Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2939: The Never Returning Morning (14)


That knife did hit Susana, the Hayabusa. Because of the hit feeling, she is no longer a phantom.

Albert knows that the other party is not a real person, but a replica of Susanna's artificial person, so he didn't keep his hand. That blow cut Susana's waist and cut the victory, and instantly the winner was lost.

The upper body of Susanna, the bow and arrow master, flew out with momentum, and finally fell heavily on the ground, like a dead body.

Albert was afraid that these cyborgs would detonate any acid bombs after they died, splashing him with acid water, so he was very careful when approaching. (However, after Pickman died just now, there was no acid burst?)

"It's over." He whispered as he walked into Susana.

"Ah, it's over." The dying counterpart repeated: "Sure enough, there is still no way to compete with the real Sothenes like this copy of me."

"No." Albert said: "I have heard Castro say that the real Susanna is very gentle, she will never be hands-on. All her combat skills are for Warcraft. So You, who inherited her memory and technology, cannot beat me. "

"I think so ... hahaha." She smiled and spit blood, the fire of life had gradually disappeared. If there was a fire of her own life in the false replica body.

"I ... is only a copy after all ... I don't have my own life, memory, or restraint. Everything I have is stolen from others." She said: "But it has reached this point ... I There is no need to follow the orders of those above. I will do whatever I want. "

Albert was wary and retreated half a step: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry ... I don't want to fight you." She said intermittently, she could barely speak: "Give you ... a hint. If you want to achieve your purpose ... waiting people ... in the East . "


"Huh." Susanna smiled mysteriously, closing her eyes and sleeping.

Orient ...

Albert frowned, and such an East was useless as a hint. The East is so big, who knows which direction to look for and what to do. The hints given by Susanna's replicator are not complete. Perhaps Albert needs to continue to climb to the top of the Guardian's Tower to find more clues.

He felt someone watching him. It's not that someone is watching here, but somewhere from afar. As if somewhere from the sky, across a long distance, who is looking at Albert.

Who is that sight?

After leaving Susanna behind, he continued to walk upward. He can even expect to encounter more enemies if he climbs the tower again, maybe it is a replica of another special g-class hunter. It is very strange that they would rather head up against Albert instead of beating Siege in one breath, as if who had obeyed their orders and had to do so.

If the organization behind the man-made people is just to extinguish the troublesome fire of Albert, they should not leave Albert with any chance. But Susannah also said that heads-up is more [appreciative]. Who watched all this from a distance, including Albert's climbing the tower, and the process of heads-up duel with these special G-Grade Hunter replicas. And those people are having fun.

So ... those people didn't take Albert in their eyes at all. It seemed as though Albert would not change the result no matter what he did. He couldn't make the Dawning area permanently free from the threat of Warcraft.

However, Albert has quietly made up his mind. He will surely find a way to reverse all this, which will surprise those guys.

Climbed to the upper layer, and sure enough, who was there waiting for him.

"Hmm, finally came." The special g-class hunter, a copy master of the weapon master [Cliprip of Ten Thousand Blades], stood in the sword cluster and waited for a long time.

"It's tiring to climb the stairs. You're squeezing a few floors." Albert said sarcastically.

"Less nonsense!" Kliripov pulled a huge blade from the ground, raised it with one hand, and held his head high: "I don't care about any tasks, or whether I am someone else's copy. Since we are here When you meet, let ’s fight together! "

"The real Kliprip would think so too?" Albert asked curiously.

"Probably." The artificial man Kliprip said with a grin, and the extremely powerful tiger man laughed a little gruesomely: "In other places, there may be rules that restrict us from duel. But no one here controls, You are no longer a hunter organization, and its ghost rules! If I meet you in the deep mountains and ridges of the dawn region, I will not miss the honor of the duel with Sotnes! "

"Understood, this is what you really think." Albert raised his swords, preparing to fight against the tiger man.

"Ha!" The other person shouted, instead of raising the giant sword in his hand, but kicking the other sword on the ground and letting it come straight towards Albert.

The tiger youth escaped with a right step, and Kliprip rushed in front of Albert with a very high speed, and the giant sword swept across. Surrounded by traps, there were blades of various lengths and sizes, and Albert had to be careful not to be cut by those sharp blades during the dodge. Thanks to the strong guy who can move freely in the Blade Array, he is still so agile.

so troublesome.

Albert made a large jump to avoid Kliprip's slash, while spreading his wings and flying into the air.

The opponent's offensive is not over yet. The Tiger Youth has turned four arms out of the game and raised the storm blade while firing at the Tiger Man.

Kripipov's reaction was also extremely fast, and before the sweeping action of the giant sword was over, he threw the sword out immediately and emptied his hands. He quickly pulled out two long swords on the ground, and swiped them continuously with two swords with smooth flow!

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! Those large-caliber steel ball shots that were about to land on the Tigers were all caught by the double-sword split missiles, and no half of them could fall on his body! A man with such a thick line made such delicate movements when operating a double sword to block an attack!

However, those steel ball bullets were covered with frozen turpentine, and Klipripov's replicas were blocked with double swords, and at the same time, the two blades were gradually blocked by ice blocks, becoming more cumbersome and heavy. The cold even eroded toward the weapon master's palm along the hilt, intending to freeze the tiger claws.

Klipripov of Thousand Blades immediately threw out the double swords with ice and threw them at Albert. The weapon that gradually turns into a disadvantage in the hand is thrown, and the disadvantage is turned into an advantage. It is a unique tactic after the weapon master uses the weapon to the extreme.

Of course, such an attack cannot hit Albert in the air. He has already marked the anchor points in the shotgun he just hit, and he can use those anchor points to make space replacements at any time. No matter how fast the throwing weapon is, it is faster than Albert ’s teleportation ability. He flickered ten feet behind Kliprip with a teleportation. The knife fell.

clang! Klilipov blocked the blow even though he pulled up another long sword, as if he had a hindsight.

No, he just saw the reflection of Albert behind him from the reflective surface of the smooth, shiny blades on the ground. The sword is not only his weapon, but also his hands and feet, his eyes and eyes, and the weapon master Klipripov is a living body coexisting with the blade. The blades all over the battlefield are part of his body!

While blocking the blow, Kliripov also raised another dagger to pierce Albert's chest and abdomen, intending a fatal blow.

Albert used a plug-in system on the Luna Steel Scimitar to hit a shock wave, allowing him to quickly pull away. Immediately after leaving Kriripov's attack range, he turned into two avatars behind him, and the avatars fired steel ball shots together to cover Albert's retreat. Under the bombardment of the shotgun, Kliripov had to maintain his defensive and retreating status, and at the same time, Albert had already summoned the white tiger of the Holy Spirit, and a small [deep sea wave bomb] hit it!

In order not to damage the building, Albert has limited the power of [Deep Sea Wave Bomb], otherwise the guardian ’s tower collapsed will do him no good. But this is after all a high-pressure water bomb, and the lethality is still quite fierce. Kliprip will also be injured by high-pressure seawater when he dodges it, and it will also be damaged by the impact of the water flow without blocking part of the water flow. Are injured.

However, Kliripov strode forward with one arrow step, kicked two long swords, let them meet [Deep Sea Wave Bomb] in mid-air, and exploded the water bomb in advance. The splashing water threatened not only the weapon master Kliprip, but also Albert who was too close to the wave bomb. The young tiger immediately used the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to strike a [death sign] in front of himself, sucking everything around him, including the splashing sea water. He quickly withdrew beyond the influence of [Dead Star] and continued to fire large-caliber steel ball shots.

The [dead star] used this time, the internal subspace is controlled to be the size of a common pocket. It sucked in a lot of things, quickly collapsed the space within half a second, and spit out the inhaled again, so again, the seawater and the steel ball shot were released explosively and exploded in front of Kliprip open.

The Tiger Man wields his sword frantically and cuts through the water. At the same time, a lot of steel **** sneak into his body. He can't stop all attacks completely.

Sizzle! ! Then a burst of current burst around. The large-diameter steel ball shots that were hit were all attached with lightning rosin. After hitting the object, the magic of the rosin changed back to excitation, generating a strong current! Whether it's a shotgun steel ball embedded in Kliripov's body or a shotgun steel ball falling on the ground, all of them are soaked in water, and the current is also passed back and forth in the water, which ultimately affects the weapon master and anesthetizes him !

"Uh ummhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Albert did not give his opponent half a second of breathing time, and had already thrown a frozen thunder with his avatar.

La La La La La! The liquid nitrogen quickly spread on the ground, turning all of the surrounding water into ice, freezing Kriprip off all over the ground. There was a reverberation around it, and the ice shattered and re-formed sharply.

"It's over." The young tiger said, holding up the blade of the storm and aimed at Kliripov. When this shot continues, Kliprip, who is already a popsicle, will shatter into ice slag, and Albert is not planning to keep his hands on the replica of the man-made man in front of him. After all, that guy is just a replica, not a real super g-class hunter Klipripov!

lb! Along with the reverberation of the photon explosion engine, the large-caliber steel ball shot was shot out and screamed at the tiger man.

However, Kliripov suddenly broke out of the ice, regardless of the risk of the body being torn by the ice, and raised his right arm to resist! He threw his right arm several times as big as he did with madness, and punched out directly in front of him. Among them, thousands of blades appeared, and the rain of the blades flew towards Albert, fighting with Albert. The shot steel **** that went out staggered past!

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