Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2929: Never return morning (4)


Albert's Iron Ride advanced at a slow, low-key speed, advancing in the corridor of the central temple covered with frost. Along the way is a sad state.

He thought that the monster of flesh spreading throughout Lviv would spread everywhere, and even the interior of the central temple of Lviv would be occupied by this monster.

He even thought he had to drive the giant Iron Rider and move through a sticky wall of meat, and he had to deal with all kinds of turrets coming from the ceiling and the floor along the way. He thought it would be a difficult trek, after nine deaths and a lifetime to reach the alien space where Castro is.

However, it is not.

The entire central sanctuary was "clean" beyond ordinary, not only was it not covered by the meat wall of the monster, but even half of Warcraft did not appear. The meat monster seemed to deliberately empty the interior of the central temple. It's just like, it deliberately made those meat walls avoid the interior of the central temple, deliberately not contaminated the interior of this building.

"It's weird." Albert said in a murmur to himself.

"Strange?" The communicator in his ear rang. The sound is a bit distorted and fuzzy, but the communicator can still communicate with the outside, which is strange. That voice is still the voice of the battlefield commander Othello. He fought the tentacle monster over the central temple of Lviv, attracting the monster's attention.

Now that he was heard, Albert said straight away: "The interior of the central temple is exceptionally clean, and there is no sign of being contaminated by the monster. Why does its flesh wall not climb the building, as if it is full? Everywhere in Lviv?

"God knows." Othello replied, as Albert went deeper, communications began to intermittently: "My guess is that it may not want to destroy the power supply system of the central temple."

The tiger youth frowned: "What?"

"According to the report, [Love Summer] needs a huge amount of energy to start." Othello continued: "Therefore, [The Big Hunting Festival] must be held in Lviv. Not only because it allows hunters to take advantage of it, It ’s also because this central temple ruin is a device that powers [Love Summer]. Whether it ’s powered by radio waves or microwaves is unknown. "

"I seem to have heard of it." Albert murmured.

He remembered that [Love Summer] was launched on the top of the pyramid-shaped building when it was launched. At that time, there seemed to be some kind of device glowing around, and an artifact on President Nitro's body received that kind of light, and then began to launch, turned into a ball of light and rose into the sky, and finally became [Love Summer] completely The expanded state.

Nitro also lay specifically on a stone platform at the top of the pyramid. Maybe that platform and the energy supply device are bound together, and it must be there to start [Love Summer].

"If the monster's flesh erodes into the central temple, it may destroy its energy supply device, thereby stopping [Love Summer] from operating. Is this the reason?" Albert then asked: "That is Say ... If I could stop the building ’s power system, would it end all this madness? "

"This is the truth." Tiger O'Han Othello replied: "If you can do it, it would be better. We also encountered fierce resistance on the outside of the city. The shelling of the meat was even stronger than we thought. If [Summer of Love] ceased operation, and the Warcrafts dissolved the quantum fusion state, and returned to a piece of scattered sand, they will become easier to deal with. "

"Very well. I still remember the location of the power stove." Albert said. Of course he remembers. That was where his master Castro died.

Maybe the solution to this incident is not the only one. He also has the option to stop the [Love Summer] artifact.

"No, focus on my brother's body first, Mr. Albert." Othello said: "The energy supply system of the Central Temple itself may be independent of each other and the system of energy for [Love Summer] No effect. No one but the Nitro family knows where the device that powers [Love Summer] is hidden, and finding it will take you a lot of time. "

Albert thought about it, as if it were. In the battle yesterday, the central furnace's power furnace was also stopped. Castro restarted the power furnace to prevent the central temple from sinking in the magma. But Castro was attacked midway and was fatally wounded, until the power stove was not repaired until the end. He even fought the group of robots in the powerhouse, causing damage to the power stove. Today, the power stove of the central temple should be damaged and out of service, so the surroundings will be so dark, even without lighting.

It stands to reason that the power of the entire central temple has ceased. Where can the power source power [Love Summer]? Unless, there is another system to power [Love Summer], hidden somewhere in this huge ancient ruin.

It is hidden so deep that, under the current conditions, it is impossible to find it in a moment and a half. It's better to do some real work first and get Mr. Castro's body back.

Albert sighed and agreed with Othello's plan. He drove Tieqi into a large room. There is no problem at this place. Surrounded by cold ice mist, as long as you breathe in, you can freeze people's lungs. He couldn't simply get off the iron ride, he could only teleport with it.

He remembered that he finally placed the teacher ’s body in a hidden area of ​​the central temple (at the time to avoid the lava heat destroying the body), that hidden area was below the central temple. It was a different space that could not be entered by normal means, he could only teleport from here. Instantly transferring such a massive, complex and complex thing as Tieqi was originally a very difficult thing, even high-level mages could not do it with confidence. However, the "teleport" of the White Tiger of the Holy Spirit is not an ordinary teleport, but the use of anchor points to reverse the space in two places is a space spell. It easily transferred Albert together with Iron Rider.

The atmosphere around was even more fascinating, and scarlet thorns spread throughout the dark world. Albert glanced at the environmental detector on the Tieqi dashboard and showed that the outside temperature was 20 degrees Celsius. The temperature was a bit low, but still enough for Albert to move outside, so he opened the cockpit of the Giant Iron Rider and jumped out.

Next ... Where is Castro's body? He still remembers the last time the teacher's body was placed here, away from the thorns of the prince, on an open space, and let it lie quietly, ready to be recovered in the future.

Not found. It was dark everywhere, and Albert held up a black moon **** steel scimitar enchanted with flame pine resin to take photos back and forth, but still could not find Castro's body. This space is deeper and deeper than before, and has a strange atmosphere. "... Who are you looking for?" An extremely faint voice suddenly said, frightening Albert.

"... Castro?" Albert asked in a low voice. Because that extremely faint sound really sounds like the voice of the deputy chairman of the Warcraft Hunters Association, the super g-level hunter [Castro the murderous master!

Even if that is absolutely impossible!

He looked in the direction of that voice, above his head.

Coiled and entangled with countless crimson thorns, Castro was actually suspended from the ceiling, dying, but still alive!

"Impossible ...!" Albert shook his head and hummed, "I watched you breathe out ... you should be dead?"

"Ah ... it was indeed dead. I died once ..." The Tiger man whispered: "I don't know who brought me to such a place ... My dead body was occupied by this thorn, it I seem to have my own will and want to invade my body to act. I obviously no longer have a heartbeat, but actually ... alive? Can't be considered hungry ... "

He spoke incoherently, and his mind did not seem to be sober. Albert does not know whether Castro is really brain dead, but he can be sure that Castro's body is dead.

"So it's the thorn that is reluctant to continue your life." Albert said: "Wait a moment, I will save you, maybe I can send it back for treatment."

"No." The dying tiger man shook his head and said: "I have a feeling that if I break away from this thing ... I will change back to a cold body."


"Don't [yet] anymore, stink boy!" Castro suddenly took another fierce attack, just like he usually did: "This thing is trying to occupy my body, probably trying to use my body to do nothing Good thing. But I will not make it as simple as I want, I still suppress it with my will. I know I do n’t have much time. But while it wants to control me, its memory also flows into my body. , I know their plans. "


"Sure enough, it's almost the same as I guess." Castro whispered: "... boy, what I want to say next, you listen to me, don't forget."

"... Well, I'm listening." As if listening to Castro's last words, Albert stood up and listened carefully.

"[Origin] ... None of them were naturally generated. They are all artificial." Castro shuddered, wondering whether it was because he was running out of time, or because he was talking about this At that time he was trembling with anger: "Who ... the stray dogs of the ancients ... Create this [origin point] in the dawn region, and continue to generate Warcraft.

The whole area of ​​dawn is a sacrificial place, where the souls of the orcs who died ... or something else ... will be swallowed by the abyss and become their sacrifice. A certain faction and abyss of the ancients ... had a contract. When enough souls are sacrificed to the abyss, it is when those people completely get rid of [decay of the soul] and return to the world.

They ... will come back. In the near future, it will definitely. Soon after, there will be a big sacrifice in the world, and all the people designated to sacrifice will die. Their souls will become food for the abyss, and will be used to exchange the vitality of ancient people.

The remaining undead ... will also be manipulated by the ancient people who have returned to this world and become their eternal slaves.

This is a world-wide disaster. No one is spared.

Except you, [free son] (childoflibe)


You are one of ... [Son of Liberty].

You are our [Sotness], our savior.

You must ... be able to destroy all [sources] and delay the implementation of this plan.

You must ... be able to defeat them ... and let those stray dogs who obey the ancients disappear forever.

You must ... be able to wipe out the ancient people who thought they were the creator ...

can you do it? "

After hearing Castro's description, Albert frowned.

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