Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 942: Looking for the land to the heart (fifteen)

Chapter 942 Finding the secluded to the heart

This plug-in that emits shockwaves is really good, but it works only for small and medium-sized enemies, and guys who are bigger and bigger can't blow.

"It's best to install plug-ins that limit your opponent's actions, such as jetting refrigerants. Is there such a thing?"

"I look at you." Seglad flipped through the instructions attached to the three boxes and wanted to pick the right one from the hundreds of plug-ins.

"Ah, there are oh oh. There is a plug that sprays a compressed liquid nitrogen coolant. By this spray, the opponent will freeze in an instant and become awkward."

"What about firefighting?" The werewolf asked.

"I will see this again, the 17th plug-in, a high-heat blow gun with a hot melt."

Bedyville nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. I have two plugins, one for installation and the other for spare."

Seglad nodded intently, looking for two plug-ins from the box, one on the shield bow of Bediville and the other on the werewolf: "This is a high-compression gas tank, encountering strong The impact will explode. Take care on your body."

"I understand." The werewolf hangs the plug of the aluminum thermal torch on the waist belt without thinking about it.

Since the plug of the refrigerant was originally designed for use with the shield bow, it does not need to be modified at all. SGLID is aligned with the slot on the shield bow, and if the mosaic is the same, the mechanism is easily embedded.

After the werewolf took over his shield bow, he immediately wondered: "But it only has one trigger. How can I operate the plug and shield switch at the same time?"

"It's very simple. Just tap it and let go, it's to turn the shield on or off. Long press the switch, it's the plug-in."

噗哧——Badiville has pressed the trigger, and the white frost spray is ejected from the plug-in, about five feet long.

"Wow!" The werewolf was shocked and immediately released the trigger.

"Save the point, the spray will run out of light, and you can't add it."

"Know it." The werewolf satisfactorily folded his shield. This bow, combined with his tortoise whip, should be able to bring many advantages to the next battle.

"Okay, okay." Paramidis also tested his Mithril rifle in the open space in the distance. A plug for a radial arc is mounted on the tip. It is a plug-in that can be automatically activated without a battery. It absorbs the surrounding kinetic energy during the galloping process and directly converts it into an electric shock.

It is estimated that Paramitis wants to use this Mithril rifle as a gujar, and even the effects on the weapon are adjusted to be very similar to 亘Gunnier.

"Ay, what about your weapon? Don't you care?" Bettiville looked at the tiger who was distracted by dinner.

"I am? This kind of thing is just fine. Just like a leopard uncle, load a plugin, you can generate frost."

"Have you heard that?" The werewolf made a look at Segrad.

"Of course." The leopard youth picked up the tiger's Haitao sword, and installed the plug-in on it a few times: "This is also a self-starting plug-in. As long as you wield a weapon, you can generate a frozen air. For security reasons, I still Help you prepare a plug-in for heat generation."

"Yes, yes, please." Albert took the freshly grilled antelope legs and ate the sea. The other side barely listened.

"Unbelievable." The werewolves also collected their weapons and went to the campfire to prepare for dinner: "Saifel, Segred, and Elaine, the rest of the plug-ins are for you. How do you plan to modify your weapons? Is it enough?"

"Amount, that 喵-" Segrad’s face was confused. "To get the plug-in into our earth-based weapons, we need more electronic components. We have a dagger in each hand when we leave. Just six copies -"

"I don't want to use it for you." Bettiville quickly took out his dagger and handed it to Segrad, reminding him: "Ayr-?"

"Yes, I don't want it anymore. Anyway, I already have the baby of Haitao Sword." The tiger also took the dagger from his waist and gave it to Segrad.

"This is also good, it is fair." Paramitis also consciously handed his dagger.

"Too good, so there are enough electronic components, so that we can mount the plugs on our pikes and shields. You can also give Elaine a big shield with plug-ins."

"I, I don't use it very much, use a shield--" The White Bears are on the sidelines, when he is cleaning up a huge ship deck.

The fast deck is the "glider" that Bediville and others used to ride, and the shoulder blades of the lizards are pieced together. It crashed on the mountainside without any particularly severe damage, and the scapula of the thunder lizard was very hard.

"But your hand is your shield." Seglad said: "Hurry up and polish, I will put the handle on you."

"This, this? This is heavy, it is going to die -"

Segrad glanced at the white bear man: "It can keep your life. I can help you solve the weight problem."

"Okay." Elaine seemed reluctant to take the shield, but the attitude of the other party was so tough and he had to follow.

Beddyville didn't say much. Slagard's idea was really right. The clumsy Elaine needed a good shield to save his life.

They may not be able to accompany each other in the future. If everyone is dispersed and explored, everyone needs to be well prepared and have more versatile weapons that can cope with various emergencies.

Moreover, the wooden (bone) 筏 with Bediville they spent this arduous three-day journey, and now it is only the deck of the ship. Transforming it into a big shield can also be used as a waste to save money.

Although the white pelicans in the equatorial region are quite long, they are clear day and night. Once it is time, the sky will soon be dark.

The werewolf had finished eating dinner, watching the two cats and a bear there busy for the modified weapons but unable to intervene, and had to illuminate them with a torch.

The leopard brothers are very arrogant, carving the grooves on the wooden handles of those weapons at an astonishing speed, inlaying the electronic components, and then filling the resin to fix them. Elaine is responsible for cutting the edge of the big shield, reducing its weight, and making the big shield better.

They have been busy for a long time and finally rebuilt the weapons at around 8 pm.

"Call." Segred sighed: "Exhausted - when do we gather?"

"Soon." The werewolf experimentally knocked on Elaine's big bone shield. It made a squeaking sound, and the light knew how strong it was from the echo: "When it is time, they should inform us where to go." Collect it?"

This camp is a public camp for the candidates. Although they have little contact with other candidates in Bediville, they can monitor the actions of other candidates from this position. Others are still roasting fire on the bonfire, a leisurely look, which means that the second exam has not yet begun.

When the werewolf sat down by the campfire and planned to rest as much as possible for the rest of the time, a light ball began to appear on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

"Is it the sun? It's already in the night--" Albert is stupid.

"That is the flare." Palamidis stood by the campfire: "Go to the mountains. It seems that the second exam is there."

The people nodded to each other, each took enough equipment, hit the torch and marched toward the snow-capped mountains.

At the same time, the Great Britain, Edinburgh Binger, Edinburgh Bilbao

"Uh huh." The leopard boy just woke up and found himself back in front of the computer room in the simulation training room.

"Are you alright?" Husky got in front of the leopard boy and looked at him with concern. "If you are not feeling well, let's not play any games. Take a break, Wang?"

"Hal is nothing to do." The leopard boy was barely authentic. "I have been sleeping for a long time, and Hal will not continue to rest."

In fact, it is really not at ease - Arthur looked at the leopard teenager who just woke up. But if you tell the leopard teenager, there is a wormhole in his body, and the horrible spirit may come out from the impulse to attack people at any time, which is estimated to only make Hal more uneasy.

Nowadays, Arthur had to be stupid, and everything was taken as nothing to happen. The body change of the leopard boy has not been a thing of the past, and nothing happened before. In other words, as long as you don't arbitrarily provoke the wormhole, it should not create any confusion.

"Well, let's continue the game, there is something to do, go first." King Arthur pretended to calmly look at Husky: "Take care of your friends, okay?"

"Yeah!" The canine boy nodded and nodded: "Uncle Arthur is well!"

The Cavaliers did not respond, turned around and went straight.

"Come on." The canine boy supported his little friend and pushed the door of the machine room.

Nuoda’s computer room was a little empty. At this time, almost no one was there, and even the Duke of Cameron, who had been in charge of management, did not know where to go.

Great. Just as the dogman was relieved, thinking that he could finally play the game quietly, he suddenly felt that his tail had been pulled.

"Hey!" The voice of the fisherman prince sounded behind Husky: "Are you finally here, puppy!"

(The nasty guy is still in the air.)

(And, not just hate so simple.)

Husky turned his head and saw that Prince Calvin was happily playing with his tail. A group of mermaid waitresses were massaging the arm of the fisherman while finishing the little prince's clothes.

"Oh, huh, huh." The little prince who spoiled the spoiled prince also said a bunch of cool words: "We just went to eat French dinner! What about you? What did you eat at noon?"

When it comes to this, Husky and Hal have looked at each other in unison.

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