A mid-size factory in Tokyo.


A colorful man dressed in a red leather jacket with a metal ring hanging around his head, rushed towards Selly, who turned into a black leopard with his fist wrapped in flaming eagle fire.

"Blow it up!"

A blonde man who would have been embarrassed, saying, "Oh, shit." If Jinwoo had listened, he waved his fist at Shelley's body.


However, Shelley swings her legs up at the blonde man running toward her without panic and slashes her ivory-toed claws at the blonde man.

How many colleagues were injured by those claws?

The blonde man shunned the attack, shaking his head to the left and to the right as a scarlet blood stain appeared on the tip of an ivory toe like nail art.



As Shelley's leg falls apart, she grabs the blonde man's neck, squeezing his thighs together.


Then he jumps lightly into the ground and rotates in the air four to five times, then he lands on his knees.



The blonde man snapped his neck and died from the momentary buildup of pressure.

He was a hero working as a B rank in Japan, a man named Red Jacket Tachiuchi.

With his firepower and physical strengthening abilities, he was a melee combat specialist who used boxing techniques to literally fire his fists and attack his enemies.

However, Sellie, who is an S-rank talented person and has gained experience with numerous talented terrorists at X-Force, lacked strength, experience, skills and everything.



Nearby, Death Knights have been overwhelmingly aggressive with heroes defending their factories.


Shelley looks at the corpses of talented people who came to defend the factory, lightly wiping their feet and slightly clearing the claws stained with the blood of numerous talents.

'Well, there was an intent to rob the plant, but if you had any ideas, you'd defend the factory.'

Although Tokyo is vast, I couldn't miss the fact that ships larger than a large football field are draining resources.


At that time, Shelley was about to react as she was judged not to be her opponent, no matter what kind of abilities he had, as the man who was running around bleeding from the bodies of the Death Knights.



With the sound of gunfire coming from afar, the glances of this prodigal man are pierced and agitated by the speed of the rush.

Seeing a bullet flying next to his head, it bends like a willing creature, piercing this power man's glances, Shelley turns her head to the owner of the ability to control his tongue.


"It's time to retreat. Too bad. Give up here and get to the rally point."

Noah, who led the ragged Death Knight, approaches with a slightly tiresome voice as if he had been attacked by other American heroes or wearing body armor to hide his appearance.

Seeing an ally for the first time since the start of the mission, Shelley opens her mouth to Noah in a happy mood and looks up to the "unexpected presence" in the horde of Death Knights moving together behind her.


You glance at your eyes for a moment and again confirm your presence within the Desert Knights horde.

Armored suits were torn apart to cover their identity if they had been in a considerable battle, or holes were carved in the military that seemed to have exploded from something powerful.

Then, between Death Knight in his ragged armor, he found a white man tied up and covered in eyes and mouth, carrying him like a burden on the streets of the city.

"Haven't we got any prisoners on our mission?"

Selly's question was natural.

Jinwoo's orders were to kill all noticeable human beings, nationally, both male and female.

Then why did you take the prisoners?

But I also had something to say to Noah.

"This guy came out of nowhere saying he was an agent of the Pentagon who came to tell the three Taiji what to say. Besides, what's the name of our battleship?"


The whole world is getting a sense of what kind of battleship Sam Taegeuk is running now.

Of course, their efforts have been fruitless, and only a handful of people know that this Battleship is Salahadin's legacy. Did you name the Battleship?

If that is the case, it is more important that not only Noah and anyone else take him captive and find out how he got the name of the Battleship.

"Urgh! Urgh!"

A white man went into town wanting to say something, but Noah opened his mouth to him in a cool voice.

"Shut up. I'll rip your brains out if you bother me."


For once, the white man silenced and drooped like a dead man, as if she was a woman who once had a temper with a rough mercenary life.

"Let's get to the rally point first. They should be all here by now."

Seeing Noah's silence of the prisoners, Shelley's mind was filled with the idea that he was also known for his filthy temperament, Martan, had repaired the Dead Knights and moved to the rally point to retreat.


The forces of the three Tai Poles all retreated.

No, the mysterious skeleton soldiers who were holding the rifles and the members of the Three Tai Poles who were leading them disappeared along with the battleship over Tokyo, but left behind only wooden monsters wielding their hands like giant hammers.

Japan's Self-Defense Force was successful in defeating the tree monsters through bombardment and soot, but when they entered Tokyo, everything was utterly ruined.

The bodies of civilians lying in the streets. Buildings that are more difficult to find in their holiness. Soldiers rushing to fight back against Taegeuk and the corpses of these talented cars were devastated and brought defeat to the SDF who arrived in Tokyo late.

A day.

In just one day, Tokyo, the capital of Japan, was completely destroyed by the hands of Samtaegeum.

However, there is still something to be frightened of.

Aokigahara Sea (a tree-shaped sea) in the north-eastern part of Mount Fuji was completely twisted.

The Aokigahara, one of the most dangerous places in Japan, is called the Suicide Spot.

Once inside, it is difficult to come out, and there are many factors that threaten human survival, and more than half of the mountain area, named Suhae, has withered away as if it had become a land of death.

The trees were dry enough to crumble when touched, and the color of the soil was grey enough to make it difficult to grow plants even if the soil was not an expert.

The relevant experts tried to approach it scientifically, but they did not understand the phenomenon of the Aokigahara waters, which became the land of death in a single day as if someone had sucked all the life out.


A white man who was taken captive by Noah was thoroughly searched from head to toe.

He decided that he could get a retractor or bug that could help him find the location of the jihad by being held captive, so he incinerated the clothes he was wearing and changed them into normal clothes equipped with jihad.

Moreover, it was determined that he could hide a tracker or bug in a hidden area, so he had to check all the hidden areas with a machine detector before he could face cleaning.

A white man sitting at the most luxurious captain on the bridge, handcuffed and equipped with EIEW limiters, looks away from the prisoner, turning his chair around as he enters the bridge.

"I am a member of the Pentagon……."

"Tsk. Prisoners don't taste like prisoners."

Finally, a white man who was about to start his introduction to carry out his mission tried to open his mouth, but he opened his mouth as if he had something to complain about.




The god of the South Palace, who grabbed a white man by the back, kicked him on his knees, and a white man groaning on his knees in sudden pain.

"Now you're a prisoner. So, what's your name again?"


Less than a minute after I met Qiu, I realized that a white man held captive has no fundamental skill that modern man should have in a more violent form than I had imagined.

However, as a supported agent at the Pentagon to connect the hotline with the Triathlon, he began to relax and introduce himself because he faced a lot of bizarre talents.

"I'm Amber Jonathan, an agent for the Pentagon."

"Yes, Jonathan. I have two questions for you. The first is why they want to contact us, and the second is how they know the name of this battleship is Jihad."

Then Jonathan opens his mouth again after a few moments of moxa to make sure he's clear in his head.

"For the record, the Pentagon, as I said, is not the Pentagon of the United States government, but the Pentagon of these talents...."

"Okay. You got it. Pass."

"… Yes. In the past, the Pentagon has learned that aliens come to conquer the Earth in the future through the prophecy of a Grade 10 visionary."

He leaned into a comfortable position as if he would listen to the cleaning up, and Jonathan continued to explain why the Pentagon was trying to contact the Three Taiji Pole.

"Saladin also knew that, but instead of fighting all the people of Earth together, he established jihad by using over-technology to conquer the world and then decided to fight the aliens……."

What he had learned since then came out of Jonathan's mouth.

The silent listening clears his mouth with an open palm.

"Wait. How did the Pentagon know that much information?"

"It's because members of the jihad, who were unworthy of Saladin's march, surrendered to the Pentagon and reported it."


Few people knew that Jihad's surrenderers were in the Pentagon, but the Pentagon granted Jonathan permission to speak of these facts in order to bring the Three Tai Poles to the negotiating table.

"So the Pentagon wants to join us for this jihad, the legacy of Saladin and the alien warship?"

With the exception of those who already know or have no nutrition, Jonathan said, Let's gather together and have a meeting with those who are strong around the world and take this matter seriously.

"Yes, not only that, but also to the heads of other large organizations, and some of them agreed. For the record, if you suspect a trap, the Pentagon has a position that you can bring the guards in fully armed and armed."


The sound of bringing guards to a fully armed military unit was a sign of confidence that they would be able to deal with such an army even while showing them that they had no plot.

'The Pentagon...' They're the ones we're supposed to be dealing with, so you better watch their faces, right? '

Jinwoo, who is frustrated about fighting facelessly, decided to take this opportunity to identify the Pentagon's chief who would be the biggest obstacle to his conquest.

"What about time and place?"

"We've decided to meet at the Pentagon's negotiating table in a week to give you enough time to think and prepare. I know the place."

The cleaner who heard everything he could hear from Jonathan opened his mouth as he stood up to the executives of the Three Taiji Theatre to watch what the prisoners had to say and what he would do.

"You all heard me! This is the meeting of the heads of the Pentagon's famous organization! My dignity will not stand unless I accept the surrender of at least one nation! A week from now! Japan will surrender within a week!"


Jonathan's eyes suddenly turned pale in his remarks that he would accept Japan's surrender within a week.

Normally, he would have to stop the war for a week and prepare for a meeting, but he is urging his subordinates to be humiliated if he does not accept Japan's surrender.

"Perisha! More missiles to build!" Nukes if you need 'em! If we don't get Japan's surrender within a week, we will launch all missiles across Japan, destroying all industrial bases and destroying a country called Japan! "


As Ferrissa answers nervously, Jonathan swallows his thirsty saliva, shouting as if to encourage the other executives to clean it up.

'He is a more cruel and vicious ruler than the Intelligence Agency has ever known...' This man's lust for domination may be more dangerous than an alien invasion. '

Jonathan still thinks that the leader of the Three Tai Poles and Qiu are more dangerous men than aliens he hasn't even seen shadows, but there's nothing he can do after all the communication equipment has been taken away and incinerated.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I changed the cover.

The cover used to be the newest of the Dun series, the Hakonen family seal from Battle Four Dun (early 2001), but this time it brought the Hakonen family seal from the old classic game, Québé 2.

22 years old, 22 years old, and the manufacturing company is ruined.

If the report works here, that's even more acceptable.

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