Blue sky with some clouds.

It was the sky of a landscape in which people's hearts and eyes were comfortable, but when we looked closely, we saw a place that seemed to be like a flurry.

Of course, if humans are to notice this kind of mutation, they must at least have Eagle vision.

Without any noise, the distortion that had traveled at a similar rate as a flying bird arrived in a medium-sized city, slightly smaller than the metropolitan area.

In heavily populated China, small and medium-sized cities, and in countries such as South Korea, large urban levels, the landscape of the city and military base has been tilted back since unknown people saw it.

The roads are strewn with barricades and cover, and there are troops and chariots moving around on the roads.

In addition, there were Bazookas, heavy machine guns and small missile launchers on the rooftops of buildings that were not too high, and there were all kinds of anti-aircraft cannons and surface-to-air missile launchers.

The surface-to-air missile vehicles were all standing by with their missiles held high and, like the artillery snipers, were ordered to fire immediately without the commanders' instruction if a Battleship appeared.

Generally, these weapons are used without the commander's instruction, which means they are equally disruptive, but they are also fearful of the Battleship of the Tritiac.

The perfect fortification of a city was intended for civil war, and the commander who was going to attack the city decided that there was no answer but missile bombing or bypass.


"Hmm. Great defense."

Thanks to the masjid, Jinwoo, who was able to escape the withdrawal, was impressed with the information from a stealth scout from Perisha.

The rooftops of buildings with wide visibility are guarded by soldiers with firepower weapons, and many of the street-protected chariots, weapons, and missile launchers are ready to fire as soon as Asian relief forces are seen.

Moreover, barricades and machine gun shooters were guarding the roads to prepare for tunnels, which could temporarily prevent them from moving around.

There were competent people everywhere. Even though the number of competent people killed by the Tritiac Circle was lighter than a hundred percent, Harin was shocked to find out that they had been mobilized even in Beijing for security.

"Where does China make these abilities? Even after killing and killing like that... Ugh..."

She always lacked these abilities and had to struggle on her own, and breathed out at the sight of these incomplete abilities.

Some people tried to crush their bones because they didn't have so many colleagues, but some people just poured them out.

It is estimated that most of China's military activities have been halted by monster terrorism throughout the country, otherwise the number of incapable people would have been overwhelmed first.

"You can't help it because it's the largest population in the world. Besides, the Chinese can't ignore the damage anymore. Since the land is so big to cover, they must have gathered all the Talents who were guarding the outskirts."

However, the Chinese side was also hit pretty hard by the continued consumption of this capability.

Perisha explained that, and Harindo nodded, knowing how much land China has, and how long it would take for China to go to war if monster terrorism hadn't halted its military activities all over China.

"That's good to know. If China had favored these people, it would have taken more than a dozen of them."

"Huh? You don't favor these people?"

Noah was a mercenary who went around the world, but she made a promise that no matter what happened, even if she gave more than a trillion dollars, she would never go as far as China.

Shelley tilts her head and looks as if she doesn't know what Noah meant, and Fujimine solves her curiosity.

"China is the country that 'suppresses' its people most strongly. Once you see that you're a talent, you try to recruit it, but on a global basis, it's almost cheaper. Those who don't know will accept it because they're exempt from taxes and things like that, but those who know how high they're being treated reject it at a very low cost."

After stopping for a moment, she opens her mouth again and tells you the shocking truth.

"That's where the problem begins. If this person refuses, the Chinese government will start threatening their families and precious people. There are those who surrender here, but there are those who have no family or disobedience. They are forcibly oppressed by those who have been threatened by their families and do not succumb to their power. I know that if you charge the remote control EIEW limiter, you can eliminate it when you want, but if you resist, you'll be set off by the suicide bombers that went in with you."

"Eh……? That's absurd... Ha... But what about those with strong abilities?"

Skilled people with high power grades cannot be detained in any way.

Rather, the human and physical resources that go into detention are burdensome, and if one is careless, he suffers astronomical damage due to strong repulsion.

"Strong Talents, of course, outperform world standards. so that people with weak abilities can join forces and rebel against each other. It's basically a pyramid hierarchy of forces."

"I can't... …."

The reality of China was a great shock to Seli, who thought it was natural for her to receive a high preference.

I had no idea that such nonsense was happening in the 21st century.

Although Uk-il Ascension, which was Fujimine's organization, was not a sane organization, the only people with strong loyalty to Japan, treated their subordinates fairly well.

And you don't think China has the power of a world class power to do that?

When Fujimine finishes her explanation, Noah takes over the end and opens his mouth.

"So there are dozens of times more people in China who are criminally inclined than government-authorized actors. If all these criminally incapable people were Chinese, we wouldn't stand a chance. No, the whole Monster Terrorism thing was a bust. How much time can two or three hours be spent congratulating you on your success?"

China has as many talents as it has a large population.

In addition, Chinese criminal organizations that have been led to crimes by China's policies pose a great global threat.

"... I think I know why Asura is unleashing such strong hatred on China."

Given that such a country is subduing minorities by force and forcing them like a colony, it seemed to me that I know a little bit about the minds of minorities who regard it as a blessing to work with the evil organization known as Samtaegeum for hatred and revenge against China.

However, no matter how China treats these talents, a stealth scout began returning to the battleship, who had learned that the city that must be captured had been completely transformed into a fortress while marching north towards Beijing, and a silent ally silent ally had opened its mouth so far.

"Perisha. What's the plan?"

"Tactically, strategically, the best thing to do is to ignore and bypass. Calculating the enemy's range can divert them a bit, but it's better than falling head-on."

"... My Ferrissa is getting louder by the day."

"There's a saying in Korea: I'll recite the gospel in three years. However, if I have three months with you, that's all anyone can do."

Perisha smiled and answered, and she was sophisticated (? Gentlemen from all over the world (what kind? (!!) What a gentleman!), Jinwoo waved his hand with a frustrated expression and returned the story to its point.

"I'm a soldier, but this is the answer for a layman who knows nothing. Frontal assault is difficult."

Yes, even if you're not a military maniac, it's suicide to start a city-wide war in a perfectly fortified city, even if you're completely blind to tactics or power.

"Yes, but we must attack this place in contradiction."


So far, Samtaegeuk and the Asian Liberation Forces have not changed their route.

North Korea, which started in the masculine region, was heading straight for Beijing, and has advanced by breaking any obstacle in the middle.

That is, no matter how much enemy interferes to the whole world, we can break through any obstacle or strategy and advance to the capital of China.

But what if they circumvent the fact that the enemy has made their defenses thicker?

This intention is completely obliterated by this one bypass, and the fear of fear, fear, and strong force toward the three Tai Poles is counteracted.

Moreover, because of monster terrorism all over China, most of the region's economic and military activities have been halted.

Bypass in this situation is only interpreted as fear of force and force collisions on the three extremes.

It is also an inevitable and contradictory battle that must end China with a war of conquest by force so that foreign nations cannot send support immediately after conquering China.

"Masjid, rewrite the recorded footage from the beginning. Half speed."


Once an elf in the fantasy world, Masjid now wears the body of an exposed female demon, settling into a new prosthetic body, and restoring the footage from the stealth scout to scout the city area.

Wide view from top to bottom.

And slow flow.

"We can't... attack the dungeons."

Harin, who was watching the video, shuts up as he talks about the underground tunnel operation.

Although there were soldiers on the rooftop, the number of soldiers guarding the road with machine guns installed on the 2nd or 3rd floors or 1st floors was not negligible.

Moreover, pilots wearing power suits are heavily armed, and strong bodybuilders are patrolling the area carrying large heavy machine guns instead of melee weapons.

To defend against an attack by an underground tunnel.

A number like this will cause a temporary blow from a surprise, but in a short time the situation will reverse.

Of course, there are monsters that can withstand this level of firepower, but there are more monsters that can't.

Chinese military experts also noticed why the three Tai Gyeongsang was pushing forward without changing its route while crushing all obstacles, so that even the most thoroughly fortified cities would let go of missile bombing.

"Tsk. If I'd known that, I would've poured the Earth's missiles into this place." "

The god of the South Palace thought it would be better to pour all the land missiles he used to wipe out his enemies here, but if his feet were tied there, his defenses would have been more thorough than this.

As the video slowly flowed, I checked the level of defense of the city, and the more I looked, I realized that there was no answer in the head of the herd.

Even if he strikes with power, the Chinese will be prepared with weapons and abilities to overwhelm him.

If time is taken from them, their damage increases exponentially.

'I need to devastate the enemy with some impact...' '

They're probably broadcasting the footage outside the city just in case.

In other words, the battle that takes place here means the world is watching.

Even if you win by force, if you win hard, you can only bypass it because it is the limit of the three Tai Poles.

"Devastate with the power of my Blade"? '

Once again, the effect of the incandescent blade of Jinwoo can be cut like a tofu even if it gives a normal level of strength. It can form a sword of up to 6m. It also has the ability to increase the range and ignore the distance.

Moreover, you can unleash unlimited fireballs that are more powerful than grenades. However, since they are only used as deterrents in the fight against opponents, they are effective against a large number of weaker enemies as a whole. In the sword, the energy of the flames is high, so killing an enemy is also a powerful attack that can cause burn pain.

Finally, you can summon the small, nuclear-level destructive sun, which quickly realized the power of Japan's remaining forces.

Jin Woo calls the 'power of the Blade' to summon the small sun.

'No, this power will become known if you use it here. This is the most powerful American war you'll ever have to use when you want it.'

When the Japanese government surrendered to attack the remaining forces, they cut off the network of the internet that was connected to foreign countries, and they used it because they had no means of making the footage public within Japan.

This means that if we disconnect from the external network, we can use it because it is an isolated island country.

However, when used here, it becomes known to enemies immediately.

If that's the case, the battle with China may be a simple solution, but in the United States of America, it's clear that the enemy will set up a defensive perimeter, set up countertops or defensible artifacts or something.

Ferrissa thought so too, and instead of asking Jinwoo to solve it with the power of the Dragon Blade, she kept turning the video to try to find a hole or ridge that could somehow attack, but over time, her expression became serious.

If we hit them with our current power, we will win, but we will have to suffer the greatest damage since the establishment of the three Taiji Dynasties.

The enemy must have defended much more than Beijing, but it was difficult to attack Beijing immediately after the devastating damage.

"That's enough."

Ferrissa waved her hands as if she didn't have to show the video to Masjid anymore, and soon she closed her eyes and started thinking about something.

After ten minutes of deliberation, Pericia opens her mouth slowly.

"Phew……. I can't do it. I wanted to leave this as my last resort."

Her voice itself was a resilient voice, but her expression was not so dark.

No, he was smiling.

Because of the excitement that it can bring shock and horror back into the world.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I've been thinking a while now that I'm a really bad person, and I'm just a little bit of a writer.

So I was angry when I got the bad news, but then I was depressed and depressed.

Until I entered DC Inside's loan gallery.

And I saw a landmark there.

My novel is not a modern fantasy. It wasn't real fantasy. It wasn't real fantasy.

Someone sees my novel and says, "Hey, what's this nonsense? If I say, 'I'm confident that' just didn't see it, but it's more of a fantasy ', I'll introduce the loan gallery.

I wasn't useless.

He's ugly, he's not brave, he's just a guy who spends his days playing games and writing novels as a hobby, but at least I wasn't useless.

Am I worthless or do I need to live? If you think, go there.

because like me, you're going to feel like you still deserve to live.

This is the first time I've ever felt as spacious as I do today.

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