After some time, Pericia and Noah returned from searching in different directions.

"Phew... Phew..."

"Ugh… ugh…"

"Good work, everyone."

Upon returning, the two women who opened the helmet section of the Power Suits laid on the floor in a sweaty look.

I put a thermostat in there. Was it damaged by the explosion? "

Due to the nature of the desert, which is hot during the day and cold at night, it allows the pilot to randomly raise the temperature in the suit and then lower it. However, he did not conceal any doubt about the appearance of the two women sweating like this.

"I d-didn 't use a booster 'cause I d-lost density... but the road is... too rough..."

"Below the East Gate……."

No matter how much stealth you put in, you can't hide the flames of your booster.

After all, Noah and Ferrissa told me that they were sweating from the climb up and down of the mountains, and Jinwoo waited for some relief from their short breaths.

She breathed for a few minutes, but returned to normal, and reported right away.

"There is a small town on the nearby mountain line. But a short distance away, the U.S. military was stationed and patrolling the area on a regular basis."

"Hmm... This must be a village controlled by the US military or peaceful non-terrorism." "

Jinwoo, who holds Noah's information in his mind, turns his head toward Perisha.

"The village I found was so rugged that vehicles couldn't get in or out of it. Even though it was rough to get there, once the village was in the plains, it had a lot of wheat and leafy fields."

Perisha reported more details than Noah, followed by a remark.

"If you want to analyze it more deeply, it's best to go inside the village and listen to the villagers or feel the atmosphere...."

She spills her tail, but the others can expect a certain amount of her.

Both men searched the village, but were unsure whether it was a terrorist village or not.

However, Jin Woo had already given an answer as soon as he had finished thinking.

"I'm going to the village Perisha mentioned."

He nods to see if anyone else expected it.

We're running low on ammunition and weapons to fight the Americans again right now. Moreover, because it was also unlikely to be a terrorist village, the U.S. military would have camped nearby as well.

On the contrary, the village found by Perisha appears to be vulnerable to external attacks due to the rugged conditions that make it impossible for the vehicle to move.

Even if it wasn't a terrorist village, it was good enough to extinguish the fire by plundering all the food and drinking water there.

"Let's, um... rest before we get to work."

As soon as I was about to move, Jin decided to rest more on the appearance of the two women looking up at themselves with a crying face.


Most of the inhabitants of the Kurdistan Mountains worship wheat, leaf tobacco, and raise livestock products such as mountain goats and goats in the plateau.

I prefer donkeys that are resistant to horse or donkey changes but do not need a lot of water to live well in harsh conditions.

It was a small, rustic town belonging to the former Iraqi province of Kurdish people, but it was so abundant that it did not feel inadequate because it sold various goods to a nearby city.

"Hehehehe. There you are."

Jinwoo hides in the hills surrounding the village, looking at the typical uncivilized countryside farmhouse, smiling at the village and looking at the whole town with greedy eyes.

"That's exactly what I saw on TV. It feels like a Middle Eastern village that hasn't been civilized without electricity."

"What are you going to do now?"

Pericia, in charge of the role of his head, falls down next to him and asks him, hiding.

Shouldn't you at least know what you're doing so you can clap together or beat together?

"Let's split up and surround the area. And when I send out a signal, it'll take out the whole village. Oh, let one or two go on purpose."


After a few moments of restlessness, Ferrissa looks down and begins to think of his intention to catch the villagers. As soon as he is struck by lightning, he turns his head to the camp.

"N-no way...!"

"Hehehe. That's right."

"What's the matter, Perisha?"

Noah, on behalf of the other party, who had no idea what to do with them, asks Ferrissa, and she exhales as long as she's willing to do it.

"Phew……. The owner... wants to use them as a bargaining chip."




"That's a reasonable gesture. What's the problem?"

After placing Iri in the cave he dug and making sure she didn't run away and changing her form to a human, she tilted her head and asked again because she still lacked a lot of common sense in humans.

"In short... it means terrorizing a village of terrorists. And I'm going to use that hostage as a pest to talk to terrorists."


Then Riellus gives you an applause and laughs in vain.

"Are you trying to use terrorism and hostage attacks against hostages and terrorists……. You must be the master."

Riellus seems to have a reasonable reaction to the opposing team's plan of counterattack in a well-used way, and other slaves have a similar reaction to her.

"If you want to kill someone, be prepared to be killed yourself." I mean, if you've terrorized other people, don't you think you should be prepared to be? Go away from the world and do what some people can't do. I hate shopping. "

Jinwoo is a pleasurable personality, but all of the actions he does can come back to him.

'Well, of course there's no way I'm going to let that happen.'

The problem is that when that happens, I'm never going to end it nicely.

"Work is very simple. Ycilia and Harin join forces to subdue the people, and the rest of the team will subdue those who are in or about to flee the building. I'll keep an eye on the whole situation and surroundings here, so deal with it quickly."

A small rural village with fewer than 30-40 inhabitants.

Elegance (?), he decides to check the overall situation here, which is a landscape position, and Iscilia and Harin align with each other to figure out how to defeat people.

This is because if the dynamo and the dynamo don't fit together, the worst thing that can happen to the residents is that their bodies are torn apart, and they can be offset by bumping into each other's dynamics.

The other members began to move around the village as if they were surrounding it, and as soon as they settled, Iscilia and Harin flew together into the air and headed toward the center of the village.


"W-what are you guys!?"

A young Kurdish man was surprised by the sudden emergence of Asian and Western women, but the two women slowly raised their hands from near their waist, as if lifting their weight against each other.



"W-what's going on?!"

"Meeee ~ ~!"

From place to place, the bodies of people and animals began to rise as if they were weightless, and some Kurds who had been far from the village instinctively wandered off without looking back to see if they could be determined to be irresistible.




The villagers were captured for the actions of Lilith, who emits a block of spider silk with only a slight painful force, and Perisha and Noah, who caught people flying low, flying fast and escaping.

At that time, a villager who was subdued by spider webs fled with his loose webs ripped open, but Riellus only fulfilled his alliance's order to let one or two of them go.

'I was embarrassed on my face, but my fear was less than that of other humans. I hope I made the right choice.'

Only then will more hateful humans suffer.

The one who accepted Jinwoo's idea the most was Riellus, because her original sadistic nature and hatred of humans were willing to accept his way.

Only those who felt the pain of the body and the mental plane more quickly and more emotionally than killing humans, Relius prayed that he would make a 'rational' choice, in which there was less fear on his face than the rest of the population.

After capturing most of the villagers who were fleeing, Iscilia and Harin drove the inhabitants from the air into one place.






And as they gathered their spiritual energy, the villagers of the village who were hanging out on the floor vomited different screams, and first of all, they opened their mouths to the pain of 70 elderly people who appeared to be the village chief.

"W-what the hell is this!?"

The village chief thought they were capable Americans and desperately claimed they were not a village of terrorists, but his slaves were careful not to open their mouths until their master arrived.


After the slaves overwhelmed the entire town, they landed on one side of the town making a small crater that almost flew away with the jump force to process it.

"Search the rest of the house, except for Cecilia and Harin. Sweep all the food, water, and make sure there's a secret compartment."


The rest of the slaves started searching the house, answering powerfully, and Riellus approached Jinwoo to report about the man he helped. He whispered in his ear.

"Mmm-hmm. All right, well done. If that's what your senses say, it's the right answer."

Jinwoo sweeps Riellus' head as if it had followed his intentions. Feeling the warm feeling in his head, Riellus takes a step to search the house in the other direction, reddening a little of his bad mood.

"W-who are you……."

The chief opened his mouth to Jinwoo, who appeared to be their leader, and he smiled at the village chief and replied.

"I don't know about that. Let me ask you one question. How many terrorists are there in your village?"

"This isn't that kind of town! We're just...!"

"Oh, wrong question. Let me ask you again. Is this the town where you're communicating with terrorists?"

"That's why this is not the place!"

The village chief shouted as if he were frustrated, but Jinwoo spoke in a slightly louder voice, as if to hear it all with a deeper smile.

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to seeing where the man who escaped is headed. Is it the United States military? Or a Kurdish terrorist in the mountains?"

According to him, the villagers look at each other twice, looking for an invisible face.


"I don't see Kahnapa."

Because of the characteristic of small rural villages, residents of villages who know each other's names realize that the young man Kahnapar is invisible.

"… what's the alternative? You want a reputation for killing us and destroying terrorist villages?"

He was the village chief who had mistaken Jinwoo's group for the United States military, but he also had to be mistaken for an overwhelming American soldier because they were all armed with power suits except for one.



"You're all hostages. No matter where he goes or who he leads, you're a hostage there."


The chief couldn't understand what he was doing to come to a small village like this for.

However, he instinctively reminded the villagers that he could only live in silence without making any nonsense right now, and he calmed his anxiety by encouraging the villagers to do as he said.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

And one of the people was frustrated with this part of the modern novel.

"I don't understand why most enemies mistake or underestimate the protagonist's ability."

because he also started with Citizen 1, where most of the characters in modern novels passed by.

If they had the qualifications to be strong, the talent, or the environment, they would have had some sort of surveillance and preparation around them, but the protagonists of modern life have very little wealth for proxy satisfaction, starting at the bottom or the bottom closest to it.

and it's either going to be a comeback from the future, or it's going to be a performance by chance, or it's going to be a magician or a Muslim master, or it's going to be dragged into another world and then it's going to come back and it's going to be awesome, and there's all kinds of events that people don't know about.

In other words, even though it's a huge organization that encompasses the entire world, the protagonists of modern life are completely out of their minds.

Or if you do a background check, you're mistaken and underestimate the character's ability because they're not always this big. Of course, it takes a couple of big burns to pull myself together.

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