During the busy days of the recovery of resources, the occult stronghold, and the annihilation of the Chinese people in Taipei drama, there was a big transformational wind in the United States.

"Stop the intruders!"

"Defensive line breached! Protect the president!"

Thump, thump!

At the White House, the guards rushed in, threatening to stop the intruders as they flew their radios, but the intruder aimed a giant hammer at his goal in a straight line.


A dynamo bodyguard in a black outfit secured the right leg joint of the intruder.

Only one enemy. If this side, the numerically superior, can stop the intruder's body part, then our allies can stop the intruder.

Whether it was a moderately powerful bronzer or an intruder whose joints were forced into lockdown, it seemed as if nothing could come of it.

"This time!"

Other impulse drivers stopped the movement while restraining the body of the intruder, as if they were suppressing the intruder.


A huge oval pillar protrudes from behind your back, creating a powerful spark.





At the end of the column, a sparky magnetic field spreads from one side to the other, sweeping through the bodies of the motorists and guards, and those looking for an opportunity to eliminate the intruders falter unconsciously as they faint.

A Heavy Power Suits invader with a gigantic body circles around through the heat source sensing vision and finds a swarm of people somewhere busy, surrounded by guards.

Pow! Pow!

Heavy Power Suits, which moved heavily enough every step to create a giant groove on the floor, ran at an unbelievable speed compared to their body parts.

Boom, boom! Boom!

Heavy Power Suits, which was running in a straight line towards the targeted group as they smashed the wall into pieces, saw the faces of those who were running somewhere, and luckily found familiar faces.

- Good to see you, Mr. President. -

"… who are you?"

The President of the United States, Jacob Mason, has asked for the identity of the pilot beyond the heavy heavy Heavy Power Suits that stand in his way.

At that time, the intruder suddenly knelt down and put his hands on his head.

- I'm not here to hurt you. It's just that this is the fastest and easiest way to meet you face-to-face. -

"You want to talk to me?"


At that time, one of the hands on the head, along with the machine tone, began to move downward.

Guards intercepted the president, preparing to blow themselves up as a shield in the worst case scenario, but hands entered an open space with kneeling thigh gloves and took out a bunch of documents.

- This is the conversation I want to have. -

I took out a bunch of paperwork and asked them to take it, but the guards couldn't get their hands on the paperwork.

In this world of capabilities, ordinary paper can be a threat.

"Bring it."

"Mr. President!"

"If you had killed me or harmed me, you would have done it a long time ago. You're wasting your time with one swing to get it over with."

It's not that they don't know.

It's just that the guards who specialized in protecting the president instinctively refused because they had a mission to shut it down in advance if they felt the least bit dangerous.

However, when President Jason gave the order to bring a bunch of documents, one of the guards carefully brought the documents and began to check between the papers.

The president took the documents from his bodyguard's hand and read them carefully to see what was written in it that caused all this commotion.

"… superregistration legislation……?"


As you pass over the document, muttering the title, the escorts following the intruders rush in.

"Protect the President!"

"Stop the intruders!"

The guards who gathered on the mission that the President should not be in any kind of trouble found him to be an intruder, kneeling on his knees with his hands above his head, in a position where he could kill him with one hand.

A heavy power-suit that pierces the White House's security forces.

Since such an intruder expressed his intention to surrender at a distance that could harm the president, everyone's mind was bewildered not knowing what was going on.

"This is not the enemy. Arrest me later."

The president continued to familiarize himself with the paperwork and gave orders to the guards.

The guards assembled near the president just in case, or completed the siege as they moved into position to attack the intruders at any time.

There are all kinds of defense devices in the White House, including those that can emit EMP magnetic fields to neutralize the invasion through power suits.

However, the intruder entered by lightly ignoring the EMP attack, so he felt nervous and prepared to deal with any situation while intuiting that it was not normal performance.

"The point is to reveal the identities of all talents and turn them into agents of state."

- Yes, and we also need mental education to remind us that strong power comes with that responsibility. We decided that this was impossible if we didn't use our hands at the national level. -

"… Hmm……."

President Jacob liked the document.

He also wanted to defend against the intriguing beings of the Three Taiji Dynasty or the Cali Empire, and because he knew this, he wanted to absorb the Pentagon, a group of American heroes who would already be dealing with it.


"Will these talents follow? They want to be free to use their power. And some of them are into organized crime. In such a situation……."

- That's why you have to push harder. Think about it. Have you ever seen a hard-working, hard-working, hard-working special forces unit beat and kill ordinary people as much as they'd like? Although it is often the case that a personality is garbage from the start or because of a special situation called PTSD, special forces know where to use their strength. -


Obviously it is.

With the exception of a handful of personality junkies and those suffering from PTSD, hard-trained special forces make the most of their power for those around them because they know they're stronger than the average citizen, rather than boasting about their power and beating up innocent civilians.

- Do you know how dangerous it is for people who are suddenly empowered by a name of talent, without training, without pride? Suddenly, they want to vent out their desires, their sense of responsibility for power that doesn't exist. Heroes, villains, and eventually people who are intoxicated by their own power, who are not willing to risk their lives to fight the strongest, only the weakest. Mr. President, if the Three Tails or the Cali Empire were to attack the United States, do you think these talents would be the right force? -


Though President Jacob thought the intruder was right, he was able to read the feeling of 'anger' beyond that.

The intruder is outraged by the existence of the incapable.

I don't know why, but I can clearly feel hatred and resentment for beings who have strong powers but have no responsibility for them.

"According to this document, the identity of all competent persons must be revealed. But you're hiding your face."

If you want to add some persuasion to your documents, show your face.

This claim by President Jacob was justified.

It didn't make sense to hide your face and only show it to others.


As soon as the president finished speaking, you hear the machine beeping on the back of the Heavy Power Suits.

The guards flinch and point at the weapon, but the hatch on your back is fully opened and a robust man appears.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. President. My name is Magnus Grimes. President of a small trading company in New York."

"… Magnus Grime……!"

His face was remembered because he had never met Magnus Grimes in person, the refusal of a trade business to dominate New York's economy, but he was a famous figure who could have a big political impact.

"You know my face, but unfortunately you don't know 'Hell Gate'. I thought you had earned your fame."

"Hell Gate?"

Magnus talks about Hell Gate in a slight glamour, but President Jacob looks down to see if he really doesn't know Hell Gate.

Perhaps every hero or villain's name is not worth remembering.

Or because the Hell Gate's activities are so short, it may not reach the White House due to its short-term fame.

"So, is this an arrest or a conversation?"

Magnus demands his immediate treatment.


"You're under arrest. despite the fact that my proposition was not convincing enough to overcome sin."

Then he closes his eyes with both hands above his head.

He did everything he could, so he jumped the neck, arrested him, and accepted any decision he made.

"If you hadn't revealed your face to the end, you would have declared him untrustworthy and ordered his arrest."

With a favorable answer, President Jacob turned his gaze to the head of the security team.

"Alert yourself and repair all the broken facilities. I'll talk to him."

"Yes? But……!"

The head of the security team tried to say something, but the president gave another order.

The head of the security team lowers his gaze for a moment, and shows the chess pieces to one of the closest bodyguards.

The guard, who receives the Team Leader's signal, focuses on something for a moment, then shakes his head slightly.

'If you weren't brainwashed... does that mean the contents of that document are that sweet?'

Secretly confirming that the president had been brainwashed, the head of the security team, following the president's orders, began to order the vigilance to be restored and the broken facility restored.

When Magnus pressed the button on the controller to remotely control the Hell Gate, the hatch moved back into its corner and stood up like a statue.

If you leave it in the middle of the hallway, it's kind of a manner-mode because people are too big to move.

'Normally, you wouldn't even look at me....'

President Jacob has a hard day every day.

While this would have been thrown in the trash can as usual, he was now experiencing a crisis that the United States could be torn apart by the threat of the Three Taipei and Cali Empires, and the FBI and the CIA had heard that Across had infiltrated the world of criminal organizations to multiply its power.

In that situation, Magnus was definitely worth a conversation with, with the slightest glimpse of the American crisis.


A wild head like a lion's mane and a face that at a glance was thought to be 'good looking for a fight' appeared on the big screen.

Hey, it's been a while! - Move!

"You're the one who's glowing. Have you been taking any pills?"

One was a middle-aged man and the other a young man, but the two of them shared informal greetings, as if they were merely numbers of age.

The middle-aged man on the big screen was the head of Across, the most formerly powerful conquest organization, and the young man facing the screen was the head of the three Taipei Theatre, which is still growing stronger by the hour.

- Well, I wanted to talk to you, but I should have been able to figure out the frequency. -

"So this is how you sent your crew?"

He glanced at the overwhelmed white man on one side of the bridge and insisted that it was absurd.

In Beijing, soldiers who were slaughtering Chinese or guarding their surroundings suddenly ambushed white men who said they were "from Across," and asked for contact with members of the organization and executives of the Tritiac because there was a message from Across to send to the Tritiac.

Asian Liberation Forces, who didn't know how to deal with this kind of situation, immediately reported to Ferrissa, who transported him to the jihad bridge that had anchored him on the ground.

He introduced himself as a member of Across' organization and said he wanted to talk to the Tritiac on Across, but he had no way to communicate with the Battleship of the Tritiac so he came here to communicate with each other's frequencies.

So, the hot line of Across and Three Taiji drama was connected, and after a while, the Grand Arc was happy as if he had reunited with Matmagou whom he hadn't seen for a long time, smiling.

"Is this the end of his role?"

Did you really expect to be an assassin? -

"Is that so?"


At that moment, you cut off the neck of a white man who was expressing comfort, even though he was still trapped, because he had completed his mission.

"You dare to look at my women with your dirty eyes."

On his way to the bridge, he met a few of his slaves, and he had a slight desire to 'hug' her with an unmistakable beauty.

He who was sensitive to his own possessions read his lust, so he slashed his head for looking at his goods with dirty eyes.

I didn't do it myself, I just thought of the natural desire of a man to have sex with a beautiful woman, and you cut her throat!

However, since he was the law within the Three Tai Drama, this little reason is also a death sentence if he does not like it.

Even though the god Azura and the Southern Palace were men, they did not have the filthy eyes of slaves in Zion, so they left them alone. If they wanted to covet anything of themselves, they would have cut their throats first while sleeping.

- He was a pretty good guy. It's a shame. -

The Grand Arc, who lost his agent, ends with a response, "It's a bit of a waste," rather than a rampage.

For them, the existence of a dead man was only this high.

"By the way, why did you connect me and the hotline?"

- That's because the world is in a hurry. The information about the Kali Empire is known all over the world, and as you bring down China, the world is shaking economically and politically. -

The Grand Arc briefly explained how the world's politics were shaken.

The collapse of the huge export and import markets of China has left the world in a volatile economy, and even the presence of the Kali Empire has divided citizens' reactions in half.

You think it's nonsense, or you feel extremely anxious.

People who are anxious are screaming for joy in many places, either by turning the basement into a bomb shelter or by converting the basement for safety.


- Now is as good a time as any to move. I'll take Europe. You attack the United States. We will quickly unite the Earth, and then we will face off against the Kali Empire. "


Previously, the Grand Arc made a similar offer.

After we've held hands and conquered the world, let's split our forces in half and aim for a couple.

However, there was no power or background for Qiu at that time, so the Grand Arc had to be cleared of Factor 1 and Factor 2, but the proposal now was ultimately different.

'But that bastard... Somehow he's more confident than before. No... It's like looking up and down. No way...?'

The struggle between himself and the Grand Arc is truly barbaric.

Knowing that he could not easily decide the battle with himself, the look he had on his face was always spreading like he was facing an equal opponent.

Suddenly, the look of looking down from the top....

"Have you been promoted to the 11th grade?"

- Kuhahahaha! Yes... No, wait... "You too"? -

"Yes. I made it to 11th grade overcoming the crisis of death this time."

The proud Grand Arc's smug face distorts in no time because he thought he could easily defeat Qiu.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ah, the real game these days.

No games to solve boredom…

I wish there was something more actionable, a tasty game where we could work together to deal with giant monsters or enemies… MAMAMAYONG becomes so over-specked that it doesn't feel like death… MMORPG with RAID is more important than actionability…

I just got so caught up in a game slump.

Novels are not slumps yet, but if you keep getting bored like this, you're going to get slumps...

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