She and Perisha discussed how to use the secrets they uncovered, and decided to keep them hidden.

If I had just decided to let the world, especially the countries affected by the rising tide, there would have been huge wavelengths, but there was insufficient evidence.

Once I say, 'This is unclear and without physical evidence, the senior executive of Wok-Il Seungcheon said,' I'm done arguing that Japan is nonsense.

Moreover, because Lizin Fujiminey is managing the image well through a substantial donation in public (asking Iris to donate is known as an underlying organization under Mt. Uij Ascension), Ferrissa's opinion was that one or two pieces of physical evidence could be suspicious, but could not be hit.

However, it is difficult to value the fact that I have learned about the leadership of the Wok-Il-shoon.

Moreover, since Iri, who thinks she is being brainwashed and blown away by this highly classified information, is in the water, she will be told that she also knows the base of the Wok Il Heaven or the funding line.

Anyway, Jinwoo, who handed the matter back, ordered Korea to be ready to leave.

Ferrissa booked a number of direct flights to Turkey the following afternoon, and the rest of the group packed their belongings for hijacking and prepared to avoid being caught by metal detectors while attaching their weapons to the Anti Magnetic Core (AMC) made by Jinwoo.

"To me?"

"I don't need this...."

Iscilia and Harin did not conceal their curiosity as Jiwoo handed over the pistol to them.

"Don't you know I'm a member of your brotherhood? Take it first."


Once he couldn't hide his curiosity, he took the handgun with the AMC on it.

"Are you more afraid of pointing a pistol at a civilian who has lived an ordinary life unrelated to this ability or to criminals, or are you more afraid of suddenly spreading your hands and threatening them?"

"Huh? That's it... Of course..."

Harin, of course, tried to say palm, but the horse's tail is blurred to see if he has realized anything.

"Obviously, a handgun would be more frightening for a layman of that kind."

Iscilia also later understood Jinwoo's intentions.

"Guns are quite popular. In the movies, there are many mercenaries who get hurt and die, and are legally armed. You have no idea how painful mind-bending can be compared to that. The pain you can imagine, the pain you can't imagine, which one would people be more afraid of?"

That's why Jinwoo also handed out handguns to Iscilia and Harin, who didn't need them.

This side looks more terrifying, and based on that fear, it's conquering the common man.

In addition, a Esp Invalidation Electromagnetic Waves (EIEW) limiter was also manufactured to seal everyone's capabilities for a short time.

The original ones were collar-shaped, so they could be hidden on clothing sleeves and focused on not being caught by metal detectors made of plastic.

Generally, these capabilities are limited in mounts that can cause major accidents, but the biggest case is airplane and amusement park equipment.

In addition, football and baseball are also becoming increasingly cultural because they are concerned about the use of their abilities.

If only one or two of them were to be swarmed, it would be obvious that they would stand out, so wearing an EIEW limiter would easily pass through the inspection machine to check for the presence or absence of this capability.

When all the arrangements were made, Ji-Woo finally went to see Iris.



By the way, her condition has remained pleasant addiction, and her brainwashing has risen to 99.

Perhaps he told the secret of the organization himself, and it must have occurred during the rationalization of it being brainwashed.

She unwittingly betrays the tissue, and with a helpless look on her eyes, she reacts like a machine to the call of Jinwoo.

"Take it."


Instinctively, Iri, who received the sword that flew towards her, noticed that it was a Japanese diagram of two sacks she used.

"From now on, I want you to follow me as my man. There's going to be more autonomous judgments to be made, so I'm going to release some of that brainwashing."


She looks like she's asking with her eyes, and she opens her mouth again to Iri with a solemn look.

"If you suddenly want to betray me and kill my slaves, kill me. But if you're gonna do that, you better figure out a way to kill me, too. Because……."

Then he pushes his face towards her and gives her a crazy smile.

"I'm going to unleash that anger all over Japan."


"The original plan is to attack 10 million people and plunder only the resources and skills you have, but if you forgive me even though you forgave me, every woman in Japan... Well, that's enough to understand, right?"


"Oh, and especially Prime Minister Yamato and Rijyn Fujimines, I'll give them my best shot. Especially since Fujimines will suffer my wrath on your behalf. If you can catch a chance to look down on the earth later in hell, you'll see humans muttering and flirting among pigs in a pigsty, so you can look forward to betraying them as much as you want."


Iris bites her lower lip and looks down at her loving sword.

"Oh, and just in case, is suicide the same thing?"


At Jinwoo's voice, noticing her reaction, she changed the original clothes given with a resilient glance and hung her sword around her waist.

'I'm... sorry... Prime Minister... Fujimine... I... I...'

Iri, who had to betray for them, came up with a magic sentence that could be an excuse for all of this.

'But I can't help it... I've been brainwashed...' '


Within Jinwoo's slaves, Iri's rank was the lowest.

Perhaps later, when the other slaves came in, they were higher than Iris, and they were treated so poorly that they could never be.

"Hey, listen to this."

"… Yes……."

"There's no malt in the answer? Where did all that old energy go?"

"… Sorry……."

"I'm sorry? What sorry?"

Especially, Harin, who was deeply in love with her, was betting on Iris's actions like an evil in-laws' mother in a drama.

"Wow… some people actually use the content of the drama…."

After watching the Korean drama, Noah, who was an addict when he had time to become addicted, uttered his remarks as if everything was over as soon as the drama came true.

Surprisingly, Ycilia did not stray from Harin's actions, but she also became her own slave, like Jinwoo, and did not seem refined to Iri, who killed Margaery of similar age.

"Attention, everyone."


At that time, Jin Woo clapped his hands and concentrated the gaze of all the slaves.

"The flight's scheduled departure time is tomorrow afternoon. I'll explain the plan now."

When slaves took their belongings, Jinwoo prepared a countermeasure with Perisha to plan various assumptions and worst situations.

"It is likely that tomorrow at the airport, the British royal and civil servants will be familiar with our impressions at the airport. No, me, Cecilia, and Noah, to be exact. The rest of you, stay out of sight."

The first obstacle Perisha expected was the Mother of Iselia and two members of the organization seeking Zionist alliance.

Because the common information they had was Noah's mansion and Jinwoo's identity, they expected to deploy agents on all Korean airlines in case things went wrong while trying to find their missing trail.


As all slaves responded with drive, Jiwoo smiled satisfactorily and explained the next plan.

"Ferrissa will let you know about their arrangements later, so let's skip to that part and get to the point. Hijacking begins the moment it crosses the Afghan border."

"Yes? Not because you're close to Turkey?"

The destination doesn't matter in Iraq, so Noah's question was somewhat natural when he started hiking and changed the route when he got close to Turkey.

"Then it's no fun. I mean, if we're gonna hike, we're gonna have to fight a full-brained criminal negotiator who wants to negotiate with us, and we're gonna fight a special task force who wants to take care of us terrorists and rescue the hostages."


Yes, for Jin Woo, hijacking is just a game to find a different kind of fun.

He only said the means of retrieving the cargo where his weapons were hidden, and he didn't say anything else, but the slaves who knew his personality well didn't bother to ask questions, thinking that orders would be issued based on the situation.

However, Iri, who had never known such a thing before, has made a ridiculous face, and has learned a little bit about the human being Jinwoo, but she will continue to be surprised.

Jinwoo was worried that his own slaves would live in doubt if each one of them was in one place, so he decided to go with her so that she wouldn't do anything foolish, and the rest of them scattered their horns and get on a plane at different times.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

We'll start on the next side.

Hijacking Go-Sing!

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