Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2945: The Never Returning Morning (20)

Chapter 2945: Twenty Morning Never To Recover

One year and one month, on a sultry summer night.

The teenager woke up from bed, sweating hot and sticky. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and found a slightly more comfortable posture to try to continue to sleep, but it was still sultry and uncomfortable.

He was in a dilapidated log cabin. He and his brother lived together and lived very hard. The villages of the Tiger people in the dark area are already poor. There is no means of heat dissipation and heat dissipation other than bathing, and they ca n’t even guarantee clean water.

He closed his eyes and tried to quiet himself. His brother often said that his mind was calm and natural. Although he didn't believe it at all, there was really no other way than to believe at this time.

Just when he was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, a woman's voice came out of the bedroom: "Good evening, Castro."

"You are here to say goodbye, right?" The other man's voice, the younger brother's voice, whispered, "Are you sure you want to go with him, Lily."

"Yes. We have decided to get married." The woman replied.

There was silence in the house.

It took a long time before the man replied: "Do you want me to congratulate you? Do you think I will?"

"Castro ..."

"I know you don't love me, no matter what I do, you won't be with me. But he? Why is he? Robble is a curse. Even if you find another man to marry, I will not be so uncomfortable. But you The choice is he. "

"... He is not as bad as you said." The woman defended her fiance.

"The patriarch meeting was organized by him." The man said: "For whatever reason, he still dominated the incident and murdered the patriarchs who did not follow the advice of the alliance. He was a mean little man, cowardly and insidious. He Say all this is for the survival of the fierce tooth family, for the benefit of all the orc compatriots in the dark area, but he is just a hypocritical big liar. No legitimate interest is based on blood. If there is, It ’s not worth mentioning.

Today, he can sacrifice a small number of people for the benefit of everyone. Tomorrow he may be for his own benefit, even you can sacrifice. Don't let me get it right, Lily. I don't want to see Robble's eclipse. The demon ate you. "

"He won't. If it does, it's my willingness," the woman replied.

"Yes, love blindly like this." Castro sighed: "Since that, there is nothing to say. Come on, Lily. Live a so-called happy life with him. I have my brother to take care of, I will not accompany you. "

The woman also wanted to persuade: "You should join the coalition and use your strength-"

"I've said it countless times, never." The man's tone was firm and firm: "Because our days can't survive, we will invade mankind? Listening is disgusting. The survival resources obtained by means of war will always be Ugly, with blood dripping. I will never join the group of hordes, ogres, murderers. I rely on these two hands to survive, and then starve to death in the dark area, and I always eat more than they do. Life is much better. "

"So ... you won't agree with anything, right?"


"Even if you and your brother live in such poverty, you are not willing to improve?"

"Because we are not ogres." The man replied.

"Have you asked his opinion? Are you so convinced that he doesn't want a better life?" The woman asked again.

"Yes." He answered quite affirmatively: "I know what kind of person he is. If you let him know the true face of the army's group of cannibals and demons, he will definitely not be with the group.

The woman then sighed heavily: "People will change too, Castro. The current coalition may be as bad as you said, but it does not mean that it will not get better in the future. Your brother will not always be naive. Innocent child, maybe he will become the key to change all this in the future. I know you are kind by nature, but sometimes you are also stubbornly unreasonable, do you know. "

"Yes, I know." The man issued the eviction order: "So what you say is useless, please go back. Live your happy life. May we never see you again, Lily."

"... Goodbye, Castro." The woman said. A few seconds later, there was a sound of the door closing gently outside the house.

"Forgive me, Othello." The man said to himself on a quiet summer night: "It's not that my brother doesn't want to give you a better life. But all this is wrong, and my brother can't agree."


When Othello recovered, he found that he was not entangled or squashed by the crimson thorns flowing from all directions. On the contrary, something powerfully bounded or shielded in the surrounding space blocked those thorns.

In front of Othello, is the core of the giant thorns ball, that is, Castro's body surrounded by thorns.

The red light radiating from his eyes had faded before, and he was replaced by another sensible blue light.

"Oh ... Sero ..." Castro said intermittently. There is only a little self-awareness in that body, but it is this fire of life that is going to be extinguished at any time, strong enough to resist the terrible crimson thorns.

His hand was pulled away from the thorns and pointed to his head: "Aim ... here ... cut it down. That's here. Can you ... do you?


"Go ahead, boy!" Castro shouted suddenly, that was his cry with his last vitality.

"Hahhhhhh!" Othello closed his eyes, held up the sword of victory, and slashed. The blow hit Castro ’s forehead, splitting the tiger ’s head from the middle!

Then the chop marks created by the blow split on Castro's head into a cross shape.

In the next second, the wound of the cross was divided into more crosses, and more wounds were cut on Castro's head.

The cross scar was further subdivided into more and more crosses, and within a few seconds Castro's body was cut into small squares, and those crimson thorns were naturally shredded.

The chopped block is further subdivided, and then subdivided. After several subdivisions, it has become particles smaller than water droplets. After several subdivisions, they become powder!

This is the characteristic of Victory Sword Gram [Infinite Subdivision]. Not only does the infinite subdivision of the light arc hit into a shot like an attack, this sword can even subdivide the hit object indefinitely, and finally let all matter step to the molecular level of destruction or annihilation!

Castro's body has been shredded to be close to powder, but he has not been completely broken apart. Before being completely wiped out, he looked at his brother Othello with a long sigh.

"You finally grow ..."

Boo. Before he had finished speaking, his body had been completely broken up into a fly ash that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

As the core collapsed, the entire thorny sphere began to collapse, and the surrounding dark red thorns crystallized and shattered, extending from the inside to the outside, extending to the entire thorny sphere.

In the end, all the thorns have broken apart, and they have gradually disappeared into fly ash!

The Iron Riding Giant, originally entangled with crimson thorns, was finally liberated. The Iron Riding Giant floating in the air lost its support and fell to the ground from the sky. And King Arthur jumped out of the cockpit of the giant Iron Rider in time, spreading his dragon wings and flying into the air. King Arthur came over and grabbed Othello, so that the tiger might not fall from the sky.

Othello groaned: "Thank you very much."

"You don't look very grateful." Cavalier said half-jokingly.

"Please don't tease me ..." Othello wiped tears from the corners of his eyes: "After all, I gave away my brother by hand. From now on, I have no brother."

With the destruction of the crimson thorn ball, the surrounding dark space gradually disappeared, the entire airspace was illuminated by the light of the stars and moons, and those warships hovering in the air also emitted their own light.

The crisis has passed, but the arrested people have not returned. Both the crew inside the battleship and the combat troops on the ground disappeared without a trace. There are at least tens of thousands of people on the battlefield in Lviv. Where have these people been hidden?

"It seems that things are not over yet." King Arthur carried Othello back to the deck of Skid Prattney's Ark and said, "Ada, search for the life reactions around you and retrieve the missing person."

"The search is completed. Make sure that there is no large number of life reactions gathered within 10 kilometers." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied.

"Too weird." Othello frowned: "Can that thorn really send the captured person ten kilometers away? Has such a powerful transmission function?"

"Isn't it just sending people directly into the abyss ..." The cavalier king groaned his chin and thought. He always used to shave his beard very clean, often to feel better when he felt his chin and thought about countermeasures.

"Isn't it terrible to continue like this?" Othello asked anxiously: "If those people were really sent to sacrifice ... Will they all die? Can't they come back?"

"I don't think they will do such stupid things. Even the forces of the abyss will not."

"Why can you be so sure?"

"They hold the [Big Hunting Festival] once a year, and sacrifice part of the people to the abyss. Why do you think it is?" The Knight King asked back.

Othello shook his head.

"For [sustainable development]." Arthur replied: "If Master Castro said the information is correct, to return the ancients hidden in the abyss, it is necessary to sacrifice a large amount of [soul] to the abyss. That It is not something that can be accomplished overnight. If the orcs in the Dawning area are sacrificed in one go, there will be no souls to sacrifice. "

"It's like raising animals." Othello finally understood: "They raise us like animals, let us reproduce, and then sacrifice some of us. God, I'm going to vomit ..."

"But this is not the whole truth." The knight king also analyzed: "Roble also mentioned a few words before, the so-called [soul] of sacrifice is actually people's memories and experiences. The abyss seems to feel this Interest. But Rong Zhen asked you, are all [souls] equal? ​​"

"No." Tiger man shakes his head: "If [soul] refers to memory and experience, it must be the person with more life experience, the more plump the [soul], the greater the amount that can be sacrificed. People are more suitable for offering sacrifices. "

"Is it simply the number of life experiences?"

"... Is it the specificity of life?" Othello replied: "The more people with strange experiences, the more eccentric people, the more valuable their [soul]?"

"It's a reasonable guess." The cavalier nodded. "The next question is simple. In other words, I want to send a group of people to sacrifice, and don't want to sacrifice everyone. I will definitely screen. , Send those most valuable to sacrifice. "

Othello said: "And the rest will be released because they are left [species], and they and the offspring that they may have born are reserved for the next sacrifice ..."

The cavalier nodded.

"Screening for sacrifices is estimated to be a time-consuming process. So they first grabbed the people, hid them somewhere, and screened slowly. I don't think those people will be in danger in the short term." Arthur dragged on The tone said: "--but the question is, where is the person who was taken away?"

"I have an idea." Othello said looking at the cavalier king.

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