"Hundreds of these talents……."

"Are you sure it's the equivalent of the Grand Arc...?"

Three minutes. If Japanese Talents hadn't fled, they would have been shorter, but in three minutes, they slaughtered 400 Talents.

Once within the range of the great sword, it was hard to survive, unless you were a teleporter. Teleporters with low fuselage vision teleported a little later and moved their torso only to the ground, screaming a little.

Across' spy, who was filming the video, could not understand the contents of the conversation, but it was far enough to capture the screams. As the Japanese outsiders were slicing and screaming, the officers shivered.

If you hadn't seen this video and heard the report directly from someone, you would have thought it was a specialty that dealt fortunately with injured talents, or posted against underclassed ones.

However, the agent filming the video confirmed the faces of the S-rank heroes with zooming capabilities, and indicated that there was little damage to their clothing, fatigue, or even their physical strength, which did not show signs of combat.

What's even more shocking is that every single attack by the Jinwoo resembles the Grand Arc.

Everything resembled the Grand Arc, the pleasure of sweeping away every creature within its gap when it swept through a massive weapon, the smile of a murderer seen slaughtering countless humans.

If only the current talents knew that Qiu was a Grade 10 physical strengthener, they would have fought more efficiently, but unfortunately, when they found out about that, it was after Qiu had already taken the gap between these talents.

"But it's strange. Where is he?"

Among the executives, Ryjin opened his mouth as if it were a strange man with a sharp look and a small figure, and as he said, he did not show any end to the slaughter of all these talents.

"You escaped?"

"No matter how much I dealt with the lightning bolt of Lijin, the Grand Arc and his kind of power would not stand a chance."

The executives in this conference room have now accepted the resignation of Ryjin, admitting that they are in league with the Grand Arc, without underestimating it at all.

However, the cleaner made his own chair out of a pile of dead bodies to see if Ryjin would come back. He spends some time messing around with a woman who, I don't know, looks like one of his men.

Soon, Ryjin reappeared, sending his men away to clear out a 1: 1 battle.

Chiu, a Japanese powerhouse rival to Raijin Fujimine and the Grand Arc. A fight has begun between the two high-rank powered individuals.


The beginning was heavy.


A giant sword that flies before sound.

However, Fujimine-rich's fuselage vision of lightning flew at the speed of light did not miss the attack.


With the sound of electricity rising, Fujimine's whole body begins to glow with a yellow light. In the blink of an eye, he travels far away and reappears after a lightning strike.

"Huh? What was that?"

It is like 'lightning shaped like a human being'.

It was a peculiar ability that was different from the kind of talents that you have faced so far… no, on a different level.

"Officially, my ability is a variant of the mind's ability to handle electricity. But actually, it's different. The lightning itself. That is my true ability."

Relaxing single smile Fujimi.

Jinwoo scratched his head for his ability to become lightning itself, making a slightly confused face.

"Heh, that's quite an amazing ability. But can I start with the meadow? Wouldn't it be in your best interest to keep that a secret?"

"Hahahaha --! What's the point, whether you know it late or early? You can't put a hand on me anyway!"


Immediately, as soon as the ambassador finished, Fujimine, who was once again made of yellow light, rushed towards the approaching battle with the speed of lightning.



Of course, Jinwoo once again wielded the Dagger, noticing her speed to process with her combined vision of a Grade 10 body-enhanced competent, but Fujimine skillfully climbed onto the Dagger.


A person must bend his or her knees to basically jump.

However, Fujimine ignored the law and climbed onto the Great Sword as if someone had lifted him up.

Paper job!!


And Jinwoo, who felt the painful jolt of electricity coming through the handle with the great sword, screamed unknowingly.


Luckily, he smashed his teeth and swung his sword like a baseball bat, flying Fujimine on top of the Great Sword with all his might.

As Fujimine was about to land on the Great Sword,


A full-body stabbing attack, with a large forward twist of his torso like a lightning bolt.

By the time the ground and feet touch each other to land, the Dagger will have already pierced her body into a skewer, swiftly and subtly timing.


However, another yellow light erupted from Fujimine's body as if he was about to land, and he slid back and forth as if he were sliding as if he were about to land.

Plus, leaving a yellow electric sphere in the air in the direction of his dagger.

I'm out!

"Knock it off!!"

Upon encounter with the yellow electric sphere floating in the Great Sword and the air, the electric sphere disappeared like it had been absorbed by the Great Sword and caused another electric shock to Jinwoo.

"This is a pretty tight win!?"

In the meantime, I felt the real pain. Unlike the useless fighting during that time, I flew my tongue in a targeted battle and felt the numbness of my tongue as I tried to exhale the metabolism when the residual power that was left in my body came into my tongue with liquid.

"Whoa! Whoa! Damn it! This is what it feels like when the electricity goes through your tongue!"

Although he was very upset when he grabbed electrically flowing objects with his hands or toes, he had never accepted the current with his tongue, but he let go of his stiff jaw and mouth, exaggerating the shape of his mouth.

"You're as durable as a Grade 10 Body Strengthener. But how long can it last?"

It was the first time Fujimines had been so relaxed in the face of an attack with his own power, but he decided it was only a matter of time before he could not reach out his hands or feet.

"I hope you're not too cocky. I've confirmed one thing with this attack."


Fujimine, who was just now confident in her abilities, is silent this time.

"Can you get attacked in that Picasso state? If I could've ignored that attack, I wouldn't be hanging around like that to avoid my attacks."

"Huh. What about it? I don't have to make fun of my feet to move anyway. No, you can only move with the force of the current without the movement of the body."

Yes. She can move the current and move her body to another location, no matter how disadvantageous she is. At the speed of light like lightning.

What does that have to do with anything? If it doesn't, it's over.

Jiwoo, who was thinking about something for a moment, soon shrunk his Great Sword to the shape of a common ring rod… No, he made the Sword itself as thin and elongated as a penning.

"I don't know much about fencing. I don't know the fencing term. I don't know the fencing technique. But."

The posture of Jinwoo, who moved his left hand behind his back and held the handle with his right hand, looked much worse compared to those who had learned it well, but it seemed even more rough and violent due to the overflowing life.

"I'm more confident than anyone I've ever stabbed."


When he finished, he plunged a sharp, fast-flying sword into Fujimine's body like a fencing sword, as low as an animal.


Suddenly, as the length of the sword changes, Fujimine quickly dodges with lightning speed even further back.

Shhh! Shhh! Heave!

And then, as he followed, he quickly started swinging his weapon, shaking his head and torso at almost the same speed as him, avoiding his attack.


Parker, Parker!

Storms of wind and current began to erupt.

When the fencing sword swings, a small storm rages around it, and Fujimine tries to create electric spheres of courtesy and make himself self-destructive. However, unlike a sword with a big day to cut, he stabs and pulls it out, avoiding the electric sphere by just following Fujimine to the end.

Iscilia felt that two stormy battles would only interfere if she was caught up in them, and she moved further back. Across' executives, who were looking at this video as direct, were saddened that they did not see the two battles that the screen could not follow.

This 1: 1 competition between high-class talent is not easy.

'Hnng! This man...! I'm too used to handling weapons!'

Generally, the higher the grade, the weaker the will to master martial arts or crafts.

The higher the rank, the stronger the speed and power, and the more visible the fuselage, the easier it is to read the opponent's paint attacks, so you can deal enough damage with a simple swing and kick without any finesse.

Only enhancers who are more likely to encounter the above self learn martial arts and crafts.

However, Jin Woo has a Grade 10 physical enhancement ability and is too familiar with handling weapons.




After shaking his head slightly at the tip of the fencing sword, Fujimine managed to dodge with a swift bow, trying to deform the shape to make only one side of the blade and hit his neck.


Aiming for the gap, Fujimine's back kicks Fujimine's crooked head as if he were kicking a soccer ball, but he raises his torso back up, leaving behind an electric sphere.

Phage job!


Due to the intense current that starts from the tops of the feet, the jolting sensation of kneeling for a long time has slowed the approaching speed very slightly, but the struggle between those who fight at the speed of light is caused by the small difference.

"I'm familiar with full-body combat, not just weapons. I don't think I've studied martial arts systematically, but it's like a practical struggle between the weak and the strong and the equal. Why did he learn these skills with this kind of ability? '

Successful enough distance, Fujimine stared at him, checking that the current running through the back of his foot had disappeared, tapping the ground with his toes.

'Well done on using different weapons while playing different games.'

Jin, who had used all sorts of weapons while playing virtual reality games, did not learn martial arts systematically, but was building an effective 'Player Experience'.

If Jinwoo were a mediocre (?) Grade 10 Body Strengthening Skill, he would have launched a foolish and simple attack, but in other games he had a lot of experience of having to fight against the strong as the weak, so he learned how to attack effectively and move efficiently.

Of course, there was a lot of room for improvement because it was a technique that was sharpened into practice without someone's systematic education, but if it had a grade 10 capability that could only be expressed as overwhelming violence, it was enough... No, it was not enough. It overflowed.

Fujimine thought it might be time to use the 'traps' that he had prepared for his 400 allies to make time.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ugh... ahhhh...

I was careless... I had a fever yesterday, so I thought I'd be okay now, but I can't have another fever... My head's coming back...

But it's even more unfair because it doesn't hurt enough to have a disaster...

I should have taken a break yesterday instead of just writing.

The summer cold is really bad. The inside of the body is cold, but the outside is hot, so I don't know how to explain this weird feeling.

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