The beast.

Jin Woo saw two women walking like dogs, and Masjid, who saw both of them with a surveillance camera to watch sexual torture Shelley, judged him as an animal.

No, the only thing he can think of as an animal is that his ferocious lust and perverted sexual orientation are below that of the beast.

'We must somehow make Salahadin's memory come back to him.'

Saladin, his creator, is a great prophet who will rule the world.

I couldn't stand the thought of such a great prophet becoming a castle-processing tool for a beast like that.

Masjid began to think about how to get her memory back, but Jinwoo and Perisha were also trying to find her core core core.


Shelley successively repeated her peaks during a joint attack by her coworkers and her slaves, and eventually fainted as she ran out of stamina, and the group that remained sexually aroused continued to return to her room and start enjoying the bodies of the two slaves.

He's getting tired of it, but he doesn't seem to want to stop this peripheral pleasure at all.

After a fierce fever, Isilia and Pericia were having a great time cleaning up the debris from the beef buds by burying their faces between the vagina and the anus and the groin.



I got a video of something on the beacon attached to the power suit, off one side.

Iscilia also brought the Power Suits to Jinwoo with impulse. It's definitely mind-blowing, so you don't have to move your body. It's really convenient at this time.

"What's going on?"

Iscilia asks Jinwoo, who checked the contents while touching the Power Schutz's beacon, and he tilts his head and replies strangely.

"Harin and Noah are back?"

Although not written in the script, senior executives always report to Earth and return to Saladin's beacon with a notification window.

Apparently, it's only been about an hour since I saw the message that we teleported out of the battleship together.

"Did something happen?"

As I manipulated the hologram of the beacon and contacted Noah, Noah's face immediately flashed.

Jinwoo lay comfortably on his king-size bed, enjoying the dedicated service of Iscilia and Pericia and opened his mouth to Noah.

"Hey, Noah. Did you forget something?"

- Ah, master……. -

- Aah! What the hell! "

"Something's up."

A confident friend bites, convinced that something is wrong with Noah's stiff-looking face and Harin's annoying voice.

- That's... -

Noah opened his mouth slowly, clearing his mind for a moment to recap an hour of what he had experienced.


Harin, given his free time and traveled to Europe on the same day, decided to go to Rome, the capital of Italy, as he delighted in thinking about which country to go to.


However, Noah frowns and gives a negative answer.

"Ahh... You may not be familiar with the trip to Europe, but Rome is a pickpocket with a quarter of its population if you lie a little bit. There are a lot of pickpockets at that level."

"I know I have a lot of pickpockets in Rome. But would it be so easy for a man of our caliber to do that?"

"I think you'd get your underwear ripped off."

Roman pickpockets are internationally notorious.

It's basic to rob foreign nationals' pockets for sightseeing while pickpocketing varies, and you never run away when you get caught pickpocketing.

If he tries to punish the pickpocket, he quickly flees to the alleyway, and those who watch the perimeter come and threaten or assault foreigners who follow him, then drag him to the corner and plunder what he has.

Unrealistic? Unbelievable? You can't be serious.

In Rome, all of this is real.

The problem is that Harin is underestimating the knowledge he gained from the Internet.

"There are other places, aren't there? Germany or France...."

"Rome says the whole city is a giant museum! I've always wanted to go to Rome!"

"Rrrrgh! I get it! Let go of me, you punk!"

Noah pushes his face between his breasts and accepts Harin's madness, a violent choreography.


"Heehee... Ow!"

Noah twirled his fist at the honey balm and inflicted pain on Harin's head, giving Harin a frogman's smile with his permission.


"Yay, yay, yay!"

Thanks to this, a sharp scream echoes through your hair, but her nagging remains unfinished.

"What is it about you that makes you more like a child every time you go?"

"Heheheh heh."

"Ridiculous! I want to hit you again!"


"Short answer!"

"Yes ~"


Noah groans bitterly as he rubs his forehead for the fact that he has to go to Rome full of pickpockets.

'Well, you still look so much better than when we first met.'

When I first met her in the sewers to defeat a yoga monster, I was a woman who was educated but not funny because she was overwhelmed by her mission.

However, Harin felt free throwing out such a mission by Jin Woo, gaining the freedom to be with the person he wanted to be with, became stronger and more difficult in nature than ever before.

Perhaps it is the reaction of those who have been oppressed by the restraints of the state without smoking light since childhood.

I was much more active when I was in Iraq, but I was still very distressed by the tension that I had with my enemies everywhere.

However, when Jihad a solid house, Jihad was able to act a little like a child because of the side effects of the tension that had disappeared at all, but it is much better to be repressed by the weight of a sturdy mission like the first time we met.

'Well, it's the same day anyway, so all you need is money and a wallet. And…….'

"Oh, right. Just in case, put on your power suits and let's go."

"Yes? Why?"

"I told you. 'Just in case.' All the pickpockets in Rome have one mobster behind them. Occasionally, they kidnap travelers and traffick people, mostly by Mafia talent to avoid leaving as much evidence as possible. You should keep your Power Suits on, as this country can get attacked unexpectedly."

"Then I'll wear comfortable pants and a long sleeved shirt."

Although his personality seemed a bit childish, he was once the Lee Talent representing Korea. Understanding Noah's explanation, he nodded softly without using the time.

The two women who had changed on top of the thin (ties-level) power suits doubtless had the ability to defend themselves if the stranger had seen them, stepped away from the bridge, each hiding with its stealth function, then held hands and teleported to the Italian capital, Rome.


Tak! Tak!

At the same time as the shaking of the body, Harin and Noah stepped on the ground realized that they had arrived in Rome, the capital of Italy, from space due to the rapidly changing landscape and the roar of people.

"This would be extremely useful for military use. '

Of course, even though the individual unit teleported directly from space to the ground, Masjid warned us that using it in succession would be overwhelming, but even if he used it occasionally, the utility was endless.


At that time, Harin clapped his finger on Noah's wrist and sent a signal to go where no one was, and Noah led the arm of Harin and dismantled the stealth in a rare place.



"Wow! That's an improvement gate!"

Harin hurries out toward the improvement gate of Emperor Constantine, confirming that stealth is loose and there are no witnesses nearby.

"I don't have a child...."

I breathed out as if I had become a nanny who became excited to take over a young child, but I followed after Harin with a smile on my mouth, whether it was bad or not.

It's not particularly prominent because it's hidden in the colosseum, but for Harin, this is also strange and that one is making a look of excitement.

To prevent the destruction of cultural goods, Harin felt that he had come to Rome because of the classic elegance and perseverance of the giant refinement gate beyond the human key.

"Hey, lady."

At that time, a white man with brown eyes dressed as a Roman soldier approached Harin.


I thought he might be a notorious Roman pickpocket, but the man smiles at the camera in his hand.

"Don't you think you should take a picture of the memorial? I'll take a picture and develop it...."

"It's okay, we've set aside a photo shoot."

Before the man's words were finished, Noah suddenly came out of nowhere, grabbed Harin's arm and began to step away from the gate of improvement, and the man who had a good looking smile turned to a grumpy face and spit like a jerk.

"Sis, what's wrong?"

Asked why she was being so insulting to a kind person, she explained why she had done this.

"That's bullshit. I only took a picture of him, and he's asking for crazy money."


"Plus, if you're Asian, you demand at least three times as much, and at least 10 times as much. If you're really bad at it, you have to take a picture and pay 20 euros."

There will be a slight difference in the price, but if you change it to Korean money, it will be roughly 28,000 to 9,000 won.

This means that if you round up a picture and take a picture, you will have to pay 30,000 won.


"The best way to enjoy Rome is to be mindful of the locals. And don't eat street food. Eat in the right restaurant, even if it's expensive because it tastes like food poisoning if you make it out of old ingredients. Okay?"

"Yes, I understand, sister."

Harin, who was almost deceived from the beginning, carefully accepted Noah's warning, but he came to play, so no excessive boundaries were seen.

Noah did not think of this place as a place of criminals, so he and Harin walked towards the Colosseum, moderately cautious.

Harin smiled back, enjoying the buildings and statues with a classic aesthetic as he headed towards the Colosseum mixed with a group of tourists coming and going in different directions, as if he were holding one arm of Noah.

"Heheh! You were as trustworthy as I thought."

"As you thought?"

If you remember correctly, when you and Harin first met, you met in the sewers to deal with a Yoga rank monster.

At that time, Jin Woo reacted in many ways to Harin's response, so it wouldn't be such a pleasant first impression.

"I've known Noah my whole life. I was frankly jealous that she was the most hopeful daughter in Britain, but she was a hard mercenary for her own freedom."

"Well, I didn't have one or two difficulties at first because I was overly anticipated and stared at by my mother's child."

Moreover, it was not usually difficult to get involved with the pervert who tried to commit himself who was a minor.

But Harin's baptism of praise was not yet finished.

"Besides, you know the water of the world. You're strong. Although I had a lower grade of this ability than I did, to be honest, I've always admired my older sister. Maybe if you were a man, I'd be the first to fall in love with you."

"... How long do I plan on sticking around! Get out of the way, it's hot!"


Noah was ashamed of Harin's blatant compliment, but Harin desperately hung on like a woman who didn't want to be abandoned by her lover.

"Oww! Even infants regress smoothly!"


I wanted to slap the power suit with all my heart, but I felt like I was going to tear my clothes, so I had to give one of my arms to Harin without being able to solve it by force.

At first, Noah felt uneasy about many things, but he wanted to enjoy Rome's aimlessly wandering tourism, but he couldn't confirm the presence of a pick-pocket party who caught them as a target, matching the atmosphere he seemed to enjoy and moderately alert to as Harin's tourist.

Among the many tourists, the reason why the pickpockets targeted Harin and Noah was because their beauty was clearly attractive.

Anyone who knew Noah's face would be surprised to know why she was in Rome, a daughter of Iselia, but his reputation was very low compared to that of Iselia, and he was known locally for his mercenary activities in the UK, South Korea and the US.

Faces are known as S-rank heroes in the case of Harin, but avoided by anyone who only works in Europe and recognizes her face that is very under-renowned in the world.

Because of this, pickpockets had no idea that the two tasty Asian women they were targeting were gifted A and S ranks, respectively, and they had no idea what the afterstorms would be due to their actions.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I've been strangely obsessed with the idea of having to spend two consecutive weekends (enjoyable for readers).

But I'm already doing daily chores and need to unwind my work-life, so if you don't have a special reason, I'll play one day on the weekends!

So I'm going to play a game that's been pushed away! Good game, everybody.

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