"This should be enough."

Based on Iri's experience of knowing what Jinwoo looks like, when the house with the double and triple traps was completed, I personally experienced the power of the trap, and I gained confidence that once inside it, Jinwoo could definitely eliminate the existence.

"Good. Now all we have to do is bring in this guy, the leader of the Three Tai Drama." "

The biggest role of this operation was Lygene Fujimine.

Although it was an important bait role to lure Jinwoo by pretending to be Kuro Okami using the power of this powerful ability, this was overwhelmingly superior with the power of ordinary people and not with the power of two elite special forces serving as fathers and sons respectively.

Moreover, Fujimine also had a self-defense stunt in case of an incident, so all that was left was to call Jinwoo.

'Kyosuke...... Wait……. I will definitely kill this man and come back to you in a clean body....'

Fujimine asked Iris to meet with Kyosuke, but she ended up calling to say hi.

If you return to the man you love, as if nothing had happened by making sure you dealt with the worst man who defiled and humiliated your body, it is over.

"I'll contact Masjid first."

Here, Masjid supports Iri's testimony that he has found Kuro Okami.

Iri has been running around diligently, and the ability measurement tool given by Jiwoo also clears the suspicion of Jiwoo by informing her that she has reached several times the level of her usual abilities.

Finally, after a final check in the manor to be set up as a trap, Airy opened up a network to Masjid and announced that all the traps were complete.

"Masjid? This is Iris. I just finished preparing the trap...."

- Hello.


Not the voice of a callous and intelligent masjid, but the worst kind of garbage he could not hate, the head of the three Tai Poles who wanted to wipe out Japan, and the face of the usual red devil mask, along with the voice of Qiu, appeared on the screen.

- Moshimoshi. My mom used to make a lot of prank phone calls when I was a kid, and I smashed her back for phone bills, and you don't have that experience, do you, traitor? -

"Y-you...! How...!"

Iri did not conceal her malignancy from the appearance of Jinwoo, and Fujimine was strongly curious about his face for the first time in the video.

- Kick-kick! The plan was pretty fun. Ryjin, the practical leader of the Wok-jeon ascension, will play the role of bait to lure me into the mansion where a Grade 10 EIEW wave hides underground. Maybe if I didn't know you'd betrayed me, my life would have been game over. -

"Masjid……!? No way...!"

She was worried that she might have fooled herself from the moment Masjid approached her, but Jinwoo resolved her concerns.

Masjid! I've been through a lot with that fucking machine bitch. Well, now it's my toy. -

"You cleaned it up."

At that moment, Ryjin pushes Iris slightly away and shows her face.

- Oh, it's Liz Fujimi! Leader of Wok-il Ascension! It's such an honor to meet you here. -

With an exaggerated tone of voice, he pointed towards Fujimine and used a polite voice that did not accompany his moody gaze, but with this tone he could understand the nature of his movements as well.

'Confidence is overwhelming. You already have the look and tone of a Japanese face.'

Yes, Jinwoo's voice was the same as that of the victor.

He built hundreds of Desknights from the god of the Southern Palace, and when he saw the firepower, he admired that he had already won the war.

"This is the first time we've had this conversation face-to-face."

I don't think so. I already talked to you. That's also, umm... near the blue. -

"We spoke up close"? '

After briefly rolling his head to his answer, Fujimine began to recall the old memories, realizing where he had heard the excited voice of Qiu.

"Ah…! At that time, the American-Japanese...!"

When I came to realize we weren't living in Japan, I was terrified. Well, if you let us go unsuspecting, does that mean my acting was pretty good? -


'This guy……. It's cheesy and cheap, but it's cold inside. By analogizing the fact that I came close and acting on the spot...'

In general, the stronger the capability, the more likely the competent person is to break the barrier in a straight line rather than going around.

Despite having the capabilities of the Grand Arc and its equivalent, the fact that he suddenly staged a level of smoke that would be fooled even to keep his identity out of the picture meant that the writer who told him to get rid of it was not a fool who was born lucky enough.

Once Fujimine judged that whoever wins against Shifu here would be heavily damaged, he removed hostility from his voice and opened his mouth carefully.

"I don't understand. You're strong and clever. Why would you turn the world against us in this way? If you look a little further..."

- Oh, wait. I don't want to work with anyone, no matter what you say. The only people I trust are my slaves and those who are loyal to me. There's no room for three other people in here. -

"… So you only believe in one battleship and attack Japan with fewer than 10 men?"

Are you scared? If I bring you, the Japanese Prime Minister, and this Denno of yours, to kneel down and obey me, I will show you mercy, especially to your bitch. You'd think it'd be good to surrender sooner if your whole body was covered in semen. Kahahahahahahaha! -


Cancel what you just said.

This guy's a piece of shit. Incorrigible scum.

For Fujimine, who believed he had awakened as a descendant of the true god by gaining the power of lightning rather than the nationalism of Japan and ordinary abilities, he could not endure the outrage of Josenzing for not spraying his hands beyond the topic.

"There is no negotiation. But just remember this: If you attack Japan, I will treat you like an animal and torture you with my own hands for the rest of my life."

- Just remember one thing. If I destroy this country and surrender, I will repay you for your crimes in the Great Sage days. I will take the women to comfort, arrest a large number of ordinary citizens, and conduct a "public" Maruta experiment. You think that's it? I must take you alive and publicly humiliate you at the Yasukuni Shrine. No, I converted the Yasukuni Shrine into a whorehouse...... -

I'm out!

At that moment, Iri, who decided she couldn't listen anymore, forcefully grabbed the signal connecting the burn to Jinwoo and broke it.

"You're more trashy than I've ever heard."

Fujimine confirms the existence of a clear, contemptuous look and tone.

"Yes, but don't let your guard down. Even with that personality... No, because of that personality, I choose only what my opponent hates."

"I know that. By the way, they were going to attack us sooner or later. Ask Prime Minister Heisei to strengthen his vigilance to defense forces throughout the region."


Iri lowered her head in a short reply, and Fujimine stopped again, trying to go somewhere, because he had a lot of work to do to show his face as a representative of a country.

"Oh, and bring out the EIEW again. It's got to be useful somewhere."

"I understand."

Since the EIEW, hidden at the bottom of the mansion, could be useful at some point in time, Iri, who called the workers back, explained to Prime Minister Heisei what to do and what to deal with, and passed Fujimine's orders to strengthen the boundaries of each area.


"Woo, I still have something to say, why don't you just hang up? That's not why we call them Japs. Right?"


Jinwoo lay on the floor, her whole body covered in semen, smiling and smiling, and looking down at the body of the masjid, which was fluttering like a convulsion.

"If a man speaks, should he answer? Huh?"

However, as she gives no answer, he raises his foot, forcefully stomping on his broken chest on the ground.



"What's that ridiculous groaning? Where is that disdainful look in your eyes? Where's your usual cold machine voice?"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Hehe! Cough!"

Despite trampling his foot on the ground nervously, Masjid was raising his loving gaze toward the sunset beyond his agonizing expression of redness.


Jinwoo's feet trample on Masjid's face, but she starts licking the soles of his feet, sticking out her tongue and trampling on his face.

"Hehehehe! Enjoy it. If I have time later, I will again set my liking to the lowest level."

The disadvantage of a device that can control the emotions of a masjid is that it can be targeted too easily without the taste of teaching. The advantage is that every time it wants to do so, it can listen to the resentment of a masjid that hates itself and curses itself.

In other words, unlike other slaves who have already conquered, it means that it is possible for Masjid to choose and eat according to his preferences according to the day.

"Hmm. Should I add a little more to my liking?" '

For example, if you add excitement, you can enjoy the body of the woman who pours a curse on her own flesh, and you can enjoy various situations such as situations that seem to be dying of pain due to her liking and excitement, but endure it comfortably for the one you love.

Or even if you set your liking to 70-80 like a shotgun and pretend not to be, it can be broken with the screams of a penis in your arms.

The best toys are done according to Jin Woo's words.

'Well, we'll take it slow later.'

However, the matter had to be postponed later.


'We have to start Tokyo in the next 3 days and start a war throughout Japan.'

The worst undead forces on the planet, loyal slaves rushing to limbs at any time, destined to save the world, the Palace God who should have been the true protagonist of this game world, the Strategic Weapon Starfish No. 1, the Versatile Space Battleship Jihad.

This list looks like a pretty impressive army, but in reality it does not.

"The number of Japanese daughters (SDF) is over 200,000 together. The number of talents we have to deal with is over 10,000, waiting in Japan for thousands, plus heroes from anarchists working in Japan and heroes furious at the attacks in the Tritia. '

In particular, Japan's armor has become much more loyal than it was before, with the support of incurred religions like these, and the support of Jews who dominate the American economy.

Objectively, this fight is called insanity or suicidal behavior.


'That's why it burns. What's so funny about a fight you have to win on all fronts?'

The user knocks down a powerful opponent under harsh conditions. In addition, it does not end with this, but thoroughly lures, pillages, and insults the downed target.

Jinwoo decided to put the machine in a safe so that no one could accidentally touch it while fixing the fascination of his semen packed masjid to 100, and he was going to resting for the remaining three days and repeated combat training to keep him in the best condition and senses.

"Hehehehe! I look forward to the next three days."

At the beginning of the great war, which will be three days later, Jinwoo raises the flames of that war and flies his tongue with a longing look in his eyes that will sit in the eyes of the nucleus.

He doesn't care about ruling another country. It simply destroys, pillages and satisfies its own pleasure.

"That's enough of this line! Come on, world! Kahahahahaha!"

Excited by the anticipation of ringing the prelude to the war, he raised his voice in a torture room full of his tastes with one foot on the face of the masjid.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I looked at the previous ripples, and I saw this ripple.

The protagonist thinks the plasma cannon is slow and needs to be converted to a laser, and the rifle says the plasma is faster than the laser.

... and this may lack my scientific common sense, but it's not necessarily my fault.

Because even in SF games, laser beams can attack fast instead of weak power, and plasma is explosive but slow!

Plus, in the SF Battleship game, when you equip your Battleship's weapons, you have the same characteristics as above!

It's not my fault! It's the gamers who put all this common sense into me! I'm not wrong! (Self-destruct)

I'm a little weak in scientific common sense. In theory, I have to believe it before I go to sleep, but it looks so difficult without any fuss.

Anyway, the next chapter of the war.

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