
Scratching iron, the raging gunfire echoes, and the crazed zombie spews black blood and plunges into a massive slump.

Israel was devastated by the sudden occurrence without any prior notice, but it was a nation that was obligated to serve as a male and female, so a wall of resistance was built on the basis of the military base.

"Damn it! Genjaang!"

You hit the barricade with the scraps you collected around you, and beyond that, a young soldier with a machine gun makes holes in the incoming zombies, screaming at the thought of killing his own kind.

Other soldiers at the base were forced to kill the incoming zombies while operating machine guns, but the number of zombies remained endless.

Why are so many zombies created in such a short time?

Some cover one-fifth of Israel's land with germ weapons and some zombies produce zombies, but this is still too fast for its expansion.

Soldiers only need to deal with the enemy in front of them, but the commanders who need to watch out for the Great Kingdom tried to find out why so many zombies appeared, but they didn't want to know.


A skinned arm protrudes from the zombie horde, wrapped around the neck of a young soldier holding a machine gun inside the barricade.


"Cut off that arm!"

Immediately, the young soldier staggered his arms and legs, and the soldiers who dealt with the missing parts of the machine gun shooters with personal firearms around him turned the gun around and attacked the arm that wrapped around the machine gun shooter's neck.


The arm that begins to puncture as it spills blood back into the zombie horde, and likewise, the strangled soldier rushes out and is dragged into the zombie horde.


Knng! Enemies!

With the sound of flesh ripping, the sound of the zombies chewing on the soldier's body resounds. Soldiers beyond the Barricade have to catch an empty machine gun before mourning his death.

"There's a mutant monster! Those with personal firearms, focus on those who look like mutant monsters! We all need to protect our machine gun shooters in order to survive!"

The officer in command of the barricade screams desperately, encouraging the soldiers, and at the same time, a huge explosion erupts from afar.

Boom, boom!

"Friendly chariot! Friendly chariot incoming! Hang in there!!"

From a distance, streetcars clinging as if they were ants, running down the road, trampling on vehicles and approaching the base.

We didn't know if the enemy had come from another unit or if they had survived and retreated this way, but it was clear that the zombies' grip only scratched the outside walls of the chariot.

As those chariots' cannons burst into flames and set off the zombie apocalypse around the base, the soldiers finally cheered for their arrival.

Thump, thump!


At that time, a creature protrudes out of the street and slaps the side of the chariot on the front line.

Bang, bang! Qajik!

The tram that was thrown twice on the floor was thrown into a three-story virtual building, and it was likely that the pilots died or fainted because their flanks were dimpled.

The protruding creature is about three to four times the size of a normal person. One arm does not grow, so it looks like it has shrunk compared to a huge size, but the other one falls to its size.

Cour-- Tubang!

In the sudden appearance of a monster, the chariots begin to rapidly reverse and fire cannonballs at the creature.

Boom! Boom!


The beast that was heavily shot by the chariots collapsed screaming helplessly, and its blood exploded and shattered as soon as it fired a confirmed kill cannonball in case of an incident.


The defense forces that were watching tried to defend the barricades as long as possible before their chariot troops arrived.


A red beam of light from the sky draws a straight line, cutting the chariot approaching the base vertically.


And the half-split tram exploded as it did.

Before the explosion, the cross sectional view of the shattered chariot appeared to change like the color inside the metal melting furnace, so it was clear that the chariot was cut through an ultra-high temperature heat and exploded by touching a cannonball.

"W-what is that...!?"

A red beam that attacks your Chariot.

Soldiers unknowingly looked up at the owner of the beam, where the engines protruding from the wing bone vomited a blue flame and flew a pale gray humanoid robot, a spear.

The spear was a very boring design because it was a combat machine soldier with nothing but fancy decoration and purely utility.


The problem seems more like a man in unspoiled power suits than a robot, so the soldiers didn't understand why the monsters were attacking the same person at the judgement.


The spear aims a simple assault rifle-like weapon with its oval body, trigger and handle towards the other chariot.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Bam! Bam!

The troops of chariots that were not prepared for the sudden air attack were destroyed by laser rifles, and the spear that destroyed all the chariots looked towards the zombie corpse and the barricades of nearby objects.


And a section of the back of the spine opens up, and an object that looks like a grenade launcher pops out with a mechanical sound.

Bang, bang!

No - Grenade Launcher was right. A cannonball that soared into the sky with a distinctive sound exploded the Barricade, drawing a parabola as it did.



"Ugh... Ahhhh!"

As the barricades burst, the zombies rush to the breach, and the soldiers try to stop them somehow, but the whole base is swept away in an instant.


The spear assisting in the zombie attacks flies away in a different direction, as if it had finished the job. As soon as it became a dot, some of the zombies turned their hands toward the sky and ran toward the strongly resisting Israeli base.


The germ weapon does not cover all of Israel, so of course, there is a well-preserved base.

The commander of the military base, located on the Israeli border, had state-of-the-art weapons, power chutes, and military capabilities, so he planned to rescue the nearest base and gather troops to wipe out the zombies, gather people and allies.

If only there hadn't been 20-something popping out of nowhere.


A veteran wearing power suits and engaging in aerial warfare with spears, he shot at a spear aimed at a live firearm that can be used by power suits or by enhanced soldiers, which can bounce but also hit chariots.


Despite the tremendous amount of firepower and reflexes that could damage the chariot, the soldier who suppressed the reflexes by the power suit put dozens of bullets into the body of the spear.

Shhh! Shhh!

A fairly damaged spear falls to the ground, leaving nothing but debris with a massive explosion.

"These bastards are using laser weapons, but it's no big deal if they get it right! Keep moving fast and don't get hit by laser weapons!"

It was also just when the number of exploding spears began to gradually increase, as if they couldn't keep up with the experience of a veteran soldier, no matter how powerful the spear was.


With all the spears turning around, you can use your booster to the fullest and leave the battlefield.

"Great! They've retreated...!"

Beep, beep--

Soldiers of Power Schutz, cheering for the retreat of the spears, suddenly give a warning sound, while the right side of the screen that looks beyond the Power Schutz turns red, and all the soldiers of Power Schutz look to the right.


We found dozens of missiles flying at incredible speeds.


Boom, boom, boom!

The missiles that flew towards the soldiers of the Power Schutz turned the soldiers of the Power Schutz into ashes with enormous explosions.

Subsequently, the starfish with the diamond figure's lower body appeared, and the base commanders raised their voices and commanded the soldiers.

"Cannon! Fire the cannon! Soldiers, fire up some anti-tank weapons!"

Practically trained Israeli soldiers made swift strides, but stopped above the center of the base with a mysterious zigzag that was completely different in performance from spears and combat experience.

Brawl, brawl, brawl...!

And there were hundreds of missiles opening up in the frontal space of a diamond lower body, and the shifting starfish immediately sped out of Maha's base.


Nearly a hundred missiles hit the entire base, and all life forms throughout the base disappeared in an instant, as well as soldiers preparing anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank weapons.

Afterwards, he flew all over Israel to observe his own performance and carry out the orders of his master, who would be called the devil's wasp.



It's a joke!

Help me! Help me!

God! Please save us!


"Y-you 're crazy...."

Among the videos sent from the nobles, Masjid showed the world the cruelest death by zombies to judge, and the faces of those who watched the video turned pale with horror and disgust.

And the cruel slaughter continued to change its perspective, and 10 minutes later, Israel was seen full of zombie waves and relaxed back to the chair.

It sounded natural, but I cleaned the sauce and grease off my mouth.

Although not all of them are dead yet, the starfish and spears have made it easy for all of us to defend against the zombies or focus our efforts on destroying the remaining outposts. Soon, Israel will turn everyone except a few humans into zombies.

- Did everyone get a good look at you? This is the end of those who claim to have been chosen by a god who does not exist. -

He showed a self-confident smile and disparaged Judaism itself.

Those who were somewhat quick to notice could feel the hatred and disgust towards the religion he felt in his voice.

- God saved us? You believe in God, you go to heaven? That's the kind of crap you talk about when you can't stand your own will with your own strength! -

Then, he smiled as if he was having fun, and shrugged his shoulders as if he was struggling to reveal a secret he only knew.

- I will show you that there is no God! The same evidence that you gave to Israel! We will deploy the last remaining germ weapon into the Vatican! -

Speechless voice--

In the declaration of separation to make the Vatican look like Israel, the people who were watching the screen began to roar in frightening voices, and the leaders of all countries who were in a hurry had to make a frightening look.

- If there is a God! If the existence of God seeks humanity, save the Vatican with the power of miracles! If I am truly stopped by a miracle, I will remain the everlasting guardian of Christianity! But if you don't stop the Vatican, I will destroy every religion on Earth! -

Suddenly, the video on the screen became strange as if the radio waves were blurry, and soon it appeared to be clear again.

Of course, those who do not know the existence of jihad do not know, but now this was the result of jihad appearing over the Vatican through a teleport.

You have 10 seconds! If there is a God, save the Vatican with that divine miracle! Kahahahahahahaha!! -

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I didn't go into detail about the mutant zombies because I'm not going to use the zombie-making germ weapon anymore.

Single-use only -_- ㅋ ㅋ

Efficiency is great, but then you can't surrender, and cleaning up after you surrender will be a hassle.

PS: But I feel a little nauseous today. I cut my hand and it's like I'm pretending to be black. Bloody bloodshed... Ugh... My head is still sore and my stomach hurts. I used to force it, but I have a bad feeling about it... 'This is too much! If there are many people who protest reflow, I will only refurbish this part.

PS2: So you shouldn't eat too much and play too much on the weekends.

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