This, of course, has become a major issue in the United States.

An unknown criminal (who had worn a mask in the official statue until now) has driven wild in Washington and destroyed all the convertible vehicles for it, and those who ran to stop him in less than two minutes.

In the meantime, to solve the history of incidents and human rights issues (such as overpressure, racism, etc.), we learned why our allies committed these crimes by recording all the conditions and obtaining an original that was not corrupted in memory among the cameras built into the suits of Power Schutz pilots.

Reason for flagging.

For the first time in the United States, he claimed to be here for the ceremony, and even though the troops marched around the battlefield to capture the battlefield, his ability to teleport quickly made him a wanted man with the highest risk.

So even in the Pentagon, the criminals' faces are transferred in the course of repairing the injuries of the warriors of Earth Square and Crimson Knight, and Griffin unknowingly smashes his desk with a furious fist.

"What the fuck is this?!"

Anyone who knows about Griffin will be amazed at his uproar.

Under any circumstance, the man who handles things calmly and calmly has to be so angry and cursed.


Griffin didn't believe in the word "sexual dysfunction."

In the beginning, human beings go down a bad path because the surrounding environment is strong.

However, the existence of the word "put away" was the representation of the sex drive.

I just came to America for the first time, and I drove a hit-and-run, and I killed those who tried to stop me.

It is like the devil in a human hood, who feels joy and joy in killing people and stealing from others.

'The only answer is Izzie.'

Izzies will be dry soon.

A product of over-technology made with a heavy heart at the Pentagon to fight aliens.

If this force were to be revealed, the presence of this battleship would have to be highly classified, as the U.S. government would clearly be appalled by the Pentagon's technological power and show strong deterrence.

In Griffin's mind, however, it was classified as a risky molecule that would have to remove and destroy the jihad he operates.


"Kuhahahaha! You look like shit!? The United States of America has a particular taste for attack!"



How easy it is to know.

Noah and Perisha sighed as if they were a child, excited and excited.

"I was just surprised when a regular policeman teleported his hand and put a gun to my glabella. Besides, accidental encounters with heroes possess a special ability to run from a normal Talent Chest?"

He began to talk in excitement like a child. He could barely calm down after spending a long time with her.

"Ahh... Sir, why don't you deal with the Chinese problem before attacking the United States? Besides, I heard from Perisha that you've been picking on the top Russian mobster."

"Hey, noahing! How dare you?" "


Like a child, she grabs Noah's body and strokes his back and head, pushing him back and forth as hard as she can.

"Yikes! Don't treat me like a child!"

"Knng, knng - hmm! I bet Noah smells sweet and sour."

"... If I really... smell it like that, I'm embarrassed about this place."

Noah felt the warmth of the man who felt beyond his chest, and his strokes on his head and back had just vanished like snow, and the Ferrissa who saw him felt sharp on the outside but like a cat who truly followed his master.

"And don't worry too much. I don't care if the Russians help China. because this time we can use unlimited resources."

"Unlimited resources? I've never heard of it."

Through the numerous resources gained in Japan, now manufactured in manufacturing factories, high performance new arrivals are being made that are more outstanding than all the exterminated nobles and guests assisting criminals in Japan.

Specifically, this time, we are strategically uniting three types of robots, thoroughly ranged, versatile and melee, but we are upgrading high performance artificial intelligence and various details, so we expect that we will be able to build more than 2,000 new ones, even if we use all the resources from all over Japan.

What do you mean, "infinite resources"?

Ferrissa, who manages all the resources within the jihad with her classmates, tilted her head in what she didn't even know was an "infinite resource."

Jinwoo forgot that he had not explained to them in detail and grabbed Noah by the back of his head beautifully, feeling the soft and tender skin of the woman.

"Oh, sorry. After the conquest of Japan, I had a brief interview with God. I wonder if I want magic or if I have the ability to get close to it."

At that moment, the atmosphere that had been soft until just now cooled down to the next ambassador of Jinwoo.

"The world's population today is close to seven billion. And there's a trend to increase the population by four to five people per second. You know, naturally, there's an infinite number of resources out there like rats, so wouldn't it be a waste if you didn't use this?"


Noah and Perisha were surprised by his remarks, but Jinwoo brutally smiled at his mouth, sweeping Noah's head from within his arms gently.

"The more humans there are, the sicker the Earth gets, right? So for the future of the planet, for the future of humanity around the world, I'm going to take this opportunity to tie up my guns and reduce by a few billion."

Spooky -

The two women who felt frightened by his expression of killing hundreds of millions of people shut their mouths, but Jinwoo still smiled and opened her mouth again.

"By the way, do you know if you're a bully or a chimera?"


"Kahaya...! Hehehe...!"

Fujimine, who had to watch Iris fall from start to finish, was swept away by the waves of joy, being attacked by tentacles inside a dark red biosuit forced by Shifu's slaves.

"D-don 't come into my heart...!" "

Tentacle suits harassed her clitoris, vagina and anus, but the main target of this tentacle suit was the chest, specifically the nipple.

As the thin tentacles tightened around the entire nipple, Fujimine struggled to hold on to the wall because his legs were shaking and he was exhausted.


"~ ~ ~ ~!!"

Immediately, a circular hole was etched on the buttocks of the biosuit in the swimsuit, with a sudden burst of air.

The tentacles of Schutz have miraculously gone deeper into her anus.

"Ka... Ka...!"

With a tentacle full to the inside of the ship, Fujimine sighed with a choking voice, and at the same time, a tentacle filled inside his vagina.

Khuru ruru -



Screaming with a slight pronunciation, Fujimine squats down, unable to endure the sensation of going up and down, but the tentacles that enter her vagina and anus disturb her rectum and vagina like living creatures.


Although I don't know how I set it up, the tentacles that entered the anus pressed the rectum and irritated the uterus, and another tentacle that penetrated through the uterus and penetrated the uterus responded to the tentacles of the anus, as if the uterus and barrier were strongly irritated.

"S-Sirah... Sirah..."

As her body gradually warmed up, the electrical shock from her back began to grow, and knowing that this was at its peak, she shook her head and bit her lips tightly.



The tentacle senses that she is about to reach her peak and starts piston motion with maximum output, and Fujimine groans like an animal and falls to the ground without a grunt and touches his lower back.


And the tentacles wet Fujimine's entire body as they burst a transparent amniotic mucus into the urethra-like hole in each tentacle, and the tentacles spread out thinly as they rubbed.

It looks suspicious, but it is also a skin cosmetic and physical restorative substance.


The problem is Fujimine has to be harassed by tentacles without exhaustion or fainting for hours because of his health recovery.

Although physically sound, her shrinking mental strength could only solve time and rest, so her will became drawn to a vicious cycle of weakness over time.


At that time, Fujimine's ears heard the most hateful man's voice as he lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Put it away…!!"

"I've been a little busy and lonely playing alone, haven't I? Don't worry. I'll play with you from now on."

Brawl -

Jinwoo grabs Fujimine's hair by his right hand as he enters the prison.


Fujimine, who was forcibly drawn away with a headache, spits out at Jinwoo, who raised himself. A light evasion, of course.

"Great empire of Japan……!"

"is not going to succumb to Josenzing? Where did you guys get that line? Is it just Josenzing and the Japanese keywords?"

Now, Jinwoo, who was unresponsive to the word "joseng," which was not angry because he heard so much, still looked up and down with a wicked look in her face.

"By the way, you're familiar with that outfit now. That's a relief. You're gonna be wearing this for the rest of your life, but you're gonna have to adjust."


Fujimine's expression hardens despite the tentacle's thumping.

"W-what does that mean? I'm going to wear this pervert for the rest of my life!?"

"Oh, I didn't explain it to you. In the future, your name will be Princess Tentacle at Risin. Don't worry, if you obey me later, I'll make you a biosuit for battle..."

"Don't be ridiculous! Why would I obey a dirty jozen like you? Take this off right now!"

"Hmm... Have I been too democratic...?" "

You scratch the back of your head like a charm in Fujimine's mouth, and the atmosphere changes in an instant.

With a punch.



Kneel with the pain of a heavy right fist inserted into your abdomen, spitting out your chin without shutting your mouth, and vomiting out a gasping breath.

Bang, bang! Bang! Boom! Boom!

However, he grabbed her by the hair and lifted Fujimine higher than his height, striking her abdomen in succession, wrapped in a biosuit in front of his eyes.

"Queek! Queek!"

After hitting the abdomen several times with the right power to keep the organs from being damaged, Fujimine felt the power of his eyes that had just been staring at him as if he had just killed himself, only then did he let go of his hair.


"Cough! Cough!"

She immediately falls to the ground, bent like a shrimp and breathed a harsh breath, and the snow cools her down.

"I've become quite gentle with the slaves as I used to be. Honestly, I've been trying to make your bitch obedient to me and happy together. But no matter how gentle I may be, you're still making fun of that son of a bitch."

Obviously now he's gotten really, really soft compared to when he first played this game.

Especially after Iscilia went through a satisfied and comfortable life by gently scratching at his itchy parts and resolving all sorts of annoying things, her first sharp aura was very dull.

However, he decided to go back to his old self for a while because she was annoyed at Jinwoo, who was complaining about the country itself, as she continued to blow up the word "Empire of Japan."

"First, I will destroy the Imperialism's four years. I'll make you feel bad about who's the loser."

Fujimine, who was exposed to the loss of virginity in the Yasukuni Shrine, decided to clearly kill her chi and let her know exactly who she was, despite the poison rising to her feet and showing her the horror of Iri.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Everyone's looking forward to Fujimi's assistant.

I was going to finish my novel sooner, but writing and writing makes it surprisingly longer.

Plus, when I wrote my first episode, I didn't think it would be very popular with my novel, so I said, "Can I go more than 300?" I was worried that a lot of the minors who responded to my novel unexpectedly spit out the salt of the player 14,000.

By the way, my novel will appear as only one character (Jin Woo's hand), because I like the villain character so much that the name, appearance, etc. will look similar in the end.

Even though the names and appearance of the characters are different, if you end up doing the same thing, "He's just like the protagonist." You have to criticize it.

Then let's unite the protagonists!

If you say the same thing about the protagonist, "That's the protagonist," all the relevant criticism goes away!

For a number of reasons, this is why we've limited genres to gaming novels. To keep using one character.

For now, the protagonist, the protagonist, is doing well, but if people get fed up with the protagonist, they're going to have to cut him off and make him more docile or more vicious.

Well, it's surprisingly persistent, given that more people like the character of the dog than I thought.

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