"My Lord, I have filled up 100,000 units of blood."

After some time experimenting with the work of successfully bloodshed through the magicians at the base of Uk-Il-Seong, the god of Nam stood up in Kiyo's voice, devoted to his cerebral magic, reading notes of his successes and failures so far, while focusing his mind.

"What's left of the blood?"

"That's about 200,000 people so far. If any further disappearances occur from Ferrisha, further plans will be disrupted, and further support will be unavailable."

"Indeed. In that case, we should succeed in crafting the Bloodshed within two." "

Ferrissa's plan to create a return to lure and break the Japanese tradition for the fabrication of bloodshed began distributing the return again after more than 300,000 people went missing, even though drugs were good.

Moreover, there were some returning teams that really gave back the return without any traps in the first 20 times, so the rumors spread to their mouths a little later and prevented the skepticism from deepening.

Because of this, the hardened god divided 100,000 people's blood into 500 units and came to a situation where he had to create blood clotting using various experiences of success and failure through research on whether the human slaves and Kiyo were properly injected into the dead bodies of the most healthy limbs.


He takes a deep breath of air that reeks of blood, and he looks a little nervous, confirming the location of the unidentified male corpse in his 30s in the middle of a magic circle of red and black, and then nods toward Kiyo.

Kiyo, who just grabbed him by hand and moved to the switch that needs to be lowered, lowers the switch to the owner's signal.

Blackjack - Gurgle glug -

With the sound of a huge iron door opening, blood begins to creep down from the place where the blood of those who had died by the trap was collected.

Originally it was an oval reinforced glass, but when deciding to use magic jeans instead of square ones, it was made of square reinforced glass because other types of magic jewels have to be inserted.



In order to find out if 100,000 lives were spilled, the Blue Magic Cube on one wall sent a signal to quickly raise the lever as it emitted an ominous light.

Brawl -

The door closes again, and the blood no longer comes down, and God lays his hand on the wall with a small magic jewel in it where one hand can enter.


As you push Mana toward the enchantment, light begins to emerge from the central enchantment as she rides along the magic circle in the middle and the long enchantment line that follows.

Of course, the reinforced glass is full of red blood, so you can't see it with your eyes.

God, who closed his eyes and focused his senses, operated the Enhanced Magic Cube several times because he didn't have to rely on vision anyway.

This was also a problem caused by the memory of the previous life of the god of the south palace, the doggoorin, not only because they were not interested in the making of the force, but also because they knew that if you collect life, you don't just put it in a corpse that would become a bloodshot, but you have to concentrate life in the heart, so they couldn't stick their faces out for a while in order to develop a magician that could gather life and spiritual energy together.

"Phew. Don't look down on scientists from now on. '

Honestly, I thought that the scientists in God were just smart-headed and useless.

Why don't you just study the useless content and give me the useful results and just do it a few times? Or, it's better than what's already shown, because I thought I could make it a few times.

But it's not a joke to be a scientist.

Since the records and experiences themselves were very helpful in the experiment, they had to check, analyze, and record all the results of the experiment.

In other words, all kinds of complaints were about to burst.

'Focus. Let's focus.'

After a moment of deliberation, he kept on supplying magical power, successfully supplying magical power to multiple mystics in the centre, while blood began to whirl in a bathtub made of reinforced glass.

Perhaps there is another multifaceted sorcerer engraved on the heart of the corpse that will become a hemoscope, drawing its life force and gathering in its pre-cut heart position.

And the blood starts to whirl around the middle, as if through a stopper hole in a large cistern.

'I did everything I had to do. If this fails...'

We shared 100,000 units of blood and came all the way here through various experiments.

God, who thought he had done his best, continued rolling his head to check if he had missed something unconsciously and looked into the tank anxiously.

The blood in the trough began to recede, and the eyes of God remained fixed inside the trough until the blood had completely dissipated for several decades.

As the blood began to show the floor, as if trapped by a vortex, blood seeped into the heart of the corpse to be bloodshot, confirming that all work was done as the blood ceased to move.

Now all that's left is to give orders with the spirit.


He used all the knowledge he could find.

A situation where if it fails here, you really don't know where to fix it.

That is why God gave the command with a nervous expression, using the spirit that had made him connect with himself in advance with the magic group.

Once the spirit is connected, it must be properly bloodshed before it can arise in response to the spirit.

"Stand up."

Command to stand up.

A second has passed with that order, but it feels too long to God.


"Ah! My Lord! It's moving!"


I got up.

The corpse, which was clearly already dead, rises at his command.

After witnessing the unscientific crystals of bloodshed caused by encephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephaloencephalopathy, Kiyo was easily pleased with the result that only the master's research had succeeded.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! All right! All right!!"

If "mankind" existed on Earth, the bloodline could be replenished at any time, and was born with the new power of the Three Taipei Dynasty.


"Good work."

When Jinwoo came directly to the lab to celebrate God's work, he tapped his shoulder and smiled.

However, for some reason, God's expression was somewhat distorted.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you give me a break so I wouldn't notice?"

No matter how tired you are, if you give me a weather breakfast, your fatigue will go away.

Thanks to this, it is almost worthless to say to a god who finished an experiment that would have taken more time if he were a layman.

"Mmmm... Sir, we have a problem."


Hemoscopy was produced successfully.

So, what's the problem here?

God asked him what he was doing, but Jinwoo waited calmly until he could speak for himself.

Ultimately, the 'problem' he expressed in his heart was...

"Power is weaker than I thought."



God said that the strength and defensive strength of Hemoscopy could show off grade 9-10 body-enhanced strength.

Is that the weak part?

"There seems to be something different between the people of the world that I lived in and the people of the world that I now live in. What should I say... …. Should I say it's an impurity...?"

"So the quality of the ingredient isn't the same as the venomous world?"

Jinwoo looks so confident that he regards man as a 'material', but no one here seems to find his actions strange or tackled.

"Honestly, I'm not sure what the problem is. However, there seems to be something internally different about the man who lived in a modern civilization that was rich in natural energy and lacked natural energy at that time."

"It's not a health issue. Honestly, the old people didn't have that much progress in medicine, so the average life expectancy wasn't that high. Rather, with the power of medicine, life should be higher for the modern people."

"That's what I thought, but I don't think it's a medical problem, it's a matter of nature that people usually embrace."


Jinwoo frowned and began to think of something in the 'natural life' part.

"Can't you just feed the blood?"

"It's not just about giving it a boost. because there is no way to strengthen human beings, human beings, or life force, that has been extracted."

"Then what if you give life to a living human?"

"It's possible, but it means I have to feed hundreds of thousands of people every day... and frankly, it's inefficient."

"So do I. Tsk."

Blood clot, weaker than expected.

Jinwoo decided to kick his tongue and find out how weakened the hemophysia was.

"Then, what is the power of bloodshed?"

"I checked before you came in and saw that you had grade 7-8 strength, defensive strength and grade 5-6 body strength agility."

"Huh? That's pretty useful."

Strengthens and defenses in grades 7-8. and class 5 to 6 agility.

This is good enough.

The bloodshot scorpions and newly produced gases on the front are enough power to cooperate.

"I thought you were shrinking to some level four. Well, it doesn't really matter."

"But the true power of bloodshed is not this great. With the power of 100,000 modern people, this would add 20-30,000 more numbers to save more lives...."

"All right, all right. All we need right now is a good handyman, and we still have one move left."

"……. … Ah!"

For a moment, God, who was reflecting on what he said, "One move," focused only on hemophotomy studies, and the transition of thinking was a little late.

"Yes, there was."

"Once I've created and dealt with the monsters, I'll deliver the bodies and materials to this place. The rest is up to you."


Yes, from the beginning, Jiwoo did not intend to create a normal hemophysia.

He was going to use the corpse of a monster to overlay it, or attach a special area and use Chimeric Bloodshot to specialize in combat strength.

'If you replace your arms with monsters to specialize in attacks, and use monster skin, leather or shells to strengthen your defense…….'

Even if you can't do it better than a proper bloodshed, you can still have the combat strength equivalent to that.

Moreover, while Black Wizard Ruo Messibel is a Black Wizard specialized to protect his own well-being, Bloodline is not his area of expertise, Chimera has perfected knowledge of where to go and how to do it, from its foundation to its superiors.

Of course, chimeric haemoscopy may be produced under the same conditions as regular haemoscopy, but for now, attaching a body part of a monster to a corpse that will become a haemoscope is not a big problem if you use Luo's knowledge well.

If the original Bloodshed were made of Chimera, the combat strength would be immense, but for now, we decided to make it using the remaining 100,000 units of blood.

So Jinwoo and Shin began discussing the kind of monster that would be widely used as a material for Chimera, and shortly after, Perisha's communication with the signal from Jinwoo came.

- Sir, are you in the lab? -

"What's going on?"

Usually it was rash and playful, but the desperate voice of Perisha obliterated all the playfulness and demanded a situational explanation of what was going on with a serious face and voice.

God grabbed the dual swords used by General Lee Sun-Shin, who had been mistreated by Jinwoo for empty food in case of an incident, and Kiyo quickly pulled out the Japanese province made from the front legs of the sickle weasel that Iris used.

To be honest, giving Kiyo the Japanese sword of the sickle weasel was a balanced power boost, but no matter how hard I thought, I felt about giving it to the Japanese, so I gave up my armor like this.

There was still the armor of Honda Tadakatsu, the spear and the Tonbokiri he used, but the slaves were all useless armor, so the atmosphere was formidable and kept for now.

Anyway, Perisha explains the situation to Jinwoo in an urgent voice.

- There's been a huge uprising in Japan! Participating in some of the Self-Defense Forces continues to bring up that number! -

"What? No, wait. I know there's a Resistance all of a sudden, but I'm told it won't lead to this massive uprising. Plus, some of the SDF are involved, but I'm guessing a lot of them are unarmed? Isn't the power of criminals and guests enough?"

Jin Woo didn't understand the situation now.

What do you mean, a full-scale riot with no precedent?

Of course, not only was there a riot, but there was a revolution.

But didn't you collect the ingredients and make a return to prevent this massive riot from happening?

Moreover, if there is a major riot, there must be consultation in advance, and Ferrisha, who was gathering information to subdue the Resistance, could not have just surrendered the threat of the riot.

- It's too complicated to explain, so I'll explain everything when you get back to the bridge! -

Perisha disconnects communication with the word, "Come back to the bridge." She thinks it's better and faster to just look at it once than to make it longer.

It was quick to use the teleport anyway, so Jinwoo opened his mouth to God.

"I don't think it's normal for Perisha to panic like that."

"I'll go with you. I was worried about my body because I studied it, but I found a great workout."

God was also pleased that there was a good exercise for unwinding the body.

"Let's see what happens on the bridge, then. I'll go first."


As soon as the sound of the wind faded away, God opened his mouth to Kiyo and teleported to follow.

"Follow me."


As Gods and Kiyo, who had followed Jinwoo to the bridge of Jihad, disappeared, the bloodshed left alone was just staring into the air and doing nothing.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I've been awake a lot lately, so my lifestyle has been a bit broken.

I don't have much room in the house, so I slept with my sister in the big room, and I keep waking up feeling empty because I don't have her.

But other than that, it's a trap.

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