Chum-52169; Chum-52169; -

Harin's body learned how to move her tongue from Jinwoo and how to feel women's need to use her lips, and twisted her intestines with subtle tongues.

"Huff... ugh...!"

Even the humiliating appearance of his own buttocks was humiliating, but even more humiliating was that every time Harin's tongue licked his wall, his whole body felt a tingling sensation of horror.

Iri, who thought she was born with a mission to raise Japan back to empire status, was more shameful than anything else.

"Yes... you are shameless! H-how did you get there...!"


"Heheheheh --!!"

She tried to blame Harin, but Harin, who was amused by how she reacted with every attack, suddenly pulled her tongue as hard as she could into her mouth, and her whole body convulsed as if she had been electrocuted.

"Iris, get on your knees and spread your hips."

At that time, Jinwoo gave orders to Riellus, and Iri, who was wrapped around an invisible web of spiders on her body, knelt on her knees and opened her butt to the left and to the right as if she were moving on her own.

Harin lowers as low as Iris, grabbing her butt and pushing her face into the open butt flesh.

"N-no... P-please stop there..."

Iri, who was filled with shame and humiliated tears, tried to deny her growing pleasure, but, unlike her will, the pleasure she felt in sexual intercourse was rising toward a climax.

Buddy, buddy, buddy, buddy.

Harin was harassed in all sorts of ways, like licking the entire anus with the sole of his tongue, or pushing it into it, and began to get excited by the slowly distorted image of Iris as she did.


On the face, she miraculously tucks three fingers deep into the anus.


The climax of the cries with a short universal scream.

Iri's whole body straightens up, grumbling like a mouthful without even screaming at the peak of her voice.

"Khh... khh... khh..."

Iris crouches and groans like a beast.

"Oh my? I thought you'd end up with your face down, huh!?"

Tsk, tsk!

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

However, Harin, who tasted the pain of torturing her, bent three fingers into his anus like a hoe and scraped the floor with all his strength, his eyes halfway up, and his head lifted with an electric shock.

Bang, bang!

Harin, who grabbed her hair like that, twisted her neck slightly backwards and laughed at the silly look on her face.

"Cook, that's not the face you were talking about. You have a habit of talking, don't you?" Great samurai of the Great Japanese Empire. ""

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Tsk, tsk!

Harin scratched the bottom of the intestine like he continued to plow the field with a hoe, beginning to sound funny as his expression gradually distorted in one gesture of his hand.

"Ugh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"

However, Iris remained silent until the end, and tried to endure the groaning so much that blood gushed from her lips.

"Hehe? I'm sure you have great patience. '

Her ability was also this ability, but her ability to wield the transition was also unusual. Seeing her patience now, Jinwoo's intuition that she had undergone considerable training wanted to hear a cheerful scream from her mouth.

Of course, if he continued to reach the peak, he would come out empty-handed someday, but all he wanted to hear was the scream of the groaning that was forcefully suppressing him at once.

"If you look at the assistant tools, there should be a stick with a string of beads. There's an animal tail on the end, so look for it."

Having instructed through the earphones, Harin opens his hands and starts sweeping through the assistant tools lying on the floor again, finding what Jin Woo was talking about.

'……? What is this? Do you think I put this in my butthole?'

She was not familiar with sexual knowledge and did not understand what she was using her handheld for.

No, because she didn't know there was a dedicated anal implant device in the first place, her question was, in a way, natural.

Dozens of beads the size of a finger, with a string of sticks and the tail hair of an animal on the tip.

"Push it all the way down into Iris's anus. There's a hook at the end that you can put your finger on, so use it to go back and forth."

'Th-this is going in...? That narrow hole... No, I think I got three fingers, too, right?'

She pulls her finger out and pushes a rod of marbles as Jinwoo instructs.


"Shhh ~ ~ ~ ~!"

As the beads scraped through the barrier wall, Iri, whose back was straightened, bites her lips tightly with her eyes halfway up.

"Now pull it out with all your strength. The important thing is not to simply remove it, but to raise the angle of force upwards, the beads scrape through the barrier wall as hard as possible."

Harin nods slightly, fingers on the hook, and grabs the angle of force upward as he instructs. In his voice, Harin pulls it out roughly.



After the beads deeply fried the barrier, Iri felt a shock that made her head white more intensely than any pleasure she had ever received, and she vomited out a scream that contained everything she wanted to 'suppressed so far'.

"Now be free, Iris."


Jinwoo's Spell (?), but at the same time, the image of Iris falling on the floor was really ugly.

In the anal cavity, a bridge spread out to the left and right like a frog, a clear liquid flowing in a line, wetting the floor and holding out the tongue as the eyes go up.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha... Ha-ha..."


Iris flinched in that disgusting pose, and felt a blizzard of intense pleasure with her hair whitened.

Having watched it, Harin smiled sadistically without knowing it.

Her satisfaction was the appearance of an enemy who had brutally murdered her precious colleagues.

Moreover, the fact that it can break her forever, I can imagine her plunging into hell as she breaks, and a smile comes out without me knowing it.

If he had killed Iris, would he have felt this way?

No, it's not.

The grief of killing her and losing her precious colleagues would have remained, and she would have felt despair and helplessness with no way to resolve her revenge, grief, and hatred.

But now?

There is still pain and sadness that my colleagues have seen as they die, but I am able to relieve that pain forever by using the body of Iri.

'Yes, this is revenge. This was real revenge.'

Stealing the life of an enemy is revenge?

That's ridiculous. It's worthless.

True revenge is made by making enemies feel at least twice as much pain and suffering as they feel.

When he enjoyed watching Iri's ugly appearance, he regretted that he was so stupid that he had not offered to hold hands in the past.

However, that regret did not last long.

The present self is subject to Jin Woo, and he has the right to harass Iris forever.

Harin, who was excited to torture Iri, became loyal to the Jinwoo who created this place for him.

It was the same with Riellus, who controls Iri.

"Hareen, there should be a triangle chair with a long rod among the assistant tools you brought. Have Iris sit over there and tie her hands and feet together with a rope on the pole."


The very sensitive ears of Riellus were greatly shaken in this area.

Jinwoo said it was because he was the assistant tool he was tortured with.

Thanks to this, some of the cobwebs on her fingers flinch and Iris' hind legs and arms go up, but she's half out of her mind and doesn't realize it.

Jinwoo glances at the ceiling where she hides behind a misguided steering wheel, and Riellus quickly tries to regain her composure at his rebuke.


Iris hated Koreans… no, actually, Joseon.

Her family was a well-known samurai when Japan began to evolve, that is, around the Meiji Shrine.

The samurai rank at that time was falling, and the Kiritani had some ideas, unlike the stuffy samurai of that time.

As the world that had only been through the harsh world with a sword fell, a weapon called a gun accepted that a new weapon became the key to opening up the world.

Rather than participate in the Satsuma rebellion, the last war of samurai in Japanese history, the Kiritani family, devoted to the emperor and the military, were transformed from samurai to military families, and the government did not resist them but favored them for their cooperation.

As I became a military family, the worst things happened to the Kiritanis.

Two years after the signing of the Treaty, an Ito Hirobumi assassination by an ophthalmologist exploded.

In Ito Hirobumi's escort, there were people from the Kiritani family, and they killed themselves for their sins that did not prevent the assassination of Ito.

At this point, many Kiritani men died during the 1920 battle, although the age was somewhat diminished.

When they tried to subdue the Independent forces (North Korean military forces) that were in trouble in Japan, they corrected Ito Hirobumi's mistake, and once again the majority of the family men participated in order to revive the family.

Common sense suggests that all the men in the family volunteered for the war who didn't know when and where they were going to die were crazy, but for the Japanese, the idea that the people of Joseon were weak and cowardly and foolish was strong enough to make them tribal, so they were 100% confident that they would win the war.

Although not at all well known to the public or historical world, it was quite a talk for men in the entire family at the time, and they were very satisfied with the patriotism that the whole family saw.

If the result was good, the Kiritanis would have made it to the rock, but as everyone expected, this battle led to a catastrophe called the Silverbane Aggression (in their view).

Among the 3,300 Japanese soldiers who were killed, all the men belonged to the Kiritani family, and the Kiritani family sank to the ground.

The Kiritani became like ordinary people, rather than samurai soldiers, and their descendants had to struggle.

Iris punched her grandfather until the parents who were fighting her in childhood had some peace.

Iris's grandfather was a young boy at the time of the Silversmith Court, but he had trauma to the elders of the family killed by the ships.

His grandfather always hated the shipmates who killed his father and relatives and put his family to ruin, and he continued to gossip to Iris.

In addition, his values ​ ​ entered the head of Iri, where the mental system was not properly established, and all of his hatred and grudges led to him as he watched his grandfather continue to grumble and die until the end.

Unlike other young people, she had a clear and clear hatred for the Joseon people, and climbed to the top floor of the organization thanks to her perseverance to overcome anything with evil and clubs without ever backing down or running away from a competent talent.

Boooooo! Tsk, tsk, tsk! Whoo-hoo! Tsk, tsk!

"Grrrgh! Kahahaha!"

And now, she is tormented and bent by a giant chain of beads that is crawling through her anus.

Boooooo! Tsk, tsk!


"Hahahahahaha! You look disgusting! Can you call me a human being like this?"

Ta-da! Ta-da!

Harin was enjoying beating his butt, back and shoulders with a slap while pulling out a whip in Jinwoo's assistant tool.

However, Iri does not feel the pain that comes from the back because every time a ball of iron protrudes from a triangle chair stabs her lower abdomen, reason flies.

'I... I will never... surrender... to a Korean...!' '

Despite all that pain, the hatred for the Joseon did not subside, and it became the only string that held her last string of reason.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Originally, this episode appeared after the Paris scene.

The victim, Iri, was mostly stabbed, crying, or in distress, with half her rationality collapsed, but she reacted completely differently because there was nothing like that here.

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