Across' black market.

"Hee-hee...! Don't come! Don't come!!"

Gimme, gimme!

Until just now, colleagues who were talking turned into corpses with broken necks, broken waists that shouldn't be broken, or pierced torso or blown heads, and the only Across crew in the remaining black suit fired a silencer attached to it.


However, his bullet did not give a scratch to the man who killed his comrades.

"W-why are you doing this to us?!"

The man who thought he too was cruelly dying like his colleagues shouted as if it were his last move.

Allied with the Uk-Il Sky, but never heard from them before, they quickly recovered from the riots of monsters and stored everything in an underground bunker designed to shut down the black market and defend against external shocks.

I received sufficient training, and because there were several talents who were not outstanding, but working sufficiently in Korea, I completed evacuation of all items in a timely manner, and the members also took the elevator down to the underground bunker.

In addition, to prepare for the situation, some members of the Korean military waited for the monsters to be eradicated because they had organisations outside to check the situation.

After a certain amount of time, a sudden explosion occurred.

Suddenly, the elevator begins to go up, and shutters come down to prevent intruders on emergency stairs in case the elevator collapses.

Trapped, they contacted members of the ground to let them know of the situation, but there was some emotional news.

There was no way of knowing what was going on, so these talents decided to break the shutters together and climb to the ground, but the elevator that went up at the same time began coming back down.

Along with the envoy of the Red Evil Mask.

The man couldn't understand.

The second time he was here, I couldn't understand why a man of this magnitude would kill himself so cruelly, and why these abilities have not been known so far.

By the way, the battle between the Grand Arc and Jinwoo became famous for a short time, but it was not recorded with proper video equipment, and it had been buried for a long time because it was seen only by the eyes of ordinary people and not the capable person.

The Grand Arc also knew that its absolute power stems from its power, so it was a matter of impregnating its existence to members of the organization, except for a few high-ranking executives.

"Can't you see the novel? In novels, when you have treasures you can't afford, you get a lot of death or assault. That's why I attacked you with a treasure that doesn't fit the theme. It's fucking logical, right?"


The man was terrified, "What? 'With the look on his face, his neck snapped and he died.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! At this rate, we can even build robots.

With his technology, he could build giant robots, but he wasn't crazy enough to make a noticeable weapon with his own power.


So Jin, who had wiped out all the members of Across' organization in the underground bunker, was asked how to build something like that in Korea in the form of a giant underground bunker.

"It's a game anyway."

However, when he questioned the content of the game that had already been set, he knew that it was a waste of time. He decided to push all the members of Across's organization into the warehouse with various items in it.

Pirates, flesh-eating pieces, and innards all fused together to create a scene like a horror game. However, Jin Woo, who was about to make the troublesome work for the slaves, began to find a useful place to work as an assistant.


While almost getting to know the structure inside the underground bunker, the slaves who entered the search for the remaining members of Across in the building took the elevator and headed to the underground bunker, just in case.


"Here you go."

His voice carried the hostages that still had been stunned by the psychokinesis, flying them out of the elevator in the air.

"Hehe, hehe. Now it's time."

Jin confirmed the spacious break room that Across's crew had built for use, and decided to move the prisoners directly toward him because he had thrown everything, like the couch in advance.

"First of all, take off this ridiculous thing."

When he took off his power suit, he was about to move the body of the spider monster first.



"Huff!? Yes... How did you...?"

A spider monster suddenly opened his eyes, forcing his legs to loosen the chains, and at the same time, he turned his hand into a spider's front leg and stabbed it in the stomach of a cocoon.

"Gahahahaha! Stupid human! I can't believe you found me my own place to live! Thank you for the tears!"


The spider monster burst out of his enduring smile as he struggled in agony, feeling a perfect penetration into his wrist.

Originally, I tried to pierce it through the back.

This was the limit due to the fact that his skin was harder than I thought, but the human body structure was also a critical hit with this much damage, so the smile of the spider monster continued during his next words.

"Did you think I'd say that?"



At the same time, Jinwoo's fist slapped his arm as hard as it could, and the spidered left arm 'broke' out.


A long time ago, the crier in agony suddenly gives a cold expression, and the spider monster cries out in the slow rush of pain as he sees his arm smash with his fist.


"Hehehe. I knew your bitch was up. I mean, it's weird not to get up when you're chewing like that. Those of you who are pretending to be unconscious."


As he throws the spider's leg into his abdomen and spits it out, the fainting bodies of Iris and Harin flinch.

Not only the spider monsters, but also the stunned ones, have been awake for a long time.

Spider monsters were silent because they read the atmosphere and seemed to be moving somewhere unnoticed, and Iris and Harin were just pretending to be stunned because they couldn't empower themselves without their bodies bound.

Jin Woo coined the current story of the spider monster who deliberately assumed that she had regained consciousness in the form of those who hadn't been awake for a long time.


"Hnng... But this is gonna hurt a lot."

Grabbing the spider's severed front leg, someone smiles satisfactorily as a thick bubble emerges from their abdomen with a large amount of blood.

"N-no way... You have better regenerative abilities than me..." "

On the broken arm of the spider monster, a bubble of green bodily fluids rose and regenerated, but it was one step below the crescent regeneration rate.

The monster had no choice but to feel devastated by his overwhelming super-strength, superior regenerative abilities, and nevertheless, the image of him using his head to deceive himself.

No matter how much I think about it, I don't think of a way to defeat him in this situation.

"Too bad. If I'd fought harder, I'd have heard a pretty scream with a bullet in my arm and leg by now."


With Noah's relaxed voice coming from behind, Iri and Harin are willing to break the chains and resist right now.

Pericia shooting someone with a new sniper rifle you've never seen before, Noah holding two convertible glocks of coal-fired munitions that have allowed him to get the nickname "Satan of Fire", and Iselia preparing to throw heavy machinery equipment around him at the center of his mind.

They were also coping calmly without being overwhelmed by the current situation, whether they had noticed Jin Woo's plans in advance.

"Khhh... We didn't even know we were going to use the call sign...!" "

Iris didn't hear any plans or operations about them, so she thought she had made them as a beacon when she closed her eyes and pretended to be stunned.

However, it was only circumstantial judgments because he knew how powerful he was and how evil he was, but it was not obligated for slaves to point out these facts.

Soon they'll be their partners, too.

It only took a while because of the large numbers, but it was good to finally obey Jinwoo as a 'female'.

"I don't have to hide my face anymore."


Harin, who knew his face better than anyone, gripped his mask and lifted it upward, gave a groaning voice.

"I thought it was suspicious because his voice was so similar... I didn't think he was really the same person...."

"Come on, this is not a good place to have a quiet conversation. Let's move out for a while."

Here, you run out at the speed of another vision and smash the jaw of the spider monster, saying that you are not ready to talk to the women who will become your slaves.


She struggles to resist, but her specialty is not the infiltrator, but the hunter who traps and waits for his prey.

It looks like you have pierced the defensive strength of Jinwoo and stabbed your arm with special attack power, but it is not for melee combat where dazzling techniques are mixed together, but to put the trapped prey in one fell swoop.

As humanized, the spider monster, whose brain structure also resembles that of a human, collapsed as his arms and legs were loosened, and subsequently approached them and smashed their jaws on the back of their feet before Iris and Harin could say anything.

Boom! Boom!

The women who were bound in chains fell unconscious again, and the snow licked their tongues, finally enjoying the time of the assistant, and quickly moved to prepare for the assistant.

"You guys help Perisha take over this place perfectly. I'll make these bitches your partners in the meantime."

Helping Lippi, who was the successor of Across, with the knowledge of Perisha, who knew almost everything about the organization, the allies who ordered the complete control of the building began to pack up materials and stuff.

As if he didn't even want to hear their answer, Ferrissa's group climbs back up the elevator to take full control of the place so that they can check out Across' black market information and stay until they leave for Iraq.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I originally tried to write a picture of Across' black market domination on the one hand, but it was downsized because it didn't have much to offer.

Because that's how the next chapter starts.

Personally, simultaneous attacks are too distracting, so we'll be sure to conquer them one by one.

The order you are currently thinking of is Harin- > Monster- > Iri Soon.

And Iris... I want you to be careful because there's a certain amount of Gore mixed up.

PS: Sometimes people ask me to do more -- they don't see the review I wrote;

I have to live after eating, so I can't get a job every day, and I want to write every time I ask for a quickie, but when I come back and suffer from a lack of stamina, I cry.

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