"Hah... What's wrong with me...?"

Unlike her usual dry routine, she relaxed her arms and legs and lifted her head upward.

'A way to heal Ycilia... Normally, a country would be no big deal... Why do I feel like the more I try, the more I get forced back on the road?'

Honestly, the question I just asked you is a simple matter to solve in just a few seconds.

But in her head, she kept blocking her head from turning.

I closed my eyes for a moment and thought of a way to cure Cecilia once again…….

'No. I can't think of anything.'

The second thing that doesn't come to mind is that it doesn't really focus at all.


After several thoughts, Ferrissa gets a little hung up on what's not coming to mind.

'I already know the answer...? How the hell……?'

Yes, I already know the answer to treating Ycilia. The problem is that we know the answer in our moods, but we don't even know the answer in our heads.

This is absurd, but the situation in Perisha's mind is like this.

unconsciously blocking the calculation towards another 7-8 point answer because you feel like you have a 10-point answer.

And the formula for that 10-point answer....



At that time, Perisha's heart began to beat.

And the need to run like water.

"Hah... What the hell... Why are these feelings...?"

She mutters annoyingly in a situation she cannot fathom. Even if I have to do something about it like a movie or a novel to understand whether I'm going crazy....

'Wait... Restore…?'

After calming down closely, Pericia slowly recalled her memories so far, in order to check the times when she felt this emotion.

'It was then.'

And it was Ferrissa who was sure it was the same situation when she first witnessed Saladin's Legacy, but she and she could not find any connection.

The first memory she had was when she lived as a beggar in Sweden, so she was too far away from Iraq to find a connection.


However, thinking back to Saladin's research device, once again, my heart palpitated and I remembered a panel that was holding heavy rain, and it did not leave my mind.

Perisha calmed down other pulsations than sexual excitement with a deep breath, but as she continued to think about the panel, she and Ji-Woo decided to discuss the matter.

After a while, she comes back with Jin Woo and tells her how she felt and what she thought.


If I was a normal person with normal thoughts and logic, I nodded, thinking of something I heard that was vague and illogical enough to be angry or irritated.

"That's why you couldn't concentrate. You said something was wrong."

"… Sorry."

"No, I know how hard it is to tell someone in a vague explanation like that."

To be honest, it was also very embarrassing.

It was because it was cut back and forth and came out of nowhere.

"That was the first time you saw Saladin's instruments?"


"Hmm……. Well, then it's pointless for us to talk at the table."

Then Jinwoo took out a panel he had brought in beforehand.

Confirming the panel's genetic information requires no money, no special resources, just a show of hands. If there was any doubt, it proceeded to the fourteenth heaven rather than wasting my time.

Gulp -

For some reason, Ferrissa feels nervous, swallowing her dry saliva and carefully placing her hands on the panel.




However, the panel had no response.

"Nothing happened."

"Yes, I think it's a simple illusion……."




Both of them were trying to recover the panel with the feeling that it was so, and the green light began to turn around on the panel itself.

"Genetic confirmation complete. Welcome back, Salahadin."



When I was surprised by the voice inside the panel, I heard a resonant sound, and a green sphere formed around the panel, and it became large enough to swallow the bodies of nearby herring and Pericia.

And then...


Jinwoo and Perisha disappear with a small whirring of wind.





As the landscape changed in the blink of an eye, she arrived at a strange place, momentarily staggering out of balance, but Jinwoo grabbed her shoulders.

"You okay?"

"Yes, thank you."

Holding onto his arm and balancing, Ferrissa starts looking around with Jinwoo.

"... Arabic show? This is the bridge to a battleship that's supposed to be in SFwater, right?"

The first thing Jinwoo said was, "The Battleship Bridge of SFWater."

Luxurious chairs in the center of the screen that look like something professional. And then the big screen in the front.

I know they were teleported, but I don't know where they were, where they came from, and Jinwoo and Perisha tried to check the perimeter, but I heard a woman's voice from somewhere at the same time.

"I truly congratulate you on your return, Saladin."




Then, one side of the floor opened up, and the robot came up, which was decorated like a woman, with a cord on its head and back, but made of metal.

"Looks like the ground is in pretty bad shape. You're using the body of a failed subject."

Here, in Jinwoo and Perisha's mind, we didn't understand why robots called them Saladins rather than the feminine robots in front of us.

"What the hell……."


Jinwoo tries to open his mouth first, but Pericia stabs him in the side, shaking her head slowly and pointing her finger at his mouth.

Jiwoo, who had a hunch that she was going to talk, nods and shuts up, taking a step back to get her to lead the conversation.

"As much as I'm sorry, I was hit on the head a few years ago and lost all of my previous memories. I'm used to something, but I'm a little embarrassed I don't remember."

Thanks to the wisdom and experience of going up to Across' executive with one head, I foolishly reasoned that I was Saladin, not giving unnecessary information to the people who might become my friends, but who are you to be my enemies with such foolish questions.

"Is that so? Another failed experiment. The enemy must have reacted fairly strongly enough to use such a scum."


Perisha was irritated and furious with the words' failed experiments' and 'scum' against her, but decided to ask why the robot spoke to her like that and how she was able to operate Saladin's legacy.

"Why do you call me Saladin?" He's a man in his mid-50s, whereas I'm a woman in her 20s. "

"You really have lost all your memories. This will take some time, but I will explain everything Saladin has planned."

And then light comes in from the eyes of the feminine robot, searching for something for a moment, and within seconds the light disappears.

"Saladin was a class 10 psychic, but no one could keep up with his biometric knowledge. Thanks to that knowledge, Saladin hoped that even if he could prolong life through medicine or enhancement, he would not be able to fight a proper battle because his body is continually decaying and aging. He wanted to use his knowledge to create a replicated human based on his genes and transfer his soul to his body and rule the world forever while maintaining his full-grown body."


She was greatly shocked to learn that she was a replicator using Saladin's gene, and asked:

"Then why is' this body 'called a failure?"

"The body Saladin wanted was a young replicator with a level 10 mind-set power. But that body, subject number 071-F, was the worst piece of junk that had any talent for this, even with Saladin's genes. Saladin was born with his genes but was not worthy of disposing of the number 071-F, which is 0% of his talents, and was dumped in Sweden by a fellow teleporter."


Shocking truth that continues. Perisha looks like she's going to cry soon and the water starts to kick in her eyes.

Her hatred for Saladin filled her heart with the fact that she had searched through beggars and trash cans and felt the pain of death in her stomach by eating rotten food just like she had thrown a 'failed test subject' in the trash.

After trembling at the impulse and shocking fact of wanting to smash the robot that thought it was the worst piece of junk, she could feel Jinwoo holding her hand.

"Never mind."

As she squeezes her hands together in warm hands, her mind calms down a little, and she lets out a deep breath.

'Yes, no matter what happens, I am now with a master worthy of my service.'

Then she clasped her hands together like a clasp, and when I felt his body temperature, I opened my mouth again in a tone more confident than just now.

"But why did you go to Sweden so hard in Iraq? And why am I so sure I'm Saladin, the worst subject?"

"Similar to subject 071-F, brainwashing devices are attached to the brains before they're dumped in different states. Later on, when he grows old and lives his own life, Saladin gives suicide terrorism orders to his' them 'to create the key characters of his enemies, the impact of important nodes and chaos. And the reason that you believe Saladin is because, even with all my computational abilities, there's only a 0.001% chance that Test Subject 071-F will get here."


If Salahadin survived, Perisha was so grateful for the heroes gathered to deal with Salahadin for the first time that she knew she was destined to carry a bomb and commit suicide.

Moreover, if not for the variable "Jinwoo" according to the robot, he would have burned his soul in revenge and lived an extinct life to eat some Across, and would have been lying in a cold corpse in a land unknown to his name.


With a stronger grip on her hand for her reaction, she signaled that she was sober, and she had almost lost her mind to anger, and decided to move on to the next question.

"I know we were teleported through that panel, but what is this facility for?"

"This is not a facility."


Jiing -

At that time, the white screen appeared as if the screen in front of the screen was powered on, and after some time the screen came up with something like a disc machine.

I think I saw that in an old movie. The alien warship from Independence Day? '

I tilted my head to show it because it looked almost like an alien warship from a movie I saw on rerun when I was a kid.

"Codename jihad, this is the bridge of a battleship capable of mounting 143m battlefield, 525m battlefield, 197m full width and up to 1400 combat personnel."



In response, Jinwoo and Perisha make a foolish face for the first time and inhale the wind as if they didn't believe it.


For a moment, the blurry robot flashes into the eye again, and a quivering sound sounds as if something is opening up.

With the sound of the machine, the giant screen rises up, and the large metal in the front spreads to the left and to the right.

And what Jinwoo and Perisha saw was,

"W-what the hell!"


Beyond the reinforced glass that had been concealed in metal, you could see the planet, Earth, of a circular sphere that looked like a jewel of exquisite beauty.

"Jihad is a battleship and interstellar sailing vessel that can move through space."



Jinwoo and Perisha did not quite understand the sights in front of them, but the mechanical woman ignored them and greeted her again.

"Once again, Saladin, welcome to the World Conquest Battleship, the jihad you have spent your life building."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Salahadin's legacy was a supermassive battleship. Honestly, isn't a battleship the best way to move around the world?

All right! With this, my novel will run even more towards the end!

PS: Late night post today. It's been awhile since I've had a real shot at killing anyone. Chew, chew!

PS2: The next chapter is a description of how the biology knowledge of the ship, Saleadine, was built.

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