Terrorists may have these abilities, but they are treated as the most valuable force within the group, so they do not reveal themselves until the presence of these capabilities in the U.S. military.

Al Farsad is one of the most capable terrorists.

Ability is a complex ability that deals with physical strength and soil and sand. It draws dirt or sand to defend against enemy ranged attacks and uses its gap to turn even chariots into scrap metal.

Although it was the most common category in the Awakening Classification of Talents who developed this ability by being shot to death by terrorizing U.S. military bases, it was a talented person who didn't really know what grade he or she was because of his special traits.

I still know what my limits are by practice, and it didn't matter if I could hit and kill hateful Imperialists (for Middle Eastern terrorists, the United States is only an Imperial country) before I became tied to the ranks.

The huge, 2m tall, copper-skinned muscles, eyes with large torn eyes, and lips with high sensitivity were sharp and weighted as symbols of his atmosphere.

He met a civilian who came to his camp after fortifying the appropriate U.S. military base to identify himself as a terrorist fighting for Kurdish independence and identifying terrorist sites, intelligence gathering, etc., along with a strategist from the Kurdish Race Independence Front.

Knowing that he was a villager in a rural village of small but diligent people who supported food and other necessities nearby, he asked why he came here, and he learned that talents who appeared to be from the US military raided the village.

Although not the men who fought with guns like they did, Al Parssad armed his men to rescue them because they had risked everything for themselves, the same people.

A tactician from the Independence Front said he needed to be more careful after gathering information, but he ignored the news that the hated Americans were persecuting innocent villagers.

"What information is there when a nation with our blood is being persecuted by white pigs?"

Although it was Al Farsad who left in such a hurry, he was also not a fool to think he could protect dozens of hostages by himself, so he moved quickly to the village, keeping pace with his subordinates.

With a single peak that big, Kurdish Independence Front warriors who arrived close enough to see the village landscape slowly surrounded by hatred for the American military.

"Show yourself! I'll kill one hostage every 10 seconds if you don't show up!"


I'll admit that the hatred for the United States was too strong and that the men and their lives were too strong, but if you can read it, the other party also experienced veteran combat. Mad as it may have been, Al Parssad sent a call to keep his men from hiding, jumping sharply over the peaks that covered the town like a hurricane.

And the landscape in front of them was the phosphorus barrier made of hostages and the soldiers (thinking they were soldiers) of Power Schutz pointing a gun at the back.

"My name is Kurdish Independence Front Fighter! Al Parsard!"

"I am the leader of the three Taiji drama, get rid of it! We are not the U.S. Army, and we have a conversation with you!"


He shouted once again as he was starting to feel a little bit confident that it was a U.S. military trap, in the name of an organization he had never heard before.

"Don't be ridiculous! What are you trying to do, hold a hostage while we talk?"

Jinwoo once again opens her mouth to Al Parasad, who thinks the sound of crouching towards each other is so distant from the great peaks.

"Let's talk face-to-face about the details!"

"Yes! If you lay a finger on one of the hostages, you're all dead!"

"Commander, don't fall for their trap!"

The middle-aged terrorist with wrinkled skin who was Al Parasad's second in command dried up, but he shook his head.

"If we're going to rescue the hostages, we have to get close somehow. I'll draw your attention. Tell your men to surround the town and look for signs of ambush."

"… Got it."

Given the current situation, he was forced to accept it as it was best for him to think about it and lead his subordinates instead.

Woof! Woof!

Al Parasad jumps from the peak and lands a little distance from the hostages.



"Cough! Cough!"

Some villagers coughed up a little dirt from the impact of the landing, but the people behind them didn't blink and pointed their guns at the hostages.

'It's awkward to be pointing a gun at me. Does that mean you're all talented men who've never used assault rifles or didn't need them?'

I hate to admit it, but the attitude and shooting of American soldiers is very accurate and excellent.

However, those in front of you were aiming well, but this pose was not much of a gun.

'Luckily, no one has died.'

Al Parasad is fortunate to have survived so far without any rough rolls while checking the faces of the villagers.

"Just so you know, arresting hostages is not about blackmailing you, it's about making a place for conversation. If you're willing to talk to us, it doesn't matter if you don't worry about the lives of the hostages."

At that time, Jin Woo, armed with a red mask and dark red power suit and holding the AK-47 lightly in one hand, came out between the hostages and opened his mouth.

"Huh. Asian."

It was Al Parasad, who had obtained some approximate information from the color of the skin over the mask, but he shrugged his shoulders in a thunderous manner because it was the best possible reasoning.

"It doesn't matter, does it? What matters is how constructive a conversation can be."


Al Parasad confirms his men are in the back of the man who revealed himself to clear out.

All women? '

When he examined their bodies, he was surprised that they were all women, instinctively checking their appearance.


At that time, his eyes were fixed on Iscilia.

"C-Celia Maxwell...!"

Despite the fact that the villagers did not know the name of Iscilia Maxwell because they had lived without a computer, rather than the Internet, Al Parasad was forced to identify her at once.

"Oh? You recognize me? Don't think it's a trap just in case. Now my wealth..."

"No negotiations! We're gonna kill all of you!"

"Huh? What the hell... We have a hostage!?"

"What a pity it's such a small fate to avenge the people!"

To be honest, Jin Woo had some confidence in his words.

However, just about to start, Al Parasad refused to negotiate, so he stuttered and tried to keep talking.

"No, wait… just calm down…."

"The Kurds will never forgive us for what the English have done to us! Ycilia Maxwell! I don't know why you're here, but I will cut your bitch's throat and make it public!"

"Hey, man! Tell me you understand what I'm saying!"

Jinwoo shouts at him, but Al Parasad throws out his anger unilaterally and swings his fist at Jinwoo.





A comrade who saw a fist flying like he was about to smash his head, mutters in disdain and throws a gun at him. As he punches, Al Parasad's body plunges out in a tremendous shock.


The opponent is shocked to see the whole right hand punched with a light jab.

His surprise was even greater because so far few had taken a punch from him, but he regained his senses and revealed his hatred, revealing his teeth toward Jinwoo.

"See? I can easily catch a man of your talents. So let's have a conversation..."

"I knew it was a trap! You took hostages to get to me! I can finally see your bottom!"

"Oh, fuck! Conversation! Let's talk, you idiot! You're wearing automatic filtering on your ears!"

"Don't be ridiculous! We don't surrender to Westerners!"

"Entering Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment...!!"

Thoughts are different so far, but unlike those who were able to have some conversation through words and rational conversation, they screamed like a grotesque cry that resonated with the image of Al Parasad, interpreting it strangely as if it were filtered into their ears or brains.

"Go to hell, asshole!"

If the flow of the conversation flows as he intended, he does not negotiate happily or use force, but if the negotiation or conversation does not flow as he intended, violence rather strikes a fist at the head of Al Parasad.


At that time, the soil and sand on the floor converged in the air, creating a shield-like shape.

They strike back when his attack is blocked! '

His ability is not merely to move dirt and sand, but to carry a considerable amount of physical power.

If we are willing, we can squeeze the human body and detonate it, and we can make a robbery that can prevent even missiles or bombs from exploding.



However, even if I could detonate the human body, even if I could prevent the explosion of a missile or a bomb, I could not stop the fist of Jinwoo, who had grown to its maximum strength with anger and stubbornness that it could not communicate with the grade 10 super-strength.

It was the last memory Al Parasad saw of a fist flying toward his face with the sound of the cracking of sand and dirt walls.


With the sound of a gross explosion in one fist, the shape of his head disappears, and his brains and blood are mixed and scattered to all sides, and because he knows the power of Al Parasad better than anyone, terrorists who thought he was acting as a deliberate act to attract their attention surrounding the village saw the scene and solidified it.

"D-shoot! Kill them!"

His deputy gives the order to shoot at the futility of Al Parasad's death.

He also gave up the life of the hostage in order to kill the British man, Iscilia Maxwell.

There was revenge for Al Parasad, but he couldn't run away as if he had been defeated. He had already reached an advantageous high point, so he decided that a siege and a single shot would be enough to win.

Tata, Tata, Tata--!!



Tea teasing!

However, only the unfortunate hostages died, and those who were to die fell to the ground without the bullet bouncing or scratching by the power suit.

"Hah... Fuck... Kill them all!"

Unexpectedly, the allies returned to failure and ordered the slaughter of all the slaves. At the same time, they were scattered to the winds and began to attack the terrorists who surrounded them.


"I'm sorry, honey... It's because of me..."

As the slaves who dealt with all the enemies clean up the corpses and the loot, Iscilia staggers toward Jinwoo.

"... No. There's no need to apologize."

To be honest, it wasn't Iscilia Maxwell's fault, it was her failure to gather information properly.

I had planned to go to the west of Iraq to work with the Iraqi terrorists in the first place, but the plan to work with Kurt was the lack of information that came from nothing.

"He said something weirder than that."

The Kurds will never forgive us for what the English have done to us! -

"Apparently, I was angry with the Englishman, not the individual named Ycilia Maxwell. What happened between England and Kurt?"

"… I was just thinking about that too……."

Kurds hate the British very much.

I told them not to name the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, in front of the Kurds at all.

The reason is that World War I has to go up at the end of the day.

Since 1918, the British occupation of Iraq and Jordan has ordered them to kill all Kurds who oppose them with poison gas, known as the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Moreover, Winston Churchill, who claimed that the Kurds were like bugs and a trivial people, allowed the application of poison gas to all of the Resistance's citizens, the elderly, and children, and as a result, the death toll was estimated to be at least 20,000 to tens of thousands.

The problem is that Winston Churchill is only small, and after doing the equivalent of Hitler, he even insisted that he should receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

This means that he brutally murdered Kurds, but he had no guilt whatsoever against them.

For the Kurdish people who have suffered such pain, the British are more hateful than the Americans who have devoured themselves desperately.


Jin Woo finally understands why they made a random attack without listening to him.

A parable is that of introducing a scientist who studied shipbuilders alive.

He took off his mask, put his palm on his head, and sighed. He wanted to ask why he had now told Isaiah such important information, but she was born into a noble family and was loyal to the British royal family.

That is, we unconsciously eliminated the unpleasantness of Britain as much as our loyalty was strong, and we blurred our memory because we knew about it later but didn't want to remember it intentionally.

Ferrissa, who knew international politics, also remembered relationships only with developed countries that could influence an organization called Across, so she did not know the history of Kurdish people who were nothing but useless and had no significant international impact.

"Keep enough food, water, ammunition, and weight free. I'm going to follow in their footsteps and hit the stronghold."

"… Yes."

Iscilia hesitates, answering helplessly, to see if she knew of her sins that had not been given information beforehand, and a group from the meadow mutters incredibly.

"Damn... I'm so lucky..." "

How do you know that you are not made of history?

However, negotiations have already been lost and things have begun to get in the way from the meadow.

The only consolation is that not one survivor was left, but all of them were killed, leaving no one to reveal their identity.

'At least I hope they have plenty of work stations and supplies at their strongholds.'

Once you have the Node to reorganize your weapons, and as a result of this mistake, the desperate decision to contact Kurdish terrorists more carefully felt the full force of failed negotiations.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

For the record, Winston Churchill's story is not hypothetical, it's true.

I originally tried to go with a story that had a temporary collaboration system with Al Parsard, but I quickly pivoted the story as I searched around for Kurdish names and words.

It was impossible for a Kurdish to just walk into a grave when he saw a British woman named Ycilia, so there was a chance.

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