Kurt was a threat to the people of Earth.

As I explained before, Kurt's body, which was three stories tall, adhered to the face of a dinosaur, and unlike humans, had muscles and tough leather that looked like it was born for battle, made him feel overwhelming by the enemy in less than two minutes, turned into a fearful appearance.

"Glug... glug..."

Kurt's flesh is torn out all over his body, and his bones are several times thicker than human forearms. Kurt groans and drops his whole body.

He was persistent even though his flesh was torn off to the point of visceral enlightenment, but he seemed to collapse when someone touched him.

However, Jinwoo was watching Kurt in agony with a blunt look on his face.

"Th-that's it..."

Kurt strangled himself, admitting that he was no longer the opponent of Jinwoo, but Jinwoo still remained slightly stiff with a blunt look on his face.



"Heal. Regenerate. Stand back and fight. Run towards me like you're killing me."

A deep voice of gentle heat is emitted, and his expression is blunt, but his fury is engraved over his eyes.

"Khh... ugh! You have no honor and no pride as a warrior!"

Kurt knows as long as he's not an idiot.

The reason he was still alive was so that he could hold on to his pain.

"The honor of a warrior? Proud? Who the fuck knows about slavery?"

"Winner takes loot! Loser takes everything! This was before the honor and pride of a warrior!"

Kurt cried out, thinking he was going to die anyway, at least not in surrender, but his appearance was rather inciting the wrath of Jinwoo.

"I'm well aware. Loser takes all. Like he said, you are now deprived of the right to die peacefully. Please, Sal... I'll disassemble you and disarm you again until you beg me to kill you."

"Son of a bitch...!"

"I'm going to die anyway, and I'm going to enjoy even more. I'll make an exception for you, even though the bastard who insulted my parents won't let me live or die. Now, I want you to swear at me until I feel better."

To break the mind of an opponent, you have to constantly carve out their spirit.

That is why Kurt, who is in labor, was determined to provoke Kurt to make him cry once more by raising his last will.

"Now, go fuck yourself! So I can tear you apart and say," Ouch! My Lady, that hurts! Save my life! ""


Kurt was furious that he was ridiculed by a mere mortal on an uncharted planet, but lost hope of surviving, he decided to defend at least his honor as an Imperial warrior.

"You... will regret refusing my offer...!" "



Kurt, who pierced his hand in the vicinity of the sharp spot, vomited green blood and collapsed powerlessly.

He committed suicide.

"Hmph. I can't believe you just killed yourself. The Empire is no big deal."

If there is even a chance of survival of only 0.001%, it struggles and struggles at all costs.

The moment you give up everything, your chances of survival from that moment on are zero.

If he could survive, Kurt's death would be completely incomprehensible due to the value of his clan, but it is clear that he has an alien corpse.

"The winner gets everything. I'll literally use your body as much as I want."

Once I dissect it, I'll know if I can find something useful. It might be just a protein mass, but the bones are quite sturdy, so if I process it well, I might get something useful.



At that time, Isaiah and Aki, who were watching the appearance of Zionism from afar, appeared with a voice that seemed to be a combination of joy, sadness, joy, and fear.


Two women hug her into her arms, and Jinwoo hugs their heads inside her arms as if accepting them.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... We are... weak..."

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt?"

Iscilia dug deeper into her arms with tears to see if their strength was so weak that it didn't help him, and Aki was struggling to find out where he was hurt, stuttering his body with rabbit red eyes.

"I'm fine. They both got beaten up a lot more than that, but didn't you have internal injuries?"

His usual light tone and voice were thrown out, and his sincere tone and tone made him look out for his slaves.

Perhaps if we recorded this and showed it to people like the Grand Arc and Evel, we can believe that the sun will set from the west tomorrow.

"I'm more worried about Jin-woo's body than we are. You were torn in half."

Aki's right.

No matter how much I regenerate, my torso was torn in half and there wouldn't be any pain.

However, 'Due to the game system, more than one suffering is blocked for mental health, so don't worry,' Jin showed a small smile while patting the shoulders of two women.

"You know my usual personality, right? If it really hurt, he'd freak out that it hurt."

"(* Sobbing *) * Sobbing *"

"Huff... ugh... ugh..."

Iscilia wept heavily as she dug her face into Jinwoo's chest, and Aki was somehow holding back from crying, but her tears were bursting out a little stronger.

Jinwoo patted his wife's shoulders and back gently and communicated to Perisha via a signal that survived the struggle.

"Hey, Perisha."

- Master... "

"... Did you cry, too?"

- But... But Maan... (Sobbing)... -

Pericia, who had been watching Jinwoo and Kurt's battle from the beginning, became completely panicked by screaming when Jinwoo was cut in half.

However, the god of the South Palace took her orders and attacked the bunker where the Chinese captains were hiding, Asura was in a state of restlessness as she entered the main force of the Federal Front, and other young slaves were also active in various places, each wandering around the battlefield and being told that the flow should not be interrupted by alien forces that suddenly appeared.

The person who could help immediately was a god of the Southern Palace, who was instructed by Perisha to hide his appearance as if the Chinese leaders had given up Beijing for a crucial reason, but could always use teleport magic to move around the front.

The problem is that because of the death of Jinwoo's clever brain (so confused that his body was split in half), the response was too late because his brain was completely refreshed so that he could not even imagine.

Jinwoo was revived, but the shock caused relief tears to shed. She was still in a state of shock.

'It's because my heart is so strong, everyone is shocked.'

It was inevitable for slaves whose loyalty, obedience and love were stronger and their influence was greater, but Jinwoo asked me carefully, once his voice had subsided.

"I'm fine. Instead, tell me what's going on. I can't read the situation because of the damn aliens."

-Yes… yes……. (Sniff) The god of the South Palace... is searching for traces... (Hiccup) to find the head of China... -

It was a bit annoying to snort and hiss in the middle, but it was a matter of time before the crying completely calmed down.

"China's top brass?"

- The Viceroy... If they had gone outside Beijing... (Hiccup) They would have been exposed... (Sniffles) But strangely, the Viceroy disappeared within Beijing... -

Now I have less to say to calm down.

"Go on."

Persia continued to snort and hiss, explaining the question of China's chief minister disappearing in Beijing rather than fleeing overseas or elsewhere.

If you were to flee overseas, it would mean that you still have a shadow in Beijing, even though you have eyes everywhere.

If you were lost in Beijing, there would be a secret bunker known only to the top brass.

So why did he think of sneaking into a dangerous Beijing bunker?

Like the saying goes, "It's dark under the lamp." To make you think?

It's too bad they're risking their lives.

Ferrissa came to a conclusion, thinking that way.

'There is something important in Beijing.'

If you snuck into an underground bunker in Beijing while risking your life, it means that there is something more important than life in that bunker.

That's why I gave a search order to find the underground bunker to the god of the Southern Palace, which is the maximum power here.

"... Obviously that's unusual. God, tell him to search faster."

- Yes, and... the battlefield is getting stuck over time. Focusing on defense, the Chinese military has not been able to achieve the same results for the first time. Asura decided to attack the heart of the Pentagon himself and deal with the Masters, while the other executive classes are in the East and West trying to penetrate the frozen region. -

Unlike his usual serious voice, he opened his mouth endlessly to see if he was completely calm about the burst of tears.

"Asura, I know that the inspiration goes on a strong axis, but it must be hard on your own.... Got it. Anything else unusual?"

- It's gone... oh, I just got in. It seems that the aliens of the Kali Empire are attacking not only China but also elsewhere. -


'Yes. This will show us that the Earth is alien and clearly hostile. Evel won't shut up anymore.'

Now that the existence of the Kali Empire has been revealed, various confusions are expected to arise, we have decided to think later and focused on the current situation.

"We'll deal with the aliens later. Now let's focus on China."

- Yes……. -

At that moment, Perisha's voice starts to wet again.

- Master... Thank you... so much... for being safe... -

Thank God you're okay.

Jinwoo's existence was already the same for Perisha as her entire life.

"Yes, thank you. Don't tell the others. If you get distracted during an exhibition, you're in trouble."

- Yes……. And please take good care of both of you. Then... -

She said that, then cut off her communication, and Jinwoo gently wiped the heads of the 'two' that Perishas spoke of.

"Are you guys cool now?"



Ycilia and Aki barely recover from the heat of the snow, but they lift their rabbit-like eyes to Zion.

It was so cute that I suddenly forgot that they were married in their mid- to late 40s.

"You two go back to jihad and get some rest. I'm going to support Asura."

"Yes? Ha, but……!"

"No! I want to be with Jin-woo!"

Iscilia and Aki refused to fall to the ground at all because of the shock they just had.

"Please… Jin-woo…. Please... Please let me be with you... Without you, I..."

Ycilia tears from the after-storm of the shock as she can't finish speaking.

"I'm begging you! I know it's nothing compared to Jin-woo's strength! I know old ladies can be a handful! But... please stay with me this time..."

Aki also pleaded with me to be with her, and she took a deep breath.

"Fine. But if you get sick, don't hold back. Speak straight away."


"Yes! I will!"

Jin Woo worries like children by the water, and two women are happy to be together despite his worries.

At this point, I'm confused as to which side is light.

Ichia and Aki rejoiced with a smile that seemed to have the whole world, and Jinwoo began to move in with her for Asura's support.

We have surpassed the unexpected barrier of aliens to the Cali Empire, but the war against China is not yet over.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

... and I just had the craziest 3rd weekend and yesterday.

There's a lot of gridlock, a lot of bugs, a lot more problems than I thought, but the rest of it was fine, except for the system.

It was a game that I really enjoyed in line in a while...

Now that I've come to my senses and written a novel, I will go back to the sea of Wizard 3. Have a nice day, everyone.

PS: A thoughtful, yet serious character in 100 episodes.TXT

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