Squeak! Squeak!



Iris was ruthless when she slaughtered American soldiers who fled in the dark.

Basically, he was an executive of UK-I-sensei, which was the ghost of Japanese nationalism, because he had a hatred towards the United States that defeated Japan.

"Khh... Ka...!"


She never made it easy to kill her enemies. They were cutting their throats in half or stabbing only their hearts, and they were choosing to die in as much pain as they could.

"Found it! She's the enemy!"


At that time, some officers who sensed that the enemy had turned off the generator gathered nearby soldiers to secure the light with flashlights or flash lights attached with auxiliary equipment from assault rifles, and they pointed the light at Iris with the Japanese zodiac sign.

It was also an excellent situational awareness, as experienced by the practitioners, but he stepped forward to the dense soldiers as he lightly uncoiled his neck.


Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata--!

With the officers' orders, all the soldiers fired in unison, but she started bouncing off all the bullets that were inflicted on her with the transition.

Tea! Tea! Tea!

"Profit! Keep firing! She won't be able to do that for long!"

She swung her sword slowly towards the United States military at an immense speed, thinking that a huge film had formed around her due to the residual waves, and the officers encouraged the soldiers to focus their firepower on Iris.

"Iris! Get out of the way!"

Hearing his beloved's voice, Iri opened the street without hesitation.


A small missile protrudes from the back of your hand and flies toward the soldiers as you point your left arm at them.




It was only the size of two fingers, but some of the soldiers who were concentrated with a grenade-like explosion screamed, but those in the center of the explosion protruded to all sides with burnt limbs cut off by the fever.

"Hmm. That would be roughly devastating."

Jin smiled satisfied with the destructive power of making dozens of soldiers bloodied after making ranged weapons of the Power Suits.

"Well, it's funny to battle with power to handle a base like this."

He seems to have mistreated himself for using the Power Schutz's built-in weapon to kill only one battalion, picking up his weapon he left on the ground for a moment and pulling the trigger towards the soldiers and officers who want to silence the chaos in the other direction.



Thanks to the joyful singing of his nostrils along with the harsh sound of gunfire, as well as the other slaves' actions, the number of American troops continued to shrink, and when he regained consciousness, most Americans became corpses.

"Cecilia! Start the generator!"

Jinwoo, who wanted to roughly dispose of the U.S. military, raised his voice so that Iscilia who was guarding the generator could hear, and Iscilia, who was guarding the generator from the U.S. troops who were racing to start the generator, activated the generator at his command.

Woof! Woof!


As the generator started again, the machine rang, and the headlights began to turn on one after the other, near the generator.

"Whew! This is spectacular!"

Hundreds of generations of soldiers turned cold corpses and bled out. It was a spectacular spectacle for Jinwoo.

"Here! Gather the bodies in one place while we take care of all the survivors!" Recover all the ammunition and weapons they were using! "

In order to raise his voice enough to hear the entire base, all the slaves began to gather the nearby corpses in one place, and American soldiers who were pretending to be dead or surviving in the corner saw the opportunity to flee or counter, but a new corpse was created each time a scream rang out.

As the remains were being disposed of and disposed of simultaneously, Jinwoo raised his right arm, pulling out the ten dead bodies separately.

Chuckle! Chuckle! Chuckle--!

At the same time, a burning flame erupted, and the burning wood gathered by the US military was thrown at the corpses, which were rounded up and set on fire evenly.

Harin and Riellus, who went out to deal with the soldiers from another outpost, decided to give Riellus a place to bury the body by digging a tunnel.

"Then there's no reason to start a fire like this."

Pericia quickly gathered around him for instructions from Jinwoo, tilting her head at instructions she did not understand, but Jinwoo smiled and opened her mouth as if it were natural.

"I've always loved campfires. It was fun to watch a huge flame burn!"


"What's the big deal about winning in a good mood and setting things right with my favorite campfire?"

"… No. First of all, it's hygiene and odor, so I'll talk to Riellus about digging a hole outside the base."

Ferrissa sometimes suffers headaches when she talks to Jinwoo, but now she quickly recovers her headache and starts collecting weapons until Harin and Riellus return.

"I'll check the facilities inside the base. Take care of the things I've left you. Oh, and don't put the bodies I left in the pit. Leave them alone. I have something to use later."


There are three orders given to Perisha.

Retrieve weapons, make holes to bury the bodies with Riellus, and check the rations stored inside the base.

He'll take care of the materials since the resources inside the base will be used by the crew anyway.

If we were to use this base as a base for the future, it was imperative that we manage food efficiently, as securing food is of paramount importance.

Soon after, Riellus and Harin arrived, and Harin suddenly harnessed the power of a relatively clean barracks to rest on their beds, and Riellus and Perisha headed out of the base to dig a hole to bury the body.


The inside of the United States military and Kurdish Independents has become a complete mess.

It was because of a crippled radio that soldiers gathered to rescue an attacking forward fortress faced their enemies. Several tornadoes appeared out of nowhere and tried to swallow them, and sent a voice to the command in horror.

And I don't want to die with a terrible scream. The radio went out of nowhere with a scream, screaming for help, and the Command is convinced that the enemy is not an ordinary terrorist, and has begun analyzing Kurdish forces so far.

It is because it is too risky to attack this powerful person without any information.

Of course, he said he was making tornadoes on the radio, but he couldn't mount a flare attack in a situation where he didn't know the radius.

On the one hand, he strongly suggested that anyone who appeared to be capable of using heavily armed attack helicopters should shoot as quickly as possible. However, if the enemies were not foolish, he would send such a level of capable person to a bare body.

Because of this, the U.S. military quickly analyzed the information and argued that the new recruit was awakened because none of the Kurdish terrorists had the ability to create winds or hurricanes.

The U.S. military, who feared the Kurdish terrorists would attack the occupied base as soon as possible, began to revise their strategy in the direction of bombing the entire base if impossible.

Kurdish Independence was in worse situation than the U.S. military.

After Shifu suddenly killed the soldiers while continuing to give them a superior weapon, he immediately tracked them down.

Then, when he learned that they had raided and seized one of the American military bases by themselves, he sent a messenger to find out why they had betrayed him, but he didn't say anything, and he brought me a CCTV recording that said, 'This is why.'

He also gave me a letter to read after watching all the videos.

After reviewing the footage from the CCTV from the messenger, he couldn't hide his frustration as his soldiers rushed to rape his men like mad dogs, watching the base's defenses and the women running away in panic.

The video was cut at the same time as the door, and after that the contents of the letter read were like this.

- I've been away from time to time to check if you trust this side or not. I never imagined we'd end up behind our backs like this. Did you think that if you raped my men and threatened me, I would do whatever you wanted? This is the end of your relationship. I, Xi Tai Jiak, will accept the Declaration of War by Independent Kurds. I told you I'd make you feel like Winston Churchill was a kid's prank. I will never take back what I said. I'll see you on the battlefield, Sirka. -

Syric doesn't know what the hell is going on.

I knew their temper was violent, but he couldn't understand why they were doing this for his country, and he firmly believed that they were honorable race fighters who knew how to sacrifice themselves for their people.

We'll find out why, but there's very little in all of Kurdistan about the latest medical devices, so we might be able to figure out that there's a stimulant in the blood.

Regardless, the Syric Commander continues to make every effort to regroup with the weaponry and the situation on the front that is winning with the weaponized wipers.

The excitement of the name victory that has never been felt before, and the drug called purge that has allowed it to take root in the Kurdish Independents, but the blinded Syric commander thought of a way to release Chiu's anger in any way he could.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Honestly, if it was Lunatic Money, I wouldn't even think of the Hiro number limit.

"Huh? There are too many heroes, aren't there? Then let's send the pregnant factory!"

It was enough to enslave your minions' offspring. If you say you're sick of reason, how easy can it be to find probability?

To be honest, I was thinking about starting another monster-producing pregnant factory.

I used a little bit of the Paris scene as a tasting, but then I immediately put on my clothes and ate the crystal punch, and then I gave up...

I want to get hundreds of people that I like and only pick the ones that I like, but I can't help but limit the number because I'm in a formulation in Joara.

If there is a pregnancy factory, we can be erodo-oriented in situations where we insult characters with singular characteristics, glamour, and because we don't, too many heroin numbers have to create quantities that relate to the characters, so that the story doesn't work, or the story doesn't work.

So what I thought was, let's give the kids their personality and give them character quality, and let's start with whether or not the most important slave candidates in the story are going to have them. So we have to work a little bit from now on.

Ah... I want to build a monster-producing pregnancy factory like Lunatic Money...

PS: I have to go out for a little bit because of an appointment today. I think I'll be back around nightfall or just a little short. Therefore, there is no consensus... But since it is a daily consensus, it does not need to be involved -_- Heh

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