Tata, Tata--


Up until recently, Beijing, where more than 10 million people lived, was filled with gunfire, explosions and the sound of a cannonball firing.

"Damn Samtaegeum.... It's a scam to use those monsters...!"

One of the soldiers deployed to carry out an ambush in a three-story storefront building complained about the weapon of Samtaegeuk.

In the face of a full-scale war, the troops of the Three Taiji Dynasty, which were destroyed by a monster, came into the city so easily for air support or missile bombing.

This whole thing was a scam.

Teleports that the military considers to have any conditions are deceptive. They also deceive warships that lightly jump over their defensive lines and send bombs or troops. They also deceive Asura monsters that cannot be harmed by man-made firepower.

The weapons of the Three Tails ignore the tactical doctrines of modern warfare!

Even if the United States had suffered heavy damage in the early days, China could also fight back long enough.

However, Samtaegeuk simultaneously attacked all over China, controlling monsters, and the aftermath of which still prevents China's vast land from functioning properly.

In normal modern warfare, the United States and the rest of the world could withstand an attack for at least a month, but the performance of the weapons of the Three Tai Poles did not last a month, not even two weeks.


"N-no... I don't want to die like this... Mom... Dad..."

All of the soldiers' expressions were stiff, but the youngest of the youngest boys began to look for his parents, looking for them.

The soldier was a young man who had just become an adult, and his T-shirt had not yet been stripped off.

Instead of an army, he was forced to be recruited and put into battle with only one gun and one uniform.

The only reason why only the uniform was paid to the recruited soldiers was because there were too few supplies to pay for the uniform.

So there were soldiers only in top uniforms, and there were quite a few in bottom uniforms as well.

Moreover, there were so many people who didn't know how to wear combat boots, and there were so many soldiers that the supply of combat boots and bulletproof helmets was limited to those who didn't have combat boots from all sides or reserves.

In other words, the majority of the recruited soldiers were only paid for one of the guns, ammunition, and military uniform tops and put on the front lines.

"Save me... Please save me..." "

Although he was completely out-of-the-box in the military-related family, the monsters who rushed in unharmed and slaughtered their allies while taking the gunfire from their armies were truly the object of fear.

Moreover, I felt the horror of the Three Taipei Poles, which I had just heard, directly in my body, and I was almost half panicked.

"Hey, shut up."

A less active soldier opens his mouth to tell him to shut up.

"Ugh... Mom... Dad... Please help me..."

"Shut the fuck up!"

Instead, they are pushed to Samtaegeum and senior managers, including Tin, suddenly hide their appearance and the soldiers' deception is not a word.

In that situation, the stunning voice of a young soldier digging into the ground because he was unable to bring down the atmosphere, led to the anger of the uncomfortable soldiers.

A young soldier who had never seen him opened his mouth with a lively eye, grabbing the neck of a crying young soldier.

"If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to cut you a hole before your head is punctured by the Trident! So shut up!"


The young soldier looks frightened and stops crying without knowing it. He nods, hissing.

As the young soldier stops crying, the guard who was checking the perimeter slightly out the window leans forward and opens his mouth in a low voice.

"Samtaegeuk! A dozen soldiers outside the Marine Seal!"


A report by the border guard caught dozens of armed melee troops and Asian Liberation Army troops moving together, lowering their heads to the window.

The window was a closed pattern, so large that the upper body of the boat would be exposed when the window was opened.

The hidden lower half means that you can shoot safely with a concrete wall as a cover.

The squad leader decides to shoot a concentrated shot by breaking the window simultaneously when his signal begins.

Given the equipment status of the three Tai Poles, of course this would be suicide, but there were two squads with heavy weapons in the building across the street.

In other words, their role is to attract the attention of the enemy and make it easier for allies to attack.

The Subcommander takes command of the squad leader, approaches the comms, and initiates radio contact with the squads located on the other side of the building.

"Yes? Why aren't you answering?"

They say the enemy is approaching and there is no answer.

No, to be precise, all radio stations have gone down elsewhere.

The only communication system available was the one with wired communication.

The Chinese military headquarters were convinced that Samtaegeum was using interference when radio jammed, but the problem was that there was no solution.

It's because there was no equipment or circumstance that could have prevented the radio interference.

Those who did not know the situation wondered why they were not contacted.

"Damn... Now would be a good time to attack...!"

Enemies are moving in front of the building on breaking news.

Without any cover, without any boundaries, I was just moving forward with my heart as if I had just received someone's order.

It's the best time I've ever had to sue for a little surprise.

With no radio contact, the squad leader, who doesn't know what's going on across the street, decides whether or not to launch an ambush.



At that time, an explosion occurred across the building.

'That location……!'

Heavy Weapons Squad in position for an ambush!

An explosion in such a place...!

"Everyone got out of here...!"


The handle is torn apart, along with the sound of the shotgun before the squad leader's orders are completed.


Then the soldiers who appeared to be part of the Asian Liberation Army kicked down the door and opened fire as soon as they found the Chinese army.

Tata, Tata, Tata--!



Inside the storefront building, there were coverings at the entrance in case of an attack. While the veterans hid behind the covers as they lowered their body sharply, the weapons of the Tripoli ecosystem pierced through all of the covers and turned the Chinese soldiers into mops.


After one shot, the sound of debris falling from the cover is silent enough.

"Ugh... Ugh..."

But in it, there is a crying sound.

Soldiers in the Asian Liberation Army looked at each other's eyes and carefully headed to the source of the sound of crying while a few watched to the left and right.

"Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh…! H-help me! Please help me!"

There was a young soldier trembling in the space between the window and the couch.

Fortunately, he sat there and survived until the end because he was out of the soldiers' sight.

If they had moved to resist, they would be in the same position as the soldiers who had already been thrashed.

After several battles, Asian relief workers with scorched and bloody body armor pointed a gun at the forehead of young soldiers.

"Your guilt is that you were born Chinese. The sentence shall be executed."




Soldiers in the Asian Liberation Army claimed to be executed just for being born Chinese, and a firearm burst out of the gun as the young soldier opened his mouth to say something.



The sound of bones and flesh being crushed by bullets echoes, and blood splattered from the young soldier's back head.

"Check for survivors."

By checking for survivors, Asian Liberation Soldiers confirmed they were all dead, opening their windows and sending a call to confirm they had been powered to an ally in a building across the street.


After finishing the call, the soldier's eyes stopped in the air as he and his colleagues were about to head to the next area.

"What is that?"

The bird seemed to be too big, and a round object was coming down from the sky.

To the Battleship of Three Taiji.


Perisha, who tried to interfere with radio frequencies used by the Chinese military, looked at the map of the entire Beijing city with the main screen located on the front of the Jihad Bridge, and looked at the blue signs identified as allies and the red signs that were generated by their unmanned robots.

Masjid was in charge of relaying Perisha's commands to the robots while updating the visual information sent by the mannequin robots in real time and sending the information to the map on her main screen.

"Two corridors on the roof at points 38 and 21."


"Enemy armored forces in ambush at points 79 and 44. Deal with nearby troops."


"Enemy defenses at points 112 and 401 are thick."


By checking maps of Beijing's cities marked with X and Y, Masjid gives orders to the unmanned robots associated with him to quickly read and calculate where to attack.

With a market war of this size, all it took was dozens of commanders to report, listen, and make a collective decision and give orders again, but Perisha was working on it all on her own.

Of course, the existence of Masjid made it very easy to communicate information, but it was almost impossible to get a wave of information coming and going quickly by itself if it wasn't for Perisha.

Saladin, who was trying to use her as a biobomb because she couldn't use her abilities, as well as her incompetence, would have regretted dumping her on the ground if the Grand Arc had just seen her like this.

A sudden beep sounded into the ears of Perisha, who was acting as the practical commander of the Tritiac, while combining and judging information in downtown Beijing by herself.


"What's going on?"

"An unidentified object is falling from above toward the battleship. Impact in approximately 10 seconds."

Then the camera on top of the jihad showed its presence flying into the battleship, and Perisha decided to move the battleship in case the Chinese were playing a prank on it.

'You know there's a shield on this battleship, but attacking it like that is sure to hit something.' You'd better not let the tide change in this situation. '

"Shield deployment, counter fire during evasive maneuvers."


You can just smash it with force, but it's not wise to light a firecracker against the enemy in many ways.

Ferrissa, who had a countermeasure to being shot down on the battleship, was about to turn her gaze back on the city.

"Unidentified object, moving its drop position along this evasive path. Countermeasures don't work."


"Fall speed up. It's going to crash soon."

"All shield energies to collision position expected!"



Upon completion of the command, in a collision and vibration unlike anything the captain had ever felt, Perisha secured her rocking body by grasping the tip of the chin where she sat.

"What's the damage?"

Masjid quickly opens his mouth to Perisha, who asks her about the damage even when the shaking doesn't stop.

"We went through the right side of the battleship at the same time as the crash and crashed to the ground."


The camera begins to show the area where she was attacked by her command, and her expression hardens severely.

Something crashed into the battleship after piercing the shield because it knocked a giant hole in the ground that could easily allow about 10 people to come and go from the crash site to the bottom.

"Repair drones! Cover the hole in the ground before you start the fire!"

Perisha suggested the production of repair drones from the herd in case enemy combatants break through and drill a hole somewhere. Fortunately, this was accepted and the repairs drones began to move in to make sure that the remaining combatants on the ground could not break through.

What's going on? -

If there's something dangerous down there, Ji-Woo, who was working with Hidden Card to keep the flow of his allies from breaking down, asked about the situation in a bewildered voice as an explosion in the jihad erupted.

"Something unknown has collided on the battleship! Masjid! Check the object that crashed to the ground and send it to its owner!"


Ferrissa, who instructed her officers to send images of objects that collided on the ground, fixed her gaze to identify the objects that had crashed into the battleship through the main screen.

The camera quickly zoomed in and headed towards the crash site, confirming a mysterious object located at the crash site.

"What... is that...?"

There was a creature that Pericia had never seen before in her life.

Let me put it this way: once it was three stories tall and enormous, the whole body had sharp horns of ivory with certain rules, and the big face that matched it was…….


It was a carnivorous dinosaur with sharp teeth.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


I can't manage my smile because my cheeks are loose.

Why does he look so happy? He's been in the crew for four days straight.

You've already canceled about 20 people, so if you're this strong, you're going to be -100 next week.

Yeah, this is normal. It was kind of weird having this kind of player in the first place.

The other writers will be quite concerned if the player is cancelled to this extent, but I'm rather enjoying it, so someone might mistake it for a severe M.

Anyway, I can't manage my face because I can't smile without knowing the sound of the player going down.

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