Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2969: The Never Returning Morning (44)

Chapter 2969: Forty-Four Mornings That Never Return

When Bediville recovered, he had been teleported back to Dawn's teleport room.

"Beddyville." Upon receipt of the notice that Beddyville came back, King Arthur had sent a message: "What's the situation? Did you use the emergency escape transmission device they took with you?"

"Ah." The werewolf youth sat down on the floor with a weary face, and replied: "That thing can only be used once, right? Berelde lied to me again."

"This also means that the situation is very critical, he must let you go first." Cavalier Road: "Severe injuries? What happened?"

Bediville put Othello on the side, waiting for the rescue golems to come and carry him to the medical room: "I have a broken leg and a few ribs on this side. Othello's hands and feet are broken. "I was in a coma." Bediville replied: "We are fighting in that underground cave, and it collapsed halfway through the fight. I lost consciousness during the fall."

"Is it so simple to lose consciousness?"

"It's unclear why, maybe it's related to the gravity disturbance you said. I had a feeling of motion sickness when I fell, and I lost consciousness when I was dizzy."

"Then I broke my legs and it really didn't look like you." The Knight King blamed.

"I suspect that the gravity disturbance has a particularly large impact on the orcs. Bereld, they don't seem to be affected much." The werewolf youth rubbed his broken leg. After the matter passed, he gradually felt that his broken leg was in pain. And he knew that the pain would gradually increase with time until he could not stand the position. He needed a doctor to bring back the broken bone in his leg, and he needed it now.

"So they stayed in that deep pit to fight." King Arthur said thoughtfully, and also reminded: "Another batch of reinforcements has been sent, the magic sword warrior Sorall and the Leopard Quig. Quigg may have problems when entering the deep hole, I will remind him. "

"Please," Bediville said again. "In addition, the kidnapped people were found. They were also hidden in the deep pit and **** with a kind of off-white roots. They were all alive and in a coma. "

"Roots? What kind of roots?"

"I do n’t know if they are animals or plants, but they will attack objects whose height difference changes, entangle everything that falls from above. When they are entangled, they will enter a coma, and it feels like they are doing an endless The nightmare will never wake up. And even the flow of time will stop. Othellomin, who had broken his hands and feet, was badly injured, and there was no major bleeding when he was caught in the roots. "

"Understood. This is very valuable intelligence, Bediville." Cavalier's communication stopped for a while, and it seems to be sending messages to other teams: "It's good to get this information, you go back and rest. Come on. "

"I believe Constantine and others are coming to the Romani territory?" Bediville asked.

"Yes, [The Attacking Paramidis] is coming over to support, but the speed of the ship is slower." The Knight said: "It will take about half an hour to arrive. When the Paramidis arrives, Immediately arrange a boat doctor for you to cure your broken leg. "

"No need." A voice interrupted the conversation between Bediville and King Arthur, and walked into the transmission room. It's Archmage Logan.

"I'll treat him with injuries here, use magic." Logan said: "Your Majesty, I temporarily removed this magic bracelet, shouldn't it violate the regulations?"

"No, it's a very special time. I allow you to do this." Knight King said: "Then he will give it to you."

Then King Arthur cut off the communication and concentrated on commanding the battle.

"Drink it." Logan threw a potion-like thing to Bediville.

The werewolf youth took the "Potion" and found that it was actually a bottle of photonic coke. The thing gleamed cold blue ice through a transparent glass bottle, and its brightness was higher than what Bediville had seen before.

"Do you want me to drink coke at this time?" Bediville asked dejectedly.

"It is a 10,000-fold concentrated photonic cola quantum flavor, which is added to the undiluted stock solution of Datura stramonium. The effect of accelerating time is comparable to my [accelerating agent]." Logan said: "Drink it .. I will also use magic to treat your broken leg at the same time. Heal your injury from the inside out. "

Bediville frowned in disbelief: "Is this going to have any side effects?"

"You might feel like a hangover tomorrow." Logan sneered: "I actually haven't tested it with anyone. This is the only highly concentrated bottle made of mandala steppe fluid that is easily extracted. I do n’t want to use Photon Coke for other testers. "

"Okay." The werewolf youth carefully opened the cap.

"Remove the Mithril fluid on your leg and let me see the injury." The old mage said again.

"I have to be mentally prepared," Bediville swallowed. He forcibly wrapped his broken leg with Mithril fluid and walked. If he walked reluctantly, he would definitely make the wound expand. Now the broken leg wrapped in fluid is estimated to be blurred. Explode.

"You worry that these are useless, stupid apprentice." Logan knocked on Bediville's head: "Hurry up and open it."

"Okay." Bedyville, who was already a little concussive, was knocked, and his head hurt even more. He didn't want to think and worry anymore, which relieved the Mithril fluid that wrapped his broken leg.

Originally tightly wrapped around the wound, the Mithril fluid that functions as a bandage and splint suddenly softens and scatters like running water. When the wound was tightly wrapped, it did not hurt. Once loosened, the pain immediately increased tenfold, and the pain was dizzy. He squinted involuntarily, tears in the corners of his eyes, the scene in front of him was blurred, and he didn't see his broken leg for a while.

But Logan stared at Bediville's broken leg and didn't speak, his face dignified.

"What's the matter? Don't scare me?" Bediville saw Logan's dignified look and knew that things were not good.

"I don't know what this is." Even the well-informed old mage showed a puzzled expression: "But your **** mitral fluids have invaded your bone marrow?"

"What?" Bedieville was taken aback. "Don't be kidding anymore!"

"Look for yourself." Logan took a large mirror out of his pocket and reflected on Bediville's broken leg.

The situation is worse than the werewolf imagination. He thought that the worst case was that his broken leg was cut into pieces by bone fragments, blood vessels and nerves became messy, and it was difficult to repair. But in fact, in addition to his broken leg skin and flesh, and the continuous flow of blood, the worst case is that the Mithril fluid invades into his flesh and blood, and some have been integrated with nerves and blood vessels. , And even invaded the bone marrow. His broken leg with flesh and flesh not only flows bright red, but also condenses an ice-blue metallic color, which looks messy.

"Damn. Why did this happen?" The werewolf youth was scared and confused. At the same time, he thought that he had treated Othello's wounds with the same Mithril fluid, so he urgently asked, "Where is Othello?"

"He's okay." Logan checked the ambiguous tiger man, and had already given Othello emergency treatment with some basic healing magic: "Mithril fluid did not invade his wounds. Only invaded you. You What did you think at that time, were n’t you the manipulator of Mithril Fluid? Why did n’t you even control what you controlled? ”

"I don't know?" The werewolf youth's mind was in a state of confusion. He stared at Venus and was already on the verge of fainting. Not only because of concussion and intracranial hemorrhage affected his normal thinking, but also because of the bad news that shocked him so much that he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Will this thing invade my body? Turn me into a metal monster?" Bediville said tremblingly.

"I don't know. No one knows. The Mithril fluid you use is a special alloy never seen in history. No one knows its shape and whether it is harmful."


"Relax first, everything will be ok, stupid apprentice." Logan couldn't sit and watch Bediville's broken leg and continue to bleed. Even if this treatment may be inappropriate, he still treated Bediville's broken leg with magic. Stop the blood.

Healing magic not only consumes the magic power of the therapist, but also consumes the physical strength of the person being treated. After all, it is the treatment effect of stimulating the cell tissue near the wound with photons to activate the cells. Bediville's stamina was continuously consumed, and he was tired all the more tired. While Logan helped him treat his broken leg, the werewolf youth felt dizzy and dizzy, and fell asleep within a few seconds.

"How is the boss?" Lawrence also walked in from outside the teleportation room, carrying the golems, and the door of the box moved the stretcher, ready to take away Bediville and Othello.

"The two of us know this well, don't talk about it." Old Logan looked at Lawrence and whispered: "Those so-called Mithril are invading his nervous system along his bone marrow, gradually and his Neural assimilation. I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad, or how to deal with it. ”

Lawrence expressed a worried expression: "The worst case is to saw off his right leg?"

"No, it's too late. The invasion and assimilation have reached his spine. I'm afraid it will border on the brain nerves in a few hours." Logan sighed. "Unless surgery is done now to remove his entire brain." Otherwise, there is no way to prevent the invasion of fluids. And even if his brain is removed, we will not be able to find a body for him to transplant for a while. Let alone mention that there is no such powerful brain surgery Surgery specialist. "

"So he was saved?"

"No, it's just that you can't stop the invasion of those fluids." Logan said: "Now I can only hope that the invasion of the Mithril fluids is not a bad thing. You know the spells better than me, and the fire of the spells controls the fluids. The power is absolute, right? Since he controls the spell fire, the fluid should still be under his control, right? "

"Hope, hope so," Lawrence said bitterly.

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