn't even see it now.

At that time, the old man, Azura, who was covered in ugly and disgusting scars, thumped towards Rama.

Just as the weight of the muscles weighed 100 kg lightly, the old man who could not believe that it was the body of the old man, muscles, and muscles alone, smiled as freshly as possible, but when he saw the young children, he sat down and burst into tears.

"Kuhahahaha! This won't do, Dalai Lama! I'm so sorry I haven't seen you in a while!"

It's like talking back to a friend I haven't seen in a long time.

"I sent myself because the area protected by a fairly powerful talent is near my hometown, Tibet. It's easier than I thought, so I'm glad to see you in the car watching how you're doing back home."

Rama reacted, frowning and reacting with a voice so familiar.

"Delek... No, Asura.... All of this was your idea."

"Hehe. Half wrong, half right."

Asura rebuked the Dalai Lama lightly, but he felt curious that Rama was half wrong and half right.

"Half... wrong?"

"Yes, half of it is clearly hatred for the Chinese. But the other half... oops, this is a secret of the organization, so I wouldn't mind telling you."

The part about bloodshed is highly confidential, so if the Dalai Lama, who speaks carelessly and then protests against the Three Tai Poles, leaks information elsewhere, there is a problem.

If the peacekeeper explodes and breaks the blood vessel, the trouble so far will be in vain.

Although there are still many Chinese, leaking information that could prevent the Duke from taking over the world must be avoided in order to create a bloodshed aimed at world conquest.

"Do you... think this is normal? What do you mean, he was executed just for being Chinese? And why are you making ordinary citizens do that!?"

The PRC has certainly committed an abominable act against a minority.

However, even in China, conscientious people voiced allegations that what they had done to minorities was clearly wrong.

If he executed only because he was Chinese, what difference does it make to have the families of prisoners sentenced to death together?

If Azura was a typical person, he would have said, "They did it because they did it, and we do it," but he had already accepted Rama's blame.

"That's right. This is clearly wrong, as Rama has said. But does that matter?"


"You must be mistaken, Rama. The Tritiac is a force of evil that wants to trample the world down and rule it, and we are like a group of evil that cooperates with evil forces. Is there a big problem with a villain trying to act like a villain?"


Rama almost lost his mind without knowing him because he reasonably treated Asura as' We are villains, so he has a reputation and doesn't give a damn! '

"Why did this happen……. You clearly hate the Chinese, but you kept a minimum of Dory...."

Rama didn't fully understand.

Asura clearly hated the Chinese.

Nevertheless, even with the hatred of Azura, the least Dory was kept safe.

However, he was once a completely different person than Delek Yonvara, who was reborn as Asura after abandoning his name.

Dozens of times more cruel, to be exact?

"He knows' how to take revenge 'well. I thought I was pretty brutal and vicious up until now, but I found myself in front of the fireflies in the sun. So I learned a lot."

Asura pointed her hand at those citizens who were unilaterally violent toward the Chinese who could not resist in the 'various' areas.

"Really... Should I do this? I'm not an adult, either. What China did was so angry, so angry, so few times. I also believe that a certain degree of retaliatory violence is inevitable given all the pain our people have suffered. But this is outrageous! This is not an act for the country! Killing people for fun, for fun, for fun! If you think killing people is fun, it's not human anymore!"

The Dalai Lama was right.

Murderers with strong hatred and people just for fun.

They are both criminals who committed the same murders, but they are certainly far more inhumane to those who would kill their lives for fun.

If I were to unleash the strong hatred that had been suppressed so far, I would not be able to stop Dalai Lama.

That's how much Tibet has suffered by China.

But now Tibetans are killing Chinese for fun.

What do you mean, people kill people for fun? This is like an animal in a human hood who has given up being a human being.

The problem is that Samtaegi is destroying Tibet by turning Tibetans into such beasts.

At first, however, Azura hated China and the world that did not stop it, as if it didn't matter.

"It doesn't matter."

"What? It doesn't matter? A country called Tibet! It doesn't matter to make our people beasts!?"

The Dalai Lama vomited his fury to date, but Azura shrugged his shoulders and replied without hesitation.

"The standards of the world will now be established by the Three Tai Poles. If we stop the attack by the Kali Empire, the Three Tai Poles are the law and the truth on Earth. We may be sinners and beasts in the eyes and laws of the world now, but in the future, before the Tritiac reigns over the world, it will be a privilege, a pastime, that only the wise will enjoy before it takes control of the world."

Although it was now a crime, Azura's expression and voice was confident that it would only become a privilege and entertainment for those who later became the guardians of the Three Taiji Dynasty.

"The fate of the Earth? World peace? Fuck that shit. I think it's the only way for our people to rise."



I can't talk at all.

They only make their own claims at the ends of the parallel lines, but they don't even think about coming close.

Rama couldn't understand the mind of Asura, who had become a lesser evil spirit than Sura, nor could he understand the will of Rama to walk the right and right path.

"Asura! We have a request for assistance! There are areas where the survivors of the Democratic Blind are fiercely resistant!"

At that time, a full-body body armor soldier with a rank of officers ran towards Asura and explained why he had to leave and where he could no longer talk, and he bowed his head politely and said goodbye to Rama.

"Well, I hope you have a safe trip. Though they don't match each other's values, I admire Rama. Sure."

Asura immediately ran away, and when she saw him, Rama muttered powerlessly.

"Sam Tai drama will change the meaning of the word 'human'...."

The Dalai Lama resented that the Earth's history and values had changed because of its existence, but there was nothing he could do.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Grand Wedding is next!

It's a bit of a mess (not the meaning of a joke), but a love covers everything in a character's eyes other than the Samtaegeum officials.

Once we're done with the wedding, you'll need to write a Korean story, some Civil War that started in the United States, and a provocative message that Jin Woo sent to the Cali Empire...

... we're all pushed together, so let's start with small ones.

It would be better to enter the Hidden Boss Monster Extermination after the wedding, after the message to the Kali Empire sent by Jin Woo and the story of the United States and South Korea.

For your information, we do not want to make any direct remarks to explain what ratings are due to the difficulty of measuring them on this capability scale.

This ability is difficult to translate because it uses magical spell-based abilities.

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