Pentagon conference room.

There, leaders of the Pentagon, active for the security of the entire United States, were meeting with Griffin and Evel beside him with only their facial images.

- I knew the Japanese story was crazy, but I didn't expect to declare war on the world. -

The first thing I opened was a macho blonde white man with a big, young voice who would be muscled to the brain.

His whole body is invisible, but his broad, meaningful shoulders were a part of how well-trained he was.

- You're a crazy son of a bitch. Besides, you dare declare yourself an enemy of humanity in front of the Pentagon's leaders. -

White women with voluminous, lovely-firm hairstyles and dark purple eyes first began to speak in a relaxed manner, then began to live in their voices more and more backwards.

- What's important is that you're not just a liar with a mouth. He's got the skills, the power. -

An Indian man in his mid-30s who swept away his tan and brown hair neatly took the appearance of cleaning seriously, unlike the two before him.

They had already checked the contents of the recorded meeting, so Griffin did not need to explain anything and knew the risks of removal.

However, Griffin and Evel were severely frozen by the new information.

"Cleaning up... is crazier than we thought."

- You must have some information. -

Indians have confirmed that Griffin has a more serious agenda related to cleaning up in his serious voice.

Griffin also played a black box video obtained from the police without preliminary action.

- Weeeeeeeeee! -

- Stop him! -

The Black Box video belonged to a police car, whether it was a driver or a police officer in jewelry, but it was a desperate cry, not a manipulated command.

Tutu Tutu! -

- Aaahhhh!

- Shut up!

The car, which police are chasing, is suspected of being in a criminal vehicle, was deliberately attacking civilians as it travels along the road, and violent clashes and the screams of civilians resound beyond the open window of the jewelry to open fire.

Police in the United States are equipped with a black box that can check both sides as well as frontal and lateral directions in order not to respond to the crime and hear that it is over oppressive against criminals causing unscientific physical phenomena, so the quality of the image is a little bad enough to recognize the situation.

- Turns out there was a crazy guy in Washington who crashed a hit-and-run and killed Ursk. Is this the case? -

The white man says he would have blown it right off if he was there, but Griffin watches the video without saying anything and presses the stop button at the moment the driver's face is revealed.

- Hey, wait. What the hell is this? -

- Are you kidding me?

- Are you sure? -

The Pentagon's technique, along with the stop button, began to clear the screen, and when the face of the enlarged hit-and-run actor was revealed, three Pentagon leaders could not conceal their astonishment with different voices.

It was because I saw the same clean face as the recorded image.

Griffin regenerated the footage confirming that the hit-and-run hero had cleaned it up, and took it out by cutting off the vehicle covered in geo-memory alloys due to an interlocking attack with Ersquake and Crimson Knight.

- Aaaaahhhh!!! A masterpiece I assembled and crafted from beginning to end! You cut this masterpiece in half!! You're human after all! -

- Ah! Even a normal GTA can't go on for 5 minutes……. How cruel and cruel is this world? I just came to America for a formal get-together. -

- The world is in a hurry. The first country bumpkin in America says he's going to have an urban ceremony. Why are you stopping him? People need to be compassionate, Jeong. But white people are so selfish, they don't have a taste for living. -

And then the Manehan Parade of Qiu.

When an army of cleaners who slaughtered those who were too easily stopped themselves came, they kicked their tongues and disappeared.

"Cleaning up is dangerous. That too. He's a madman unlike any of the villains we've dealt with so far."

Common villains have most in common.

He has a strong reputation and craves money and power.

Basically, it means that he has a strong mind to stand above others.

Of course, Qiu also developed a mind to stand on top of others, but this video explains that he enjoys the suffering of others without compromising it.

- Terrible. If a man like this really subjugated the world... -

- Hell would be better. -

A woman with a violet hair blurred her horse's tail, followed by an Indian man finishing.

In addition, everyone nodded and expressed their agreement to the ambassador.

- So what are you gonna do now, Griffin? -

Griffin opens his mouth quietly, bitten by a white man who confirmed that Chiu is a horse that must be killed.

"The drying of the Izzies is now completed up to 98%. While China and Russia were at a 2% disadvantage, they called this meeting because they wanted to shoot down the Battleship of the Three Tai Poles, but my greed to be completely prepared for the end. What do they think?"

Griffin summoned the meeting to discuss with his colleagues the choice of using two EZs battleships 98% complete to attack Qiu and up to 100% completely dry and attack with absolute power.

- First of all, I'm voting for the attack now. China and Russia are joining forces to resist the attacks on the Three Tails. If we add one hand to that, plus a battleship, the Battleship of Three Taiji will be ready soon. -

White men chose the option to attack with two EZs ships 98% complete.

98% of the time, the most important part of the main system is underdeveloped, right? If you get hit by a blunderous attack or fail to attack the Battleship of the Three Tai Poles properly, the problem grows. -

- I disagree. We'd rather support our troops and draw as long as we can so we don't leave any room for Aegis to completely dry out. Chiu should fortunately block all holes to survive. -

A woman with a weasel's head and an Indian man disagreed with a white man.

Next, they look toward Evel.

"I'm against it, too. The man who wants to be cleaned up may be more dangerous to us than the Kali Empire. We must definitely destroy the enemy Battleship to prevent it from escaping."

It was a faint voice, but it contained a disgust towards removal.

She hated the Kali Empire for destroying her home planet, but she judged the removal of innocent people for her own amusement as a dangerous molecule.

That's why the vote is three-to-one.

Whatever Griffin is thinking, it is already decided, but he is also firmly minded about attacking the evacuation with clear readiness.

"It's decided. In the meantime, I'll focus on training the crew."

The white man, who had raised his hand to the attack immediately, seemed a bit regrettable, but all four of his colleagues gathered their mouths together to completely dry Aegis and then attack Taiji.

"If the battleship is completed in the future, all of us will have to make a move. Evel."

"I know, Griffin."

Evel reads the will she feels in Griffin's voice, nodding and answering.

"I'll make sure I kill you with my own hands."

Her role is to deal with the ground, or a separate cleanup.

Especially since Shifu doesn't know that Evel is a Grade 10 body-booster. If she strikes hard with a surprise, the game is already halfway over.

Moreover, even though it was possible to fly with wings, and its speed matched that of a Grade 10 body strengthener, even though the warship was desperate to flee, Evel could still track him down.

In the Pentagon, they began to call it the "enemy of the world," and they made a plan to exterminate the existence of the Pentagon to the very end.


Bang, bang! Kwaga Gaga Gaga!

Monster Lab of the Battleship jihad.

Basically a large space for monster experimentation, Dr. Nishijo was equipped with some of the finest journalists who would be delighted to shed tears if he were alive, but he had already lost Izzie to the obedience of the god of the South Palace and looked back at the horror that was seen over the reinforced glass without any change in his expression.





Different kinds of monsters were moving to attack someone as a collaborator, bleeding out on a vast combat training ground.


Squeak! Skak!

After returning to full spider form, Riellus slashes the bodies of the monsters rushing towards him, swinging his sickle-like front legs.

"Wake up!"


In front of the power of Riellus, who had already become a genuine beast of Asura, monsters who had been severely wounded, screamed in agony and expressed their ways of obedience, whether they had broken their will to resist any longer.

"Dr. Nishijo. Get these guys back on their feet."

- Yes, sir. -

Outside the reinforced glass, Dr. Nishijo enters a battle training ground filled with fearless monsters, carrying a cure made of monsters to treat monsters wounded by Riellus.



As the monsters who obeyed him begin to kill Dr. Nishijo, Riellus growls at them.

Monsters attempting to attack the monsters in Riellus' position again became submissive, and Dr. Nishijo fearlessly approached and began to heal their wounds.

Dr. Nishijo, who had watched the monsters for several decades with his eight eyes to prevent them from playing tricks, wore an ointment on the bodies of the giant monsters again.


After healing the wounds, Riellus waves his front leg into the air, shouting something at the monsters, returning to the training ground and their home.

Describing the situation, the monsters here were the monsters who attacked the special forces in Uk-Il-Seongcheon, who infiltrated Dr. Nishijo's captive base.

The monsters who were just precious salaries rose to the yoga level one by one. Unlike mechanical materials, Jinwoo made and fed the yoga monster's nucleus while plundering the resources of the Wok-Il Heaven.

The problem is, as the force rose with the yogurt, he didn't even listen to Riellus' commands.

The power of the yoga monster, the bloodshed, and the new robots to be built will truly give birth to the greatest army in the history of the planet, but the monsters who rise to the yoga level dared ignore Riellus' commands, and she herself wanted to tell him once again how high the power was.

That's why, when the other slaves adapted to the power of the new suits, she was struggling to once again yield to the yoga monsters.

The horses' bloodthirsty, Yoga rank monsters' attacks were all about selling small and long blemishes on Riellus' shells, so there's no way to explain it's a one-sided battle.

Anyway, in front of the power of Riellus, the yoga monsters once again swore allegiance to her, and in the presence of monsters moving according to her orders, Riellus stepped off the battlefield, transformed into a human form and opened his mouth to Dr. Nishijo, who was watching him from outside.

"Hey, where's the nucleus you left me?"

"There it is."

In her enquiry, Dr. Nishijo pointed to the treatment room for the monster she had once reliant on as a major injury.

"From now on, I will crave strength. In the meantime, don't forget to feed the monsters."


When Dr. Nishijo had done various experiments with his body before, he was amused by the fact that the body was alive and following his instructions, he smiled at the mouth and headed to the treatment room.

There was a circular sphere with a dark purple glow mixed with black, which was stored as reinforced glass.

Perhaps the former Nishijo would have been frightened if he had known the identity of this sphere, but he had already lost his mind and was only a corpse using only his knowledge.

"This is a small-scale nuclear……."

Likewise, the remaining concentrated materials made the most of the Azura nucleus to make Riellus even stronger.

She glances at the strangely sensed nucleus beyond the glass, made by the master's affection, and soon swallows the dried needle and peels off the reinforced glass.

Bang, bang!

A sphere that can't hold everything by its own hand that transforms into a human.

I don't think it's safe to swallow this stuff down human throats.

Eventually, she returned to the spider form and pushed the sphere into her mouth, and at the same time, she felt the heat of the internal flame.


However, as she sat there, she began to focus on digesting the arithmetic nucleus and tried to make the foreign energy she felt in the nucleus her own.

'Hehe...! I think it's more painful than that...'

An energy unlike Yoma's Core.

'Your enemies... I'll kill them all...!' To do that...! '

She instinctively felt that she should be stronger for Jinwoo, the 'male' who obeyed everything, and began to accept the hot energy without rejecting it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

By the way, except for the Southern Palace god, among his subordinates, the battle power saw is Riellus.

I decided to go out and play with my brother today. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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