Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!

"Evacuate in an orderly fashion! Moving at random slows you down!"


Prior to the Edo era, it was the capital of Japan, but the political center moved to Tokyo, leaving it as a formal capital.

However, as the capital of Japan for centuries, it is well known as an international tourist city and is highly accentuated for its ease of transport to attract many foreign travelers.

In addition, when a circular warship appeared above the tourist city, citizens who were aware of Tokyo's tragedy were experiencing a massive shift in ethnic migration to escape the city rather than shelter.

Some of the soldiers whistled and calmed the citizens down to move in an orderly fashion.

"As expected, fighting in an open city brings out the feeling that we are invaders, right?"

One word from Jinwoo, who was watching him on the bridge of Jihad, teleported into three Death Knights and Noah, Harin and Shelley, who were in charge of them, to Kyoto.

A squadron of Death Knights on the ground launched a brutal attack against the living, which was the same as yesterday.

Until a group of soldiers with different uniforms, different skin colors, and mechanized units showed up holding unified weapons of the Empire.

"Huh? Isn't it a little early for American soldiers to arrive?"

Noah, who oversees the Death Knights on top of the building, notices U.S. military uniforms and asks Shelley for communications.

- Maybe there are troops at the Juilliard Army base. -

- Oh, it turns out he attacked the U.S. Army base at your behest. I guess they realized that being apart and defending was useless. -

Explaining God's work, as if Harin had remembered something in Shelley's words, Noah nodded, thinking that there was also such a thing.

"After all, we just need to stir up chaos until we feel like our enemies have gathered. You all remember yesterday's meeting? Enemies have already made preparations for Death Knight, so if we run amongst ourselves, we will be slaughtered. Lead us into civil war."

- Roger.

- Yes!

The three slaves of Jinwoo were divided into sections to carry out their duties, and as he watched them as they appeared on the bridge, he turned his chair around and opened his mouth to the four men waiting behind him.


"Now we just have to wait until we have enough enemies to make progress."

She replied with a delegation, and around her were elite members who had completed all the preparations just waiting for his command.

The one who was the most armed was Aki, whose power suits were the same color as the black leotard that used to wear, with arms, chest, abdomen, thighs, and shoes fitted in part.

The power suits in all the parts were laced with leather to hang off tools like the repair sword she used, filling in all sorts of toiletries.

I was going to make it in one piece, but I made it this way because it would be uncomfortable.

"In a way, this battle is the true debut of the Three Tai Drama. Assume the consequences of this battle will affect my dignity."

To date, Jinwoo has encouraged other slaves to do more than he does, and what he does has moved only locally where information does not easily escape.

However, it was no exaggeration to make a debut showing the true face of the Tritiac, as this battle will reveal the power of leadership and the power of executives throughout the world.

That's why Jin Woo didn't want to look ugly in this true debut, so he warned them again firmly.

Together with Jinwoo, the frontal breakthroughs begin to quietly recheck their preparations, and only Perisha and Masjid's voice echoes to confirm reports and videos from all over the bridge.

Despite the signs of allies and the signs of the enemy that appeared to be Kyoto's map in front of the bridge, Keung stood up from the chair as the three slaves leading the Death Knights began to be pushed and surrounded.

"All hands, get ready for launch."




A Chinese military chariot that had already received official confirmation from the Japanese government that it was okay to destroy a civilian building in order to defeat the Tai Lung, continued to unleash firearms and attack Death Knights thoroughly at a distance.

With the continued firing, the 10-story building collapsed, covering the sight of the Chinese military chariot for a short while as heavy afterstorms and dust spread, but the chariot troops continued to besiege it in cooperation with the U.S. and Japanese Self-Defense Forces, leaving Des Knights unable to advance.

"Hahahahaha! Sam-tae Ji is fine too! You're just telling me you're going to attack China with this much power!?"

The front rung of the ZTZ-99 chariot was relaxed enough to show a smile despite the unilateral struggle.

Commanders from Japan, China and the United States confirmed that the firing rate of skeletal soldiers in the Tritiac was at a level of ordinary people who had not learned how to shoot properly, and strategized that long-range shootings would shatter the enemies, and the Allied forces began to successfully destroy the ground forces in the Tritiac.

Of course, the command was feeling unhappy with the appearance of a giant battleship with no counter measures, but the battlefield did not smile at the idea that it could deal with the fools who dreamed of conquering the world.


At that time, the battlefield that found the black silhouette beyond the clouds of dust expanded its observation field towards the clouds of dust.

Other chariot platforms saw it, turning the main frame of the chariot towards smoke in advance and checking the black silhouette with the observation platform.

Oh, my...!

Pow, pow, pow!


What appeared through the dust clouds was a giant spider with a brown body and eight jewel-like eyes and two to three times the level of the chariot.

The spider is charging towards the Chinese army with its eight legs still intact, and its footing is rowdy enough to create a crater.


Monsters at three o'clock! -

At the same time as the sudden appearance of the monster, radio chatter about the appearance of the monster was heard from all over the place, and the chariots in front of them fired cannonballs at the monster.

Kuang! Kuang! Kuang!

Almost simultaneously, a cannonball exploded as a flame erupted from the mainframe of a Chinese chariot.


Bang, bang!

The cannonball slides as soon as it hits the spider's body, then flies into the buildings behind the diagonal line of the spider and explodes.


I was clearly aiming properly, but when I saw the shelter explode in the other direction, I instinctively felt that the monster running in front of me was not an ordinary monster, but I couldn't keep my hands off it.


Boom, boom!

At that time, the attack helicopters who gathered after the arrival of the monster launched missiles in various directions toward the spider monster, and they thought that a massive explosion around the spider would at least do some harm if it didn't kill them.

Pow, pow, pow!

However, while piercing the black smoke and flames, the spider monster has been charging without a single blow.

"Damn! How hard can it be?" "

I don't know how to attack a monster at such a high level without even this much firepower, but it was important that I couldn't suck my finger.


At that time, you see something moving over the spider monster's head on the observation platform.

"Huh…? Human...?"

Clearly, humans are smaller than spiders, but they are definitely smaller.

The question was, why can humans exist over the heads of monsters, but the battlefield never reached its end.

It was because a blue typed sword flew in and split the gloves of a heavy chariot and cut off its head when someone on a spider monster mounted it.

Skaak! Skaak!

Boom, boom!

The chariots in the path of the weapon explode as the pieces are cut off, and the helicopter pilots try to attack the spider monster with missiles again, rather than judging the situation.

Shhh! Shhh!



However, the repair swords protruding from the body of the spider monster pierced the bulletproof glass, hitting the neck and glabellar of the pilot and co-pilot, and the attack helicopters that gathered around the spider monster swirled around and crashed into the building and exploded.

The spider monster that dealt with all the disturbers rounded down one of the sieges surrounding the soldiers of the Tritiac.

We have heard that the spider monster has broken one of the siege lines, but since it is a city war full of massive buildings, it was the troops on both sides of the attack line that were able to respond directly to the spider monster attack.

"Riellus! Going right!"


The herd on the shell of Riellus was determined to completely collapse along the Alliance camp surrounding its allies, so it set the direction for their attack to begin.

Turning his head to the right from the distance, Riellus begins to move toward the Chinese army.


The herd that was riding on Riellus' shell rolls its fist as it leaps high into Riellus' front.

And fall.


Upon landing, he punched the floor with his fist, and the concrete floor collapsed into a rubble like an earthquake around him, and the surrounding buildings swerved in different directions as the floor came up or sat down.

However, his attack began there.

Racing forward, Jinwoo held the main end of the ZTZ-99 streetcar with one hand, which was not centered by the twisted floor, and held the main part of the streetcar with both hands to lift the streetcar.


Once the chariots in both hands were shaken forcefully into the air to 'clean' the crew, licking their tongues at the Chinese chariots, infantry troops, and attack helicopters turning this way to avoid annoying interference.

"The Grand Arc must have had a hard time resisting the temptation to run wild."


Afterwards, Isilia, who stopped the attack on Riellus' shell, Aki, a god who dealt with a troop of chariots in front of her with a sword, came down through the armored glass of an attack helicopter and took care of the pilots and settled behind Jinwoo.

"It's a sincere mode. I hope you'll understand with a big heart if you can't control your strength."

I don't know who the apology is for, but Jinwoo recited it like that, rushing towards the Chinese army with his chariot in his hands.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Huff-puff... Huff-puff... with adrenal gland zero...

I don't know how this is gonna be fun.

Thanks to you, I haven't seen any other games lately.

Hmm... I'm going to lie down and rest for a couple of days... Whoa! Relax. Relax. Are you kidding me?

No matter how embarrassing it may be, it's the only advantage I have to be honest with my readers.

And then when something really hurts, it gets really hard.

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